Absurd things Christians say...

no one is perfect.

EXACTLY. and most people are just fine with that substandard bullshit. how sad. well i'm not fine with it. i want perfection. i want an end to sickness, suffering, and death. i want communion. i want freedom. i want equality. i want true love. i want peace. i want joy. and i want eternal life. and i'm going to get what i want. watch me.
EXACTLY. and most people are just fine with that substandard bullshit. how sad. well i'm not fine with it. i want perfection. i want an end to sickness, suffering, and death. i want communion. i want freedom. i want equality. i want true love. i want peace. i want joy. and i want eternal life. and i'm going to get what i want. watch me.

You don't have true love ?
As for the rest of your post, I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you..
EXACTLY. and most people are just fine with that substandard bullshit. how sad. well i'm not fine with it. i want perfection. i want an end to sickness, suffering, and death. i want communion. i want freedom. i want equality. i want true love. i want peace. i want joy. and i want eternal life. and i'm going to get what i want. watch me.

well there is always an opposite. that is how the universe works...cant have one without the other.
I've never understood group prayers before competitions. As of god has a favourite football team or American Idol singer.
You don't have true love ?
As for the rest of your post, I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you..

i have the love of my life i'm sure. but i'm talking about a love so pure that it would be difficult to imagine in our fallen state. and i'm not holding my breath. i'm bringing this into existence. you can thank me later. ;)
i've been given some pretty unconventional interpretations personally by the spirit. and do you notice that a lot of religious people and practices blatently contradict what it says in the bible? people twist those scriptures to mean whatever serves their agenda many times. take the whole judgement thing for example. the bible says that none of us are fit to judge another. do you see many religious people paying a god damn bit of attention to those verses?


So your hearing things from the Holy Spirit now?
There are some circles that call that a mental illness.

And you're a perfect example of one of those Christians who's been twisting things around to meet YOUR agenda. I think most will agree with me here.

And you've been judging me and my kind since the very beginning, so why do you think about that.
no, not exactly. being a child of god, you realize that the way we live, and the things we do to each other and this planet are just so fucking perverse and horrible. and you realize that it doesn't have to be this way forever. i realize that there is something seriously, terribly wrong with humanity. every single one of us. we are broken, and i believe we can be fixed. it makes me so disappointed that most people are just fine with the way we live and the way we treat each other. all of the suffering!!!! HOW IS THAT OK?!?! why in god's name can't people realize that there is something wrong with us? i not only have hope, i KNOW that sin is what's wrong with us, and i KNOW we will be redeemed. i think that concept scares the shit out of people. cause they love their sin. they love it! they don't want freedom. they don't want equality. they don't want communion. they want me me me me, and mine.

and that's fucking nuts. the way we live and the way we treat each other is fucking crazy. it's also normal. :(

If I don't live for myself, to make myself happy, who am I supposed to live for?
So your hearing things from the Holy Spirit now?
There are some circles that call that a mental illness.

And you're a perfect example of one of those Christians who's been twisting things around to meet YOUR agenda. I think most will agree with me here.

And you've been judging me and my kind since the very beginning, so why do you think about that.

"you and your kind"? what the fuck is that supposed to mean? :confused:
If I don't live for myself, to make myself happy, who am I supposed to live for?

oh happy shmappy. lots of horrible and destructive things make people "happy".

how about if we all live for the greater good? for everyone? :)
i have the love of my life i'm sure. but i'm talking about a love so pure that it would be difficult to imagine in our fallen state. and i'm not holding my breath. i'm bringing this into existence. you can thank me later. ;)

Doesn't exist.
i have the love of my life i'm sure. but i'm talking about a love so pure that it would be difficult to imagine in our fallen state. and i'm not holding my breath. i'm bringing this into existence. you can thank me later. ;)

You are personally bringing us a perfect world? How?
oh happy shmappy. lots of horrible and destructive things make people "happy".

how about if we all live for the greater good? for everyone? :)

And I'll do this, by living for myself. Why can't I just be selfish in my own way and still care about others, still help them when I can, produce things of beauty with my brush and colors, yet still live to make myself happy? Doing all of those things does make me happy?

Why can't my contribution to the world to make it a 'better place' just be that I'm happy, or that I'm working towards it?
oh happy shmappy. lots of horrible and destructive things make people "happy".

how about if we all live for the greater good? for everyone? :)

You live for your own personal ideals too.
And frankly, I don't know of anything more destructive than being fixated on perfection.
You are personally bringing us a perfect world? How?

by believing in it. my thoughts and desires manifest. and that's also what that rather unconventional experience of mine has to do with. i'm not the only one who wants this, and will do whatever it takes to bring it about. i'll do WHATEVER it takes to bring this about. not that i understand the logistics of what it will take.