Absurd things Christians say...

Really? You mean no humans..
To stay with the bible, paradise was paradise before god placed Adam and Eve in it.

yeah, and it was paradise still before the fall. then it all went to hell.
So who's fault is it?

fault? i'm pretty sure everything is god's fault. it's all part of the plan you know? i think we have enough experience now to decide whether or not we want sin to be a part of our lives. don't you?
fault? i'm pretty sure everything is god's fault. it's all part of the plan you know? i think we have enough experience now to decide whether or not we want sin to be a part of our lives. don't you?

But you said previously that sin and suffering was our fault...
But you said previously that sin and suffering was our fault...

well we are the ones who are fucked up right now. i just think it was meant to be that way so we know the difference between good and evil and why it is important to commune with god and each other.
I have concluded myself to Christianity due to all of my mental and physical experiences.
M*W: Lori7, is that you???

It would be ridiculous not to have faith. I was just born this way.
M*W: That says it all.

I'm not scared either. Nor was I brainwashed. Nor am I hypocritical.
I have ran through glass on my way to self-discovery, and even after all of that, I never forgot Jesus.
M*W: But why did you forget proper English grammar?

It would be like living for nothing, having no meaning to my life.
M*W: Do you honestly think you have a meaningful life solely based on the myth called 'Jesus?' What a limited perspective you have living a myth. That's like saying Zeus and Mars make me bitchy. You need to get a life, my friend.

We are all miracles. Can't you see that?
M*W: Even atheists recognize the wonders of life, but that's called 'science.'

Even the most hated person on earth was meant to be loved..
M*W: And, so, your point would be?

And when everyone has turned against you, God will always be there.
M*W: If god was on your side, why would everyone turn against you? Makes no sense, maybe because you're wrong. Maybe because there's no god.
We are all perfect miracles of God's creation. And... flawed beyond redemption until after death.

we're not beyond redemption, and we have eternal souls so who gives a crap about death?

That must be why they say things like this:

Kill them all. God will know his own.

Papal legate, Arnaud Amalric during the Albigensian Crusade
we're not beyond redemption, and we have eternal souls so who gives a crap about death?

Then, why are you alive if life is so miserable?

Seriously, can't you fucking people see your life is the most precious thing a sentient being can possess, and the insurmountable wonder and awe of our universe is far more than any other reason to enjoy it?

Yet, you have to dream up fucking idols of worship and obedience to give your lives purpose and meaning, and an "eternal soul" because you can't fucking handle reality and somehow believe that your death is the beginning of your enjoyment.


/rant off
fault? i'm pretty sure everything is god's fault. it's all part of the plan you know? i think we have enough experience now to decide whether or not we want sin to be a part of our lives. don't you?

Does it matter what we want?
God will continue his little scheme and decide for us anyway, right?
well we are the ones who are fucked up right now. i just think it was meant to be that way so we know the difference between good and evil and why it is important to commune with god and each other.
So why blame humans? It's all Gods plan, isn't it? It's his fault, not ours..
Atheists say thing as absurd and many are very stupid. this goes without saying because you have smart and intellectually mis-developed\underdeveloped across the board.
Certainly many atheists say stupid things BUT is it their atheism that is making them ignorant?
M*W: Even atheists recognize the wonders of life, but that's called 'science.'

Hmm.. I wouldn't say that it's science though. Not per se anyway.
I'm not sure I like that word 'even' at the beginning of that sentence, but I know you didn't mean it like it looks.