Absurd things Christians say...

Atheists say thing as absurd and many are very stupid. this goes without saying because you have smart and intellectually mis-developed\underdeveloped across the board.
Obviously :rolleyes:
I guess you'd say the same about atheists if you were one.

not at all. i dont classify people that way though, like the op does.

the most absurd thing i hear from atheists is 'evolution is not a theory'. first of all atheism does not hinge on evolution so dont be so militant about it.
the most absurd thing i hear from atheists is 'evolution is not a theory'. first of all atheism does not hinge on evolution so dont be so militant about it.
So what does that have to do with atheism ? lol
absurd things atheists say:

'well the carbon dating shows it to be around 1million to 5million years old'

ha ha ha....

'well the carbon dating shows it to be 1 milllion 500 years and 6 days ol'

absurd things atheists say:

'well the carbon dating shows it to be around 1million to 5million years old'

ha ha ha....

'well the carbon dating shows it to be 1 milllion 500 years and 6 days ol'


Start your own thread about this.
lol so you are upset with him. Why?

because...what a bunch of pompous crapola you know? the catholic church in particular, but this can be said of most if not all religions, acts like they own god and christ. you gotta pay to get to heaven. they take a simple concept like "the church" from the bible, which is clearly defined as those who follow christ and will be born into the new kingdom, and they represent that their institution embodies that. that their institution IS the church, and that's not true. you're not a part of the church that's spoken of in the bible by being indoctrinated and performing a bunch of meaningless rituals. they present indoctrination into their institution as a substitute for a personal relationship with god. it's wrong.
because...what a bunch of pompous crapola you know? the catholic church in particular, but this can be said of most if not all religions, acts like they own god and christ. you gotta pay to get to heaven. they take a simple concept like "the church" from the bible, which is clearly defined as those who follow christ and will be born into the new kingdom, and they represent that their institution embodies that. that their institution IS the church, and that's not true. you're not a part of the church that's spoken of in the bible by being indoctrinated and performing a bunch of meaningless rituals. they present indoctrination into their institution as a substitute for a personal relationship with god. it's wrong.
Oh, so you really are upset. Why did you deny it?
If that scripture was written by a Christian, and even if it wasn't, then it is quite possibly the most brilliant thing ever penned. An absolute stroke of genius. Not only does it perpetuate the myth but the meaning of God's written word will always conform to Christian fundamentals and beliefs, no matter how stupid it sounds.

Then again, it could be the dumbest thing ever written.

i've been given some pretty unconventional interpretations personally by the spirit. and do you notice that a lot of religious people and practices blatently contradict what it says in the bible? people twist those scriptures to mean whatever serves their agenda many times. take the whole judgement thing for example. the bible says that none of us are fit to judge another. do you see many religious people paying a god damn bit of attention to those verses?

Oh, so you really are upset. Why did you deny it?

i'm not upset, i just don't like it. it's not like i'm crying about it or anything. lol...

it makes me mad when people misrepresent god and christ. but emotionally, i'm still very peaceful. after all, what good is a temper tantrum going to do?

those people are digging their own graves...
The story of Jesus tells me that he was a man with all man's body and did what men of his time did . The rest is blah, blah, blah......and blah....;) .

denial ain't just a river in egypt honey!! ;)
i'm not upset, i just don't like it. it's not like i'm crying about it or anything. lol...

it makes me mad when people misrepresent god and christ. but emotionally, i'm still very peaceful. after all, what good is a temper tantrum going to do?

those people are digging their own graves...

Being mad about something means you're upset.
Lori is suggesting that everyone that isn't a child of god is a psychopath.

no, not exactly. being a child of god, you realize that the way we live, and the things we do to each other and this planet are just so fucking perverse and horrible. and you realize that it doesn't have to be this way forever. i realize that there is something seriously, terribly wrong with humanity. every single one of us. we are broken, and i believe we can be fixed. it makes me so disappointed that most people are just fine with the way we live and the way we treat each other. all of the suffering!!!! HOW IS THAT OK?!?! why in god's name can't people realize that there is something wrong with us? i not only have hope, i KNOW that sin is what's wrong with us, and i KNOW we will be redeemed. i think that concept scares the shit out of people. cause they love their sin. they love it! they don't want freedom. they don't want equality. they don't want communion. they want me me me me, and mine.

and that's fucking nuts. the way we live and the way we treat each other is fucking crazy. it's also normal. :(
Being mad about something means you're upset.

hm...i don't know. i equate being upset with some emotional display. i can be mad or disappointed about things without acting like a 5 year old about it.

it's not like i'm distraught or anything.