Absurd things Christians say...

That must be why the more educated you are, particularly in the sciences, the less likely you are to believe in God.

Why doesn't God prove himself to people that really want to know? Even Mother Teresa had doubts.
how about this? people who seek god with no preconceived notions about it, will find god, and then upon experiencing god, can identify it's characteristics and reconcile what they're taught by the spirit accordingly?

is that too practicle?

It's a nice thought and to me better then following a religious text. But the danger is that if your out to seek god and you don't find it, will you allow yourself to stay godless.

It becomes a self fulfilling prophecy, something needs to take it's place.

You say those who seek "Will" find, but there are many who do and haven't found god and there are billions who follow a religious text for the understanding.

So how many actually seek god without a religious foundation for the notion of god ?
you don't start out with that premise. you start out with the possibility and the assumption that if god is indeed an entity, and worthy of the name god, then it should be able to handle proving it's existence to you.

Exactly. So what's keeping him or it.
That must be why the more educated you are, particularly in the sciences, the less likely you are to believe in God.

Why doesn't God prove himself to people that really want to know? Even Mother Teresa had doubts.

I can't relate.
It's a nice thought and to me better then following a religious text. But the danger is that if your out to seek god and you don't find it, will you allow yourself to stay godless.

It becomes a self fulfilling prophecy, something needs to take it's place.

You say those who seek "Will" find, but there are many who do and haven't found god and there are billions who follow a religious text for the understanding.

So how many actually seek god without a religious foundation for the notion of god ?

I don't know. If there's nothing there then there's nothing there.

But I have found that there's something there.
In my case when my fear, pride, and reluctance went away, there god was.

You're not exactly open to the idea j. Lol.

Not really. The difference for me is that I see no reason to seek out an entity that I have found no reason to believe exists.

It's like, quitting my job and hunting for bigfoot.

My suggestion is that God, if truly an entity that we could experience, communicate and interact with, should show himself or itself or herself to me.

There should be no reason for it to hide and no reason for it to have competition either.

To date nothing has revealed itself to me as a god.
I fail to see how she can know for sure. She 'hears' voices.. so what. There is no indication that what she experiences is not just in her head.

just to clarify...god's voice is not audible, unless the spirit is speaking through someone or something, and then it is that someone or something's voice. also, hearing god's voice does not nearly encompass my experience with god. also, lots of things go on in people's heads, including your own. that doesn't mean what's going on isn't legit.
just to clarify...god's voice is not audible, unless the spirit is speaking through someone or something, and then it is that someone or something's voice. also, hearing god's voice does not nearly encompass my experience with god. also, lots of things go on in people's heads, including your own. that doesn't mean what's going on isn't legit.

Hence why I placed it between quotes.
So tell me, what is it that makes you so sure that it is god that you experience?
Throw in your definition of god while you're at it.