Absurd things Christians say...

What's the difference really? A definition of a word offers a description of that what word indicates, is it not?

i was looking for more in terms of composition. those were very general characteristics or accomplishments.

What are these?
Experiences or conclusions drawn from experiences? I think it's the latter and that won't do. Your conclusions may be wrong. Let's have the actual experiences.

those are characteristics observed through interaction. and dear lord enmos, i've described the actual experiences to you so many times and ways. why are you asking me to do it again? it's so volumous. :bawl:
You can define God as being an infinite being, and then using his traits and powers. But the problem is those are limited to what we actually know of him and our understanding of them. So no definition is complete. God has only revealed a part of himself to us.

“ Originally Posted by jpappl
But right here you say that it should be able to prove it-self to me.

Why do I need to seek it ? ”

why wouldn't you? you don't think it's an important thing to investigate?

Well you skipped over the point you yourself made that god has no reason not to show itself to us.

I don't anymore because I see no evidence to support the need for a search. Like bigfoot or santa claus.

Why don't you search for bigfoot ?

Secondly, as a child and a youngster, with my catholic grandmother who I loved dearly as a guide, I believed just like I believed in Santa Claus. Neither has ever shown themselves to me. ”

you don't really have that responsibility as a child j.

Are you saying that a child can't know god ?

Well I get told the Bible is full of errors alot and since you pointed it out, can I ask for some specifics of that claim?

The creation story to start with.

Unless you want to tell me that dinosaurs were planted by evil atheists, the process of evolution is not factual or that the sun revolves around the earth.

SO, I have a question for you. If I asked you to create for me an entirely unique body part, or species, or any other thing, that does not look even close to something you find here on Earth such as shape, color, appendage etc. could you? I would challenge that you couldn't believe me I have tried. What this means to me is, humans as able as we are in the arts and such are incapable of creating unique things

Nonsense. We create very unique things.

Are you talking about creating new body parts. What about bionics and nano tech, consider how far we have come technologically in the past 100 years. If we create an artificial intelligent robot who can learn, adjust and adapt are we then God ?

Also, another way to answer your question is when we find life on another planet, could you imagine what it would be or look like ? It all depends on what it took to evolve and survive within it's environment. So the answer is no, we can be that specific, at least not yet.

Well you skipped over the point you yourself made that god has no reason not to show itself to us.

I don't anymore because I see no evidence to support the need for a search. Like bigfoot or santa claus.

I think that you not wanting god to would be a good reason wouldn't you?

Why don't you search for bigfoot ?

Because I don't care if bigfoot exists. Lol

Are you saying that a child can't know god ?

No not at all. I actually think that children are much more open to the experience than adults. You know, until us adults start jading them. I just think a certain level of maturity is required before it becomes a responsibility.
Hallam Willis said:
you believe like all scholars that the historicity of the bible is good, whether you choose to believe in the miracles etc. that is a different story. But to say you don't believe the bible is historical is like me saying I don't think the Roman empire existed.
That is not exactly what Biblical scholars believe. Although some elements in the Bible seem to have some connection to history, many parts of it do not. One cannot depend on the entire Bible to be an accurate representation of history. For example in Genesis:

6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.​
So, space is made of water? This was a common belief at the time, but we know it's wrong.

16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.

We now know that the material that made our Solar system originally came from stars, and yet God is said to have made stars after the Earth, and the land, and the plants...

6 But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.​
We now know that the oceans preceeded the plants and animals, so that's wrong. Genesis mentions a couple of rivers, but only ones near the Middle East, and it fails to mention the Amazon, which of course, they didn't know about. I could go on, but I think I proved my point.

Hallam Willis said:
The fact that you are having this discussion proves that's true to me.
spidergoat said:
"A statement of your belief, not a logical deduction from the facts."
Hallam Willis said:
-Nothing wrong with giving my own personal basis for argument so everyone knows who I am and where I am coming from, just being helpful.
But you phrased it as a logical deduction. The fact that we are having this discussion proves that existence is a wonderous creation and not a simple act of chance? How? I could also say it's a wonderous creation, there just wasn't any creator. It was also chance.

Spidergoat said:
Because the idea is appealing to some people.
Hallam Willis said:
-Whats appealing the idea of God, or discussing him?
The fact that monotheistic religions have not dissappeared means that the belief has appeal, however irrational it might be. It is not proof or even indication of truth. In fact, there is a statistical correlation between prosperity, education, and disbelief.

Spidergoat said:
That's honesty, not dishonesty. I don't believe that Aliens have landed on Earth, but that doesn't mean it's impossible.

Hallam Willis said:
-Dawkins was being honest there. But what about when he tells people God DOESN'T exist, and that he believes God DOESN'T exist, he is not being completely truthful, because he doesn't actually believe 100% God doesn't exist. That is not representing the facts truthfully.
This is where you misunderstand the terminology. A scientific fact is one that is shown to be true beyond a reasonable doubt. 100% proof is not a reasonable benchmark in most areas of science. That is why people mistakenly think that calling evolution "just a theory" somehow discredits it. His (and my) belief is not like religious faith. If evidence contradicts the belief, the belief may be altered or abandoned. We leave open the possibility that we could be proven wrong, but we haven't yet, and it seem unlikely that we ever will. Dawkins is not misleading anyone when he says God doesn't exist, just like science is not misleading anyone when it says that aquired characteristics are not inherited. All scientists would admit their knowledge cannot be 100% reliable (with some exceptions), but a slightly lesser degree of certainty is good enough. The state of knowledge so far points to an unmistakable conclusion, there is no God. In the same way, until there is evidence to the contrary, I could say, there is no Loch Ness Monster.

spidergoat said:
No, it means that some definitions of God are still theoretically possible, although unnecessary to explain the facts.
Hallam Willis said:
-Right, but I'm not trying to explain the facts, just explaining my reasons for his existence despite not "physically" showing himself to us.
You gave:
1. The idea that the bible is historically accurate about some things, and thus must be accurate about all things.
2. The idea that believers exist, therefore the belief must be accurate
3. The idea that being open to the possibility that God exists means that atheists are denying something they know to be true "in their hearts".
4. The idea that just because God or his effects cannot be observed doesn't mean he doesn't exist
5. The idea that subjective personal experience is evidence of God
6. The idea (argument from consensus or popularity) that millions of believers cannot be wrong

spidergoat said:
No, there are other reasons why he is non-existent. Before the idea of God was popular, people believed in other, equally silly things.
Hallam Willis said:
-When did the idea of God become popular?
Monotheism started with Zoroastrianism and later Judaism. But those aren't the only religions. There are as many as there are cultures on this planet!

spidergoat said:
Many of smartest people in the world were also atheists. In the past, little or nothing was known about the cell, or DNA, or evolution, so it wasn't as ridiculous to believe in God. But today we know better.

Hallam Willis said:
- Agreed that many smart people are atheists. For the last part I quote you "No, it means that some definitions of God are still theoretically possible"
Such as a God that set things in motion, but takes no interest in our personal lives. Deism and Pantheism are still possible, but the Abrahamic God cannot exist for several reasons. Even a Deist God would have been destroyed with the creation, and so is not around to be worshipped.

Hallam Willis said:
What exactly do you know better?
We can now refute the argument from complexity. The idea that life is too complex to have come about through natural means. Evolution by natural selection explains this quite elegantly, and nothing in modern biology makes sense without it. We have only come to an understanding of our place in the universe in the last 100 years or less! We can now see that we are not central to it, but only an inhabitant of a typical solar system in the midst of a vastness of stars in the galaxy in the midst of a vastness of space filled with galaxies for as far as we can see (18 billion light-years). Surely God would have made his home for humans more accessible? Evolutionary theory also explains much of human behavior, from sex to warfare to religion itself.

You can explain why life works, and how it works, you understand the mechanisms. You don't understand alot of things though, such as how the brain really works
This is the God of the Gaps argument. The gaps are closing every day, but the brain will be the next battleground. I suggest that studies involving electrical stimulation of the brain prove it's physical nature, and there are computer models that have successfully simulated a portion of mouse brain.

Hallam Willis said:
, or how the universe became what it is,
On the contrary, there are several plausible naturalistic explanations for the universe. Until one can show that God or the supernatural exists, then naturalistic explanations must prevail.

Hallam Willis said:
or where the singularity came from.
There was no singularity, quantum physics shows this. Steven Hawking, who proposed the singularity, withdrew that explanation later on, but few Creationists have caught on to the latest news in this area.

Hallam Willis said:
I have no problems with what science has and can do, but you have made a jump from not knowing to knowing, and automatically assume that rules out a creator. Why?
Assuming the Abrahamic God, which is more well defined than some others, we can test the assumptions. Does anything in the universe need to break natural laws to work? No. The universe looks just as it should if no God created it. Nothing is fine-tuned for life. The universal constants, Newton's laws of motion, conservation of energy, and relativity, all derive from symmetry, or point-of-view invariance. Life itself does not look designed but looks as it should if it gradually emerged from previous simpler forms.

We can also show how the arguments in favor of a God cannot be supported. There have been studies on prayer, which show no reliable effect. There is the problem of evil (if God doesn't stop evil, he is not good). God could stop natural disasters (because he is omnipotent) that kill innocent people, but he does not (meaning he is not omnibenevolent). If there is a personal God, he must interact with the physical world, and this interaction could be observed. Anything that can be observed can be studied by the methods of science.

The more we know about the universe, the less of a role there is for a God in it's creation and administration.
why is it that when ppl get into a disscussion about whether god exist or not, the argument compares the tangible with the intangible? the one side wants to be able to touch something that cant be touched..

keep in mind the only thing that ends up getting argued about is who's opinion is worth more..one opinion is not worth more than another..if they are living like there is no God..they better be right...

the battle is not whether god exist or not..the battle is with our own sense of worthyness..or to put it another way, our battle is against our sense of worthlessness..

many religions set it up so one man is telling ppl what to do to feel worthy..its not up to man to determine our worth (neither self nor others) only god knows our worth..

if you do not believe in god..why are you trying so hard to prove something doesnt exist?

the Bible is the closest we will ever get to understanding what god is about, but understand that man wrote it and man decided what books got put into it..so of course there is alot of errors..god gave us a brain to give us a clue to what he is about..but that is all we get(a clue)..until we can come together and discuss differances without making the others feel worthless..
“ Originally Posted by jpappl

Well you skipped over the point you yourself made that god has no reason not to show itself to us.

I don't anymore because I see no evidence to support the need for a search. Like bigfoot or santa claus. ”

I think that you not wanting god to would be a good reason wouldn't you?

I never said I don't want god to exist, I said I don't believe in god. So why do I have to believe before it shows itself.

Shouldn't be a requirement at all for an omnipotent being.

“ Why don't you search for bigfoot ? ”

Because I don't care if bigfoot exists. Lol

Sure. But my point was do you believe in bigfoot ? If you don't why spend energy searching for something you are certain does not exist ?

“ Are you saying that a child can't know god ? ”

No not at all. I actually think that children are much more open to the experience than adults. You know, until us adults start jading them. I just think a certain level of maturity is required before it becomes a responsibility.

And children believe in Santa claus as well.

Why is there a responsibility to search for god, or try and understand god ?
Why is there a responsibility to search for god, or try and understand god ?

people see the multitude of life on earth nd assume that there must be some kind of external force and where is that force? well they know it isnt present on the earth so they look up.
if you do not believe in god..why are you trying so hard to prove something doesnt exist?

This is a good point and nobody can prove something does not exist. That said we are discussing what the justification for the belief in god is.

Some here claim to know god exists, so to them I would ask prove it, which they can't.

The arrogance is on both sides.

the Bible is the closest we will ever get to understanding what god is about, but understand that man wrote it and man decided what books got put into it..so of course there is alot of errors..god gave us a brain to give us a clue to what he is about..but that is all we get(a clue)..until we can come together and discuss differances without making the others feel worthless..

Isn't the bible supposed to be the word of god ?

If so, then why all the errors.

Tell me if you would be so kind, where do the errors of man end and the correct interpretation of gods words begin in the bible ?

Why would god only offer a clue ?
This is a good point and nobody can prove something does not exist. That said we are discussing what the justification for the belief in god is.

Some here claim to know god exists, so to them I would ask prove it, which they can't.

The arrogance is on both sides.

Isn't the bible supposed to be the word of god ?

If so, then why all the errors.

Tell me if you would be so kind, where do the errors of man end and the correct interpretation of gods words begin in the bible ?

Why would god only offer a clue ?

there are many beliefs concerning the bible..i do not believe in the LITERAL translation of the bible, if so then he doomed us all when he said 'go forth and multiply..'
during the cannonization of the bible several dozens of books where considered for the final bible as we know today, but they were discarded for one reason or another decided by man..so its hard for me to believe in a literal bible.

the correct interpretation comes in the discussion of what a particular passage/chapter/book means compared with original intent.

proof of god is intentionally kept from us so we may make our own choices (look how hard we try to avoid a dictatorship society)
if god were proven, what would that do to our society?

he only gives us a clue so we may discuss with others and compare clues to try and get a bigger picture of what he is about..
why is it that when ppl get into a disscussion about whether god exist or not, the argument compares the tangible with the intangible? the one side wants to be able to touch something that cant be touched....

But God isn't just some metaphysical concept, he is supposed to interact with the physical world, answer prayers, guide events. If such phenomenon exist, they can be studied by science.

NMSquirrel said:
if you do not believe in god..why are you trying so hard to prove something doesnt exist?
Because his believers insert their beliefs into many areas of political life that affect me. His believers include presidents of the United States, and those beliefs sometimes influence these powerful people to deny the revealed knowledge of science, leading to bad decisions, even to wars and death.
there are many beliefs concerning the bible..i do not believe in the LITERAL translation of the bible, if so then he doomed us all when he said 'go forth and multiply..'

lol, very funny. So what part of the bible do you think they got right if any ?

during the cannonization of the bible several dozens of books where considered for the final bible as we know today, but they were discarded for one reason or another decided by man..so its hard for me to believe in a literal bible.

So why are you using it as "the Bible is the closest we will ever get to understanding what god is about". If it is so full of errors and omissions, who is to say that it's not all as I believe a bunch of nonsense when it discusses the notion of god.

the correct interpretation comes in the discussion of what a particular passage/chapter/book means compared with original intent.

Which is further open to interpretation. So again, if none of it is the claimed literal word of god, then why believe in the god ?

proof of god is intentionally kept from us so we may make our own choices (look how hard we try to avoid a dictatorship society)
if god were proven, what would that do to our society?

he only gives us a clue so we may discuss with others and compare clues to try and get a bigger picture of what he is about..

See to me this is just sidestepping the issue. When you believe in something like this, god, but have no real evidence of such, it becomes something other than an entity that we can communicate with and interact with.

The claim of what god is keeps changing, the more science provides evidence that contradicts the religious texts, the more people move away from the texts and change what god is supposed to represent.

Frankly, it's a cop out.

That is why people like to discuss the notion of god and not the religious texts that are supposed to be the source of evidence. Bit by bit that source is becoming an obstacle.

So instead of discussing the errors in their source of the belief, they want to talk about something so untangible there is no way to prove it does not exist.

Then, the myth can live on.

All due respect to you as a person of course, but I just don't see the hard questions being asked of your faith here.

So why does God personally ever send anyone a "powerful delusion" so they will believe the "lie" to further ensure their condemnation? How does that actually work?

2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 (New International Version)

10… They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.

They are even condemned already so what is the point of doing this at all?


:) I have answered your question before. And i see that this time i do not even need to quote the scriptures to answer your question.. You have posted it yourself. Even though you posted a questionable translation:

NKJV is my preferred:

2 Thessalonians 2
5 Do you not remember that when I was still with you I told you these things? 6 And now you know what is restraining, that he may be revealed in his own time. 7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming. 9 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

They, The ones given over to the satanic deception have already by their own will rejected the love of the truth plus they have pleasure in unrighteousness and that includes false religion masquerading as being from the God of Abraham.

I thought that was Satan's job not God's. I thought God wanted all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

The scripture says:

2 Peter 2
9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.

This scripture gives good counter to those calvanists who believe that God created people to perish. It shows that God did not create anyone who was beyond saving. But the Longsuffering of God is not an eternal-suffering of God. I believe it will soon come to an end. And to those who have rejected His love of the Truth as being foolishness, As i have heard in this forum. Or as Evil as i have also heard in this forum, they will be given over to the final great deception to be used by satan. What better than to give those who have rejected your love and have desire for unrighteousness then to give them over to the one that they will accept. As Jesus said:

John 5
43 I have come in My Father’s name, and you do not receive Me; if another comes in his own name, him you will receive.

That’s a prophecy.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Oh I see. People who seek the God of Abraham will chose one of the three Abrahamic religions. And people who seek Thor will find Thor, and people who seek nothing specific will find nothing.

Is it even possible to seek nothing? Is it possible even to find nothing?

I guess if it is then yeah they will find nothing.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
why is it that when ppl get into a disscussion about whether god exist or not, the argument compares the tangible with the intangible? the one side wants to be able to touch something that cant be touched..

keep in mind the only thing that ends up getting argued about is who's opinion is worth more..one opinion is not worth more than another..if they are living like there is no God..they better be right...

the battle is not whether god exist or not..the battle is with our own sense of worthyness..or to put it another way, our battle is against our sense of worthlessness..

many religions set it up so one man is telling ppl what to do to feel worthy..its not up to man to determine our worth (neither self nor others) only god knows our worth..

if you do not believe in god..why are you trying so hard to prove something doesnt exist?

the Bible is the closest we will ever get to understanding what god is about, but understand that man wrote it and man decided what books got put into it..so of course there is alot of errors..god gave us a brain to give us a clue to what he is about..but that is all we get(a clue)..until we can come together and discuss differances without making the others feel worthless..

So a discussion technique based on massaging the others pride?

When in the end pride is the greatest block to coming to the knowledge of God.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
This is a good point and nobody can prove something does not exist. That said we are discussing what the justification for the belief in god is.

Some here claim to know god exists, so to them I would ask prove it, which they can't.

The arrogance is on both sides.

Not so. Arrogance would only exist if one believed that their knowledge of God's existance came from being a Superior Being and stated it as so to the one who did not know of the Existance of God.

In this forum it is the athiests who proclaim those who believe in God to be Inferior Beings, they state it very clearly and very often.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I mention some things that Christians have said that even Christians would probably find insane.
A Catholic Nun said to my father as a child, that if you go the Sunday Mass for 21 days in a row without missing a day you will automatically get into Heaven.
Do these people not realize that kids grow up? How can someone take them seriously when they spout rubbish like this?
Not so. Arrogance would only exist if one believed that their knowledge of God's existance came from being a Superior Being and stated it as so to the one who did not know of the Existance of God.

In this forum it is the athiests who proclaim those who believe in God to be Inferior Beings, they state it very clearly and very often.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Yeah right.

All you do is quote a bunch of scripture, which leaves the reader with nothing but interpretation and then act as if it's the word of god.

Your arrogance is believing that we should all accept the scripture as the word of god and I do not.

So instead of justifying your belief with sound reason, you just quote scripture, which is a typical tactic of someone who has no justification.

Run and and hide behind the scripture because it works amongst those who have swallowed it already, hook line and sinker.

I reject the bible as the word of god, it is filled with errors and thus is to be treated as fiction.

I don't treat or believe anybody is above or below me based on whether they are a believer or not. But don't expect me to accept your reasons for the belief when your not using reason in the first place. You are just accepting it on faith.

So in your own words please. What is your justification for the belief.