Absurd things Christians say...

Kind of like the rhetoric of you telling me I'm 'damning' myself? Kind of like that?

Pardon me, mmaybe I'm mistaken. Let me ask then, if there is a god do you want to know that? Have you sincerely sought that knowledge from god? And if you found out there is a god would you want to have a relationship with him (it)?
Pardon me, mmaybe I'm mistaken. Let me ask then, if there is a god do you want to know that? Have you sincerely sought that knowledge from god? And if you found out there is a god would you want to have a relationship with him (it)?

When I say that I am an atheist, I realy should be saying I'm an atheist with agnostic tendencies.

I'm getting into the hobby of ghost hunting because if I, by some chance, find something that makes me believe, truly believe, then I'll start accepting the possibility of a god. Beacuse for there to be soul would indeed mean there's something higher, some sort of 'higher' collective power... Whatever that may or may not be.

And if I found this, and came to believe there was a god: Yes, I probably would... But as it stands I have seen no proof of a spirit, soul, or god, so I remain an atheist.
But believing changes your life and the world adstar. Our thoughts and desires manifest. Its prayer. "his will be done on earth as it is in heaven". We have choices that bring about change. I know faith comes from god. But when you receive it, it guides your behavior. I could have never chosen to do some things I've done without it. And I venture to say that the martyrs in the last days will be doing what it takes.

Yes coming to believe Jesus changes our lives and that has an effect on others. But it does not lead to a perfect world; it does not make us perfect. It can and does change us for the better, but better does not extend to perfection. It makes us acceptable to God to be transformed into a Good state of being upon the resurrection / rapture of the saints. That’s when we will be made Good again. Not before then and not by our efforts but through Gods power at the time of His choosing. I believe that time is soon.

Those saints who will be beheaded for their faith in Jesus will not be perfect beings before their beheading. They too will be transformed into a Good state upon the first resurrection of the saints upon the day of the return of the Messiah Jesus.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
This probably applies to all theist religions but any phrase that begins with, "GOD GAVE YOU....' Is about as ridiculous as it gets.

I don't know how many times I've been told, heard or read...God gave you LIFE.

The obvious question is, what were you before this happened? Dead? The life in this case must mean its been passed on from the first humans or at some point during conception I became alive or life in this instance means something else.

Apparently everything we have, God gave us. I feel fortunate not to have been given a deadly disease, poverty, a criminal mind, an ugly wife, etc.... How God selects your destiny is mysterious indeed. Why give life just for the child to be stillborn? Why doesn't He give all of us a good life? Why give life to a child only to have it starve to death within a year?
When I say that I am an atheist, I realy should be saying I'm an atheist with agnostic tendencies.

I'm getting into the hobby of ghost hunting because if I, by some chance, find something that makes me believe, truly believe, then I'll start accepting the possibility of a god. Beacuse for there to be soul would indeed mean there's something higher, some sort of 'higher' collective power... Whatever that may or may not be.

And if I found this, and came to believe there was a god: Yes, I probably would... But as it stands I have seen no proof of a spirit, soul, or god, so I remain an atheist.

God won't let you see a ghost/spirit because, you must believe first, without the proof. That is where faith comes in.
God won't let you see a ghost/spirit because, you must believe first, without the proof. That is where faith comes in.

That's... absurd. God, if he is real, doesn't use divine intervention. The idea of divine intervention debunks science as we know it.
Do you not agree?

God just can't come down here sometimes and science still be absolute, like we know it is.
God won't let you see a ghost/spirit because, you must believe first, without the proof. That is where faith comes in.

I don't believe that. I think you just have to want to know one way or the other. To be open. Faith is trust. How can you trust something you don't know?
God won't let you see a ghost/spirit because, you must believe first, without the proof. That is where faith comes in.

There a lots of people who believe in God and don't believe in ghosts. In order to see spirits one must simply be open to the belief that what one saw was a spirit. If spirits do wander this earth people probably see, hear, feel their presence all of the time. They just convince themselves it was something else. (the wind, their imagination...etc) I know at least for me that if a ghost appeared in my room right now, I'd spend a great deal of time convincing myself that it wasn't a ghost.
When I say that I am an atheist, I realy should be saying I'm an atheist with agnostic tendencies.

I'm getting into the hobby of ghost hunting because if I, by some chance, find something that makes me believe, truly believe, then I'll start accepting the possibility of a god. Beacuse for there to be soul would indeed mean there's something higher, some sort of 'higher' collective power... Whatever that may or may not be.

And if I found this, and came to believe there was a god: Yes, I probably would... But as it stands I have seen no proof of a spirit, soul, or god, so I remain an atheist.

Best pull out your Ouija board and find a good medium to play with you. :cool: But just because there might be such a thing as a soul it doesn't prove the existence of God, just souls. The science behind the brain and mind connection would be faulty.
Yes coming to believe Jesus changes our lives and that has an effect on others. But it does not lead to a perfect world; it does not make us perfect. It can and does change us for the better, but better does not extend to perfection. It makes us acceptable to God to be transformed into a Good state of being upon the resurrection / rapture of the saints. That’s when we will be made Good again. Not before then and not by our efforts but through Gods power at the time of His choosing. I believe that time is soon.

Those saints who will be beheaded for their faith in Jesus will not be perfect beings before their beheading. They too will be transformed into a Good state upon the first resurrection of the saints upon the day of the return of the Messiah Jesus.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

I agree with you. I know we will be made perfect only through an intervention the likes of which mankind has never seen. I also believe this intervention is coming soon. The fact that so many people can't see that there is something so inherently wrong with us that we can not fix it ourselves is beyond me. I mean how much blatent evidence do they need?! Even before god opened my eyes to what it is, I still, as long as I can remember, even as a small child, knew and felt that something was terribly wrong.
That's... absurd. God, if he is real, doesn't use divine intervention. The idea of divine intervention debunks science as we know it.
Do you not agree?

God just can't come down here sometimes and science still be absolute, like we know it is.

I agree with you. Nothing is magic. God does not operate through magic, but through means that are not nearly understood. We are limited by what we know and are capable of conceiving. That is the whole basis of science. A lack of knowledge and understanding. An investigation. But even if can't conceive of what god is, we can still observe and perceive and learn from the effects of it. Just like if you didn't know what gravity was or what caused it, you could still observe the effects of jumping off the top of a tall building.
It's in the bible, it must be true !

That's a piss poor mindset j, and that's not how it works. It works through understanding and understanding is only achieved through the spirit and through experience.
She already said we are all born sinners. Maybe that rationale makes it easier to sin?

What is wrong with you people?! Did I offend you too spider, or are you just playing church lady? You're being ridiculous and you know it. :p
You guys are like the mean kids on the playground. Why don't you take your judgemental hypocricy to the pews tomorrow morning? You'll fit right in.
That's... absurd. God, if he is real, doesn't use divine intervention. The idea of divine intervention debunks science as we know it.
Do you not agree?

God just can't come down here sometimes and science still be absolute, like we know it is.

Science is a test of our faith. And, yes, he can. Purity is the cure for all doubt.
What is wrong with you people?! Did I offend you too spider, or are you just playing church lady? You're being ridiculous and you know it. :p

Am I being rude? I didn't realize it. Sorry, but that is one implication of original sin, in addition to the concept that this life is just a preliminary one for the real everlasting life - that the planet is just a vehicle for humans which we can use and dispose of later when God makes it all right. That's why religious conservatives refuse to take the energy, environmental, and global warming problems seriously.
Am I being rude? I didn't realize it. Sorry, but that is one implication of original sin, in addition to the concept that this life is just a preliminary one for the real everlasting life - that the planet is just a vehicle for humans which we can use and dispose of later when God makes it all right. That's why religious conservatives refuse to take the energy, environmental, and global warming problems seriously.

They do that because they're greedy elitist pigs.

Listen, I probably shouldn't say god damn, but to have that pointed out by atheists is nonsensical. You're acting like religious people. I obviously wasn't trying to put a curse on someone, and its such a common expression I certainly didn't intend on offending anyone. And I don't think I did offend, you guys just saw it as another way of giving me some shit.