Absurd things Christians say...

It could ruin your whole day. They came to kill all the non Catholics, and ended up slaughtering 20,000 people.
I like being alive, don't you?

Now I do. I didn't always. I've always been extremely bored and disappointed with life, and its not for a lack of activity or trying. I've had everything I ever wanted except one thing. A husband. And not just any husband, cause I had one of those and it was torture. I never felt lonelier. But a man like the man I'm engaged to.

That's not why I feel differently about life now though. That was a very unexpected surprise. Its because after having a very strange experience, I realized an identity and a purpose that supercedes and permeates all of the mundane.

But if I have an identity that lives on in spirit, I certainly don't fret death. When its time to go its time to go. I bet the spiritual realm is pretty awesome. Sometimes I get the feeling that's why this life here is so cumbersome and perverse. Like I have some repressed memory of what its like there.
You misinterpret my use of the word, and if you haven't noticed, I've been assulted from people like yourself moreso than I've directly assulted others....

I did not misinterpret your words. I made sure i read the opening post very carefully. this tread was not about the stupid things all people say about religion. This thread was titled and described as the absurd things Christians say.. I am correct, end of story.

And I am a liar. I mean, I could say otherwise, but I'm just a little more honest with myself than that.

Yeah your a liar in this instance. When you tried to make out that this thread was a neutral, absurd things people say for and in opposition to religion. I called you out on that and it sticks.

You're a liar too. So is everyone else who ever lived.

And your foundation begins to crumble....

Yeah i am a liar, but not in this specific instance. And what foundations of mine do you think would be crumbling? Come on tell me.

And saying that I'm trying to start a "crusade" against Christians is silly. That they are all so misguided is enough for me to sit back and watch happily. Any atheist will tell you something along those lines.

I guess some athiests have joy in others being misguided. I must admit i have not met a atheist in here who has given signs that they have a loving concern for Christians and this is leading them to try and save us from being misguided, But i hear you attitude often:

"they are all so misguided is enough for me to sit back and watch happily"

What an evil joy you have. You take delight when you believe others are misguided. Not compassion, not concern, no sadness. But Delight. Does that tell you something about the kind of person you are?

I guess you missed the part of my OP that said I was going to make a thread on the absurd things atheists say, so don't get your feelings hurt..?

That was another thread that you where proposing. It was not this thread. Was it.

Yeah, so. Thoroughly de-bunked. Moving on.

Not so fast.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
no, not exactly. being a child of god, you realize that the way we live, and the things we do to each other and this planet are just so fucking perverse and horrible. and you realize that it doesn't have to be this way forever. i realize that there is something seriously, terribly wrong with humanity. every single one of us. we are broken, and i believe we can be fixed. it makes me so disappointed that most people are just fine with the way we live and the way we treat each other. all of the suffering!!!! HOW IS THAT OK?!?! why in god's name can't people realize that there is something wrong with us?

Pride in people.

i not only have hope, i KNOW that sin is what's wrong with us, and i KNOW we will be redeemed. i think that concept scares the shit out of people.

It offends the proud.

cause they love their sin. they love it! they don't want freedom. they don't want equality. they don't want communion. they want me me me me, and mine.

They are proud. And a proud person looks after No 1.

and that's fucking nuts. the way we live and the way we treat each other is fucking crazy. it's also normal. :(

Crazy, Normal and Evil.

And those who love Evil are cursed.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
by believing in it. my thoughts and desires manifest. and that's also what that rather unconventional experience of mine has to do with. i'm not the only one who wants this, and will do whatever it takes to bring it about. i'll do WHATEVER it takes to bring this about. not that i understand the logistics of what it will take.

I guess we must agree to disagree here.

Jesus will be the One to bring it all about. There is no boasting for His followers we will not be bringing this about. But by believing in Him we will be a part of that Redeemed Eternity.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I guess we must agree to disagree here.

Jesus will be the One to bring it all about. There is no boasting for His followers we will not be bringing this about. But by believing in Him we will be a part of that Redeemed Eternity.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

But believing changes your life and the world adstar. Our thoughts and desires manifest. Its prayer. "his will be done on earth as it is in heaven". We have choices that bring about change. I know faith comes from god. But when you receive it, it guides your behavior. I could have never chosen to do some things I've done without it. And I venture to say that the martyrs in the last days will be doing what it takes.
That must be why they say things like this:

Kill them all. God will know his own.

Papal legate, Arnaud Amalric during the Albigensian Crusade

I think you know me well enough by now to understand that what you've said to me here is self indulgent bullshit.
That's not what taking the lords name in vain means.
That's just what some simpletons believe.

That's what millions of Christians all across the globe believe. I don't personally care.

But isn't that a sort of no-no in your religion? I mean, calling upon god's name to damn someone or some thing is sort of like a Christian way of conjuring or summoning some sort of spirit, right?

Or: It's like you're telling god to do something, which, in this case, would be to damn someone or something that he created and allegedly loves like a part of himself?

So how is that not using god's name in vain? I'm sure he's very pleased with the way you're representing him right about now...
I did not misinterpret your words. I made sure i read the opening post very carefully. this tread was not about the stupid things all people say about religion. This thread was titled and described as the absurd things Christians say.. I am correct, end of story.

Personally, I don't care. If you're offended... Find another thread.

Yeah your a liar in this instance. When you tried to make out that this thread was a neutral, absurd things people say for and in opposition to religion. I called you out on that and it sticks.

Of course. Didn't I say that about myself? Redundant.

Yeah i am a liar, but not in this specific instance. And what foundations of mine do you think would be crumbling? Come on tell me.

The foundation of reason in your argument.

I guess some athiests have joy in others being misguided. I must admit i have not met a atheist in here who has given signs that they have a loving concern for Christians and this is leading them to try and save us from being misguided, But i hear you attitude often:

"they are all so misguided is enough for me to sit back and watch happily"


What an evil joy you have. You take delight when you believe others are misguided. Not compassion, not concern, no sadness. But Delight. Does that tell you something about the kind of person you are?

I'll tell you: A realist.

That was another thread that you where proposing. It was not this thread. Was it.

Like I said, if you don't like it, you know where the 'back' button on your browser is.

Yeah, so. Thoroughly de-bunked. Moving on.

Not so fast.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

'Of' is and 'the' are not words that are generally capitalized in the English language unless at the beginning of a sentence or title.
That's what millions of Christians all across the globe believe. I don't personally care.

then why did you bring it up? just to be an ass?

But isn't that a sort of no-no in your religion? I mean, calling upon god's name to damn someone or some thing is sort of like a Christian way of conjuring or summoning some sort of spirit, right?

Or: It's like you're telling god to do something, which, in this case, would be to damn someone or something that he created and allegedly loves like a part of himself?

like witchcraft? i would imagine if i made a request for god to damn or curse something, god would kick it to the curb. that goes against the whole point of the doctrine, and against what i know about how god works. people damn themselves (like you for example). they don't need any help from me or god.

So how is that not using god's name in vain? I'm sure he's very pleased with the way you're representing him right about now...

oh holier than thou. you're doing it right now. it's name dropping in an attempt to make yourself look good. "jesus this" "god bless that" "halleluiah" "praise the lord" "i'll pray for you, you pitiful bastard". some religious people can't finish a sentence without interjecting some gratuitous rhetoric. they do it because they think it makes them look good, or "holy".
then why did you bring it up? just to be an ass?

like witchcraft? i would imagine if i made a request for god to damn or curse something, god would kick it to the curb. that goes against the whole point of the doctrine, and against what i know about how god works. people damn themselves (like you for example). they don't need any help from me or god.

oh holier than thou. you're doing it right now. it's name dropping in an attempt to make yourself look good. "jesus this" "god bless that" "halleluiah" "praise the lord" "i'll pray for you, you pitiful bastard". some religious people can't finish a sentence without interjecting some gratuitous rhetoric. they do it because they think it makes them look good, or "holy".

Kind of like the rhetoric of you telling me I'm 'damning' myself? Kind of like that?