
Do You Believe in Abortion

  • Yes, its my body, its my right

    Votes: 23 41.1%
  • Yes, I Have Had One And It Made My Life Better

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • Yes (other reason)

    Votes: 19 33.9%
  • No, Wheres the Babys Rights? He/She is an American Too

    Votes: 6 10.7%
  • No, It is Murder

    Votes: 10 17.9%
  • No, (Other Reason)

    Votes: 5 8.9%

  • Total voters
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May I remind you of the fact that the only way that could happen is if a person has sex. So only through their decision could it happen.*

*Excluding rape.

So according to you, consenting to sex is the same as consenting to having a baby.


According to that logic, getting into a car is the same as consenting to a fatal crash.
So according to you, consenting to sex is the same as consenting to having a baby.


According to that logic, getting into a car is the same as consenting to a fatal crash.


According to me, consenting to have sex is the same as acknowledging a baby could happen. Just as getting in a car you know that there is a possibility you could crash. Or that by smoking cigarettes you accept the fact that you could die.

Emphasis on could.

Again, profanity is not needed.

According to me, consenting to have sex is the same as acknowledging a baby could happen. Just as getting in a car you know that there is a possibility you could crash. Or that by smoking cigarettes you accept the fact that you could die.

Emphasis on could.

Again, profanity is not needed.

Consent is not the same thing as accepting there is a risk.

When I pull a precision jump on to something narrow I accept there is a risk I could fall and potentially sustain a head injury.

It doesn't mean that if I start falling I should intentionally go limp and allow my head to hit the ground, because I chose to do that and I should take responsibility.

I like casually throwing around profanity. Deal with it, motherfucker :)
Consent is not the same thing as accepting there is a risk.

True, but they can go hand in hand. At the very least someone should know it could happen.

When I pull a precision jump on to something narrow I accept there is a risk I could fall and potentially sustain a head injury.

That's somewhat what i'm getting at. You know there's a risk yet do it anyway. That means you've accepted any consequences that could happen.

It doesn't mean that if I start falling I should intentionally go limp and allow my head to hit the ground, because I chose to do that and I should take responsibility.

Well, you should do something, but that's a different scenario. Baby's aren't life threatening like falling on your head is. And there are preventative measures. i.e Birth control pills and condoms. By preventing it, there's a good chance pregnancy might not happen. Think of it as wearing a seatbelt. And if someone is really that worried about geting pregnant, they could simply not have sex.
It's my body..
No it's not your body.
If I taped my arm to yours can I killed you when you annoy me, make me made, or I'm just in a bad mood? No because you are attached to my body.
The baby is attached to the mother's body with the umbilical cord. That being said, when a child is in you, he or she is a person. A developing child. Not a bad kidney.
To prochoicers

Here's one you might not have heard before:
What about the many married couples who can't have children due to infertility?
I don't think it's fair to just kill the child with out giving him or her a chance for a good home with loving parents.
True, but they can go hand in hand. At the very least someone should know it could happen.

That's somewhat what i'm getting at. You know there's a risk yet do it anyway. That means you've accepted any consequences that could happen.

Well, you should do something, but that's a different scenario. Baby's aren't life threatening like falling on your head is. And there are preventative measures. i.e Birth control pills and condoms. By preventing it, there's a good chance pregnancy might not happen. Think of it as wearing a seatbelt. And if someone is really that worried about getting pregnant, they could simply not have sex.

Yup. I now it could happen, thanks very much. I'm 20, and I know a leeeeeeeeeeeeeetle bit about biology.

It doesn't mean you've accepted the consequences. It means you've accepted they MIGHT happen. It doesn't mean if they do happen you're going to accept them. It doesn't mean if I mess up that precision I'm going to accept that I have a head wound and not waste people's time asking for medical treatment since it was my irresponsibility.

Most abortions are from failed contraception. A good chance is not a certainty.

And if you're that worried about a crash you could simply never get into a vehicle ever. But that response is out of proportion to the threat.

If I taped my arm to yours can I killed you when you annoy me, make me made, or I'm just in a bad mood? No because you are attached to my body.
The baby is attached to the mother's body with the umbilical cord. That being said, when a child is in you, he or she is a person. A developing child. Not a bad kidney.

You can rip off the sticky tape. Having a parasite grow in you is somewhat more of a big deal. And it isn't a person. An early fetus is not a person.

What about the many married couples who can't have children due to infertility?
I don't think it's fair to just kill the child with out giving him or her a chance for a good home with loving parents.

They could be a bit less selfish and pick an older child rather than waiting for a healthy looking white newborn they can pass off as their own. There are PLENTY of children already out there. Plus it is not the woman's job to bear babies for other women.

And again it isn't a child, it's a fetus. There is a world of difference between a breathing feeling thinking child and that lump of gelatine.
I think a young woman up until the age of adulthood should be allowed.

After there of age, they should, know what can happen and should be responsible for the life.
I think a young woman up until the age of adulthood should be allowed.

After there of age, they should, know what can happen and should be responsible for the life.

I must have pointed this out some 1,000,000 times...Abortion IS responsible.

So women own their bodies up until age 18, and after that they'd better accept that they're baby machines first and people second?
Let's turn this thing around.

Why SHOULDN'T a woman have an abortion?

Where's the wrong in getting rid of a lump of tissue?

Because that's what it is, during early development. Why should its 'rights' trump hers?
Let's turn this thing around.

Why SHOULDN'T a woman have an abortion?

Where's the wrong in getting rid of a lump of tissue?

Because it isn't just a lump. It has the potential to grow up. Who are we to deny life?

Because that's what it is, during early development. Why should its 'rights' trump hers?

See above.

But her rights aren't being neglected. The baby is the one being overlooked.

Abortion is not a right, it's a privilage for those who want it.
POTENTIAL being the operative word. A real thinking feeling human being is more important than a mere blueprint for one.

So the 'baby' as you insist on calling it, should have more rights than the mother and more rights than anyone alive?

Because last time I checked, no one has the right to use another's body for sustenance. I don't have the right to the use of your kidneys if I have renal failure.

Abortion is not a privilege. This computer I'm typing on is a privilege. My large collection of clothes is a privilege. My collection of hair accessories that I don't need is a privilege. Taking control of your own body is a right, not a privilege.
POTENTIAL being the operative word. A real thinking feeling human being is more important than a mere blueprint for one.

See, that blueprint as you call it will become an adult. It doesn't seem moral to not even give it a chance.

So the 'baby' as you insist on calling it, should have more rights than the mother and more rights than anyone alive?

What rights are being infringed on? How is it affecting the mother?

Because last time I checked, no one has the right to use another's body for sustenance. I don't have the right to the use of your kidneys if I have renal failure.

That's a different subject. You can't prevent an injury like that. You can prevent pregnancy.

Abortion is not a privilege. This computer I'm typing on is a privilege. My large collection of clothes is a privilege. My collection of hair accessories that I don't need is a privilege. Taking control of your own body is a right, not a privilege.

Is it guaranteed by the U.S Constitution? If not, then it's not a right. The government doesn't "have" to let you have an aortion.

Humans have the right to work, life, and the pursuit of happiness.
See, that blueprint as you call it will become an adult. It doesn't seem moral to not even give it a chance.

Why does it deserve a chance? It's not a person. If this was a 3rd trimester viable fetus I'd see your point, but we're talking here about anything from a cluster of cells to something that although formed has no consciousness. Why should it be treated like a person?

What rights are being infringed on? How is it affecting the mother?

Um...you honestly need an answer as to how being pregnant is affecting the mother?

Let me see. Having something draining nutrients from her blood, being tired, being in pain, not being able to move properly, and having to treat herself carefully for nine months lest she cause some sort of damage to that thing inside her...That's not a big deal? Just an aside? She's only a vessel, how dare she complain?

You can prevent pregnancy.

And you can wear a seat belt in the car. It doesn't mean you won't accidentally ram someone or something and break both your legs from the impact.

Again, why it does it have the right to use her body?
Why does it deserve a chance? It's not a person. If this was a 3rd trimester viable fetus I'd see your point, but we're talking here about anything from a cluster of cells to something that although formed has no consciousness. Why should it be treated like a person?

What if somebody decided to have an abortion and that child would have become the next Einstein? The thing is, who are we to decide who deserves to live?

Um...you honestly need an answer as to how being pregnant is affecting the mother?

Let me see. Having something draining nutrients from her blood, being tired, being in pain, not being able to move properly, and having to treat herself carefully for nine months lest she cause some sort of damage to that thing inside her...That's not a big deal? Just an aside? She's only a vessel, how dare she complain?

Well i'm not saying that pregancy isn't painful for the mother, i'm merely saying that she knew it could happen, and yet she did it anyway.

And you can wear a seat belt in the car. It doesn't mean you won't accidentally ram someone or something and break both your legs from the impact.

True, but as the adage goes: if you don't want to get burned, stay away from the stove.

Again, why it does it have the right to use her body?

Becasue she gave it that right when she had sex. She took the risk. See with your analogy of the car, the person doesn't always have the choice. With consensual sex, you have the choice.
What if somebody decided to have an abortion and that child would have become the next Einstein? The thing is, who are we to decide who deserves to live?

Well i'm not saying that pregancy isn't painful for the mother, i'm merely saying that she knew it could happen, and yet she did it anyway.

True, but as the adage goes: if you don't want to get burned, stay away from the stove.

Becasue she gave it that right when she had sex. She took the risk. See with your analogy of the car, the person doesn't always have the choice. With consensual sex, you have the choice.

What if somebody decided to have an abortion and that child would have become the next Einstein? The thing is, who are we to decide who deserves to live?

It might also be the next Hitler, and in any case, the woman is under no moral obligation to provide an Einstein.

Well i'm not saying that pregancy isn't painful for the mother, i'm merely saying that she knew it could happen, and yet she did it anyway.

By that logic you could deny medical treatment to someone who is injured in a car crash, since even though he drove responsibly, the fact was he chose to get into that car.

True, but as the adage goes: if you don't want to get burned, stay away from the stove.

And if you don't want to crash, never get into a car ever. Walk, sail, whatever. That sound reasonable?

Becasue she gave it that right when she had sex. She took the risk. See with your analogy of the car, the person doesn't always have the choice. With consensual sex, you have the choice

You have the choice to get into a car too.

And she didn't give it any rights. Consent to sex is not consent to having a baby. Accepting that birth control has a fail rate however low, is not the same as agreeing to have a baby.
By that logic you could deny medical treatment to someone who is injured in a car crash, since even though he drove responsibly, the fact was he chose to get into that car.

No. You don't seem to understand. Car accidents can't be prevented. Pregnancy can.

And she didn't give it any rights.

The minute she created it she gave it rights.

Consent to sex is not consent to having a baby.

True, but consent to sex is acceptance of the fact that something can go wrong.
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