
Do You Believe in Abortion

  • Yes, its my body, its my right

    Votes: 23 41.1%
  • Yes, I Have Had One And It Made My Life Better

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • Yes (other reason)

    Votes: 19 33.9%
  • No, Wheres the Babys Rights? He/She is an American Too

    Votes: 6 10.7%
  • No, It is Murder

    Votes: 10 17.9%
  • No, (Other Reason)

    Votes: 5 8.9%

  • Total voters
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Heh! If only if was just that.

Lori has answered yes to your question. But I have to wonder if Lori actually understands what that "yes" entails. Aside from the inevitable drugs and alcohol, if one is to treat one's self as if one were pregnant 'just in case', that "yes" she answered will make her life very interesting.

She would have to give up any products made from unpasturised milk (and even soft cheeses made from pasturised milk can be dangerous to a zygote or embryo or fetus). She would have to give up all processed foods like ham, salami, pastrami, corned beef unless it was cooked fresh.. ie.. no more deli food. She would have to stop consuming or watch her consumption of certain herbs (and believe me, the list is plentiful), as many herbs are abortificants, so that also means no more herbal teas or drinks. No more smoked foods either, so if you happen to like smoked salmon for example, you can scratch that off your list. Reason for the non-consumption of certain foods, as those I have listed, is that it is risky during pregnancy due to the listeria risk. It also means you shouldn't eat roast chicken unless you roasted it fresh yourself. The list goes on and on really.. Seafood is also very risky. And if you like sushi.. lol.. none of that either.

And that's just food wise. Now onto over the counter drugs and other medication.

Lori said yes.. So we can assume the only painkiller she ever takes is normal paracetamol as other types can damage a developing "child". As for other drugs, allergy drugs and even cold and flu tablets you buy over the counter is dangerous for the developing "child". So that's a no no. You can't have aspirin or ibruprofen either. So if you get sick or injured, if you're going to live as though you might be pregnant.. just in case.. you're going to be in a hell of a lot of pain.

Then of course we come to what she needs to consume. She will need to take folate every day. No amount of eating green vegetables is going to cut it. She can't take normal every day vitamins, as some contain things that can harm a developing "child". So she needs to watch what she consumes. She will need to take extra calcium tablets.

Then of course we come to even more fun stuff. She has said "yes" to your question, so she also cannot ever have x-rays. She also has to be careful going to the dentist and if she needs dental work done, she wont be able to have x-rays then as well, which will make life fun.. you know.. just in case.

And that's just the tip of the ice-berg.

One has to wonder if Lori does live that way all the time.. Interesting, isn't it?:)


I wonder what happens if she needs drugs for a medical conditions? Like I mentioned, epilepsy? This actually happened...see this woman's blog post


I think I will start a separate thread on the idea of pre-pregnancy, would be interesting.
I heard about that a long time ago, yet fruits and vegetables still grow, look and taste exactly like they always did.

doesnt that tell you the theory is wrong?

Actually they don't. They definately grow faster, bigger, and prettier laden with chemical fertilizers and pesticides. As for the taste, I can tell a difference. The organic are more flavorable imo. I can also taste the chemicals in some non organic varieties.

Next time you're at the grocery compare the appearance of organic vs nonorganic fruits and veggies. The organic look puny compared to the non, and are 2X the price.

One of my friends husbands is from jamaica so she travels there frequently. She told me she was shocked when she was served a chicken breast there because it was so small. And she realized that was because it hadn't been pumped full of steroids, hormones, and antibiotics like they are here in the states.
My response makes sense and i think you realize that due to not responding to it.

Actually they don't. They definately grow faster, bigger, and prettier laden with chemical fertilizers and pesticides. As for the taste, I can tell a difference. The organic are more flavorable imo. I can also taste the chemicals in some non organic varieties.

Next time you're at the grocery compare the appearance of organic vs nonorganic fruits and veggies. The organic look puny compared to the non, and are 2X the price.

Do you believe all the 'infomercials' you watch? You have to realize that everything in nature is organic but that is difficult to understand, still the point should be made. The proper way to describe is: grown unaided.

One of my friends husbands is from jamaica so she travels there frequently. She told me she was shocked when she was served a chicken breast there because it was so small. And she realized that was because it hadn't been pumped full of steroids, hormones, and antibiotics like they are here in the states.

You realize there are such things as young chickens? Young chickens would be smaller.
Also, the chicken itself could have been fed less.

i'm sure that's true. and upon doing some research, i found that hormones are not used in commercial chicken production. for some reason they've been banned in chicken production but not in beef and dairy production. and apparently it's not cost effective for chicken production.

the avg broiler chicken is 6 wks to slaughter, so it is very young. but apparently through selective breeding, feeding, and probably genetic modification, we have the ability to grow abnormally fat chickens really fast.

i was misled by some labeling that boasts "hormone free", as if there was a "hormone laden" variety as well. :shrug:
Mod Hat - Closure

Mod Hat — Closure

Nearly 1,150 posts. We're onto chickens. I think this one is done.

Members, please be advised that there is a new abortion-related thread occurring, and it is a bit more issue-specific than simply recycling the same old arguments over and over for a thousand posts or so.

This closure does not preclude future general discussions of abortion. But I would remind that these discussions seem to simply recycle rhetoric with which we are all, for the most part, familiar. Add in the chickens, and this one has officially become useless.
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