
Do You Believe in Abortion

  • Yes, its my body, its my right

    Votes: 23 41.1%
  • Yes, I Have Had One And It Made My Life Better

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • Yes (other reason)

    Votes: 19 33.9%
  • No, Wheres the Babys Rights? He/She is an American Too

    Votes: 6 10.7%
  • No, It is Murder

    Votes: 10 17.9%
  • No, (Other Reason)

    Votes: 5 8.9%

  • Total voters
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Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
...God intentionaly created us in such a way which made it inevitable that millions(?) of children woud be tortured/raped/murdered... do you thank it was necesary that God created us in that way.???

much in the same way that those who ordain the construction of maximum security jails make it inevitable that they house murderers and rapists.

Im guessin you'r answr to my above queston is yes... that it was necesary that God create us in such a way that children woud suffer such horrors as rape an murder.!!!

Doesn't God have free will... ie... if i had the choise of creatin humans or not... but the creaton plan included the necessity that millions of children be raped an murdered... i woud not create that situaton... wooud you... an if yes... why.???
Im guessin you'r answr to my above queston is yes...
You think that the only reason murderers are in jail is because someone built a jail?

that it was necesary that God create us in such a why that children woud suffer such horrors as rape an murder.!!!

Doesn't God have free will... ie... if i had the choise of creatin humans or not... but the creaton plan included the necessity that millions of children be raped an murdered... i woud not create that situaton... wooud you... an if yes... why.???
Tell me clueless, have you seen the matrix?
You think that the only reason murderers are in jail is because someone built a jail?

Tell me clueless, have you seen the matrix?

No... an yes ive seen the matrix... but is you'r answr yes... that it was necesary that God create us in such a way that children woud suffer such horrors as rape an murder.???

Doesn't God have free will... ie... if i had the choise of creatin humans or not... but the creaton plan included the necessity that millions of children be raped an murdered... i woud not create that situaton... wooud you... an if yes... why.???
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Like when it develops a FUCKING NEOCORTEX.
why don't other nonsentient lumps develop these things?
Do you agree that breasts are also nonsentient lumps?

Don't be absurd. Most parents are not forced to have kids against their will.
Keep your laws off your parent's body!
They're going to send you to glue factory right now on account of demands (which are way way way more excessive than any nonsentient lump) you've been laying on them for the past 12 years
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No... an yes ive seen the matrix... but is you'r answr yes... that it was necesary that God create us in such a way that children woud suffer such horrors as rape an murder.???
you're missing the point
they aren't necessarily created to suffer such things

Doesn't God have free will... ie... if i had the choise of creatin humans or not... but the creaton plan included the necessity that millions of children be raped an murdered... i woud not create that situaton... wooud you... an if yes... why.???
So in the matrix, there were two worlds. The computer generated one and the world that the computer was actually situated within.

Which one was a subset of the other?
Or to ask it another way, which world was the one that all characters had recourse to at all times?
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
...is you'r answr yes... that it was necesary that God create us in such a way that children woud suffer such horrors as rape an murder.??? ”

they aren't necessarily created to suffer such things

Was it necessary that God created us in such a way that children bein raped an murdered was inevitable.???

So in the matrix, there were two worlds. The computer generated one and the world that the computer was actually situated within.

oK... but does you'r God have free-will.???

For now i will asume he does (corect me if im rong).!!!

So why did God unnecesarly create a plan which made it inevitable that children woud be raped an murdered... if i had the choise of creatin humans or not... but the creaton plan included the necessity that millions of children be raped an murdered... i woud not create that situaton... wooud you... an if yes... why.??? ”

Which one was a subset of the other?
Or to ask it another way, which world was the one that all characters had recourse to at all times?

I remenber likin the matrix but i saw it a long time ago so i dont know the answr to you'r questons.!!!
Was it necessary that God created us in such a way that children bein raped an murdered was inevitable.???
no more than building a jail makes it inevitable for people to be raped and murdered

oK... but does you'r God have free-will.???
but it doesn't mean that he can create a square circle or some other logical absurdity

So why did God unnecesarly create a plan which made it inevitable that children woud be raped an murdered... if i had the choise of creatin humans or not... but the creaton plan included the necessity that millions of children be raped an murdered... i woud not create that situaton... wooud you... an if yes... why.??? ”
if you wouldn't create living entities with the potential for error you wouldn't create them with free will

So once again, do you consider free will a defect?

I remenber likin the matrix but i saw it a long time ago so i dont know the answr to you'r questons.!!!
you can get your answers on wiki
seriously its not a tough question ...particularly for one as philosophically inquisitive as yourself
You know, I'm slowly beginning to become pro-life. I believe in ultimate freedom of choice...as long as you don't infringe on the rights of others, and murder is definitely an infringement on the right to life. I guess it all depends on whether or not it is murder.
You know, I'm slowly beginning to become pro-life. I believe in ultimate freedom of choice...as long as you don't infringe on the rights of others, and murder is definitely an infringement on the right to life. I guess it all depends on whether or not it is murder.

Or whether you consider a fetus a 'life'.

Thankyou for your honest answers. So many other people avoid direct questions in order to prolong an argument.

2. Do you believe, ideally, that people should only have sex when they wish to procreate?

ideally, yes

I have no with to pry into your private life, but I assume that you practice what you preach, and only ever have sex when you plan to have a child.

You recognise, of course, that this is not true for the vast majority of humanity. One result is occasional unwanted pregnancies. What do you think ought to be done about those, given that they are going to happen?

using contraceptives (at least one's that act as barriers) is not considered sinful because it kills sperms or eggs. It simply spoils the act of sex by relegating it to the realm of gross gratification, which is part of the issue with lust, which in turn affects one's intelligence and so on.
IOW its not like its some sort of felony.
Its an act that retards the consciousness.
Of course not everyone will appreciate that, but then we don't live in a society that entertains much ambition or scope beyond the animal propensities.

Clearly you have a distaste for sex when it is done for pleasure and not for procreation. I can't argue with that sincerely-held belief you have. The only thing I can argue with, as others already have, is the idea that having sex somehow precludes a person from expanding his consciousness or looking at the big issues or applying his intelligence. For most people, sex is not the focus of their lives. They can have sex and do other things. It is true that there are some dysfunctional people who obsess about sex, but they are a minority.

You might want to look at post #485.

mordea was unable to come up with a response to that. Maybe you can.
James, I can't find much to disagree with; but if we do say that personhood is what guarantees the right to life, then we have to ask: what make a human being a person? If it is consciousness and self-awareness, then at a specific point, the babies within their mothers' wombs become people, even if it isn't right at the point of conception. Which means this: late-term abortions, to be more specific, are things that I am against.
Is there reason to suggest it isn't?

There are many who believe that the fetus is not a person nor a life but a part of the woman's body until it is born and therefore acquire all the rights of a human being. This has often been used as an argument by the pro choice. Personally I do not think that stating the fetus as a life is a reason to ban abortion or call it a wrongdoing.

In other words whether one thinks of it as such or not is besides the point, it doesn't guarantee it the 'right' to life. For example the law allows for punitive measures such as capital punishment and those criminals are 'very much alive' yet they have no right to the continuation of life.

I am not really interested in personal opinion on the matter as its always idiosyncratic on both sides, what concerns me is the law. In short I don't care if some people think it wrong or a sin etc as long as it is legally available and a protected right of the individual woman.
Not late-term. Rights should not be freely given except for the right to life, because if you do not have a right to your own life, what other rights can you have? Of course, the right to life does not mean others have an obligation to take care of you; rather, it means you have the right to protect yourself from the aggression of others attempting to take your life. You still have to support yourself, of course.
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Was it necessary that God created us in such a way that children bein raped an murdered was inevitable.??? ”

no more than building a jail makes it inevitable for people to be raped and murdered

oK... i will guess you'r answr is "no" (corect me if im rong).!!!

So if it wasnt necesary for God to create us in such a way that children bein raped an murdered was inevitable... why did he create us the way he did.???

“does you'r God have free-will.??? ”

sure but it doesn't mean that he can create a square circle or some other logical absurdity

oK... so if you was a God wit free-will an had the choise of creatin humans or not... but the creaton plan included the necessity that millions of children woud be raped an murdered... woud you create humans... an if yes... why.???

if you wouldn't create living entities with the potential for error you wouldn't create them with free will

So once again, do you consider free will a defect?

Acordin to what you say free-will is... yes... cause among other atrosities... havin "free-will" meant that millions of children woud be raped an or murdered... an lots lof people will wind up in hell... so do you see free-will as a defect... an if not... whats so grate about it.???

“ I remenber likin the matrix but i saw it a long time ago so i dont know the answr to you'r questons.!!! ”

you can get your answers on wiki...

The answrs im interested in are the ones to the questons you have refused to answr in this thred... lol.!!!
You know, I'm slowly beginning to become pro-life. I believe in ultimate freedom of choice...as long as you don't infringe on the rights of others, and murder is definitely an infringement on the right to life. I guess it all depends on whether or not it is murder.

Can you rationalize aborton as not bein murder... an if you cant... woud you want women to still have the rite to choose.???
James, I can't find much to disagree with; but if we do say that personhood is what guarantees the right to life, then we have to ask: what make a human being a person? If it is consciousness and self-awareness, then at a specific point, the babies within their mothers' wombs become people, even if it isn't right at the point of conception. Which means this: late-term abortions, to be more specific, are things that I am against.

In general, I agree with you on this. I have reservations about late-term abortions. However, I find it hard to draw an absolute line even there. I think the best thing is to deal with each instance on a case-by-case basis. And it comes back to the fact that the person who is closest to the decision about whether or not to terminate is the mother.
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