
Do You Believe in Abortion

  • Yes, its my body, its my right

    Votes: 23 41.1%
  • Yes, I Have Had One And It Made My Life Better

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • Yes (other reason)

    Votes: 19 33.9%
  • No, Wheres the Babys Rights? He/She is an American Too

    Votes: 6 10.7%
  • No, It is Murder

    Votes: 10 17.9%
  • No, (Other Reason)

    Votes: 5 8.9%

  • Total voters
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Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
So [Gods] surprized at how thangs are goin... but do you thank hes pleased wit how thangs are goin.???

Cause he ant all-knowin.!!!
Whats not to know?

I dont know if he is or ant... i guess it woud depend on his purpos for creatin us wit free will an whether his purpos has been forfilled... so what was his purpos for creatin us.???
well the material world is fulfilling fits purpose nicely, if that's what you mean to ask
"personhood" is your political term

IOW it is vague and arbitrary ... much like the vague and arbitrary political arguments that backed black people not making the grade to "personhood"

It is less vague and arbitrary than "life".

When does a foetus become a person? Is an embryo a person? No.

We have Mordea's vague comment about it being "human", with no definition of what that entails. But is it human? One could say it (an embryo) has the ability to become a human. But so do human eggs and sperm. Yet no one blinks an eye when a woman menstruates or a man has a wet dream, for example. I see no one weeping here about the loss or destruction of potential humans each time women menstruate or a man has a wet dream. I don't see anyone weeping at the thought that human embryo's are formed and disposed of in laboratories for reproduction and scientific purposes on a daily basis. Nor do I see anyone lament the loss of life when a woman miscarries.. people who are not the mother and father normally shrug and say you can try again, it happens, etc.

But when does that potential human become a viable human and becomes a person? 18 weeks? No. 20 weeks? No. That happens when it becomes viable, in that it can survive outside of the womb and breath on its own. Usually around 25 weeks (if the stars align and the child is able to survive if the mother is pumped full of hormones to force its lungs to develop prior to delivery) to past 27 weeks.

So why do we put so much importance on "life" when it comes to abortion? Why is "life" suddenly that little bit more important when a woman aborts? Why is it less important when "life" is destroyed if a couple's frozen embryo's are destroyed in IVF procedures because the couple decide they have had enough children or there is something wrong with the embryo? No one is complaining about that? Yet that happens all the time. But abortion? She is called a murderer for making that choice.
Origionaly posted by cluelusshusbund
I dont know if he is or ant [pleased wit the way thangs are goin]... i guess it woud depend on his purpos for creatin us wit free will an whether his purpos has been forfilled... so what was his purpos for creatin us.??? ”

well the material world is fulfilling fits purpose nicely...

So Gods purpose for the material world includes children bein raped an murdered... are you also pleased wit the way the materal world is goin.???
It is less vague and arbitrary than "life".
If a 5 year old can recognize a dead dog its a pretty level term

When does a foetus become a person? Is an embryo a person? No.
kind of like arguments of yesteryear that black people and natives could (perhaps) become "persons" if they could speak english or reach some other arbitrary criteria (which of course establishes the political status quo of the advocate)
So Gods purpose for the material world includes children bein raped an murdered... are you also pleased wit the way the materal world is goin.???
If you've got to rape and murder, where else would you do it?
And who else to do it to except some other misaligned living entity who wants to opt out in the material world?
And where else better to do it in except some virtual world where all the before mentioned parties are projecting themselves?
And what better system to do it in except a world that brings repercussions that realign a person to a more well socialized view of things with each instance of going off the rails?

(But oh wait, I've got a better idea ... how about we just trash free will, which is an obvious defect, and live like dull stones ....)
If a woman is raped should they be forced to raise said child and be constantly filled with the psychological torment for the rest of their lives? They have the right to an abortion.

To the five that answered "No, Wheres the Babys Rights? He/She is an American Too" I have this to say. They are not an American citizen. They have no records, nothing, they have no birth certificate. They aren't even a full baby during and before the abortion process...
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
So Gods purpose for the material world includes children bein raped an murdered... are you also pleased wit the way the materal world is goin.???

If you've got to rape and murder, where else would you do it?

(But oh wait, I've got a better idea ... how about we just trash free will, which is an obvious defect, and live like dull stones ....)

Do other animals have free will... or jus humans.???
Clueshusband, you ask a lot of questions. Now I will ask you one.

Are you supportive of destroying, killing or terminating babies after birth?

If not, where do YOU draw the line at when the baby is killable and when it isn't?
If a 5 year old can recognize a dead dog its a pretty level term
Can a 5 year old recognise an embryo as being alive on its own?

kind of like arguments of yesteryear that black people and natives could (perhaps) become "persons" if they could speak english or reach some other arbitrary criteria (which of course establishes the political status quo of the advocate)
Of course, because coloured people and natives, who are born, breathing and alive is difficult to qualify as "person's" as opposed to an embryo.
what would you guys think if we were able to harvest an embryo, and grow it to maturity, in an artificial environment? that's not so far-fetched right?

and we could use these globs of human dna for slave labor, or test subjects, or to harvest organs and marrow.

where do you want to draw the line then?
So AFTER Birth, a mother can terminate the childs life as long as the umbilical cord is intact?

oK... i see what you mean... an technically... yes.... but what i acutualy ment by "until the cord is cut" is... up until the baby is delivered.!!!
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what would you guys think if we were able to harvest an embryo, and grow it to maturity, in an artificial environment? that's not so far-fetched right?

and we could use these globs of human dna for slave labor, or test subjects, or to harvest organs and marrow.

where do you want to draw the line then?

Im agans slave labor... but test subjects an organ harvest woud be ok wit me if the process dont cause pane.!!!
I saw a couple on tv a few days ago who had anuther child so they coud esctact bone marrow from it to save the life of ther other child... an it seems to have worked.!!!

Woud that be a no-no for you.???

not necessarily, but i sure as fuck wouldn't grow one in a test tube for it.
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