A Theory of Racism

sniffy said:
hey clever people anyone ever notice how most Jews have white skin and can fit right into white society and that black people have dark skin which makes them stand out

at the base of all hatred is fear; fear of difference. It is easy to promote hate when you emphasise what is different about people - different skin colour, different religion, different accent. NOT LIKE US!
It is not the color of blacks which makes them stand out , it is the different actions of blacks that which makes them stand out.

Asians "stand out" in a white socity also, how are they doing?
J.B., where do you live? What do you do for a living? Do you work with any black people? Do you have any interests at all besides slandering black people?
sniffy said:
Newes flash:
hey baron hates personal attacks

I don't mind the personal attacks or name-calling, but it effectively ends any actual, intellectual discussion. It also shows me quite clearly the type(s) of individuals with whom I'm dealing.

Please ...you're welcome to attack me any time you wish ...and call me any of millions of nasty names. Typed words on a computer monitor do me no harm. But it DOES end any intellectual discussion, doesn't it?

Baron Max
ReighnStorm said:
First off Baron Max (and you already know this), Black people only make up 12% of this population!

But "contribute" over 50% of the violent crime in the country.

ReighnStorm said:
...until very recently people such as yourself would never let a black person live (peacefully) in your so called neighborhood!

"...such as yourself..."?? First, you don't know me, so accusing me of anything or any philosophy is wrong. But since ye're a pretty nice person, I'll let it go and not hold it against you, okay? ;=)

I agree that it wasn't so long ago that people were allowed to keep blacks and others out of their neighborhoods. People are like that ...people don't like others that are different to themselves. It's natural, it's innate.

But it's also true that as the blacks moved in, the whites moved out. That's a proven fact, Reighn, to deny it is foolish and ignorant. But notice that it also points out perfectly how people don't want to be forced to integrate! they want their nice little neighborhood just like they want it ...and why shouldn't they be allowed to have it?

ReighnStorm said:
I'm more and more amazed at your attempt to justify your prejudice.

Reighn, you don't even know me! How can you make such accusations? Or are you reading some words on a monitor to make judgements about the writer? Do you do that with fiction writers, too? Reighn, they're just words on a screen, no more, no less ....and to make assumptions about the writer's character is a bit presumptuous, isn't it?

Baron Max
spidergoat said:
J.B., where do you live? What do you do for a living? Do you work with any black people? Do you have any interests at all besides slandering black people?

What does that have to do with what he's posted? Even if he hates blacks, it's what he's written that you should refute if you can. "Added hominy" arguments usually indicate that people have run out of reason power and have nothing left with which to argue their point ....if they ever had a point.

Why don't you argue about the topic, about the posts .....NOT make personal accusations as a way of ending the discussions?

Baron Max
QUOTE by Baron Max
But "contribute" over 50% of the violent crime in the country.
Black people are accused of 50% of crime in this country. It doesn't mean that they are guilty. Also most of their ,so called by whites, violent crimes committed are not against you (your kind).
by Baron Max
First, you don't know me
I do know you just like you know me on this website. If you're misleading me by your actions (conversations) then that's your lie to uphold. Until you give me different information other than showing me that you're prejudice then I will continue to assume that you're always speaking the truth about what you believe.
by Baron Max
People are like that ...people don't like others that are different to themselves. It's natural, it's innate.
This is not true for all people. Most people of color have no problem sharing their lives with people of a different race.
by Baron Max
But it's also true that as the blacks moved in, the whites moved out. That's a proven fact, Reighn, to deny it is foolish and ignorant.
I would never deny the fact that some white people (such as yourself) are prejudice and want what they want when they want it no matter the consequence!
by Baron Max
But notice that it also points out perfectly how people don't want to be forced to integrate! they want their nice little neighborhood just like they want it ...and why shouldn't they be allowed to have it?
This is old school thinking Baron Max. It's being proven right now that integration works when you are born into it. It's very integrated where I live now. My kids have spanish, white and black friends and go to school with countless other types of people. They are fine with integration....they don't even see the color barrier because it's no longer their.
by Baron Max
Reighn, you don't even know me! How can you make such accusations? Or are you reading some words on a monitor to make judgements about the writer?
I'm simply responding to the words on the screen. To the person with the screen name on display. Whether you right them or not doesn't matter. It represents you!
by Baron Max
Reighn, they're just words on a screen, no more, no less ....and to make assumptions about the writer's character is a bit presumptuous, isn't it?
I'm speaking to the writer and his/her character. I'm responding to the words typed by you or someone using your screen name. You're putting your character on display for all to view and respond to just like I am. Theres nothing presumptuous about it.
Ah Baron my lil strudel! :D

I see you have not changed in my absence.. ;).. anywho..

Baron Max said:
But "contribute" over 50% of the violent crime in the country.

It is amusing how you say that but then fail to state how blacks are also over policed, under represented in the legal realm, face a prejudiced judicial system and they also face the presumption of guilt because of their colour (I can point you to the example woman who said a black man stole her car with her baby inside and all over the State the police and public were looking at all black men suspiciously... and when the car was found, it was known that she had driven the car into the river with baby still in it). I wonder what the crime rate for other nationalities would be if they were as over-policed as the African Americans are.

But it's also true that as the blacks moved in, the whites moved out. That's a proven fact, Reighn, to deny it is foolish and ignorant. But notice that it also points out perfectly how people don't want to be forced to integrate! they want their nice little neighborhood just like they want it ...and why shouldn't they be allowed to have it?
It is called fear, bred by society which continuously perpetrates the notion that if someone is dark skinned, then they are automatically bad or up to no good.
Interesting that you print only the first part of my text about you not liking personal attacks. Further down the are examples of some of the personal attacks that you have sent my way. Also I consider the things you say about black people attacks and I take that very personally.
"It is not the color of blacks which makes them stand out , it is the different actions of blacks that which makes them stand out.

Asians "stand out" in a white socity also, how are they doing?"

Oh getting beaten up, racially abused, graffiti sprayed on their walls, shit posted through their letter boxes. Being recruited into suicide bombing by twisted individuals who prey on the young and disaffected. Guess they are doing just fine......
Ya' know, it's funny .....almost every single post on this thread shows that integration doesn't work ...yet so many continue to "dream" that it does/will. Why?

"...blacks are also over policed, under represented in the legal realm, face a prejudiced judicial system..."

If there were ONLY blacks in the society, that statement could even be made!

"It's being proven right now that integration works when you are born into it. It's very integrated where I live now."

The exception to the rule doesn't "prove" anything. But Americans have been "born into it" since the 1800s or earlier ...so why isn't it working?

"... most of their, so called by whites, violent crimes committed are not against you (your kind)."

So blacks killing blacks is okay? ...and shouldn't be considered as violent crime in any of the criminal statistics? ...and shouldn't be considered in this discussion?

Forced integration simply doesn't not work. People who don't like other people shouldn't be forced to work or live or deal with them. I dont see how y'all can deny that in the face of such continual world-wide hatred and prejudice. I know that "idealism" might show you a better "dreamworld", but it's just that ...a fantasy, a dreamworld.

Baron Max
sniffy said:
Baron Interesting that you print only the first part of my text about you not liking personal attacks. Further down the are examples of some of the personal attacks that you have sent my way. Also I consider the things you say about black people attacks and I take that very personally.

I enjoy personal attacks and name-calling and such. It's fun to read and I laugh a lot, but they don't contribute to the topic or the discussion in any way.

As to my "attacks" against blacks, it's simply not true. I make specific observations about the situations that I've encountered ...it's not "attacks" if it's true, is it?

And as to you taking any of this personally, I'd advise you not to do that. It's certainly not good for you and, more to the point, it does no one else any good.

If I were a raving, frothing-at-the-mouth, extreme racist, if what I type on the screen is true or valid, what difference does it make? You can't see the frothing at my mouth, can you? Or the big .44mag in my hand, can you? ...LOL!

These threads and posts should be used to educate people on any and all issues ....and as I see it, education shouldn't be taught in anger, but in intellectual exchange.

I would also caution all of you that the words typed on the screen may or may not represent the typist's character or even their actual viewpoint. The words are just that ...words, not actions. I can type 'yes' or 'no' with equal ease ....whether I believe it or not.

Baron Max
I don't enjoy personal attacks particularly as I agree they don't add to the debate but I haven't personally attacked you, just your views as they are written here. Don't like the swearing much but that's just me and the way I was brought up. However a well placed curse can have an impact on occasion.

As I've been trying to point out to you Baron but you don't want to hear, the words that you type reflect opinions that are held by a number of people. Your views are not new you know? The problem is that your views add fuel to the "frothing at the mouth racist with the big.44mag" (you americans are are obsessed with your weapons- another thread) and that is dangerous for me and my family, friends, indeed fellow community who don't happen to be lazy, gun toting, tax evading, scum bags.

Your contention that something is true does not make it so. Feel free to hold your views about segregation but don't be surprised when some people are offended by what you say about black people and also disagree on your interpretation of the "truth". I do beleive that "incitement to hatred" is a crime or at least it is about to become one.

Angry? More sick and tired really....
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sniffy said:
The problem is that your views add fuel to the "frothing at the mouth racist with the big.44mag" ... and that is dangerous for me and my family, friends, ...

And so you try to staunch the freedoms of voicing those views? ...so you try to keep people from stating their views, even if those views might be correct/accurate?

What I also find interesting is that most of you are taking my views as being FORCED segragationalist, yet they are NOT. If you wish to live with any group of people, and they'll have you, I would want you to do so.

But why are you trying your best to keep living with "frothing-at-the-mouth racists"?? Why do you insist that "frothing-at-the-mouth racists" be FORCIBLY integrated into your own "peace-loving, tax-paying, non-violent" neighborhoods?? That part I just don't understand. I'd think that you'd love nothing better than to be with those that you love and admire, and NOT with those that hate you and want to harm you.

sniffy said:
Feel free to hold your views about segregation but don't be surprised when some people are offended by what you say...

I don't want to offend anyone ...but I would like someone to convince me that forced integration is better than voluntary segragation! None of the posts here have convinced me that my views are wrong. Why would you, or anyone, not want to live peacefully with those that hold the same views as you do?

sniffy said:
I do beleive that "incitement to hatred" is a crime or at least it is about to become one.

I do too!! And what I'm suggesting is the elimination of that hatred by separating those who hate from those that they hate! How can you be against that? If a person hates being with, living with and working with Chinese people, why are you so intent about FORCING him to do so? It makes no sense to me!

Again, this isn't just about blacks, it's about any and all races, religions, cultures and beliefs ...any of it! Keep them all separate and the conflicts will be minimal.

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
What does that have to do with what he's posted? Even if he hates blacks, it's what he's written that you should refute if you can. "Added hominy" arguments usually indicate that people have run out of reason power and have nothing left with which to argue their point ....if they ever had a point.

Why don't you argue about the topic, about the posts .....NOT make personal accusations as a way of ending the discussions?

Baron Max
I'm trying to get a sense of the person. I was wondering if his daily life even puts him into contact with any blacks, like mine. I find them different in some ways, but certainly just as smart and capable. Maybe we just need an exchange program of some sort to get them aquainted. Or, maybe J.B is living in a backwoods shack in Idaho cleaning his weapons, or a KKK grand poobah, like that moron that lived in my neighborhood growing up.
spidergoat said:
I'm trying to get a sense of the person. I was wondering if his daily life even puts him into contact with any blacks, like mine. I find them different in some ways, but certainly just as smart and capable. Maybe we just need an exchange program of some sort to get them aquainted. Or, maybe J.B is living in a backwoods shack in Idaho cleaning his weapons, or a KKK grand poobah, like that moron that lived in my neighborhood growing up.
I am a Jew living in L.A Calif, I work for the power company and spent 10 years working in South Central Los Angeles, I was there during the L.A Riots.

Being as you say a "racist" is not something you are born with, it is something you learn.
I'm not saying that many of the black people, especially some areas in LA, should be avoided, because they are indeed violent. It's just that you have to understand, it's not directly because of their race, but indirectly, due to the legacy of racism, poverty and suffering they have been dealt as a result of racist white people. There's nothing about being born with black skin that makes you any more violent than a white, asian, or latino person.
spidergoat said:
There's nothing about being born with black skin that makes you any more violent than a white, asian, or latino person.
This report gives the results of assays of circulating steroid hormone levels in white and black college students in Los Angeles, CA. Mean testosterone levels in blacks were 19% higher than in whites, and free testosterone levels were 21% higher. Both these differences were statistically significant. Adjustment by analysis of covariance for time of sampling, age, weight, alcohol use, cigarette smoking, and use of prescription drugs somewhat reduced the differences. After these adjustments were made, blacks had a 15% higher testosterone level and a 13% higher free testosterone level. A 15% difference in circulating testosterone levels could readily explain a twofold difference in prostate cancer risk.

MeSH Terms:
African Continental Ancestry Group
European Continental Ancestry Group
Prostatic Neoplasms/etiology
Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.

spidergoat said:
Maybe we just need an exchange program of some sort to get them aquainted.

So is this again advocating a FORCED integration system of some kind?! If a person does NOT want to live or work or deal with another race, why are you so intent on FORCING them to do so? I just don't get that?????????

spidergoat said:
Or, maybe J.B is living in a backwoods shack in Idaho cleaning his weapons, or a KKK grand poobah, ....

But even if he is, if his posts are intelligently composed and his research is thoroughly done, what difference should his lifestyle make? You should respond to the words, not to the person who typed them! And if you can't refute his posts intelligently, then you shouldn't respond at all.

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
But even if he is, if his posts are intelligently composed and his research is thoroughly done, what difference should his lifestyle make? You should respond to the words, not to the person who typed them! And if you can't refute his posts intelligently, then you shouldn't respond at all.
Here, Here!!
I realize what an emotional topic this is, but I wasn't intending 'spittle and fisticuffs'!
So, again, Baron,
This report gives the results of assays of circulating steroid hormone levels in white and black college students in Los Angeles, CA. Mean testosterone levels in blacks were 19% higher than in whites, and free testosterone levels were 21% higher. Both these differences were statistically significant. Adjustment by analysis of covariance for time of sampling, age, weight, alcohol use, cigarette smoking, and use of prescription drugs somewhat reduced the differences. After these adjustments were made, blacks had a 15% higher testosterone level and a 13% higher free testosterone level. A 15% difference in circulating testosterone levels could readily explain a twofold difference in prostate cancer risk.
Not the testosterone thing again!

Testosterone is the androgenic hormone primarily responsible for normal growth and development of male sex and reproductive organs, including the penis, testicles, scrotum, prostate, and seminal vesicles. It facilitates the development of secondary male sex characteristics such as musculature, bone mass, fat distribution, hair patterns, laryngeal enlargement, and vocal chord thickening. Additionally, normal testosterone levels maintain energy level, healthy mood, fertility, and sexual desire.
Testosterone is the most important representative of the male sex hormones collectively called androgens. Using cholesterol as a base, the male gonads (testes) produce between 4 and 10 mg of testosterone per day. Testosterone itself is responsible for three major functions in animals.
During puberty, testosterone levels are at their lifetime peak. They begin to decline around the age of 23.

So BLACK men are hornier than you and Baron.....So what