A Theory of Racism

wesmorris said:
Racism is a meme. Hmm. I can't think of an "ism" that isn't at the moment.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
The term meme (pronounced [miːm] in IPA; from the Greek word μνήμη for 'memory') first appeared in the 1976 book by Richard Dawkins, The Selfish Gene. (Some trace the concept to the 1970 book by Francois Jacob, La logique du vivant (The Logic Of Life).) Though Dawkins defined the meme as "a unit of cultural transmission, or a unit of imitation," memeticists vary in their definitions of meme. The lack of a consistent, rigorous and precise definition of a meme remains one of the principal criticisms leveled at memetics, the study of memes.

Different definitions of the meme generally agree, very roughly, that a meme consists of some sort of a self-propagating unit of cultural evolution having a resemblance to the gene (the unit of genetics). Dawkins introduced the term after writing that evolution depended not on the particular chemical basis of genetics, but only on the existence of a self-replicating unit of transmission—in the case of biological evolution, the gene. For Dawkins, the meme exemplifies another self-replicating unit, and most importantly, one which he thought would prove useful in explaining human behavior and cultural evolution.

The 'smiley' exemplifies what some might consider a visual meme. Anyone who has seen a smiley can copy, reproduce, or modify it and then show it to others.In casual use, the term meme often refers to any piece of information passed from one mind to another. This usage more closely resembles the analogy of "language as a virus" than Dawkins' analogy of memes as replicating units. This definition has come into popular use on the Internet to refer to phenomena such as Obey Giant, "All your base are belong to us", Blogebrity and Icy Hot Stuntaz.

Though memeticists do not generally agree on a specific definition, one can roughly define 'meme' as any piece of information transferable from one mind to another. Examples might include thoughts, ideas, theories, practices, habits, songs, dances and moods.

Memes supposedly have, as their fundamental property, evolution via natural selection in a way very similar to Charles Darwin's ideas concerning biological evolution, on the premise that replication, mutation, survival and competition influence them. For example, while one idea may become extinct, others will survive, spread and mutate—for better or worse—through modification. Note an important fact, however: not only the memes most beneficial to their hosts will necessarily survive; rather, memes supposedly spread best by functioning as the most effective replicators, which allows for the possibility that successful memes might prove detrimental to their hosts.

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Yeah good stuff. I've read it. :)

What's funny is that I stumbled on a very similar idea before ever hearing about it. I may have simply inferred it from something related, I don't remember for sure. I remember saying to someone "it's the evolution of mind man!", in speaking of something about how people learn. He vehemently disagreed that minds could "evolve".

When I did run across it here at sci (evilpoet turned me onto the idea) is was like "bam!, yeah babY! that!". Uh huh. Great stuff. They are patterns in abstract space that replicate/mutate! What a cool idea.
wesmorris said:
They are patterns... that replicate/mutate! What a cool idea.
Yeah, like people, or a 'virus'...
Hmmmmm, I guess that 'racism' might be analogized as a 'virus'. Perhaps it might be 'treatable' within that paradigm?
I don't know ...perhaps racism is more like one of an animal's natural, innate defense mechanisms. An animal sees something/another animal that is NOT like itself, it becomes instantly wary and fearful and defensive.

Baron Max
Actually most animals are "racists"! Even large herds of different, "peaceful", herbivorous animals that graze together, will still remain in their own "areas" and/or with their own kind.

Lions will maintain a group (pride?), but will not let an outsider into the group. And they sure as hell won't let hyenas into the group! As far as I know, all animals maintain their own groups, their own "family", and they resist every effort to "integrate" with others from other "families".

Baron Max
Racism is only superficially about race. It's a coat that people who want power over other people wear. Power is the driving force, not race.
Baron, perhaps you are confusing 'speciesism' with 'racism'. Many 'other species' co-exist with other species. In many cases, even the human species. We live comfortably with dogs, cats, fish, etc... I have observed, though, a great variety of genetic, observable 'differences' in individuals within the 'herd'. Wolves interbreed with dogs, as do coyotes, etc...

That was my initial posting, saying that there was a 'hard wired survival instinct', that if left to its animal ends, manifests as racism. We are able to 'control' most atavistic 'instincts' though, for instance, we do not kill everyone that gets 'in our (egoic) way'...
MLS said:
Racism is only superficially about race. It's a coat that people who want power over other people wear. Power is the driving force, not race.
Do racists desire power, as you suggest, over others of their own 'race'?
nameless said:
Baron, perhaps you are confusing 'speciesism' with 'racism'. Many 'other species' co-exist with other species.

As I said, they might graze alongside another herd, but they're separate, nevertheless. It's the herd mentality ...the lead bull or matron keeps the herd together and does NOT let others, even of the same specie, enter that herd. That is, of course, "racism" of a natural form.

The other you mentioned is humans domesticating the animals like dogs and cats, etc. But no where in the wild would that happen.

Wolves do NOT interbreed with dogs! ..unless it's "forced" by humans.

nameless said:
We are able to 'control' most atavistic 'instincts' though, for instance, we do not kill everyone that gets 'in our (egoic) way'...

No, that's true! We can't and don't control those instincts very well. We don't kill or hurt people because of laws and the fear of punishment. Take away those laws and ask yourself how life would be??? Don't hurt your brain too much ...just consider how it would be if we eliminated all driving laws?? Scary, huh? Now try a little more ...do away with theft laws?? Now do away with assualt and murder laws? Wow! Can you just picture it?

No, we "control" those urges and instincts with the use of force (laws!).

Baron Max
nameless said:
Do racists desire power, as you suggest, over others of their own 'race'?

Life is all about competition. And if you doubt that, then I don't know what planet you're from! Everything in life is competitive ...from early childhood, to school systems, to the workforce, to the rise in skills and salaries, to the ability to enjoy old age .....all of it to be better than the next guy!

Racism is a similar situation ....just black skin versus white skin versus brown skin versus yellow skin versus red skin. ...did I miss anyone?? ;=)

I'm better than you! I'm smarter than you! My girl is prettier than yours! My girl fucks better than yours! My dick is bigger than yours! My girl has better tits than your girl! My car is faster than your car! I make more money than you do. I have a bigger house than you do!

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Life is all about competition. And if you doubt that, then I don't know what planet you're from! Everything in life is competitive ...from early childhood, to school systems, to the workforce, to the rise in skills and salaries, to the ability to enjoy old age .....all of it to be better than the next guy!
Hate to bust your bubble, Baron, but there are other 'flavors' on the shelf besides yours..
My life, as one example, is not now nor has been about 'competition'.
It has been about 'understanding'. One of the first things that I understood was that 'competition' was a 'fools' pursuit. A 'control mechanism' of those in 'power'. One ends up chasing one's own tail faster and faster until death. Try as you might, you will never have 'enough', you will never 'have it all', you will never be the 'boss of everyone', never have all the money or the hot babes or anything else... So, at some point, unhappily, you will have to settle for less that you have been attempting, striving for, desiring. You will always see others with more than you have 'attained', a constant painful reminder...
On the other hand, you are a class A "All Amerikkkan" capitalist stooge who must work hard so you can buy, purchace, acquire more and more, pumping money into the system of 'control by the rich' playing the 'acquisition game'.. and on and on...
I dont know what to tell you.. Good luck in your pursuits...
Yes, a form of 'competition' is another atavistic 'survival mechanism' that we no longer need. It needn't be made into a god! When was the last time you shoved everyone out of line at the 'checkout stand' so you, who is more 'important' than anyone else, can go first? How about running that old woman off the road because she was 'impeding your will'?? This old animal 'waste matter' can assuredly be overcome, why not get it all (racism too)? It serves no 'progressive' purpose in the community. When it sticks out it's ugly head, kill the 'meme'!

Racism is a similar situation ....just black skin versus white skin versus brown skin versus yellow skin versus red skin. ...did I miss anyone?? ;=)

Overcome it. That is the difference between other animals and people (it has been said), the ability and 'will' to overcome the atavistic wiring, to kill the 'meme virus'. Even 'dumb' animals can work together for the common good. Even bacteria!! Humans? We need to work a bit harder at this, methinks.. *__-

I'm better than you! I'm smarter than you! My girl is prettier than yours! My girl fucks better than yours! My dick is bigger than yours! My girl has better tits than your girl! My car is faster than your car! I make more money than you do. I have a bigger house than you do!

OK, you win.
Now what?

True wealth, it has been said, is not measured by what you own, but by who you are! Let us know if you are ever successful in 'defining yourself' by that which is apparently external to 'self'

Wolves do NOT interbreed with dogs! ..unless it's "forced" by humans.

You are incorrect. They do. It is a common thing. Get over it.

No, that's true! We can't and don't control those instincts very well. We don't kill or hurt people because of laws and the fear of punishment. Take away those laws and ask yourself how life would be??? Don't hurt your brain too much ...just consider how it would be if we eliminated all driving laws?? Scary, huh? Now try a little more ...do away with theft laws?? Now do away with assualt and murder laws? Wow! Can you just picture it?

How would YOU behave on the one 'Day of No Law'? YOU! Not the 'masses', not a 'priest', not the 'poor', but you! Are your 'morals' and 'ethics' all dictated to you by your government? Are 'you' the reason that we needed these laws in the first place? Have you no internal compass?
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nameless said:
My life, as one example, is not now nor has been about 'competition'. It has been about 'understanding'.

You mean "understanding" more about life or whatever than others???? ...competition, perhaps??

Even the remainder of your post is an attempt to show that YOU have greater knowledge, that YOU have better understanding, that YOU have better morals.

No, you didn't burst my "bubble" ..not by a long sight.

Baron Max
Here we go again Baron
No animal is racist other than humans. Humans are 'brought up' to be racist either by society or directly by parents or peers. Other animals share their spaces and take their place in the food chain. They don't single out any other species and denigrate, scapegoat, exterminate or criminalise it. Sure those that have to kill but not indiscriminately as some humans are inclined to do.
In order to seperate all those who disagree about things (which is what you seem to be talking about) you would need more planets that exist in the known universe! I suggest you and your neighbours take down those fences and try talking to each other. You can start with comparing dick size perhaps you'll find some common ground there!
sniffy said:
No animal is racist other than humans.

I agree that it's not the right term, but the outward appearance and actions are the same!

All animals segragate themselves into fairly rigid heirarchies within each "herd" and that's nothing less than segragation at it's best!!

sniffy said:
I suggest you and your neighbours take down those fences and try talking to each other.

Well, you can "suggest" all you want, but the trends are to segragate ourselves in as many ways and means as possible. We have not only higher and stronger fences, but we have heavier, stronger locks, we have security bars on our windows and doors, we have "gated" communities with full-time guards and electronic invasion alarms, ......and many, many other such devices to keep our neighbors at bay. ...sorta' like the old drawbridges, huh?

The idealism of integration just isn't being realized anywhere on Earth ....and ignoring that reality isn't going to do us any good. We must, at some point, come face to face with it, instead of ignoring it. As I see it, every "group" is trying it's damnedest to segragate itself from those who don't see things in a like manner --- which is, of course, segragation/isolationist.

Baron Max
there is nothing to fear but fear itself
our governments are good at making us fearful and creating enemies
communists, aliens, immigrants, terrorists, non believers, evil doers (hypocrits), the guys next door.
how about:
voting to get rid of guns
getting a handle on alcohol (alcohol related crime 80%)
building fewer malls and more community centres
promoting respect especially of self
telling our kids we love them more often
sharing our resources so that others don't envy
banning TV
promoting the 'Life is not having and getting but being and becoming' school of thought
nameless - "You are jumping from seeing an 'attractive' person who isn't interested in you, to rape."

and you are jumping from having racist genes to having racist thoughts and actions.

nameless - "Are you suggesting that you are violently acting out your 'feelings' on this person? Actually committing rape?"
that depends on whether you were talking about commiting racism or just talking about thinking about it in your original post
sniffy said:
how about:......
voting to get rid of guns
Guns don't do anything by themselves! How 'bout getting rid of knives and clubs and baseball bats, too?

getting a handle on alcohol (alcohol related crime 80%)
Most people enjoy alcohol and cause absolutely no harm ...but you want to penalize them for the actions of a few?

building fewer malls and more community centres
Developers build with profit in mind ...show them the profits, they'll build. But I know very damned few developers who'd consider putting malls and community centers in areas where they're likely to be destroyed or burned to the ground!

promoting respect especially of self
Perhaps they sell respect pills at Wal-Mart? Perhaps respect is something that has to be earned, not given or promoted?

telling our kids we love them more often
Sounds good ...do we do that before or after we tell them that all blacks are horrible criminals and should be in jails?

sharing our resources so that others don't envy
Okay, you do it first ...then others that want to will follow. One can't make people give their hard-earned "resources" to others who've done nothing to earn it.

banning TV
Although I hate myself for agreeing ....I agree!

promoting the 'Life is not having and getting but being and becoming' school of thought
Ahh, wonderful idealisms, huh? Just spout them out and people will understand and follow them all, huh? Ain't idealism great? ...LOL!

I'd also ask how one can "being and becoming" without first "having and getting"? Or do we just forget about things like eating, sleeping, warm homes, running water, indoor toilets, schools, ....and all those other things that makes "being and becoming" possible?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
You mean "understanding" more about life or whatever than others???? ...competition, perhaps??
You are trying too hard. I have tried to 'understand life' because that is my nature. I try to understand more than I did yesterday. To improve my own thinking, to make it more 'palatable and efficient'. There is no competition with anyone else going on here. Can you not comprehend this? Is this so alien to your life that you cannot even conceive of someone living a non-competitive (non-racist) life? Perhaps this is the reason for your arguementative and unbelieving reaction. Sorry, when you assert that 'everyone' is something or other, you'll most often find those who are 'not' and willing to 'correct' your false assumption.

Even the remainder of your post is an attempt to show that YOU have greater knowledge, that YOU have better understanding, that YOU have better morals.

Perhaps it is only in your mind (in your 'validating' ego) that you attribute these 'things' to me? If you feel that I have 'better' understanding than you do (and you would be the only one really in a position to do that) then perhaps you aught to spend more effort to understand what I'm saying. If you find my words useless, then ignore me. I'm just sharing, for what its worth. If you must argue my experience, the echoes will be deafening as you'll be alone... I have better understanding than I did last year, than I did last decade, than I did five decades ago.. Nothing to do with anyone else. Don't use me to 'validate' your incorrect assumptions.

No, you didn't burst my "bubble" ..not by a long sight.

Whatever, ...but one thing that I can assure you, is that all 'bubbles' will eventually 'burst' like big ripe zits!