A Theory of Racism

alain said:
nameless - "You are jumping from seeing an 'attractive' person who isn't interested in you, to rape."
OK, so you are not arguing that your analogy is poor. Fine.

and you are jumping from having racist genes to having racist thoughts and actions.

Not a far jump, methinks, from having a 'genetic predisposition' for 'racism' to having racist thoughts and therefrom racist language and racist behavior.

nameless - "Are you suggesting that you are violently acting out your 'feelings' on this person? Actually committing rape?"
that depends on whether you were talking about commiting racism or just talking about thinking about it in your original post
From thought comes action.
"Not a far jump, methinks, from having a 'genetic predisposition' for 'racism' to having racist thoughts and therefrom racist language and racist behavior."

surely we would also have a genetic predisposition for rape... if the guy senses he hasnt got a chance with getting the chick's assent, he could just spread his genes anyway, and have a chance of creating offspring that survive

"From thought comes action." unless the thoughts are restrained. Those who fail to restrain the thoughts become rapists
alain said:
...surely we would also have a genetic predisposition for rape... if
Perhaps, but as the 'evidence' is so 'scarce' to work with (number of 'rapists' vs number of 'racists'), as opposed to 'racism', I bring up 'racism'. Perhaps rapists also ride that train...
nameless said:
There is no competition with anyone else going on here. Can you not comprehend this? Is this so alien to your life that you cannot even conceive of someone living a non-competitive (non-racist) life? Perhaps this is the reason for your arguementative and unbelieving reaction.

Please, Nameless, read that statement above carefully. Are you not implying/saying that YOUR comprehension is better than mine??? And is that not competitiveness on your part? If not, please explain how it isn't!

nameless said:
Sorry, when you assert that 'everyone' is something or other, you'll most often find those who are 'not' and willing to 'correct' your false assumption.

Hmm, trying to show that you're right and I'm wrong? That you know more than me? That your ideas are better than mine? And that's not competitive? Please explain.

Baron Max
One of the things that bothers the hell outta' me is that, from your posts, so many of you feel that racism is something that someone can just turn on or off at will! Surely you can't believe that?! Racism is emotional, not intellectual ...even if a racist can actually see that his emotions are "wrong", he can't just turn off those feelings.

If you think that a racist can turn off his feelings, then you must also believe that a manic depressive (or other such mental "illness") can turn off his feelings, too. Is that right?

Baron Max
I believe that racism is built on the foundation of hate.
I would try to understand someones true hate toward another being if they could explain to me why they hate (racist) them. The reason to hate or the reason behind the hate is the issue. Barons right about the emotion though. You can't turn it on or off but you can give an explanation for it.....and then we will have a reason to discuss racism.
ReighnStorm said:
I believe that racism is built on the foundation of hate.

I'm not so sure that I agree with you, Reighn. I don't think it's "active" hate, but more like distrust and/or past experiences (oneself or ones family members).

But still, you calling for "reasons" for racism isn't so easy. Many people couldn't explain why the love their wife or husband, yet they do.

I'd also like to take you back to your comments on the other racist thread here: You made the comment(s) about about why blacks should hate the whites ...450 years of slavery, etc, then numerous years of discrimination, beatings, hangings and such. So in light of that, are we also talking of the blacks holding such a grudge for 450 years against the whites? And if they can hold that grudge for 450 years, how can whites ever expect to erase those vengeful emotions? I don't see how they can! So is racism more a hatred of the whites than the hatred of whites for the blacks? ...all the blacks want is revenge against the hated whites??

I don't think racism has "reasons" in the same way love does not have "reasons". We can talk about "reasons", but is that all that emotions are? I don't think so.

Blacks often give the "reasons" for hating whites because of the slavery issue. But no one that I know has ever enslaved a black ...our ancestors did! But the blacks hate white descendants for earlier crimes. Is that a good "reason" to hate whites?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Please, Nameless, read that statement above carefully. Are you not implying/saying that YOUR comprehension is better than mine??? And is that not competitiveness on your part? If not, please explain how it isn't!
Dear Baron, I am merely sharing the view from my perspective. Not 'right', not 'wrong', not 'better', not 'worse', just my experience.
I do understand how when one sees everything through 'competetive lenses' from one's perspective, that will 'color' one's perceptions of all else.
Trust me here, Baron, I'm not lying to you. Do you not find it even remotely possible that the words that you are interperting (judging) as 'competetive' might be able to be taken otherwise if you tried? If I offer my view, and you paint it as 'competition', that only makes it true in your mind, not in mine, but, if you are broadbrushing your universe with your perceptive 'paint', I understand your assertions. I just don't see things like that. Not 'better', not 'right', not 'wrong', just my experience..
I can't and wouldn't 'change your mind' about this, that's YOUR business, but you might make the attempt to 'understand' for your own 'database', nothing more. No competition, just a 'sharing', for what it's worth...

Hmm, trying to show that you're right and I'm wrong?

Simply? No!

That you know more than me?

Simply? No!

That your ideas are better than mine?

Simply? No!

And that's not competitive?

Simply? No!

Please explain.

Simply? No!

Do you ask, again, for explanation merely to argue because you 'know the truth' or want to understand another perspective? Not better, not worse, just.. 'another'. Does the possibility that another perspective, besides your own, that might be equally 'valid' as 'your's' somehow 'threaten' your 'hierarchy of judgements' (right, wrong, better, worse, best...), that there might be a valid reality where these 'judgements' are not a 'valid criteria' for categorization of everything?
All the words that I have on the subject have been spoken. If you choose to refuse to accept my proposed meaning for my own words, and do not wish to make the attempt to understand 'where I'm comming from', then thats fine, (I know that it is a 'stretch' at the moment) but I have run out of words on the subject. You certainly don't owe me anything, and whether you owe 'it' to yourself is your business.

One of the things that bothers the hell outta' me is that, from your posts, so many of you feel that racism is something that someone can just turn on or off at will!

Thnough not personally addressed to me, I'll offer... I don't think that anything that is so prevalent and 'bone deep' is 'easily' faced, much less 'dealt with'. The processes are always difficult and painful. The only folks that would think its east are the ones who have no experience in the 'process' besides 'intellectual.

Surely you can't believe that?!

Of course not, but don't let that stop you from your personal 'evolution'.

Racism is emotional, not intellectual

'Emotional beliefs' often seek 'intellectual validation'. (See religion.)

...even if a racist can actually see that his emotions are "wrong", he can't just turn off those feelings.

No, not 'just'. It takes work, but yes, you can form brand new neural pathways with the appropriate 'effort'. Emotions are 'connected' to 'neural connections' which can be changed. See the movie, "What the Bleep Do We Know?" for a good understanding of how the process works.
What do you have to lose?

If you think that a racist can turn off his feelings, then you must also believe that a manic depressive (or other such mental "illness") can turn off his feelings, too. Is that right?

It is your brain (hypothalamus) that pumps the peptides that you associate with 'feelings'. You do and can have conscious input into the process. It is more like an addiction than a 'mental illness' that we are talking about.
Whether it is worth the work or not is, again, strictly up to you. It is your life.

But please dont hate me (at least don't act it out on me) because I am a homely, Jewish, black, Afro-Mexican, Xtian fundamnentalist, lesbian woman.. with Chinese eyes...
Nameless, ye're a hoot! ...and that's not a nasty term, it's a term of endearment.

Please keep posting, ye're interesting to read, but impossible to respond to (IMHO).

Baron Max
nameless said:
Do you not find it even remotely possible that the words that you are interperting (judging) as 'competetive' might be able to be taken otherwise if you tried?

Nope! I tried, just can't see it.

Baron Max
Well, then, I guess that's why its necessary to have all us various folks, to 'man' all of the various 'perspectives'?!
All in all, Baron, peace unto you...
Only 450 years of sustained persecution!
450 years of forced enslavement follwed by indentured labour (slavery with a contract)
state sanctioned murder rape and beatings, mob lynchings and blame for the ills of the host society
if condescending enough to 'allow' black people jobs you ensure it's the lowest ones available
even today all conversation about black is in the negative
sterotypes of black crime and misdemeaner all over the media
rare mention of the contribution that 'black' has made to society
guess people should just move on eh and leave the white man in peace?
or maybe talk about it, acknowledge it and find some way to move on together
sounds a bit too much like hard work for y'all don't it
sniffy said:
or maybe talk about it, acknowledge it and find some way to move on together ....

Or separately?!

sniffy said:
...sounds a bit too much like hard work for y'all don't it?

Well, I don't know about "hard work", but if it's something that's FORCED onto people who don't want it, then I certainly can't abide by it. How can you?

sniffy said:
Only 450 years of sustained persecution!

Oh, so it's time for revenge, is that it? Is that what it amounts to? ..and you agree with that concept? (Are the Hatfields and McCoys still at it??)

Baron Max
i don't see living alongside my neighbours as enforced integration as such
if my neighbours bother me I can slap them with a nuisance order or if they rob me have them put in jail if i want to get to know them (some i do some i don't) i don't have to
on the whole as far as i can tell in the US at least segregation is alive and well anyway
if you dont want to live with people who are not white you dont have to
plenty of whites only areas aren't there, like 89% of the whole of the US?
So what exactly is it that troubles you? I cant get to the bottom of your issues.
And i always find it amazing how some people want to live seperately until the neighbours have some covetable resources. amazing how fast integration happens then!
as for revenge
you asked why some black people might be agrieved with white people and i gave you a few reasons why they might. Remember imperialism and slavery came first no matter how much you'd like to see it otherwise.
Of the many black people I know none of them wants to get even with whitey they just want SURVIVE to get on with their lives in peace, provide for families, etc and that's what they are doing very often STILL against all the odds whether you are willing to accept that or not.
sniffy said:
i don't see living alongside my neighbours as enforced integration as such .... if my neighbours bother me I can slap them with a nuisance order or if they rob me have them put in jail ...

And what if they kill your family and burn your house down...???? Is a jail sentence worth that chance to you??

What bothers me about it all is not being able to live where you want ...even if that means in areas where blacks can't move in to (and usually degrade!). And in the USA, it's illegal to maintain areas like that!! That is the force of which I'm against!

sniffy said:
And i always find it amazing how some people want to live seperately until the neighbours have some covetable resources. amazing how fast integration happens then!

Yeah, now you hit the nail on the head!!! Whites work their asses off to gain wealth and status and riches and separation ...and the blacks see it and want their "share" without doing jack-shit for it! And our fuckin' government forces the whites to accept the blacks! That's just plain wrong! ...no matter how you view it.

Baron Max
sniffy said:
...they just want SURVIVE to get on with their lives in peace, provide for families, etc and that's what they are doing very often STILL against all the odds whether you are willing to accept that or not.

And so do many of the poor white people in this country. And there are MANY more of them than poor blacks. But the government is not helping them by FORCING companies to hire them or providing special college programs or enacting laws call "Equal Opportunity", etc!!

sniffy said:
Of the many black people I know none of them wants to get even with whitey...

Well, of the blacks that I know, they DO want to get even with whitey!! So our statements cancel out each other?

As I've seen it, the blacks who actually are willing to work to achieve something in their lives, they've done so. The others are waiting on the wings hoping for handouts and an easy way to riches ....while taking drugs, drinking booze, making babies and looting!!!

Baron Max
sniffy said:
Only 450 years of sustained persecution!
Hmmm, I wonder why I'm not hearing any Jewish people whining and sniffing about millennia of persecution and demanding 'reparations'?

I think that 'moving on' begins within your own mind.
Originally Posted by ReighnStorm
I believe that racism is built on the foundation of hate. ”

Originally posted by Baron Max
I'm not so sure that I agree with you, Reighn. I don't think it's "active" hate, but more like distrust and/or past experiences

Do these actually look like the same conversation to you. I say one thing and you justify your response by saying a whole nother thing....I said foundation of HATE....not if it's active or dormant. Racism iiisss built on the foundation of hate along with other things added to create it (racism), but hate is definately one reason. A white persons past experience with slaves could not have been negative enough to create the kind of hatred you deem correct. Maybe their discuss, lack of compassion, pure evil nature may have played a part. And don't get me wrong I don't know any real reason why some whites hate other nations of people, these are just the facts of my opinion.

And if they can hold that grudge for 450 years, how can whites ever expect to erase those vengeful emotions? I don't see how they can! all the blacks want is revenge against the hated whites??
Again...I keep telling you and everyone who reads this that black people aren't holding a grudge against anyone! Some of them are possibly lashing out at injustice in todays world, but holding a grudge isn't it. Black people just want to be recognized as people. Has that happened yet? The looting in Louisianna was necessary for most people there. There were about 200 people arrested recently for crimes there....200 out of 100's of thousands of black people and hear we are yet again discussing something J.B. of all people started to get you all riled up again. "Give me a break will ya"! :eek:

I don't think racism has "reasons" in the same way love does not have "reasons". But the blacks hate white descendants for earlier crimes. Is that a good "reason" to hate whites?
There are reasons for everything in life...including yours. Hatred and disgust for the earlier crimes, but not hatred for you simply because your white. Blacks hate whats happened and is continuing to happen to them today. Black peoples biggest crimes have nothing to do with skin color! Find me some proof if you deem otherwise.

Yeah, now you hit the nail on the head!!! Whites work their asses off to gain wealth and status and riches and separation ...and the blacks see it and want their "share" without doing jack-shit for it! And our fuckin' government forces the whites to accept the blacks! That's just plain wrong! ...no matter how you view it.

Baron I know you know better than that. Most white people are thieves and cheats. That's where their wealth came from....working? are you kidding me?? Yes, blacks see it and want it so they try and go to school or get a job just to be denied because of their skin color and people like you! That's one reason....there are plenty more. And poor white people do get handouts and scholarships and loans just because their poor, that door swings both ways. Blacks are just talked about more. Also it's pretty funny how I always see everyday white people peddling with those cardboard signs on the street corner begging for money. ;)
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nameless said:
Hmmm, I wonder why I'm not hearing any Jewish people whining and sniffing about millennia of persecution and demanding 'reparations'?

Selective hearing?

Jews often talk about persecution.

And as to reperations, what do you think Israel is about? What about all the reperations Germany made?