A Theory of Racism

And if you can't refute his posts intelligently, then you shouldn't respond at all.

There's plenty of intelligent refuting going on you JB n Baron just tend to ignore it cause it just doesn't fit in with their negative stereotype.

And JB I'd like to take you on a couple of ('white') housing estates in Britain and get you to shout "I'm a Jew from southern california" and see where that gets you.

My dear if they get rid of the blacks (and they will somehow or other) believe me you will be next on their list.

And here is a good easy way of getting rid of black people - integrate! In 16th Century Britain there were over 35K black people living in London and various other seaports as a result of seafaring and trade. Black skin gradually disappeared over the next few decades because of integration with the white population. Offspring of mixed relationships continued to mix with the white population and a kind of 'dilution' then elimination occurred.

Genetic characteristics continue to surface amongst white populations in areas where these early travellers settled many generations on. some families have done geneological studies prompting the discovery of black ancestry.

So there's your solution right in front of your very eyes all along.

oh the irony
oh and Baron when i eventually meet the frothing at the mouth racist with the .44mag I do hope he'll offer me the freedom to state my views....
You know JB what you just posted takes the biscuit.
And we like to think the bad old days are behind us?

I wonder JB if you would like to go along to some library somwhere and find the statistics for the number of black men lynched for "raping" (ie taking a passing glance as a white woman walked by) white women. Do you think you'll find any? Id like you also to have a look at some of the photographic records of those lynchings - cause they were regarded as entertainment you know. Take a good close look at those shots. You'll see in most cases that those beautiful black men have been castrated (whilst still alive of course), sometimes their eyes were poked out and of course they were severely beaten before hand. Now you might just say bad things happen and all that was in the past ( but it's amazing how recent some of them are)....

And maybe you'd like to have a good look at the pictures of the treatment of Jews in Nazi Germany and what the people said about the Jews in order to justify what they were doing....and you may or may not see some similarities. And that might just make you think for one split second before you post what you post in order for your humanity to kick in. But I doubt that.

and baron if you say one more time that this is more proof that segregation works or anything about "black crime" and revenge....well
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sniffy said:
And here is a good easy way of getting rid of black people - integrate! In 16th Century Britain ...

I don't believe that that's what "integration" means! Inter-breeding, perhaps, or assimilation or ???, but "integration" means/implies that the two races/colors live happily everafter together!

sniffy said:
There's plenty of intelligent refuting going on you JB n Baron just tend to ignore it cause it just doesn't fit in with their negative stereotype.

Is the above an example of "refuting" anything that we've said or stated? No! Try again, Sniffy!

And to refute something, one must present evidence and logical reasoning, not just blame everything on poverty and the white man! How can that possibly refute anything? That's just a good example of what you call "stereotyping" ....not us, YOU!

sniffy said:
oh and Baron when i eventually meet the frothing at the mouth racist with the .44mag I do hope he'll offer me the freedom to state my views....

Well, that depends on whether or not he likes your looks!! ...LOL! I think most racists believe that the .44 bullet will decide on your views as it's speeding toward your forehead. If you have "good" viewpoints, the bullet will veer off target ..."bad" viewpoints, ...? ;=)

Baron Max
sniffy said:
oh my god did he just say what i think he said...?

So, Sniffy, is that an good example of "refuting" what he said??

Care to try again? Or are you just going to say that he's wrong without giving any reasoning or cite any research or anything? that's what you call "refuting" someone's points????

Baron Max
Well, studies don't lie, but the information can be used incorrectly. If JB's links are legit and the studies performed well, there is truly some differences between races - statistically.

The problem with racism is that it applies a statistic to a sample of one or a few. It simply doesn't work. When you encounter "black guy x" thinking "he's probably a rapist" is in error. It could be that the probability is slightly higher that you've encountered an instance of a rapist, but holding it as "likely" is simply unfair to the individual.
This is why black males lead by far all other groups in rape.

The case of a 13-year-old African-American girl provides the
most recent example. The incident occurred in Bethalto, a
small, predominantly White town in southeastern Illinois.
The child was sexually assaulted not once, but twice, by
three White males -- one 16 years of age, the others in
their early 20s. Though the police were contacted
immediately, the investigation was tardy and the identified
men were never arrested - on lived directly behind the young
girl's home. A predominantly White grand jury investigation
heard the testimony of several witnesses including the child
and a woman who chased the men away from the girl with a
baseball bat. The grand jury chose not to indict the men for
lack of physical evidence and because their testimony was
corroborated by witnesses other than the victim.
One wonders how the Bethalto case scenario would have
unfolded had the victim been White and middle class, and two
of the alleged rapists adult Black men?

16% of the crimes are simple crimes and 5.9% is robbery (theft) out of 29% in which some is false arrest!http://www.albany.edu/sourcebook/pdf/t34.pdf


You were saying? :bugeye:
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wesmorris said:
Well, studies don't lie, but the information can be used incorrectly.
The problem with racism is that it applies a statistic to a sample of one or a few. It simply doesn't work.

Well, that's true, I suppose. And perhaps all of the statistics has lied to us for all these years and there's really no such thing as "racism" at all! So should we repeal of the laws that have been enacted to help the blacks, when there's really never been "racism"?

Look, ignoring the issues of race or trying to excuse is not going to help anyone. If there's a problem, we need to admit it, face it and try to solve it.

wesmorris said:
When you encounter "black guy x" thinking "he's probably a rapist" is in error.

Well, the same is true when one encounters a pit bull dog or a rattlesnake, too ....but that doesn't mean that you should let down your guard and pretend that the possibility of attack doesn't exist!

But we do the same things with white people ....when you see a white guy that's muscular, unkempt, scraggly, dirty hair, unshaven, dirty, smelly, with tatoos all over his arms, (or any other thing that scares us!) we should be wary!! Now is that racism??? No, it's the proper application of statistics! The stats COULD be wrong, but should you take the chance?

Baron Max
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What do you mean by this BM?
"That's just a good example of what you call "stereotyping" ....not us, YOU!"

I was asking who you think "us" is and who "you" is that's all?
Let me get this straight, Sniffy ...this thread has 111 replies by various people who've contributed to the topic. You've also posted several comments. But in all that time and in all of those posts, you haven't figured out what we're all talking about? ...and you've replied to several of the posts even tho' you didn't have any idea what the rest of us were discussing? How interesting.

Baron Max
ReighnStorm said:
The case of a 13-year-old African-American girl provides the
most recent example. The incident occurred in Bethalto, a
small, predominantly White town in southeastern Illinois.
The child was sexually assaulted not once, but twice, by
three White males -- one 16 years of age, the others in
their early 20s. Though the police were contacted
immediately, the investigation was tardy and the identified
men were never arrested - on lived directly behind the young
girl's home. A predominantly White grand jury investigation
heard the testimony of several witnesses including the child
and a woman who chased the men away from the girl with a
baseball bat. The grand jury chose not to indict the men for
lack of physical evidence and because their testimony was
corroborated by witnesses other than the victim.
One wonders how the Bethalto case scenario would have
unfolded had the victim been White and middle class, and two
of the alleged rapists adult Black men?

16% of the crimes are simple crimes and 5.9% is robbery (theft) out of 29% in which some is false arrest!http://www.albany.edu/sourcebook/pdf/t34.pdf


You were saying? :bugeye:
You point out ONE case?
And you don't even have a news article to prove it to be true?

And yes, everyone's suspicions about rape are correct: Every year there are about 15,000 black-on-white rapes but fewer than 900 white-on-black rapes. There are more than 3,000 gang rapes of whites by blacks—but white-on-black gang rapes are so rare they do not even show up in the statistics.

It would be VERY easy for me to bring you at LEAST 10 news articles of black men raping whites that just happened in the last couple of weeks.
J>B.......oh yes ...i remember now. still here, largin it up for te white side hey?

let me arsk you sumthin

if it wasn't for black people, would you STILL believe the sun shon outta your precious white arse?
Duendy, these personal attacks of yours are growing tiresome ....can't you go somewhere else to attack posters instead of their posts? Please?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Duendy, these personal attacks of yours are growing tiresome ....can't you go somewhere else to attack posters instead of their posts? Please?

Baron Max
oh,you mean to leav you and co in peace to carry on your black propaganda.....you'd love that wouldn't you?
"Let me get this straight, Sniffy ...this thread has 111 replies by various people who've contributed to the topic. You've also posted several comments. But in all that time and in all of those posts, you haven't figured out what we're all talking about? ...and you've replied to several of the posts even tho' you didn't have any idea what the rest of us were discussing? How interesting."

No Baron I'm just trying to get to the bottom of why you think I'm not one of 'us'. Your use of 'us' and 'you' is rather telling I think. Looks to me like enforced segregation.

And if you look back at my posts I think I've made more than just a few comments. I've contributed to the discussion but because my replies don't fit neatly into your world view they are dismissed. Well that is rather typical of 'you people'.
nameless said:
I personally have never found any person, living or dead, who did not have the raw ingredients of a drooling, red-eyed, knuckle dragging racist in his very 'chemistry'.

What do you think?


i see an overly simplistic and frankly, utterly moronic attempt to categorize the "fear of the other" as racism

it is obvious you have no idea what the definition of racism is
i suggest a dictionary
then antropology 101
sniffy said:
Your use of 'us' and 'you' is rather telling I think. Looks to me like enforced segregation.

It's very difficult to converse in "normal" language without the use of "we" and "us", etc ....usually people understand what's meant by the context and seldom bring up the issue ....unless it's to derail the discussion.

And I've stated several times, over and over, that I do NOT believe in FORCED anything! I keep wondering why blacks, who claim that the nation is so racist against them, aren't in favor of segragation, too?! If whites are so racist, why do the blacks even want to live among whites, let alone deal with them? And more to the point, why would they want whites to be FORCED to deal with blacks???

sniffy said:
I've contributed to the discussion but because my replies don't fit neatly into your world view they are dismissed.

You have contributed and I appreciate it. But I surely haven't dismissed anything that's been posted here that contains any degree of intelligent discourse. I've given a lot of thought to the posts, and none of my posts have been rabid, emotional outbursts. I've tried to stay on topic and I've tried to answer or respond to every reply that's been posted.

I think that world history (as well as present world events) is indicative of the desire of peoples everywhere to live with their own kind, with their own cultures, their own religions. No where that I know of, where forced integration is the norm, has ever succeeded ......and yet people continue to try and people continue to proclaim its worth/value. How can people continue to see value in forced integration, if its failed every single time?

Baron Max