A Theory of Racism

alright b max....it seems to me that 'YOU' whites....not all, but theones who want segregation seem to want you cake and eat it too.

where would 'you' have been without your vile evil nasty inhuman exploitation of blacks --as in SLAVERY--which made 'you' rich?......

why then didn't 'you' say, example:

NO. i reeally feel we should do te dirty sewaty back breaking killing work in the hot sun--etc, ourselves, cause black and white pople must live separately?
Please don't try to tell me that some of your posts have not been 'emotional'.
A reminder:
The thread: Theory of racism
Let me reiterate my arguments for you. My interpretation of racism as defined by the Oxford English Dictionary: the belief that people have intrinsic superiority/inferiority because of their race/colour.
Racism therefore is not a theory but a social construct. On the issue of segregation I do not believe that this will solve issues of crime because 'race' is not the only factor that contributes to crime.

If you want to discuss segregation as a solution to social ills please start another thread on that subject and i will happily debate you on it.
Over and out.
You point out ONE case?
And you don't even have a news article to prove it to be true?
thought I posted it...here you go....


by J.B.
And yes, everyone's suspicions about rape are correct: Every year there are about 15,000 black-on-white rapes but fewer than 900 white-on-black rapes. There are more than 3,000 gang rapes of whites by blacks—but white-on-black gang rapes are so rare they do not even show up in the statistics.
Proof??? :bugeye:
Just as I thought NO NEWS ARTICLE.
Doesn't mean that it's not true J.B. :bugeye:
There are more lies in the news media than truth anyway!
And by the way, your articles are ridiculous....again it's showing how you come up with arrest and no conviction yet. It just shows how far white (some) people will go to get our eyes off of you.
Not happening here bro! :eek:
According to the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports, in 2002 about 49% of murder victims were white, 49% were black, and 3% were Asians, Pacific Islander, and Native Americans.
Blacks experienced burglary and motor vehicle theft and property theft at rates higher than whites.
Blacks were more likely than whites to be victimized by a carjacking (6 versus 2 per 10,000 respectively) 1992-96.
Blacks experienced burglary and motor vehicle theft and property theft at rates higher than whites.

Bureau of Justice Department :rolleyes:
Anything else J.B?
ReighnStorm said:
According to the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports, in 2002 about 49% of murder victims were white, 49% were black, and 3% were Asians, Pacific Islander, and Native Americans.
Blacks experienced burglary and motor vehicle theft and property theft at rates higher than whites.
Blacks were more likely than whites to be victimized by a carjacking (6 versus 2 per 10,000 respectively) 1992-96.
Blacks experienced burglary and motor vehicle theft and property theft at rates higher than whites.

Bureau of Justice Department :rolleyes:
Anything else J.B?
These facts are more proof of how dangerous black people are.

Of course blacks are the victims of crime at very high rates, most black people live, work and are around other black people.

More black people = More crime.

Look at all that crime, and only 12% of the population is black.
ReighnStorm said:
This is all talk J.B., not substantial proof (hand in cookie jar) not put evidence in cookie jar and blame it on black folk! :bugeye:
You have no news article.

And, the story is over 5 years old, thats all you could find on a crime where a white person did attack a black person. I rest my case.

Blacks arrested more
for 'hate crimes'
FBI report confirms higher rate than whites for racial attacks


By Jon Dougherty
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

Although "hate-crime" legislation has been championed by minority groups in hopes it would discourage racially motivated crime, a recently released FBI crime report reveals that a higher percentage of blacks than whites are charged with race-biased "hate crimes."

The FBI's "Hate Crime Statistics" for 1999 show that 2,030 whites were arrested that year for "hate crimes" against blacks, compared to 524 blacks who were arrested and charged with a "hate crime" against whites.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, blacks make up 12.8 percent of the population -- or about 35.4 million of the country's 280 million people -- so, given the arrest rate versus population percentage, the data indicates that blacks are one-and-a-half times more likely to be arrested for a "hate crime" than whites.
J.B said:
These facts are more proof of how dangerous black people are.

Of course blacks are the victims of crime at very high rates, most black people live, work and are around other black people.

More black people = More crime.

Look at all that crime, and only 12% of the population is black.
You haven't proved that it's because they're black.
the story is over 5 years old, thats all you could find on a crime where a white person did attack a black person. I rest my case.
You didn't rest your case. You're trying to blind people and it wont work. I found one case because I looked for one case. It isn't worth my time to prove that blacks create more crime than whites do. It's true! But that doesn't dismiss white crime. Also you're missing one real fact in this. The report has a discrepancy it the fact that the population base is unfounded. There are white europeans, chinese, jew,russian,german,arab and most of all mixed people that they are in fact included in the white population! How can you determine who belongs in the race category seeing as black americans are from america unlike most of the previously stated people?

by J.B
the data indicates that blacks are one-and-a-half times more likely to be arrested for a "hate crime" than whites.
Again no proof of guilt as said before. Considering where blacks in this country come from and what whites did to them past and present, should hate crime be different? :confused:

Black victims are greatly over represented in homicides involving drugs. Compared with the overall involvement of blacks as victims, blacks are less often the victims of sex-related homicides, workplace killings, and homicide by poison.

Race patterns among offenders are similar to those among victims.
Lets see: Most murders are intraracial

From 1976 to 2002 --
86% of white victims were killed by whites
94% of black victims were killed by blacks

all homicides white - 51%
blacks 46.8% give or take.
Other 2% And yes we know.
Now half of the murder victims are white right? And from what it states "86% of white victims were killed by whites". Explain how you blame blacks for this.

Blacks: Felony murder, drug related (gang related) murder. You take drugs off the streets and give poor blacks better education so they can get jobs and you do away with most black murders and 1/2 robbery (charged), simple crime. Now what do we do with the rest of the murders committed by whites who commit alot ! of crimes in the U S.

Intimate, family (sad), infanticide, eldercide, sex related, arson, multiple victims, poison, workplace murders, sex related murders.
What do we do with this?

No offense...but this....from a person/people who murdered someone true, honest, faithful and kind.....this from a group of people who in some ways deserve to be hated (you know the story)....but you hate blacks for no reason at all. Despite our past....you have the nerve to hate us! Why?
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spidergoat said:
You haven't proved that it's because they're black.
I don't think it is because their skin color is black.

I have provided much proof that on the average people who skin color is black have much lower IQ levels http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=black+IQ&btnG=Google+Search then ANY other groups of people.

I also have provided much proof that on the average people who skin color is black have much higher testosterone levels http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=blacks+and+testosterone&btnG=Google+Search then ANY other groups of people.

Low IQ + High testosterone = Violent crime and Unemployment

Check out the TWO Google searchs I have done for you.
ReighnStorm said:

Race patterns among offenders are similar to those among victims.
Lets see: Most murders are intraracial

From 1976 to 2002 --
86% of white victims were killed by whites
94% of black victims were killed by blacks

all homicides white - 51%
blacks 46.8% give or take.
Other 2% And yes we know.
Now half of the murder victims are white right? And from what it states "86% of white victims were killed by whites". Explain how you blame blacks for this.
The stats you post provide proof just of how violent blacks really are. Blacks are only 12% of the U.S population, but commit 47% of all murders in the U.S.

Did you notice that the government dose not have hispanics listed as their own group in crime stats?

Thats because when hispanics commit a crime it is counted as white.
by J.B
I have provided much proof that on the average people who skin color is black have much lower IQ levels than ANY other groups of people.
What you've done is proven that you're a racist, discriminating liar who is a follower! :bugeye:

I also have provided much proof that on the average people who skin color is black have much higher testosterone levels then ANY other groups of people.
This is true.
Testosterone is the androgenic hormone primarily responsible for normal growth and development of male sex and reproductive organs, including the penis, testicles, scrotum, prostate, and seminal vesicles. It facilitates the development of secondary male sex characteristics such as musculature, bone mass, fat distribution, hair patterns, laryngeal enlargement, and vocal chord thickening. Additionally, normal testosterone levels maintain energy level, healthy mood, fertility, and sexual desire.
During puberty, testosterone levels are at their lifetime peak. They begin to decline around the age of 23.
Doesn't have anything to do with violence. If it did then what's your peoples (some) excuse for violence?

Black/white IQ gap in major IQ tests (1991)
Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices
7 points
Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children 7 pts
Stanford-Binet IV (two separate studies) 10
It is well-known that matching blacks and whites for socioeconomic status will see a large reduction in the IQ gap.
Among scientists, it has been common knowledge that both black and white IQs have been rising over the decades, with black IQs converging upwards towards whites. This fits nicely with America's rising standard of living, which has been rising somewhat faster for blacks, thanks to the Civil Rights movement and other anti-poverty measures.
Inner city schools are disproportionately filled with poor black children, but relatively richer whites are bussed into their schools, where they take the same IQ tests. Furthermore, an IQ test given to a broad region like a city would include inner-city black children and suburban white children. Both study samples would yield unnaturally large IQ gaps.

by J.B
Low IQ + High testosterone = Violent crime and Unemployment
This proves that being forced into slavery,having no education (not allowed to learn written english or any basic knowledge), being forced to learn a new language, being beaten, lynched, false arrest, raped, torn away from your family, being forced into projects, no freedom..... ALL LESS THAN A HUNDRED YEARS AGO! I might add....in America is why it may be somewhat low. To be accurate in any reporting you would have to test everyone in a study for statistics to be correct. Not a few people in one study.

Check out the TWO Google searchs I have done for you. :eek:
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QUOTE by J.BThe stats you post provide proof just of how violent blacks really are. Blacks are only 12% of the U.S population, but commit 47% of all murders in the U.S.
94% of the time against each other!
this is what you get from all of that. About blacks being accused of 46% of violence but nothing about your kind. You are living with blinders on J.B and you just proved it and your ignorance. I really don't like to call names FB oops I mean J.B but you're definately a sad individual. :(
Reighn, why do you continue to make excuses for the violence committed by blacks? I see that as nothing more than encouragement for them to continue to do the same. Why make excuses for it?

It's a terrible situation, for blacks as well as whites, and something should be done about it, but making excuses or trying to hide those statistics is surely the wrong thing to do.

Baron Max
QUOTE by Baron Max
Reighn, why do you continue to make excuses for the violence committed by blacks? I see that as nothing more than encouragement for them to continue to do the same. Why make excuses for it?
It's a terrible situation, for blacks as well as whites, and something should be done about it, but making excuses or trying to hide those statistics is surely the wrong thing to do.
Once again, Baron Max.....these are reasons not excuses. JB is blaming IQ and testosterone on black violence and disregards the true reasons just like you're doing. You may see nothing more than encouragement, but I see rage! I am trying to fix it. First by making sure that people like you and the jesus killer knows the true reasons behind the life of blacks and their violence. You keep asking the question but you don't want to accept the answers....as true as they are! I will not take black crime over white crime or any other races crime. All crime needs to come to an end! :mad: The statistics were put right in your face and everyones face to see. I don't hide anything like JB and you with your blinders on!

Black like rain.
ReighnStorm said:
I will not take black crime over white crime or any other races crime.

Well, then there's not much more to say, is there? If you can't or won't recognize the difference, then ....what?... there isn't a difference??

ReighnStorm said:
First by making sure that people like you and the jesus killer knows the true reasons behind the life of blacks and their violence.

Yep, anyone can justify anything in this day and time, can't they. I mean, there are people who will admantly justify the acts of Muslim/Arab suicide bombers killing little children accepting candy from a few kind adults. Yeah, Reighn, it's nothing but encouragement to do more of the same. You call it "reasons", I call it "excuses", but in the end, it's the same thing, isn't it ......encouragement.

Baron Max