A Theory of Racism

Hahahahah... So Rich!
Do you mean that Germany returned what they had stolen from them? Sweden? Spain? ....Hahahaha.. Yes, I have heard Jewish people discuss persecution, usually among themselves. Not demanding reparations or screaming on the evening news. A similar situation would be demanding reparations from Egypt for when they were (allegedly, granted) slaves to the Pharoah. Just my experience. No broad brushes here.. Just MY experience...
Israel? A reparation? Hahahahah.. yes, you ARE rich! Thanx for the laugh!
hey clever people anyone ever notice how most Jews have white skin and can fit right into white society and that black people have dark skin which makes them stand out

at the base of all hatred is fear; fear of difference. It is easy to promote hate when you emphasise what is different about people - different skin colour, different religion, different accent. NOT LIKE US!
Gee, with such chamelion-like abilities, how come it didn't work for them last century in Germany? Couldn't get 'white' enough? Perhaps it was just Adolf Darwin weeding out those Jews that had poor chamelion abilities? Perhaps the local KKK and Aryan nation skinheads have Jew-dar? Like 'gay_dar'? 'Nuf said.
so nameless you are saying that Jews face persecution too I agree with you.
The German Jews were 'shopped' by their own their neighbours whose hatred and ignorance was whipped up by a base nazi government who first emphasised difference, then worked on people's petty jealousies - then they engaged in a sustained campaign to blame Jews for the ills that Germany faced at the time. Then they attributed criminal, animal like characteristics to Jewish people in order to debase them further in the eyes of the people. The rest as they say is history.

Do you see any parallels here with the comments posted on this forum about PEOPLE who are black? Criminal, lazy, low IQs, breed machines. The vehemence is palpable and quite frightening and racist!

Lets all carry on hating and see where it gets us.
Right where we are today.
Well, Sniffy, if there had NOT been such "integration" of peoples, then none of that would have happened!!! In fact, none of any of the "racial and/or cultural" conflicts in history would have happened.

Genghis Khan wasn't a racist, he just killed everyone that he found in his path ...regardless of race, sex or national origin! He's my hero!

Segragation is NOT about hating, Sniffy, but about maintaining ones own "tribe" or "clan" or "whatever" as a cohesive, like-minded group. A segragated group doesn't have to hate another to not want them mingling in their group.

You're taking things to extremes in an attempt to make your point, but it's not working with me. Try another approach, huh? And it might be nice to refrain from using the word "hate" in every post you make. This is a discussion, not an accusation.

Baron Max
SNIFFY said:
Do you see any parallels here with the comments posted on this forum about PEOPLE who are black? Criminal, lazy, low IQs, breed machines. The vehemence is palpable and quite frightening and racist!
Of course, of course. History is replete with horrors and genocides for many peoples... No group more 'important' than the next. Even NOW in the present, the killing and demonization continues!
Whats done is done...
The only thing one can do to 'make it any better', NOW, is to deliberately 'heal' one's own 'heart'!
The answers lie at 'home'.
We teach our children by our words and behavior.
The 'racists' certainly do!
What do OUR kids learn from us??
Starting at 'home' is great and the way to go but our children eventually have to go out into society. How many people casn honestly say they don't pass on their prejudices?
What if your kid is the one who ends up dead with an axe through his head because someone didn't like the colour of his skin (happened here just one month ago)
no matter how it's dressed up racism (along with other forms of prejudice) is life-threatening to a whole lot of people perpetuating it is not a 'theory' it's and it's not freedom of speech
but that's just my opinion
and just to needle the Baron I'll say the word "hate" one more time because alongside fear of other, it is where all the "horrors and genocides" stem from.
Hey Sniff.. There is no magic solution that will 'perfect' everyone.. As far as I can see, the only thing that can be done is 'self work' and teaching our kids. My son (one of them) complains that he 'has to' carve out the swastikkkas that other people carve into the park benches, he often stands up and challenges racist remarks from his friends and acquaintences.. He has 'chosen' where to stand...
Yes, its a nasty world out there.. but, if not 'me', then who? If not NOW, then when?
One can only attempt to live honestly according to one's own values. Despite what those around us are doing!

Perhaps my children will be 'axed', what does that have to do with anything? No one lives forever! At least live honestly and honorably, eh?

F.W. Robertson said, (something to the effect of..),
"Say what you know to be true,
do what you know to be right,
and leave with faith and patience the 'consequenses' to God."
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sniffy said:
and just to needle the Baron I'll say the word "hate" one more time because alongside fear of others, it is where all the "horrors and genocides" stem from.

Yeah, and you keep trying to force unlike/different peoples together!!! ...when you know full well what will happen! Why??? Keep the fuckers separate and you'll eliminate a great deal of the difficulties that you've so eloquently described in your posts.

sniffy said:
Starting at 'home' is great and the way to go....

Well, yes ....but "starting at home" also includes racists and "culturists", too. So how do you stop THEM from passing on the "wrong" outlook? Shoot 'em all as they enter grade school buildings? I mean, that would probably work, but you seem like such a liberal, bleeding-heart, doo-gooder that such solutions might be a bit difficult for you, huh? ;=)

sniffy said:
What if your kid is the one who ends up dead with an axe through his head because someone didn't like the colour of his skin.

Life is a bitch, ain't it? But if that happened to my kid, I'd get my .44 Magnum and ....? See? And I'd start a major racial conflict with revenge as the sole purpose. But if the two colors were separate, the kid would never have been killed by anyone with different skin color, huh? Perfect solution, huh?

sniffy said:
no matter how it's dressed up racism (along with other forms of prejudice) is life-threatening to a whole lot of people...

No, the forced integration is what started it all! If the people had been kept separate, you'd still have the innate fear/hate/prejudice, but nothing would come of it. People can hate/fear blacks all they want, but if there ain't no black around, no one gets hurt. Pretty neat, huh? Segragation is the only thing that will save this planet from continual racial/cultural/religious war and conflict.

Baron Max
So are you saying that if there are no black people there will be no crime? In your segregated utopia there will be no crime? Well who is sounding like a liberal bleeding-heart do gooder now?

And nameless we've been leaving the 'consequences' to god for far too long. How smug and convenient and lazy. I think it is time to take responsibility for our own actions and collectively for the consequences of others who perpetuate hate (oops).
Tough love isn't 'liberal' (wooly american political term) or 'do goody'. It's necessary.
No, the forced integration is what started it all! If the people had been kept separate, you'd still have the innate fear/hate/prejudice, but nothing would come of it. People can hate/fear blacks all they want, but if there ain't no black around, no one gets hurt. Pretty neat, huh? Segragation is the only thing that will save this planet from continual racial/cultural/religious war and conflict.

Still makes you look like a fucking pussy, hmm?
Hide in your massive suburbs with your so called "whites". Tainted mutts who along the line dug their cousins a wee bit too mucho. Huyck huyck!

I'm for preserving races, but not for texan twit communes. I saw a TV-show once where there were a couple, with a child - black dude, white woman and a mutt. And they were mormons. That’s more appealing than a community plagued with dystrophy: A society of twats and cowards seeing themselves as rational. Or then just a bunch of content pussies, all the same. This a community you suggest should emerge?
A community based solely on aesthetics.

I personally advocate the aesthetics, but not over the mental. For example, if it makes me a racist to find Negro’s and gooks to be unequivocally below the scale that permits, for example, sexual interactions - then so be it. Still, I’d rather take the doctor from Sudan going "here’s your Zopiclone" than the exchange student from Alabama going "Wehres the Mcdonads?".

Your kind of quarrelling inbreeds make me weep. Mainly because of things like:

" but if there ain't no black around, no one gets hurt"

You're so goddamned boring, and inferiour. You should follow your eugenic convictions and run balls first into a castration clinic.
sniffy said:
...And nameless we've been leaving the 'consequences' to god for far too long. How smug and convenient and lazy. I think it is time to take responsibility for our own actions and collectively for the consequences of others who perpetuate hate (oops).
Tough love isn't 'liberal' (wooly american political term) or 'do goody'. It's necessary.
Sniffy, I think that you misunderstand my reason for the quote. I was using the quote to illustrate doing what we feel is 'right' (whatever) without concerning yourself over whether anyone else agrees or approves. Following one's internal 'authority'.

I own my words and behavior, they are my responsibility (more or less, depending upon perspective).
Are you suggesting that I aught to somehow take responsibility, also, for the horrors perpetuated by the ignorant, violent, virus-like masses of humanity?? There have often been times that I have been ashamed to identify with 'humanity'! Yes, egoic, but true nonetheless. Where's the 'free will' thread?

Uh, wait a moment, "and collectively for the consequences of others who perpetuate hate", WTF, are you talking about reparations?? Are you?? Would you seriously be willing to go down that hole???

And what is your 'tough love' comment referrencing?
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Perfect said:
Hide in your massive suburbs with your so called "whites".

And that's exactly what's been happening since the civil war.

The blacks move into the city ...then the conflicts begin and crime rate rises ...the whites then build and move away from the blacks. Then the blacks begin to encroach on the white communities again .....then the conflicts begin and the crime rate rises ....the whites then build and move away from the blacks.
Then the blacks begin to encroach on the white communities again .....then the conflicts begin and the crime rate rises ....the whites then build and move away from the blacks.
Then the blacks begin to encroach on the white communities again .....then the conflicts begin and the crime rate rises ....the whites then build and move away from the blacks. .......

What truly amazes me is that so few of you can see all of that!? It's been happening all thru the history of the USA and it's still happening, yet you refuse to see it, to acknowledge it. Why? How? Is it just your idealism clouding your good judgement?

Baron Max
Stupid fucking white trash and their problems do not deserve my good judgment, so run to another suburb.

Perhaps the blacks in my surroundings are deprived and lacking that national spirit which enforces pride and animosity..

..basically, cross whitey and suffer.

Though, conflict and crime are not as bad as inbred texan imbeciles.
Oh I keep forgetting that there is no world outside the USA and that no white person ever commits a crime until sullied by black people. Well look at Russia not too many black people there (cos they keep being murdered as they step off the plane) but funnily enough the crime rates, particularly violent crime, are through the roof. Why not move there Baron?

Nameless: reparations? I aint never even mentioned that word cos it dont figure on my radar. It is amazing however how healing the word "sorry" can be. But for me not an important issue.

Collective responsibility to me means not shutting the f up when sum dikko dude makes some stupid arse comments that leads to some other dikko dude killin someone cos hey wouldnt that just be a laugh and anyway they aint human/natural/like us. Collective responsibility means standing up and saying that's wrong and doing something about it.

And I will always live in fear that the poor kid that ends with the axe in the head might one day be mine!!!!!!!!!! Sure people die all the bleeding time but better from natural causes n'est pas?

Don't worry my house is in order. I'm trying (not always achieving) to do the 'right thing' but some of the crap that I read here incenses me because it can have such real and dire consequences. And I feel that if you have the right to say it; I have the right to say "No".
Tough love? This is it.
I figured that sooner or later, the personal attacks would begin. It seems to be the last resort of those who have no logical, reasoned argument remaining.

Baron Max
QUOTE by Baron Max
The blacks move into the city ...then the conflicts begin and crime rate rises ...the whites then build and move away from the blacks. Then the blacks begin to encroach on the white communities again .....then the conflicts begin and the crime rate rises ....the whites then build and move away from the blacks. What truly amazes me is that so few of you can see all of that!?

First off Baron Max (and you already know this), Black people only make up 12% of this population! You out number us by many people. Secondly, the only white people blacks are invading, as you say, are other poor people because until very recently people such as yourself would never let a black person live (peacefully) in your so called neighborhood! I'm more and more amazed at your attempt to justify your prejudice. Crime is a problem in all societies not simply because color of skin. There are many circumstances (prejudices) that involves crime!
sniffy said:
Nameless: reparations? I aint never even mentioned that word cos it dont figure on my radar. It is amazing however how healing the word "sorry" can be. But for me not an important issue.
Sniffy, if I have somehow inadvertently caused you harm, I apologize!
Feel better?

Collective responsibility means standing up and saying that's wrong and doing something about it.

Again, I don't know about this 'collective' stuff... am I the Borg?
BUT, you may rest in the knowledge that both I and my children DO stand for what we believe to be 'right'. That means in conversations, in public, we DO stand and attempt to 'educate and defuse' racist behavior. We live that which we feel is 'right', practice what we preach.
Someday, they will teach their children also. There is a 'fractal-like' propagation going on. Not nearly enough to cancel out it's polar opposite, but, one still lives 'authentically' nontheless...

Just like the racists do. Hahahahaha...

And I will always live in fear that the poor kid that ends with the axe in the head might one day be mine!!!!!!!!!! Sure people die all the bleeding time but better from natural causes n'est pas?

People die. Everyone. Axes, heart attacks, train wrecks, AIDS, the how doesn't seem to be as important as 'that' we die.
It must be horrible to live in fear. <shudders>
It must 'color' everything in your life. Fear is such a strong emotion.

And I feel that if you have the right to say it; I have the right to say "No".
Tough love? This is it.

Please, say what you find to be 'true'. I respect that.. (for what its worth).
Newes flash:
hey baron hates personal attacks
"inbred Texan" why that's just mean
"You're so goddamned boring, and inferiour" oops there goes another personal attack but at least I can spell inferior
"you seem like such a liberal, bleeding-heart, doo-gooder" ow you're hurting the baron
"lazy, tax evading, looting ......" now you're really getting personal
"black ***!!$%$" ad nauseum
your own medicine it don't taste so good does it?
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You may write me down in history
With your bitter twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I'll rise.
