Zero Tolerance Teasing Policies

First off i don't know about your degrees (our law is just murder or manslaughter)

Second is asult illegle? Sexuall Harasment? Battery? (think that one is just civil)

Thes acts ARE illegle and so is bulling in the work place and now it is in schools to. THANK GOD that the goverment can get ONE thing right
So may we could just ask Osama bin Laden to stop teasing the US, and it will all get better.

That would fall under the "learn Judo and beat the bloody hell out of 'em!" category.
Try this one

If you were constantly made fun of, teased and called names, what would you do? Fight back? Smile and shrug it off? Fourteen year old Hamid Nastoh had trouble doing that. His brother Abdullah says Hamid "just took it". In the five page letter he left on his chest of drawers, he said, "Inside I cry".

According to his monther, Nasima, Hamid was teased because he was a good student, because he wore glasses, because he was "a geek". He had many friends – most of them girls – who said that he was "a nice guy to be around", "a sweetie". His friends and family suggest that it was because he was quiet and tended to have close friendships with girls that he was labeled gay and teased and bullied by a group of students in the Surrey BC school he attended.

On Saturday March 11th Hamid Nastoh couldn’t take it any more. He left a note on his dresser, went to the Pattullo Bridge near by and jumped off. The police found his body resting against a log in the Fraser River at 1 am.

Is this the sociaty we want?
Crappy as it is to say it, people suck, and life is painful because of that. I would like to see teachers in primary school dishing out one week suspensions for bullies, each and every time they see a bully bullying. I would also like people to get into their heads the idea that they can change their world if they only have the balls to do it. If someone bullies you, punch them in the nose. Kick them in the nuts. Grab the bastard's ear and rip it off. Even if the bully has ten friends backing him up, sooner or later you're going to hurt him and he may stop. Or maybe you'll just keep collecting injuries. But that's better than accepting it and living with it.

One thing I never understood about bullies in school. They only ever bully you when they have several friends backing them up, when they clearly outnumber you. In their attempts to appear big and brave and tough, they are clearly admitting to the world that they are too scared of you to face you on equal terms. By relying on accomplices, they admit their cowardice.

As for me... A few people tried to bully me a few times, but I hit them. One guy I got in a headlock and banged his head against a brick wall. Another I got in a headlock and punched him for a while. Another guy, I trashed his expensive racing bicycle. Yet another guy I just punched really hard, and after that we became not friends but at least we never bothered each other again.

I hate to say it, but while people suck, violence is a damn useful tool. Maybe it won't be necessary if our species ever gets over such dumb things. But for now it is.

And yes, I do realise that some people are simply too afraid to use violence in defence.
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Clocks and watches are evil. I try not to pay much attention to time. Wine, however, is one of the best things we humans have ever done.
I have to go out to get some coke first (need it for my JB)

By the way under the leale difintion
asult is only the "threat" of doing something and that could just be of blowing smoke in someones face
The answer is to gain 50lbs, shave your head and get sozzled in the afternoon ?


Oh and Dr In my history as a Gay slut I had sexual encounters with over 1000 people and counting.
I don't think there's much you have to teach me :D
Its not really the LAWS but the admistration that needed changing and it slowly IS being changed
explane what you mean because i don't understand.

What i mean is that complaints are being taken more seriously by teachers, employers and the police
Originally posted by Asguard
actully i would rather see philosophy made an important part (and yes stupidity SHOULD be illegle) and science more valued.

"I'm saying that intelligent people who enhance our lives should be rewarded with adolation. Successfully hitting a ball with a stick, or pretending to be someone else really good should not."

I disagree. Someone who has the ability to keep us all entertained is worthwhile, and perhaps EQUALLY so compared to someone who enhances our lives in other ways. The human animal is by nature competitive, and sport is a way for us to rid ourselves of excess agression left over from our "animal" selves, and, therefore, valuable when compared with the alternative.
Perhaps you were inferring that sportspeople (and entertainers in general) should be EQUALLY rewarded for enhancing our otherwise rather boring lives as those who use their intelligence to invent time or effort saving products? If so, I would agree.

Asguard... now now, be fair to stupid people - they have value too, if that value is recognised and cultivated ;)

Your brain should be more important than your money.

"I wouldn't agree with that at all. Capitalism works just fine for me. "

Your brain ALLOWS you to take advantage of the system Evyl, our version of capitalism ensures that. If you have the ability to contribute in some way, then capitalism is the system by which you would be rewarded for that effort.

In a perfect world, brains would be merely a means by which to profit... as would be ANY means by which you could do so. "Unintelligent" people (if you wish to use that term) are usually in possession of some skill by which they have the means of survival. A welder, for example, has something to contribute.. as does the manager who organises the skill of the welder to build something lasting from which all can benefit. Without the welder, the manager is nothing... and without the manager, the welder's contribution is small, localised. Capitalism is the system by which both can profit, and, in a perfect world, profit equally, by means of the contribution of lasting benefit to ALL.
Wealth should be a by-product of overall value, not clever marketing and the abuse of others' skills.

At the same time this will never happen while the problems that exist in this world are there.

"The odds of people becoming docile and non-confrontational are a lot more impossible."

"Impossible" is a defeatist term evyl... I prefer the term "Improbable", even if its only slightly less pessimistic. I, myself, have great hopes for humankind. In time, perhaps the odds might change a little yes?

Example if all the scientest get killed because they are not tanks (and most ARN'T) there will BE no world like you descibe.

"It was Wehrner VonBraun that made rockets, not Adoph Hitler."

And if Hitler had been a little more enlightened, he would have made better use of Von Braun than what WAS made of him, and others like him. Again, it is the downfall of our current sytem that rewards for excellence are misallocated. A proper use made of Von Braun would have meant Germany being the first on the moon in about 1965 rather than the USA in 1969.

I would love to have been able to defend myself but then also I could have turned into the bullie then because i wanted power so much then (cause i had so little).

"So we should punish everyone for one person's lack of self discipline?"

I think Asguard here may have meant something along the lines of "Power corrupts... and absolute power corrupts absolutely".
It is an unfortunate fact of life that someone who has been, however temporarily, a "minority" exhibits a far greater understanding of the trials faced by such people than someone who has not. In later life, this can translate and develop into a greater understanding of people in general, and by extension the world and its problems. A wide experience of life leads to a wider understanding of life in general, and relief that ones experiences, however painful, have led, hopefully, to wisdom rather than bitterness.

Still the way we are going nither of us will have to worrie about perfect worlds because the world bullies are going to kill us all.

"So may we could just ask Osama bin Laden to stop teasing the US, and it will all get better"

Excuse my "blindness", but I dont see a reference to one side or the other in this statement?
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I'm sorry, I'm incredibly drunk and completely forgot to change my nick. I was supposed to.. but hell, you'd all have picked me for my writing style at some stage anyway.
ah well... I'll stick with Barney....damn life is fun :)

I really don't think you wanna compare notes with me on this topic.... and besides, I think my girlfriend would get a little pissed if I was looking for more action.


Well, you're close... I got a big weiner for the girlies...


Oh and Dr In my history as a Gay slut I had sexual encounters with over 1000 people and counting.
I don't think there's much you have to teach me


You will also notice I said People not men.

And finally, why should I need to brag to you?

Surely to brag is to try and ellicit a feeling of superiority over the person you are addressing.

By your own admission I'm addressing an overweight, aggresive, alcohol abusing skinhead, from Nebraska.

If you live by the sword you die by the sword.
The pen, is mightier than the sword
Nuff said.
I don't think Dr Evyl said anything about abusing alcohol. In fact I think he quite likes it.

Yes i shouldn't have said that about stupidity, sorry

Did anyone notice that it was HITLER in charge NOT Wehrner VonBraun. He had more brains but not the power. Just a thought.

Thank you Barny, yes "Power corrupts... and absolute power corrupts absolutely" was EXATLY what i was getting at. Especially when you start with the NEED for power which is one of the results of bulling. Bitterness and desire for power, well for a long time anyway eventually you start to give into it and thats the point when despair sets in and eventually you can become suicidle. That was the patten i followed anyway.

Temp_illusion's cousin never had the chance. It was one fight he fell and hit his head and died a little while latter.

Yes i DIDN'T mean one side or the other. I was refering to ALL of them
Ooh touch touchy :rolleyes:

Ok I admit I was a little OTT (I'd been drinking in the afternoon :D) But what is this fair share stuff?

Could someone define exactly what constitutes a fair share in the terms discussed?
And make it seem less like bragging for gods sake.:rolleyes:

Dr may you enjoy your superiority, your need seems greater than mine, otherwise you'd never bother to explain yourself to a mere minion like myself.

I'll just enjoy the fun times to be found here on the boards.

Oh, and in case anyone's wondering...
Pubic lice 22 years ago since then nada
It's not how often ya do it people, it's how safely:D

I wasn't wondering.

Nor was I, but I may as well to the PSA thing....

It's not how often ya do it people, it's how safely

Yes and no. Condoms have a small but real rate of failure, the more you expose yourself, the larger your chances of catching somthing grow.

Sex in this age, and indeed in the past, is a bit like Russian roulette. Using protection decreases your chances of getting shot, but slutting around (and I am the last person on earth to disparage slutting) increases them.

Promiscuity carries dangers, even when one is 'safe' about it.

Damn, that really sucks. :(