Zero Tolerance Teasing Policies

Asguard: Yeah, I see your point. I really don't know much about this.


I'm not! bbcboy and wet1 are!

Can they think of her in a - right, sorry. :D

Now we have to say nice things about Adam:

Adam is nice. He has the right balance of skepticism and openmindedness.
Actually Asguard,

I wasn't really thinking of your girlfriend naked so much as I was thinking you can get cold that way. Hence the comment. What would I think? I can't say I know her so anything in that line would be meaningless. No insult was intended by the comment though I can see it could be taken that way.

Don't worrie I was joking:D

Im not that thin skined

I forgot to put a :D beside it so you would know to take it that way. Will corect now
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Yes my thread was a bit derotory even though I was more refering to the intellegence of the posters than YOU. Yes i like THIS board. I like the thought put into the responces. I did have a problem with some of the posts in the religious forum because i like being able to learn about other peoples religious views and its hard with all the insulting. I have a simalar problem with YOUR board and i haven't been back in a while BECAUSE i don't like that. The way you lock a thread when you don't like the coments in it is strange. If you read some of the longer threads you will see that most of them tend to change topics a few times. There really is nothing wrong with saying how much i love my GF and that post was aimed at you and the other two who come HERE to because you knew what i was talking about. All i seem to be able to find on your site was abuse for people i don't like that. So i posted a thread that said i DIDN'T like your board and how much i DID like this one. I appoligise

Is STILL think you are insensitive by what you have writen on THIS thread but that is MY opinion
Do you not even read the names of the people you are posting to?

TI is my GF and the girl whose cousin YOU refered to as an aceptable sacrifice to YOUR way of life
As you said the laws are already there. Its just how they are admisted. It was a policy change (especially where you are talking about schools or work place). There are inernational laws about racisim and descrimantion basied on religion, Fedral laws about sex descrimanation and descrimation basied on age. State laws about assult, and battery. It was how they were being applied that was the problem.

Have you ever wondered why the youth suicide rate is so high. I can tell you it has NOTHING to do with corparal punishment being illegle or how little our youth care about other people. It has to do with stress and where dose that stress come from?

Even our Army's elite force, the SAS, has been called down for this. The whole army was stode down for half a day last year so they could all watch an adress by Peter Cosgrove about bulling in the millatary. If its unaceptable in the Milatry why the hell is it aceptable in every day life, or worse schools.

It MUST stop and it WILL stop. That is the message from both sides of politics and for once i agree.

BTW: Spelling is a HUGE problem for me. If YOU can't get over the fact that i can't spell then fine, i will live but it makes you a shallow person.
Originally posted by Xev
Adam is nice.
I hate you. I hate everyone. People suck. I think I'm gonna start a nuclear war and wipe all you weasels from the face of the Earth. :)

He has the right balance of skepticism...
I do? Cool! (Instant believer.)

... and openmindedness.
You're so full of crap. Everyone is. It's all friggin lies, and if you can't see that you're a bloody crackpot. The book I base my life on says otherwise, and if you can't see that you have serious psychological problems.

PS: I'm in the mood to disagree with everyone about everything today. :p
Originally posted by bbcboy
If I got Adam drunk he'd be telling me how wonderful I am

No. When I get drunk, I tend to sit in a corner laughing. That's about it.
I believe Asguard is thinking of 3RAR, the Third Royal Australian Regiment, a commando regiment. The newspapers and tabloid TV shows got hold of a story about "hazing" in the ranks, and barracks justice and such. They turned it into a sensationlistic news event, made a big deal about it, and in response to bollocks public opinion (I say "bollocks public opinion" because for the most part the public simply has no idea about military matters) and resultant pressure from vote-chasing politicians, the army made a big deal about it and put on a show of trying to stamp out such behaviour.
I thought it was the SAS but you could be right adam.

Dr Evyl: at what point dose it become wrong?

I can show you the figures that show youth suicide is skyrocketing out of control if you want (or if you are interested you could just look at the thread i posted them yourself, they are in is suicide a civilised act)

So it dosn't matter how many people die?
I believe Asguard is thinking of 3RAR, the Third Royal Australian Regiment, a commando regiment. The newspapers and tabloid TV shows got hold of a story about "hazing" in the ranks, and barracks justice and such.

I will not believe that the commanders of such units are not aware of what is going on. Any commander worth his salt knows what his troops are doing. If he is not worth his salt then that is a sure ticket to not surviving the next contact with the enemy. Knowing what they are doing and acknowledging it are two different things though. This isolation factor between the troops and the commander allow the commander to say things like "I didn't know they were doing that".

They turned it into a sensationlistic news event, made a big deal about it, and in response to bollocks public opinion (I say "bollocks public opinion" because for the most part the public simply has no idea about military matters) and resultant pressure from vote-chasing politicians, the army made a big deal about it and put on a show of trying to stamp out such behaviour.

As usual, when the s**t hits the fan, heads duck and those not able to duck roll. The military brass can not afford to look bad in front of the politic body from where they get their "monies" and directions. The military could care less about what Joe Blow Public thinks of them unless it suits their purpose. What the political body at large thinks is something else. The behavour will resurface again at a later time, when the winds blow another direction.