Zero Tolerance Teasing Policies

Barney: Do you have any sort of evidence that shows that parents who hit thier children raise less violent children?

Oh no? Pure emotionalism? What a pity.

Bbcboy: Oooh, they have to work, do they? Shouldn't have had children then, should they?

Don't have the smelly beasts if you aren't going to raise them.

*Wordlessly hands Dr Evyl a business card*

We can really soak Adam for that comment!

*Rubs hands in glee and adds*

So, Adam, care to settle now, out of court? :D
Xev, you bring your violent tendenceies anywhere near me and I'll cry. :p

Dr Evyl, you're a grotty grotty person.

Adam's a meanie head! :p

*Raises an eyebrow in the direction of Dr. Evyl*
I'm a meany?! You're the one who threatened, evil woman! :<

I can't belive you said that.

Actually READ some of the posts here and else where and see what you think

(god i hope my GF dosn't read what you wrote then)
"Barney: Do you have any sort of evidence that shows that parents who hit thier children raise less violent children?

Oh no? Pure emotionalism? What a pity. "

And I suppose you have another theory on why today's kids seem a lot more out of control than yesterdays Xev?
If so, please, enlighten me.

I didnt really understand the emotionalism bit... I've mentioned this before, EVERYBODY is ruled by emotion. If you weren't, you wouldnt care what I said and you wouldnt be on this forum, because nothing would mean a damn thing to you. If you're going to hand labels out, check the fit on yourself first.

You appear to think that the absence of concrete evidence that lax disciplinary standards are contributing towards a soaring crime rate (particularly juvenile crime) means that it is NOT a root cause.

My question for you is : Given that this is a theory which has been raised time and time again, and that there seems to be a dearth of any others, do you have proof that it ISN'T?
I think you cannot say that teasing and verbal abuse is good or bad. It is a type of social discipline we cannot do without. It can be overdone and abused, but if removed alltogether, as DR EVYL put it:

"What kind of wimps are we trying to raise people to be?"

Everything is good in the right proportions. Teasing is one of those things, I think I am lucky that I was teased enough to understand to not do it to others. In the end, teach your children to be nice, but be nice yourself. In my high school, the popular crowd is the nice crowd... noone likes assholes...
Firstoff, are today's children more out of control than yesterday's?

Have you proven that? Have you even shown ONE IOTA of evidence, besides ancedotes (and we all know what ancedotal evidence is worth) that they are?

Sorry, but the burden of proof is on the claiment.

Oh yes, and I have a couple of theories, but I want to see you justify your statements. It gives me this warm, fuzzy feeling to see people back thier assertions up with evidence. :)
"What kind of wimps are we trying to raise people to be?"

Some without the concept of 'the wimp' might be nice
People a littel more respectful and accepting of each other would be a boon too.

I know why not let's have a crack at world peace

Okay enough of the funny stuff

I'm not happy that I experienced what I did. The fact remains that for whatever reason I felt I had no power to change things at the time, and as I've mentioned I have had some cause to redress the balance :D

That was then, this is now and I've moved on. After the fact that I have this experience I now feel able to perhaps be of some help to those still going thru that stage of life, or its aftermath

And as loud as you shout it Dr, it's not just a case of "Pull yourself together" for a lot of people.

Try to have a little empathy in life and who knows the girls may be even more interested in that weiner:rolleyes:
People are becoming weaker, without a doubt. The old belief was that 'we have to be strong and fight for freedom.' Now it's more like 'you shouldn't have to fight for any right, you should not have to be strong at all'.
' Now it's more like 'you shouldn't have to fight for any right, you should not have to be strong at all'.

If it's a right then of course you shouldn't have to fight for it
That kind of speaks for itself, and it's not my point.

Strength is a very important thing. I just wonder why it has to be used as a defence all the time.

By strength I assume you mean feeling secure and stable and able to cope with life and not feel less than anyone else.

Funny that's what I think too;)
And this is key, I think:

The truely strong can respect weakness. We simply do not posess it.

Or we possess it in smaller quantities.

The truely stong are the survivors. Those that can survive anything, save death (duh!) and get back up and fight.

But the truely strong respect weakness and protect those who need their protection.

'If' has been posted here before, but I think it sums up strength nicely:
I never said that part was bad, did I?

My point is that without a need to be strong, people have become quite weak.
My point is that without a need to be strong, people have become quite weak.

Oh I agree completly, Tyler! What happened to the strong, silent type? He is probably getting in touch with his 'inner child' somwhere!

Grief counseling, telling people how you feel, not being afraid to cry, getting in touch with ones inner child, what the fuck is all this?

I realize that as a woman, I was never expected to behave the way I do. I realize that women are 'supposed' to be warm, nurtering, sweet and hyper-emotional.

*Sobs quietly and munches on chocalate while continuing*

But, bloody hell, they've gotten you guys believing that garbage too!
i belive NONE of that crap but NO ONE should be terifide to walk 2 doors down to their house. female OR male but i was

By the way to put it into perspective that kid actually tried to HANG me
Xev ...

Glad you think Kipling 'sums up strength nicely' I don't know of a better
description of what it takes to be a man.

As for the rest of the malarky, 'inner child', 'getting in touch', etc. Didn't
buy it then, don't buy it now. But then, I'm just a cranky old bastard.

Take care ;)
Asguard ...

And you didn't try to kill him?

Interesting. :rolleyes:

How DID you respond?

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I got nothing against understanding oneself, but you don't have to be a wimp to do it!!!

Then again, people need something to make them feel secure. Who else has noticed the growing number of people who make a point to state thta they; "don't care what anyone thinks of me"? I'm willing to bet 99 out of 100 people who say this only say it because they want people to think that they dont care what people think of them. If they truly didn't care what anyone thought about them, they wouldn't have to say that.
i was TERIFIDE of him and as i said i hid behind a bush. he was HUGE and i WASN'T
He who fights and runs away...

...Doesn't get hung by a hulking great cousin fucker and will probably do well in life.
Well on Asguard Guard your ass long and prosper !! :D