Zero Tolerance Teasing Policies

Oh I am still getting over it. I still have problems with assertiveness and shyness. I still prefer to be alone or with a small group of people than with a large number of people, and I am still rather withdrawn.

Good luck Asguard.
So what are your suggestions for remedies? As a manager, I tell my employees not to bring me a problem without offering a solution. It may not be the right solution or the best solution, but it forces them to think about their complaint themselves.

School bullying? Even if the best idea you come up with is to break a finger every time a bully beats someone up, at least there is thought occurring.

Should there be a Peer Court? A court composed of classmates of the bully/victim could determine assessments and punishment. It might have a much stronger effect on the bully to be punished by his or her own cohorts than by adults and the "Don't be a tattletale" factor is also largely eliminated. Peer Courts also tend to hit a good balance (kids can be very strict with each other, yet are unlikely to impose ridiculous standards such as some of the "zero-tolerance" antics of adults).

How about increased supervision. Everybody knows kids get bullied at recess, during lunch, and immediately after school. But there are relatively few teachers watching because at these times they're in their offices grading papers or taking mental health breaks. And I don't begrudge them. But if there were more adults available, there would be less opportunity for bullying.

Surely I'm not the only person with ideas... let's hear 'em!

This way they are starting to deal with it in Vic. Suspention is automatic (no little detentions for this), if bad enough you are expelled and the police WILL get involved as will the DOE.

Finally they are starting to take it VERY seriously
goofyfish ...

"Why allow any behavior that encourages the development of 'social status'?"

It has been tried, and it didn't work ... Comrade.

That is, except in the early kibbutzs.

Take care ;)

And, I don't think of you as a dreamer,
just an idealist in an imperfect world.
<<<< Welcome to the club. >>>>

1400th post
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Oh, and least we forget ...

"We will one day be a nation without classes and social division,
and you must not let such classes develop among you."

Adolph Hitler, 1934 Nuremberg Rally

Hypocrisy personified!

Take care ;)
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I spent years as both the victim and attacker. All in all I got over being the victim because I changed as a person. I grew more mature and so did my peers. I suppose loosing a ton of weight didn't hurt either, haha.

Asgaurd here's the thing; unquestionably I believe in the freedom of speech. Until someone becomes reasonably hurt emotionally or physically. By reasonably I mean as in someone didn't take it like a little wimp. Has anyone else found that our society is becoming very weak? A woman a little while ago got a guy fired for walking into the office and saying 'hey good-lookin'. That just disgusts me.
I am a strong person.

I can walk into any situation and take control of at least myself.
I am phased by very little.
That said, I was bullied at school from the age of 8 until 14 and believe me people that's a fuckin long time to be so down.

It's not about taking it like a wimp it's something you feel you have no control over which is why you can be beat on by people half your size.
Don't get me wrong, if I could go back and change things I'd beat the living shit out of every damn sonnovabitch who even looked at me funny. But that's just fantasy. I cant do that. except one time I got one in a bar one day but that's another story.

Maybe the things I spoeak of did toughen me up.
Maybe I'm the person I am because of it. It still wasn't worth it!


It goes away! (almost)
Keep doing all you can and believing in yourself and T.I.
Her love will help and love of yourself will also. I hope you have some left and don't believe what they tried to make you believe about yourself.

They were lousy, sad shits, but they're gone now.
I hope you can move on and let me know if I can help.

I envy you people who never had this problem
I really do!
What is going on here is an attempt to legislate morality and ethics. It doesn’t work that way.

To me one of the problems is that the parents are held responsible but have no say in the teaching of their kids through a good sound "whack on the butt" when they are young and the most impressionable. The removal of such corporal punishment has led to a decline in the "good manners" of children in the presence of their elders. Now to try and fix the situation a "zero tolerance for taunts" is not help. Well meaning leftists have taken the "right" to discipline a child, in the effort to teach right from wrong, out of the hands of the parents and then when the teachers can not get the kids to behave and try to learn. They further muddy the situation with well meaning useless drivel as has been presented above. It does not take a genius to figure out the problems will not be addressed or "fixed" by such misguided rules.
Thanks and yes TI is a great help to me

We ALREADY legislate ethics. Every law is an ethical thing. Why is rape and murder illegle or drug use?
I agree with Tyler and Wet_1.
There is no longer any discipline in the younger generation. They're allowed to do as they like, due in no small part to a very loud minority claiming to be the "silent majority" (dont they all?) who say that disciplining our children is wrong.

Result : a new generation of mouthy, disrespectful, deceitful, little shits who dont know right from wrong. Thats a sweeping generalisation, of course. Forgive me. Here in Perth, Australia, there are increasing numbers of break-ins into the home of elderly residents who cant defend themselves. They get beaten and robbed, and often left for dead. the offenders then get one or two years in jail, and in some cases a suspended sentence (if that) because they were "underage at the time of the incident".

What a load of codswallop. If they WERE taught properly when they were young they might have turned out a little better. Our parents cant discipline their kids, because their kids are likely to sue them (and WIN, which makes it even more comically sad) and the poor teachers have no chance in hell in a court of law if they so much as LOOK at a kid the wrong way, let alone discipline a bully in the schoolyard.

What the hell do people expect? Well turned-out, respectful, law-abiding citizens? When we've TAUGHT these kids that no-one can do a damn thing if they're stopped, and better yet, if someone DOES do something about it they can make a packet of cash out of them in court? Give me a break.

Sorry to hear about your experience Asguard... if I had a choice in the matter the bullies would have been dragged by the ear into the principles office, and taught the error of their ways. Happened to me once or twice in high school I remember.. sure as hell didnt do me any harm and I thought twice about doing it again.

but wait a minute... I can make a packet out of that principle now... now what was his name again, i think I'll sue him... I'm so obviously scarred for life....
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HEY im one of those youth

am i evil? do i care for no-one but myself?

I would like to think that i have a better apresation of the world than some people older than me. That is due mostly to my parents NOT my school

It always anoyed me when older people said that kids should be seen and not herd while they destroyed MY world. They would die off and its me and my kids who would be left with the concequences.
But Barney does have a point.
Kids can no longer, legally be dicplined by a good whack because bleeding hearts around the world say it's assault and battery.

So what options are left?

Bribery... If you're good you get this.
This only leads many to assume that material goods are very important. So if the right label of clothes can't be afforded by the parents, kids go out and beat up granny to get it.

Detention or grounding.
This only gives the little shits too much time alone to plot their next heist.

I was given a regular belt during childhood. I wasn't abused it just taught me there was such a thing as wrong, and that other people in the world deserved my respect.

It's what makes me respected now
Hitting is 'wrong' because there are other ways to discipline a child without violence. Actually, good parenting should lead to minimal need of disciplining. Parents are just lazy.
I don't think it's just a matter of being lazy, there's also single parents who have to work. Dual parents who have to work. most kids these days are brought up during their formative years in nurseries kindergardens extended family members, and in some cases left to fend for themselves.

Parenting is a nightmare
Good parenting is worse because there is a constant need to know that the child is well and cared for.

To say parents are lazy is only a half truth and speaks of the disrespect people are alluding to here.
er.. yeah Tyler... and the kids of today are more law-abiding, useful citizens than the ones of 30 years ago, without all this "hitting", arent they - those non-whacking methods are working soooo well... :rolleyes:

I'm not saying bash the little buggers, I'm saying a whack never did anyone any harm. Theres a difference.
I KNEW I'd done something wrong when I copped one... it didnt hurt, but it surprised me into looking at what I was doing.
and BBCBoy has a VERY good point there as well. A parent in the home is almost mandatory... but we're all too busy chasing dual incomes these days, in order to buy them their Nikes, Pokemon and Mc'Donalds...
Hell yes, my mother stayed home to look after us and when i have kids one of us will stay home. I think that the cause of kids that don't care is parents who don't have TIME to care
One answer doesn’t fit all cases. What is appropriate for a newborn is not appropriate for a toddler. What is appropriate for a toddler is not appropriate for an eight year old, or a teen.

Even at similar ages people respond differently to punishment and reward. Some react to punishment by becoming more stubborn. Pain only makes them madder.

Ideally, individual differences would be recognized and appropriate motivation provided. (Even with "ideal" upbringing some individuals will become unsavory adults.)

In this non-ideal world, the people who apply punishment often do so out of anger or frustration, not for training or motivation. The person being punished learns that hurting others is an appropriate response to anger and frustration. Could even learn that inflicting pain is an appropriate means of gaining and displaying power.

Unfortunately rules and laws don’t allow the flexibility of applying good sense in the treatment of other humans. Legislating proper behavior doesn’t work. Depending on the wisdom of parents and teachers to discipline appropriately doesn’t work. The world muddles on.