Zero Tolerance Teasing Policies

Then don't sleep around. That way you can't get STD's.

This is true!

You do what you want. Otherwise life isn't worth living.

This also is true!

Damn, that really sucks.

This is the worst truth of all ! :(

Fair share = a calculation of how much play the average sexually active heterosexual male got over a 20 year period.

More than my fair share = more than that average.

I can do the math, I just wonder with differences in cultural ethics and behavioral standards what equation you get.
How many partners/experiences is a fair share?

My question would be why you'd make statements you don't want a response to.

That would be rhetoric.

. Apparently there's some kind of clique here that I'm not aware of,

Surely your own site has its regulars and the occasional passing hit. I think there are a core group of about 30 boarders here who I could name top of my head, and yet the stats say many hundreds are registered. Is that the case with yours? I suppose it's a bit like a family in a way. (All families are bizarre)

This is how I waste time... "fun" is what I do when I'm not at my computer.

You're lucky, after doing three jobs a week all I can do is flop in front of this thing. Oh I know it's my choice to do 'em but I also choose to have nice things about me and take a holiday if I want one so the sacrifices must be made. Anyhow the states looks to be more geared up for fun (Even in Nebraska :D) This hole just sucks ya dry.

{Re: previous post...}I wasn't wondering.

More rhetoric:D
I'm sorry if we pissed on each others bonfire. The work I do is very serious and it's good for me to be a little silly for a while. so,

See ya
Actually i herd one day the best way to do it is to deside on a partner (rather than one night stands) and then both of you go get tested for aids and hep and stuff. That way you know you are safe (as long as you both are faithfull). You also get the advantages of love rather than lust.

Thats just my opinion though (and i don't really have that much experiance so i don't know how right i am)
Taking into account the "Window period" which is how long it takes for things like HIV and Syphilis to show in the body, you'd need to be tested twice at three monthly intervals and not have unprotected sex with anyone to be sure. No mean feat in itself for many!

Thing is that would be the ideal in the beginning of most relationships. But in a lot the magic tends to wain and then one day something's offered on a plate with no obvious strings attached. A twist in the lid of the can of worms I see

Most people fully intend to be faithful, but most people lie to themselves all the time. In my work I see it everyday. But then we are the british and have major problems with things like sex as a nation. Basically you can touch what you like a long as you can't pronounce it and the lights are off:rolleyes:
Then you must have a real problem with trust
If you can't be faithful then you might as well not go into the relationship in the first place.
Cheating is ALWAYS wrong (and yes im being all ethical but this forum IS ethics)

Yes i did know that it was 3 months for aids because someone i know had to be tested after a neddle stick injury
You do what you want. Otherwise life isn't worth living.


Then don't sleep around. That way you can't get STD's.

Oh yes you can, if your partner is or becomes infected. The only way to be 100% sure is to be 100% celibate.


Out of the question, obviously. One simply reduces the chances of infection.

If you can't be faithful then you might as well not go into the relationship in the first place.

That's a bit simplistic. Shit happens. Even the best of people have screwed around.

Cheating is ALWAYS wrong (and yes im being all ethical but this forum IS ethics)

Why? What is so horrible about cheating?
Note the title thingy near my picture. That's what of November.
Posted by Asguard
Then you must have a real problem with trust
If you can't be faithful then you might as well not go into the relationship in the first place.

I may not have been clear.
I work in sexual health and so that's why I see it every day. I have absolutely no problem with trusting my partner or myself. We just recognise the fact that temptation is alive and well and living in a street near you.

While this is the case we reduce the fear of infidelity, and have the agreement that if it's so tempting we bring the person home and make a party of it. May not work for all and so far it's not been necessary. It does help tho'

We are very faithful people surrounded by temptation and it's ok

The problem doesn't lie in the fact that you are British. Afterall, British IS Best :)

The problem lies in the fact that you're a scouser ;) *grinz*
And if you SUPPORT Liverpool, then you are also extremely evil..


22 men kicking a piece of cow thru three bits of wood, in a field, in winter, IN SHORTS?

Give me swimming or athletics where you can see the action, if you know what I mean:D
Shut up about football. We have to get Adam drunk and tell him how wonderfull he is.
If I got Adam drunk he'd be telling me how wonderful I am:D

I don't know what a 'mackem' badge is but if that's all you're wearing you'll probly catch a chill:D
I don't know what a 'mackem' badge is but if that's all you're wearing you'll probly catch a chill that rate even her goose bumps will have goose bumps...
Sorry to hear about that adam

Cheating IS wrong. When you enter a relationship you agree to be faithfull, if you can't abide that you are:
a)selfish b) weak and\or c)not actually in love

You got it all wrong. AUSSI rules is the only TRUE football
Go bombers

Everyone else:
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