Your time upon this earth is ending...

Lawdog said:
I responded enough. He was unable to refute Aquinas because he has not understood Aquinas' position.
I did and I do but let's give it another go.

the heirarchy of Being is measured the ability to take in new levels of information, not by reproductive success.
There are three problems here. First, you have yet to establish that your measure of hierarchy is the only valid measure of being.

Secondly, if we take a look at your list of beings, you have not established that there is a measurable difference in their ability to "take in new levels of information". I'll even give you the first 5 (protozoans, multi-cellular animals, fish, higher animals, man). But can you give us any evidence that demonstrates that man, priests, monks, and saints have consistently varying degrees of ability? Can you show evidence that angels or the Virgin Mary even exist and if so, how did you measure their ability?

Third, even if you were able to establish this order, there is no logical argument that necessitates a further level of being. God would remain a presumption.

you accuse the proofs of circular reasoning, but the one who designed the proofs was a master of Logic, more profound than any logician today.
This is an appeal to authority and has no bearing upon the validity of the arguments.

Quantum physics is barely able to explain itself, the weight of proof falls on that theory, not on the theists.
Quantum physics includes a body of observed facts which calls into question the consistency of causality. If, as has been observed, events may occur without a prior causative event there is no longer a need for a first cause.

God created Time, he is outside of Time, He is uncreated.
This is your definition (at least part of it) for God. This is what you are trying to prove the existence of.

Only the universe isn't generated by the observer's mind, observation collapses the probability function.

Observation is not a scientific object, all experiments (and experience) inherently attesting its proof, and at the same time being incapable of invalidating it. No proposition which claims the primacy of observation over the observed can be "scientific" by nature. Science is confronted by the impossibility to competently answer the problems raised by scientific observation.

Imagine that there were no conscious beings in the universe. No consciousness, which could observe the universe? What would be the "difference" between one day and a trillion years? Nothing. Time wouldn't exist, because it's just a sensation in our consciousness. It's the same for the visible universe. You can never prove that the something exists independently from the mind.

It may seem similar to spirituality but they're still talking about the material universe.

As long as phycisists just observe the material world, they can never completely understand the it. It's necessary to extend science to observation itself. You can't find the cause by observing effects. What is visible is the result of a cause. There is no visible cause.

It's expressed mathematically, so the concepts are merely models of reality but it's still something that can be observed and measured.

Mathematics is only necessary for technical achievements, not for comprehension. Mathematics, as taught in Universities, is part of the Universe. It is a consequence of Physics. It cannot explain the Universe and is of no use if we want to show the reality "beyond", or "before" the physical universe.

The universe is not a scientific object, because all experiments are contained within it, are part and parcel of it, and thereby confirm it. Experiments are incapable of disproving it. So, Science forbids itself to talk about the universe. Matter itself, and energy, are not scientific objects because all experience and all experiments depend upon them and utilise them, thereby rendering impossible the refutation of their reality.

The universe is the most simple thing imaginable. The only complications that exist are those which man himself introduces in order not to understand. And when things become too complicated, he needs Mathematics to bail him out.
Yorda said:
Observation is not a scientific object, all experiments (and experience) inherently attesting its proof, and at the same time being incapable of invalidating it.
There is nothing wrong with the answers that science provides but they do need to be understood in context. The observer is part of the experiment. This does not mean that the Universe, time, etc. is dependent upon the observer. Although you can never prove that anything exists independently from your own mind. One can easily prove independent existence from another mind. I hit you over the head and knock you out. I still exist. Unless I posit myself as a special case there is no reason to assume anything different happens when I get knocked out.

I understand your point but there's a fatal flaw in this philosophy. You have no ground from which to posit any statement at all. They're all meaningless from this perspective.

It cannot explain the Universe and is of no use if we want to show the reality "beyond", or "before" the physical universe.
Mathematics is simply a useful language for modeling. The question is how accurate are our models. No formal system can explain itself.

The universe is not a scientific object, because all experiments are contained within it, are part and parcel of it, and thereby confirm it. Experiments are incapable of disproving it.
Existence is self-affirming and, yes, beyond the scope of science. It's also beyond question however so we don't need to try and disprove it.

The universe is the most simple thing imaginable. The only complications that exist are those which man himself introduces in order not to understand.
This would be self denying as the most simple thing imaginable is nothing.

Raithere said:
One can easily prove independent existence from another mind. I hit you over the head and knock you out. I still exist.

Fucking no. The mind is fucking omnipresent. You still don't get it, do you?

"I" still exist?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THERE IS ONLY ONE FUCKING MIND. We believe we are several fucking minds, aware of a real universe, but in fact, we are only one fucking mind, conscious of an infinity of illusory, personal fucking universes. Nothing is objective.

This would be self denying as the most simple thing imaginable is nothing.

What the fuck are you talking about? The universe is nothing. Everything and nothing are the same thing.
Yorda said:
THERE IS ONLY ONE FUCKING MIND. We believe we are several fucking minds, aware of a real universe, but in fact, we are only one fucking mind, conscious of an infinity of illusory, personal fucking universes. Nothing is objective.
In which case I am all that exists and you are nothing but my delusion.

I understand you quite well Yorda, there is no need to get so excited. Typing in caps and swearing aren't going to help you prove your point. Objective reality is an assumption but it is a necessary assumption. Meaning is a relationship between things, if you refuse to posit the existence of anything but self meaning disappears. There is a further problem in that now you have to figure out what "mind" is. You have to invent some substance out of which mind is made. For which you have no evidence.

What the fuck are you talking about? The universe is nothing. Everything and nothing are the same thing.
How can nothing experience itself? If there were nothing we would not be having this conversation. Or rather, I wouldn't be deluding myself that I was having a conversation. But I am. Therefore something exists.

Hi, guys!

I just logged in to point out the fact that you have managed to drive Yorda up the wall. That's quite a feat.

Keep it up!
Raithere said:
In which case I am all that exists and you are nothing but my delusion.

You don't get it, you are all that exists, and I am also all that exists. Yorda, and the rest of the world, which you think is "outside" you, is your unconscious mind. Raithere, and the rest of the world, wihch I think is "outside" me, is my unconscious mind. When I merge with my true complementary half, my unconscious mind, I stop existing. Like if you blend black and white, they both vanish.

Typing in caps and swearing aren't going to help you prove your point.

um.... i didn't mean to do it, sorry! i want to prove my point because i reject my infinity. i reject you (which is a part of the infinite me). i'm like a magnet, who pushes away everything which is not me. i, the illusion, keeps existing because i don't accept your views. i limit myself by defending my person, this way i remain remain conscious and the universe exists since it is separated (outside) from me.

everything that is visible exists only because it has been separated from it's complementary half.

on a blank paper, there is nothing. but everything could be drawn on it. this way, nothing includes everything. look at me raithere... i draw a red apple on the paper... you see, this apple was already there, but it couldn't be seen because it hadn't yet been separated from its complementary half. the positive form of the apple and the negative characteristics of the background were one, they were identical.

no one undertands..... .

There is a further problem in that now you have to figure out what "mind" is. You have to invent some substance out of which mind is made. For which you have no evidence.

I already know what mind is, it is not made of a substance. Like I said, nothing is "material".

How can nothing experience itself? If there were nothing we would not be having this conversation. Or rather, I wouldn't be deluding myself that I was having a conversation. But I am. Therefore something exists.

You separate this nothingness, like you can separate light into many spectrums. That way, you believe something exists. Mind, mind, mind, mind. This doesn't exist. We are not having a conversation. You are an illusion. Nothing exists. The universe and I exist only because I consider the universe to be outside me. Without this feeling, I couldn't say "I".

Nothingness is the unity of infiniteness and voidness, and mind is the opposition between voidness and infiniteness. Nothing is required for nothingness to be. The only way to reject infinity is to become the center of it. Somethingness can't be infinite. Only nothingness can.

Moses says at the beginning of the Bible: Within principles (in the "beginning"), there is a separation between Earth and Heavens. YOU, the heavens, and Earth, the universe, are separated. That's what he meant.

yr body is a mental sensation... it's not u. in reality... you are eternal, free, and all-powerful.

Everything comes from your zero's viewpoint, toward the infinite that you express. You are the creator of the universe, YOUR universe, the only real one for you.

u are not one pole... you are the relationship between the negative and positve (god) but... you can't remain self-conscious if yr infinite. u don't want to be alone... but there is none but you... no one but me... that's y u want to defend yr person.

yr mind is the only mind that exists... every1 is inside it... y not love them as yurself? we all are the mind. we all live in a personal universe. so u continue saying 'i am'....

it is the same mind which says i am... just in a different body. the goal has already been attained. nothingness.
fadeaway humper said:
I just logged in to point out the fact that you have managed to drive Yorda up the wall. That's quite a feat.

ye3 but it's ez coz im lonely and small and sad and yorda

The first and more manifest way is the argument from motion. It is certain, and evident to our sense, that in the world some things are in motion. Now whatever is moved is moved by another, for nothing can be moved except it is in potentiality to that towards which it is moved; whereas a thing moves inasmuch as it is in act. For motion is nothing else than the reduction of something from potentiality to actuality. But nothing can be moved from a state of potentiality to actuality, except by something in a state of actuality... it is therefore impossible that in the same respect and in the same way a thing should be both mover and moved i.e. that it should move itself. Therefore, whatever is moved must be moved by another. If that by which it is moved must itself be moved, then this also needs to be moved by another, and that by another again. But this cannot go on to infinity, because then there would be no first mover, and consequently, no other mover, seeing as subsequent movers move only inasmuch as they are moved by the first mover; as the staff moves only because it is moved by the hand. Therefore it is necessary to arrive at the first mover, moved by no other; and this everyone understands to be God.

The second way is from the nature of efficient cause. In the world of sensible things we find there is an order of efficient causes. There is no case known (neither is it, indeed possible) in which a thing is found to be the efficient cause of itself; for so it would be prior to itself, which is impossible. Now in efficient causes it is not possible to go on to infinity, because in all efficient causes following in order, the first is the cause of the intermediate cause, whether the intermediate cause be several, or one only. Now to take away the cause is to take away the effect. Therefore, if there be no first cause among efficient causes, there will be no ultimate, or intermediate, cause. But if in efficient causes it is possible to go on to infinity, there will be no first efficient cause, neither will there be an ultimate effect, nor any intermediate efficient causes; all of which is plainly false. Therefore it is necessary to admit a first efficient cause, to which everyone gives the name of God.

Therefore, if everything can not-be, then at one time there was nothing in existence. Now if this were true, even now there would be nothing in existence, because that which does not exist begins to exist only through something already existing.Therefore, if at one time nothing was in existence, it would have been impossible for anything to have begun to exist; and thus even now nothing would be in existence - which is absurd. Therefore, not all beings are merely possible, but there must exist something the existence of which is necessary. But every necessary thing either has its necessity caused by another, or not. Now it is impossible to go on to infinity in necessary things which have their necessity caused by another, as has already been proved in regard to efficient causes. Therefore, we cannot but admit the existence of some being having of itself its own necessity, and not receiving it from another, but rather causing in others their necessity. This all men speak of as God. (Aquinas)

The fourth way is taken from the gradation to be found in things. Among beings there are some more and some less good, true, noble, and the like. But more and less are predicated of different things according as they resemble in their different ways something which is the maximum, as a thing is said to be hotter according as it more nearly resembles that which is hottest; so that there is something which is truest, something best, something noblest, and, consequently, something which is most being, for those things that are greatest in truth are greatest in being... Now the maximum in any genus is the cause of all in that genus, as fire, which is the maximum of heat, is the cause of all hot things, as is said in the same book. Therefore, there must also be something which is to all beings the cause of their being, goodness, and every other perfection; and this we call God.

The fifth way is taken from the governance of the world. We see that things which lack knowledge, such as natural bodies, act for an end, and this is evident from their acting always, or nearly always, in the same way, so as to obtain the best result. Hence it is plain that they achieve their end, not fortuitously, but designedly. Now whatever lacks knowledge cannot move towards an end, unless it be directed by some being endowed with knowledge and intelligence; as the arrow is directed by the archer. Therefore, some intelligent being exists by whom all natural things are directed to their end; and this being we call God.


Raithere said:
It assumes that our notions of causality always apply. This is refuted by observations on the quantum level where everyday causality does not apply. Where effect can precede cause and objects can move from one point to another without crossing the space between.

GOkay, we'll look at this again:Given that EFFECT can precede CAUSE: Ok, I doubt it, but lets assume it does. It is still CAUSE and EFFECT. And Aquinas' argument still maintains. Uncaused Cause is outside of Time as shown below. If anything, quantum mechanics will probably end up supporting theology.

It assumes that time is infinite. According to relativity matter, space, and time are aspects of the same thing. Therefore, time did not exist prior to the existence of the Universe. This invalidates the problem of infinite regression. Actually, the refutation is somewhat unnecessary because the answer of God doesn't resolve the problem anyway.
Ok. Aquinas does not assume Time is Infinite. He also is aware that Time, Space, and Matter are merely categories and are interlinked and inseperable. Aquinas assumes that Time began with Creation. Infinite regression is still a problem however for those who say that there is no prime mover. Aquinas said this in the passage "But this cannot go on to infinity..." Since the Prime mover stops infinite regression.
The assignment of the attribute "uncaused cause" is arbitrary. You have not established that God/Jehovah and only God may possess the attribute. Nor have you established that only God is exempt from requiring a cause. You just assigned it at whim. We may just as logically postulate that there are many gods that are uncaused. Or, more simply, we may assign the attribute to the Universe itself. .
This is a worthy criticism, a question which many great philosophers have worked with, "can there be more than one uncaused cause?" I will give my answer, which i came up with myself, though I assure you, Aquinas probably has solved much more simply. CAUSALITY of any multiplicity, such as the material universe, that is TIME-SPACE-EXTENSION-MATTER, must be outside of that multiplicity, and not be other than "outside" or "beyond" it, and not in space-time. Whatever is outside of SPACE_TIME/MATTER_EXTENSION must not be in space, and therefore can only be one, since two things cannot be at once the same. It boils down to the prime philosophical question of SAME and DIFFERENCE. Two different causes cannot be at once the Same, but if such a hypothetical situation in which there were two uncaused causes, they would by necessity be outside of multiplicity and therefore only in Oneness, which makes them/it ONE.

An interesting aside but have you considered the consequences of this assertion? Thought and action require change. If God does not change then he is inert, incapable of thought or action..
Here it is assumed that the Prime Mover is being moved by another, or moves himself, a thing which has already been found erroneous by Aquinas in the first proof.

What is more, given that the Prime Mover exists, it is not so much that he is incapable of thought and change as much as he is thought thinking itself, as Aristotle pointed out, and being fully actualized does not need change, for change is the movement from the potential to the actual. But God is Actuality itself, His Being is pure ACT, He has no potentiality, and so he does not change. This is not an imperfection, for whatever changes goes from potential to actual. but the prime mover is already fully actual.

Second Proof:Both of your premises here are fallacious:
Your first premise, that objects have contingent existence, is erroneous. Nothing we can perceive is essentially contingent. Everything in the Universe is made of energy, which is permanent. It never disappears, it only changes form. The only thing that is contingent therefore is form.
Objects in the physical world do have contingent existance, this means that they are unnecessary, and that in relation to the Prime Mover/Uncaused Cause, only that being is truly Necessary Being. Permanency does not imply Necessary Being. Being yes changes form, but change and form are both unnecessary realities, but they are both permanently part of the physical reality. The Prime Mover could put into motion an object/being that would never cease to move and would be co-eternal with the Prime Mover.

The Christian claims that God has in fact done this.
Your second premise commits the fallacy of circular reasoning. It includes your conclusion. God has necessary existence, therefore God exists.
You have misunderstood the reasoning. The reasoning does not say God has necessary existance therefore God must exist, but it says "God has necessary existance (God must exist), the two statements are not sequential reasoning, but merely re-stating for clarification. reread the passage in question. its merely commentary.

Basically Aquinas is criticizing the ancient postulation of the existance of Nothingness (Void). For Aquinas, there is no such thing as primordial nothingness, a void or abyss never existed, for by even talking about it you disprove that the nothingness is not nothing...get it? He arrives again at necessary being because infinite regression is impossible, there must be a ground of BEING, a non-void, (Christians and others call this God.)
Goodness is a value judgment not an implicit attribute. It may not even be a constant depending upon the situation (not enough water is bad but too much is also bad).
I dont know what you mean by "implicit attribute", but to say goodness is a value judgement is relativism. Such relativism is nihilistic in scope and makes all dialogue impossible. Too much water says nothing about water in itself, which is good for certain animals, too much water does imply inordinate quantity or thirst, which is not good.
It is not derived from another source but determined by one's beliefs and one's ethics. Change the beliefs, change the values, and you change the order. Therefore to establish that an "order of perfection" even exists one must first establish that there is a single set of ethics by which an order can be established. You have not done so. Your hierarchy is arbitrary. If we examine these things from a standpoint of reproductive success, for instance, you would reverse the order.
Again, this is value Relatavism, it would be like saying, "not everyone means precisely the same thing when they use a word, therefore it is useless to talk, for you will never truly fully comprehend the other person" Thats absurd. A variety of orders exist in reality, for example in the animal kingdom things are valued by the animals in different ways for different reasons, but most if not all of the order is based on survival. The example I gave was on the level of Being, for the entire gamut of the order of Being, looking at it from Man's standpoint. You dont have to include monks and all, probably I should have left them out, after all, thats a suborder in the human world, in the area of moral order. So your criticism has some merit. We are not important to lions, usually, unless one decides to make dinner of us.

"Seem to" does not suffice. This becomes yet another circular argument. You have ascribed purpose and then look for the author of intent. First you must establish that "things" do indeed have purpose. .
So far all of your criticisms are on the commentary I inserted to introduce the concept, the first paragraph in each section, and Aquinas is in the second paragraph. It is there that you will find a more full presentation of the concept. If yoiu read the second paragraph you will see what he says, things act toward an end. Therefore the argument is based on observation of the physical world. He is saying that things which have no self awareness are still moved toward some purposeful end, such as vegitative life growing as food for the animals.

The order expressed in the Universe is simply defined by the laws of energy and the fundamental forces. That is all that is required. No additional 'governance' is needed. No matter the level of study no additional mysterious animating principle has been found. Several centuries of physics has made this abundantly clear. From the motion of the stars, to a protein folding within a cell thing operate the way they do due to certain fundamental principles and there is not an iota of evidence to support the notion that they are being controlled by some invisible intelligence.
So you admit that there is order in the Universe? But order cannot be maintained but by some higher Law or Power. You call this the Law of energy and fundamental forces. But what keeps these from losing their power to the entropy of the universe that science prescribes? How are these various forces ordered among each other? quantum physics still finds this a mystery. Who or What brought these powers into being? did they arise from Nothingness? If so how?
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Lawdog said:
3) God created Time,
without time god couldnt have created time

time is a measurement of change,and without time nothing can happen,so time must have always existed.

look up "Draygombs paradox"
he is outside of Time,
this dont make any sense,how the fuck can anything be outside of time?
its illogical nonsense
He is uncreated.
if god is uncreated he dont exist
Yorda said:
You don't get it, you are all that exists, and I am also all that exists.
I keep telling you that I do understand what you are saying. I just don't think you are correct. I find a number of problems with the philosophy you describe and no evidence or argument to back it up. As conscious beings we are faced with a conundrum, perception exists within consciousness and therefore cannot be separated from consciousness. But it is erroneous to conclude from this that consciousness is all encompassing. The most simple objection, that we are often mistaken or surprised, belies the notion that consciousness is all there is. It is also the death of meaning. If everything is illusory then nothing has meaning.

Your philosophy is interesting. It reflects Buddhism, Taoism, and Hinduism one or more of which I would guess you have some experience with. But you sound confused. My suggestion is that you simplify. Get down to basic principles rather than attempting to amalgamate disparate philosophies.

That was an utterly fascinating bit of cosmological philosophy from Aquinas. A perfect representation of the paradox of Existence itself. For myself I would be perfectly happy to name the Prime Mover, the Uncaused Cause, God. I just don't quite see why that character could have sent its "only begotten Son" to Earth or how it would even have a Son. Or indeed have been that bothered that a population of slaves travel from one small area of our infinitesimal globe to another small area a few hundred miles away.
Very interesting indeed however I ask the question:
Just because something has "spontaneously " emerged from nothing and we are unable to fathom the logic of ex- nihilo creation doesn't necessary lead to the conclusion that is God [religious sense]
Even as I type this post the Universe may be maintained by a steady inflow of energy [motivation] by the spontaneous creation of energy from nothingness.

The closest examples in science I can think of is the Cashmir effect and the spontaneous creation and de-creation of mass observed by physicists.

Could it be possible that nothing itself has a potential?
The big question in logic is "how can nothing have a potential?"
When you can answer that one you can create your own universe I reckon.
Your philosophy is interesting.

Yorda copy/pasted that philosophy from a website.
Lawdog said:
i cant find dragrombs paradox. why dont you explain it for me?
Without Time God didn't have enough Time to decide to create Time.


God is defined as The Conscious First Cause - ala Greaa...t Grandfather St. Thomas Acquinas
The First Cause is That which caused Time.
Consciousness is that which lets one make a decision.
A Decision is the action of changing ones mind from undecided to decided.
Time is the measure of change.


Something which is caused can't be required by that which causes it.


Time is required for Change.
A Decision is a Change.
Decisions require Time.
Consciousness can't let one make a decision without Time.
Consciousness requires Time.
God is Conscious.
God requires Time.
God can't be the cause of Time if God requires Time.
God isn't the cause of Time.
God isn't The First Cause.
If God isn't The Conscious First Cause then God doesn't exist.
God doesn't exist.

Lawdog said:
NO. You are wrong. You think I am jusdt one person, but even the great saints and Popes insist upon the Truth! JPII, Mother Teresa, many others. You are in danger. Consider your soul....!
You can take your soul and shove it up your ass for all I care. Your preachment of your irrelevant and irrational cult is making a lot of people hate you.
I seem to anger you. Is it me?
Or is it that you recognize a Truth which you cannot accept?

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