Your time upon this earth is ending...

Raithere said:
Observation still works. You just can't observe something without affecting it.
If Quantum Mechanics were true for the atom, it should be true for the universe as a whole as well: the "outer universe", too, should be generated by the observer's mind.

According to Heisenberg, one of the fathers of Quantum Mechanics, the atom is a mathematical abstraction created by mind, as is the universe. For an increasing number of quantum physicists, the world's reality is, by dint of the examples we have shown, very often purely spiritual.

Something else that Heisenberg said clarifies this further: "The division of the world into two parts (an observed system and a system of observation) is opposed to the notion that the law of causality is rigorously founded".

In other words, to separate the observer from the observed, is to put an end to all logic, and to prevent the understanding of the universe in a coherent way. This is completely true because Logic is by definition the identifying link between two elements: the universe can only be logical if it's the same nature as man's mind.

We cannot "comprehend" (understand) the universe unless we "comprehend" (include) it (or unless it is part of us).
Yorda said:
If Quantum Mechanics were true for the atom, it should be true for the universe as a whole as well: the "outer universe", too, should be generated by the observer's mind.

According to Heisenberg, one of the fathers of Quantum Mechanics, the atom is a mathematical abstraction created by mind, as is the universe. For an increasing number of quantum physicists, the world's reality is, by dint of the examples we have shown, very often purely spiritual.

Something else that Heisenberg said clarifies this further: "The division of the world into two parts (an observed system and a system of observation) is opposed to the notion that the law of causality is rigorously founded".

In other words, to separate the observer from the observed, is to put an end to all logic, and to prevent the understanding of the universe in a coherent way. This is completely true because Logic is by definition the identifying link between two elements: the universe can only be logical if it's the same nature as man's mind.

We cannot "comprehend" (understand) the universe unless we "comprehend" (include) it (or unless it is part of us).
so to tie it all in with the thread topic: "Armageddon would be a very real physical event and not just a flimsy of the mind or spirit."??
superluminal said:

For some reason I respect you. You sound genuine and appear as though you would not evangelize. In fact I think you stated somewhere that finding Jesus was a personal journey and that anyone who would pound someone over the head with it was a "fuckhead", or something to that effect.

There you go complimenting me again...*blushing* Thanks. I value the truth immensely. I would say though that anything redeeming to be found in me is entirely because of Jesus. Otherwise, I can be a real "fuckhead" myself.

I actually love to talk about Jesus, and to hear others talk about Him too. That's why I post out here. But in everyday life, with family and friends, I talk about spirituality and Jesus only when it's appropriate, and if someone asks. People do ask, in regards to changes they observe in me, or wondering why I am the way I am. I am kind of I like to think in a good way.

I find that most people feel uncomfortable talking about Jesus. I get a better response when I bring up alien I know that people have been harrassed by Jesus salesmen, hit over the head with a Bible, and force fed scripture by people like Lawdog. "You're going to hell if you don't do this or do that" rhetoric. I don't blame them. I know what it's like. I've had people do it to me, and still do, and I don't like it either. Jesus doesn't like it either. He never comes uninvited, is not an alarmist, does not condemn, does not criticise, does not punish, and does not preach fear. Jesus is the embodiment of true love, and love does not force itself on anyone. Love waits to be desired.

And besides, this is not something that you can take someone else's word for. You can't know for sure unless you experience God for yourself. And I know that all someone has to do is want to, and they will. Because that is the way God wants it to be. Seek and you will find, knock and the door will open is not just scripture, it's law. That's what being born again is all about. No one can do it for's entirely between you and God.

If you don't mind, I would like a simple response to this if you could.

You have a personal certainty that god exists and has brought you to where you are. You know the arguments we atheists have against faith and irrational acceptance of things.

Do you claim that you have rational, scientific (objectively provable) evidence that god exists as a real entity in the universe?

Or do you accept that your faith is based on tradition and hope only?

I'm very interested in your point of view. Thanks


I could never have faith that is based upon tradition and hope. Not on scripture, or organized religion, or my family's desires, or whatever makes me feel "comfortable" even. Oh, my grandma would have been so happy if she could have force fed me Jesus. She ended up doing a lot of praying for me instead, and I thank God for that.

Knowledge and understanding is gained by experience. And I have had many experiences that have proven to me God's existence and involvement in my life. Experiences like answered prayers and epiphanies. I've had entire conversations with God. I've had Him speak to me very clearly. I've also had physical and material manifestations of the Holy Spirit in and around me...very observable and measurable. I've had a full blown freaky mind blowing miracle happen to me so...I've been given more proof than I know what to do with at this point. That's why I love to share.
Yorda said:
If Quantum Mechanics were true for the atom, it should be true for the universe as a whole as well
It is. The difference is that while the precise behavior of a quantum object is unpredictable the probability of its behavior is. This is why the macroscopic world is predictable.

the "outer universe", too, should be generated by the observer's mind.
You're thinking of the Copenhagen Interpretation. Only the universe isn't generated by the observer's mind, observation collapses the probability function. It is one possible interpretation and until fairly recently the favored one. But other interpretations have been coming into favor. The observer's role in the collapse may only be an artifact of a limited perspective.

According to Heisenberg, one of the fathers of Quantum Mechanics, the atom is a mathematical abstraction created by mind, as is the universe. For an increasing number of quantum physicists, the world's reality is, by dint of the examples we have shown, very often purely spiritual.
Not really. It may seem similar to spirituality but they're still talking about the material universe. It's expressed mathematically, so the concepts are merely models of reality but it's still something that can be observed and measured. It's best not to confuse the two.

In other words, to separate the observer from the observed, is to put an end to all logic, and to prevent the understanding of the universe in a coherent way.
A better way to understand it is that the observer and the observed cannot be separated.


P.S. Earlier I forgot to say, "Thanks, geeser."
Lawdog said:

"What sort of Man is this, whom even the winds and the seas obey?"

The day of thy reckoning is at hand. You WILL die the death:
Listen to the mourning song of thy relatives, thy spouse, or child:

Alas, my beloved, where art thou now? Only thy shell remains visible.
To what nether region hath thy ghost been ushered? Whither hast
thou fled and abandoned us?

Look what is writ on thy Tombstone:
"Here lay a proud disciple of Science who valiently refused
to worship the God of his ancestors. His beloved Science saved him
not from the final day, but while he lived he knew a few pleasures."

In the blink of an eye ye shall be swept up into thy Judgement.
Prepare thyselves to meet Him of the Holy of Holies,
The One who Exists, ALPHA and OMEGA
The Immense Glory of inutterable Majesty
He of the Ancientmost Uncreated Power,
Ye shall see thy entire life spread out before thee and ye shall
be intimate with newly found remorse:


This Judgement is much more to be dreaded by the unrepentant
than anything known in the universe.

Even the Devils believe...and they tremble!

Now the coldness of eternal death puts out
the last embers of the flame of love in my heart,
the joy of my youth and childhood.
Farewell holy God once beloved,
I could have loved thee but chose not,
I was made for you and thy eternal joys
I chose to betray thy Truth for short pleasures.

Please, consign me to the outer darkness for all time to
dwell in constant horror with the Devil and his Apostate Angels,
for thy mercy I rejected in life, and now in death thy justice I require!!

Do not think that you will escape the chamber of final truth-saying.
Repent of evil doctrines and learn sacred truths.
Render sorrow of thy sin to thy God and forgive one another.
this very day you can begin to change and come over to Him. Bend thy knee
now in joy, not later in tears...FOR Every knee in Heaven and Earth and beneath the Earth shall bend...

I don't mind you claiming that you fear for us scientists' and atheists' souls, but please don't inflict this pseudo-Biblical claptrap on us. You don't talk that way, we don't talk that way, how do you expect to persuade rational people by writing like that? Apart from anything else, you will never in a million years approach the true beauty and majesty of the King James Bible, so don't bother badly imitating it.
"Here lay a proud disciple of Science who valiently refused
to worship the God of his ancestors. His beloved Science saved him
not from the final day, but while he lived he knew a few pleasures."
Indeed, that pretty much sums it up!
King James bible is beautiful. There were many other writers who use THEE and THOU besides Shakespeare. Such words were originally used to express intimate and close relationship to the person addressed, as opposed to the formal 'You"

As I said before, there is only one Bible quote. i am fully justified in choosing this mode of expression, the same in which many spiritual books have been written.

Christianity is a religion that looks back through history and sees Christ. It is not a "new ideas" or progressive type faith.

You feel put upon by my writing, no? Perhaps because you recognize the Truth in it and that angers you. it does not cut corners, it does not design a hugging feminine or laughing-Jesus God.
lori claims:

I've had entire conversations with God. I've had Him speak to me very clearly.

Really? What does he look like? How does he sound? From where did his voice come? Why is that you are the only one who can have conversations with god? Why doesn't god answer me?

I note that you still haven't replied to Raithere's post in which he pointed out the fallacies in your "proofs". I for one would be interested to know if you are able to reply to Raithere in a manner that would make some sense.
(Q) said:
lori claims:

I've had entire conversations with God. I've had Him speak to me very clearly.

Really? What does he look like? How does he sound? From where did his voice come? Why is that you are the only one who can have conversations with god? Why doesn't god answer me?

Yea really. I didn't see Him with my eyes, or hear Him with my ears. It's a spirit to spirit communication...telepathic I suppose would be a word for it. His voice comes from His Spirit...the Holy Spirit. I am sooooo not the only one who can and does have conversations with God. Everyone who is born again has had this kind of interaction on some level. I hear about it all the're just not listening to the right people maybe? God has answered everything I've ever asked of Him. Isn't usually the answer that I expect or am looking for. You're probably just not listening. After all, if you don't believe in God, then why in the hell would you be listening for Him to communicate with you????
Yea really. I didn't see Him with my eyes, or hear Him with my ears. It's a spirit to spirit communication...telepathic I suppose would be a word for it. His voice comes from His Spirit...the Holy Spirit.

In other words, you are assuming that the voices in your head are that of god, since you have no way to differentiate between that and schizophrenia. If you've never seen or heard from a god, how do you know it is a god and not just mental disorder?

I hear about it all the're just not listening to the right people maybe?

Yes, the wards are full of people who "hear" things.

You're probably just not listening. After all, if you don't believe in God, then why in the hell would you be listening for Him to communicate with you????

As has been repeatedly stated in these forums by countless members who have been "listening" their whole lives, no answers have ever been forthcoming. We can only assume 2 things from this; that you are special and have been chosen by your god while others have not. This would run counter to that of religion in which all should be granted the opportunity to speak with god. Or, that you are delusional or lying or both.

So, the next time you have a "converstation" with your god, tell him I and many others have been waiting our whole lives to talk with him. He'll obviously know who you're talking about (he is god afterall), so you might want to ask him why he never talks to us?
mouse said:

I note that you still haven't replied to Raithere's post in which he pointed out the fallacies in your "proofs". I for one would be interested to know if you are able to reply to Raithere in a manner that would make some sense.
I dont know why i must labor to disprove his inane arguments...why dont you do it?
Lori_7 said:
Yea really. I didn't see Him with my eyes, or hear Him with my ears. It's a spirit to spirit communication...telepathic I suppose would be a word for it. His voice comes from His Spirit...the Holy Spirit. I am sooooo not the only one who can and does have conversations with God. Everyone who is born again has had this kind of interaction on some level. I hear about it all the're just not listening to the right people maybe? God has answered everything I've ever asked of Him. Isn't usually the answer that I expect or am looking for. You're probably just not listening. After all, if you don't believe in God, then why in the hell would you be listening for Him to communicate with you????

I believe you. However i think its ridiculous that you say everyone must be born again. you cant be born again by your own effort, Membership in a Church causes people to be born again.

We do not say that non-members will go to Hell, only that they need us more than they think. You say non-born agains go to Hell.

Jesus did not say that. He only said that you need to be born again to enter the kingdom of Heaven, but Purgatory is near that place, and many will go there, not to Hell.

How can you trust in Jesus' Mercy if you think that
children who are not CONTRACTUAL 'born-agains" with God will go to Hell?

Our doctrine of purgatory is in keeping with God's Mercy.
Lawdog said:
I dont know why i must labor to disprove his inane arguments...why dont you do it?

This shows a lack of ownership of your position. Similarly, you
cannot 'disprove' something although you can contradict an assertion.
Go away kitty cat...I'm not going to waste my precious time on someone who reads well structured philosophy and offers knee-jerk reactions. I just am not going to spend my time doing that.
I dont know why i must labor to disprove his inane arguments...

You made many extraordinary claims and Raith refuted them. This is a debate forum, therefore the ball is in your court.

If you thinkyou don't need to respond, then your only purpose here is to preach, and that is the same as spamming, therefore you should be banned.

Now then, are you going to respond?
Lawdog said:
I dont know why i must labor to disprove his inane arguments...why dont you do it?
I feel no need to argue with Raithere, as I happen to agree with his analysis of your posts.
(Q) said:
I dont know why i must labor to disprove his inane arguments...

You made many extraordinary claims and Raith refuted them. This is a debate forum, therefore the ball is in your court.

If you thinkyou don't need to respond, then your only purpose here is to preach, and that is the same as spamming, therefore you should be banned.

Now then, are you going to respond?

I responded enough. He was unable to refute Aquinas because he has not understood Aquinas' position.

the heirarchy of Being is measured the ability to take in new levels of information, not by reproductive success.

1) you accuse the proofs of circular reasoning, but the one who designed the proofs was a master of Logic, more profound than any logician today.

2) Quantum physics is barely able to explain itself, the weight of proof falls on that theory, not on the theists.

3) God created Time, he is outside of Time, He is uncreated.

Raithere said:
Okay, we'll look at this again:
It assumes that our notions of causality always apply. This is refuted by observations on the quantum level where everyday causality does not apply. Where effect can precede cause and objects can move from one point to another without crossing the space between.

Given that EFFECT can precede CAUSE: Ok, I doubt it, but lets assume it does. It is still CAUSE and EFFECT. And Aquinas' argument still maintains. God is outside of Time. If anything, quantum mechanics will probably end up supporting theology.

It assumes that time is infinite. According to relativity matter, space, and time are aspects of the same thing. Therefore, time did not exist prior to the existence of the Universe. This invalidates the problem of infinite regression. Actually, the refutation is somewhat unnecessary because the answer of God doesn't resolve the problem anyway.
Ok. Aquinas does not assume Time is Infinite. He also is aware that Time, Space, and Matter are merely categories and are interlinked and inseperable. Aquinas assumes that Time began with Creation. Infinite regression is still a problem however for those who say that there is no prime mover. Aquinas said this in the passage "But this cannot go on to infinity..." Since the Prime mover stops infinite regression.
The assignment of the attribute "uncaused cause" is arbitrary. You have not established that God/Jehovah and only God may possess the attribute. Nor have you established that only God is exempt from requiring a cause. You just assigned it at whim. We may just as logically postulate that there are many gods that are uncaused. Or, more simply, we may assign the attribute to the Universe itself. .
This is a worthy criticism, a question which many great philosophers have worked with, "can there be more than one uncaused cause?" I will give my answer, which i came up with myself, though I assure you, Aquinas probably has solved much more simply. CAUSALITY of any multiplicity, such as the material universe, that is TIME-SPACE-EXTENSION-MATTER, must be outside of that multiplicity, and not be other than "outside" or "beyond" it, and not in space-time. Whatever is outside of SPACE_TIME/MATTER_EXTENSION must not be in space, and therefore can only be one, since two things cannot be at once the same. It boils down to the prime philosophical question of SAME and DIFFERENCE. Two different causes cannot be at once the Same, but if such a hypothetical situation in which there were two uncaused causes, they would by necessity be outside of multiplicity and therefore only in Oneness, which makes them/it ONE.

An interesting aside but have you considered the consequences of this assertion? Thought and action require change. If God does not change then he is inert, incapable of thought or action..
Here it is assumed that the Prime Mover is being moved by another, or moves himself, a thing which has already been found erroneous by Aquinas in the first proof.

What is more, given that the Prime Mover exists, it is not so much that he is incapable of thought and change as much as he is thought thinking itself, as Aristotle pointed out, and being fully actualized does not need change, for change is the movement from the potential to the actual.

Second Proof:Both of your premises here are fallacious:
Your first premise, that objects have contingent existence, is erroneous. Nothing we can perceive is essentially contingent. Everything in the Universe is made of energy, which is permanent. It never disappears, it only changes form. The only thing that is contingent therefore is form.
Objects in the physical world do have contingent existance, this means that they are unnecessary, and that in relation to the Prime Mover/Uncaused Cause, only that being is truly Necessary Being. Permanency does not imply Necessary Being. Being yes changes form, but change and form are both unnecessary realities, but they are both permanently part of the physical reality. The Prime Mover could put into motion an object/being that would never cease to move and would be co-eternal with the Prime Mover.

The Christian claims that God has in fact done this.
Your second premise commits the fallacy of circular reasoning. It includes your conclusion. God has necessary existence, therefore God exists.
You have misunderstood the reasoning. The reasoning does not say God has necessary existance therefore God must exist, but it says "God has necessary existance (God must exist), the two statements are not sequential reasoning, but merely re-stating for clarification. reread the passage in question. its merely commentary.

Basically Aquinas is criticizing the ancient postulation of the existance of Nothingness (Void). For Aquinas, there is no such thing as primordial nothingness, a void or abyss never existed, for by even talking about it you disprove that the nothingness is not nothing...get it? He arrives again at necessary being because infinite regression is impossible, there must be a ground of BEING, a non-void, (Christians and others call this God.)
Goodness is a value judgment not an implicit attribute. It may not even be a constant depending upon the situation (not enough water is bad but too much is also bad).
I dont know what you mean by "implicit attribute", but to say goodness is a value judgement is relativism. Such relativism is nihilistic in scope and makes all dialogue impossible. Too much water says nothing about water in itself, which is good for certain animals, too much water does imply inordinate quantity or thirst, which is not good.
It is not derived from another source but determined by one's beliefs and one's ethics. Change the beliefs, change the values, and you change the order. Therefore to establish that an "order of perfection" even exists one must first establish that there is a single set of ethics by which an order can be established. You have not done so. Your hierarchy is arbitrary. If we examine these things from a standpoint of reproductive success, for instance, you would reverse the order.
Again, this is value Relatavism, it would be like saying, "not everyone means precisely the same thing when they use a word, therefore it is useless to talk, for you will never truly fully comprehend the other person" Thats absurd. A variety of orders exist in reality, for example in the animal kingdom things are valued by the animals in different ways for different reasons, but most if not all of the order is based on survival. The example I gave was on the level of Being, for the entire gamut of the order of Being, looking at it from Man's standpoint. You dont have to include monks and all, probably I should have left them out, after all, thats a suborder in the human world, in the area of moral order. So your criticism has some merit. We are not important to lions, usually, unless one decides to make dinner of us.

"Seem to" does not suffice. This becomes yet another circular argument. You have ascribed purpose and then look for the author of intent. First you must establish that "things" do indeed have purpose. .
So far all of your criticisms are on the commentary I inserted to introduce the concept, the first paragraph in each section, and Aquinas is in the second paragraph. It is there that you will find a more full presentation of the concept. If yoiu read the second paragraph you will see what he says, things act toward an end. Therefore the argument is based on observation of the physical world. He is saying that things which have no self awareness are still moved toward some purposeful end, such as vegitative life growing as food for the animals.

The order expressed in the Universe is simply defined by the laws of energy and the fundamental forces. That is all that is required. No additional 'governance' is needed. No matter the level of study no additional mysterious animating principle has been found. Several centuries of physics has made this abundantly clear. From the motion of the stars, to a protein folding within a cell thing operate the way they do due to certain fundamental principles and there is not an iota of evidence to support the notion that they are being controlled by some invisible intelligence.
So you admit that there is order in the Universe? But order cannot be maintained but by some higher Law or Power. You call this the Law of energy and fundamental forces. But what keeps these from losing their power to the entropy of the universe that science prescribes? How are these various forces ordered among each other? quantum physics still finds this a mystery. Who or What brought these powers into being? did they arise from Nothingness? If so how?
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