Womens Rights.!!!

Shoud adult women have the right to go topless anyplace a man can.???

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if descretely feedin a baby

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Yeah at least a WARNIN NSFW an a link only.!!!
What is NSFW about a man without his shirt on?

Weren't you the one saying that women should have the right to go topless like a man, yet you believe a man without his shirt on should have a NSFW warning along with it? What exactly is unsafe for work viewing in that photo? Go to any beach, local park or even walk down the street in summer near a beach town and you will see men and boys walking without a top on and it is perfectly legal and SFW. So what is it about that image is unsafe for work viewing? There is nothing sexual about it. There is nothing indecent about it. It is simply of a man without his shirt on. Or is pectoral fat deposits now indecent should be treated like it is pornography?

youreyes said:
Refer to the rules for the answer to this.

The rule states: A man who has woman characteristics should cover this up.
You miss the point. These are your personal rules about your own body. So obviously if you have breasts, you will cover them and if you do not, you will not cover them as is your right.

The image is not pornographic and is not what you will not see if you go to any beach or pool. In fact, visit any beach in the summer and you will see men without shirts on galore. And children run around these beaches as well.. *gasp*
The image is not pornographic and is not what you will not see if you go to any beach or pool. In fact, visit any beach in the summer and you will see men without shirts on galore. And children run around these beaches as well.. *gasp*

The image is revolting and disturbing and you know it, yet continue your charade of disillusion. You had been asked by me and another member to take it down, yet you do not comply. I know you do not respect my POV, but at least respect the views of the democracy, a majority of currently engaged in conversation members 2 to 1 have expressed the distaste to the picture you have posted.

The beach has its own rules and is more liberal for a reason, so that people can relax, on the beach a woman can be topless as well in my opinion. Because it is a place people expect to be free and relax and just have good time. Street is not for games, this is everyday life and my POV on how men and women should dress are those that comply with the rules of the city on the level of conduct of the city.
For those of you questioning my rules I have here provided as invalid due to my own false opinion. The US Laws on public indecency are:

In most states of the United States, state law prohibits exposure of the genitals and/or the female nipples in a public place, while in other states simple nudity is legal, but evidence of intent to shock, arouse or offend other persons (lewd conduct) is evidence of prohibited conduct. For example, in most states, it is a criminal offense punishable by fines and/or imprisonment, and/or registered sex offender requirements and restrictions. Some states permit local governments to set local standards


With my POV sides the Supreme Court of USA.
With Bells POV sides California and Vermont.
Just like you do... weigh the options an choose the best course of action :)

I am afraid man, I am being bombarded nonstop here...

Being all alone on the front lines is tough, when the hawks supposedly overseeing the fairness of the game, have a clear predisposition on who will get away clean and who will get nailed.

But to all fairness to answer your question regarding the methods used as a solution to problems faced by atheists, that is a principle of self control and what social values they have been taught in the past as a result of direct or indirect learning. If you consider Buddhism to be not a theistic principle, than it could be used to handle problems and conflicts, avoiding conflict yet holding the positions at hand in an active pacifism manner.

Weighing the options comes from previous suppositions that have been formed by the views of other people and their beliefs.
The image is revolting and disturbing and you know it, yet continue your charade of disillusion.
Why is it revolting?

And why does it disturb you? There is nothing indecent in the image and it complies with the rules of this site.


People on the beach.. Is this also too indecent for you?

And frankly, your opinion and your views are offensive to the greater majority of members on this site and we are forced to put up with having to read it. An image of a man without a top on is not revolting or offensive, nor is it illegal.

You had been asked by me and another member to take it down, yet you do not comply.
Here is the thing about those requests. His request was because he is on the 'disagree with everything Bells says' bandwagon and his request that it be posted with a warning is in direct contradiction with his earlier comments that women should be able to walk around without a shirt on. So why the double standards.

Your request is based solely on what you find personally disgusting. Frankly, after your assertion of how you view homeless people disgusting to your eyes and how they should be shoved away on a hill somewhere, out of your sight, our requests that you cease and desist with your offensive opinions yielded nothing on your part.

I know you do not respect my POV, but at least respect the views of the democracy, a majority of currently engaged in conversation members 2 to 1 have expressed the distaste to the picture you have posted.
Neither of you are even able to explain why that image is offensive and should be taken down. If men are able to walk around everywhere without a shirt on, it is not offensive, nor is it illegal. So what makes that image so offensive that it needs to be removed?

The beach has its own rules and is more liberal for a reason, so that people can relax, on the beach a woman can be topless as well in my opinion. Because it is a place people expect to be free and relax and just have good time. Street is not for games, this is everyday life and my POV on how men and women should dress are those that comply with the rules of the city on the level of conduct of the city.

Men walk without shirts on down the street, go shopping that way as well and elsewhere.

And it is not illegal.

The moral of this lesson, youreyes, is that the rules by which some who supposedly support freedom of women and men to not wear shirts in public is subjective and very very much one sided. Including your own by your rules, any man who may resemble a woman should be covered up.

I mean honestly, even Australia's Prime Minister is known to walk around in his speedos and nothing else and has been pictured quite often without his shirt on:


That is a photo of him along with the former Liberal Leader in New South Wales, walking down the street about a 1km from the beach after going for a swim..

Perhaps you should stop being so hung up on breasts (Abbott also has some pectoral fat deposits)..
Australian Prime Minister is acting indecently, just because someone jumps from a cliff it does not mean that the others should. A man of his position to have such low moral standards...revolting. No wonder his ratings are so low. The public understand the fault in this man.
I am afraid man, I am being bombarded nonstop here...

Being all alone on the front lines is tough, when the hawks supposedly overseeing the fairness of the game, have a clear predisposition on who will get away clean and who will get nailed.

Whare you see hawks i see gnats... lol.!!!

Reply at you'r own pace... if it ant fun dont reply at all.!!!

But to all fairness to answer your question regarding the methods used as a solution to problems faced by atheists, that is a principle of self control and what social values they have been taught in the past as a result of direct or indirect learning. If you consider Buddhism to be not a theistic principle, than it could be used to handle problems and conflicts, avoiding conflict yet holding the positions at hand in an active pacifism manner.

Weighing the options comes from previous suppositions that have been formed by the views of other people and their beliefs.

Yeah... when people discuss Buddhism... it apears that Buddists thank a lot like me... so at least they got that goin for 'em.!!!
And frankly, your opinion and your views are offensive to the greater majority of members on this site and we are forced to put up with having to read it.

Personal assault on me. Yet Tiassa isn't going to do anything about it...
Australian Prime Minister is acting indecently, just because someone jumps from a cliff it does not mean that the others should. A man of his position to have such low moral standards...revolting. No wonder his ratings are so low. The public understand the fault in this man.
The public are against him because of his ultra-right policies that are so detrimental to the poor.

But he is hardly the first public figure to appear topless.

Putin is a prime example:


His breasts are nearly as big as the one of the man without his shirt on that so offended you.

Is Putin revolting and repulsive?

I mean, Putin's breasts are literally hanging over his stomach a bit..
Notice where Putin is half naked, IN THE FOREST, on his PRIVATE trip.

Notice where Prime minister of Australia is naked (down to his underwear), IN THE CITY, not on his private trip.

Notice the difference?

Notice where Putin is half naked, IN THE FOREST, on his PRIVATE trip.
His private trip where he invites a press photographer along for the ride to take his images of him being one with nature in the Siberian wilderness?

Notice where Prime minister of Australia is naked (down to his underwear), IN THE CITY, not on his private trip.
Abbott was at the beach and was walking back from his swim at the beach.

Like everyone does.

Notice the difference?

Can you?


Those speedos are creeping up and look like they are about to give him a wedgie.

See, your hypocrisy knows no bounds. Putin also has floppy breasts and according to your "rules", he should not be exposing them as he is, certainly not inviting photographers to take photos of him in various stages of undress on his holidays and then releasing those images to the press. Those were your so called rules, remember?
The underlying principle is simple:

1) never to expose in public the lower part of the body (genitalia)
2) not to expose top portion of the body for both men and women. However if it is very hot: woman can wear bikini top with a skirt and a man can be topless
3) In the park: men can be topless and women can have a bikini top.
4) In the event of a man having characteristics of a woman, he should not be topless.
In the event of a woman having characteristics of a man, she should not be topless, either.

These are the underlying rules.
Here’s a fitting addition to your list:

5) Men and women who have animal characteristics should be kept on a leash in public.

Here’s a fitting addition to your list:

5) Men and women who have animal characteristics should be kept on a leash in public.


While I appreciate you sarcasm in this bashing situation on me...but lets keep this serious.

Now I seen some deformed people with some ugly faces, but I know that it is unfortunate, and has nothing to do with them choosing to act vulgar and unethical. When that is the case, such people should be allowed to be on the street, just dress properly I guess.

It is about a choice, one makes a choice to harass me for example or to weigh all the sides and all the perspectives, like I am doing.
so you are comfortable with men dying of heart attacks as a result of this inadequate action?
Comfortable? No, I don't want anyone to have a heart attack. Do I accept that the free exercise of my rights will sometimes will offend other people? Yes, and it's worth the tradeoff.
So fat men should have to wear a shirt, but slender women with small breasts don't have to? A bizarre rule.

Look at the rules.

The rules states that a man with woman characteristics should cover up and a woman with man characteristics should cover up.

God you are annoying...
So women always have to cover up, men don't. Sounds sexist to me.

NO I did not say that.

Why you lying about something I never said?

A topless man walking in the streets (when its not super hot) should be against the law.
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