Womens Rights.!!!

Shoud adult women have the right to go topless anyplace a man can.???

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if descretely feedin a baby

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Not a bit. Feeding a baby is a natural thing for a mother to do. Breasts are there for baby feeding. Why should such a thing bother me?
If a community outlawed _any_ exposure of a woman's breast (including for breastfeeding) would you be OK with that law, if it represented the standards of the community?
If a community outlawed _any_ exposure of a woman's breast (including for breastfeeding) would you be OK with that law, if it represented the standards of the community?

Thing is, a community that is outlawing a biological necessity such as breastfeeding a baby discretly, well in all honesty such a community is faulted.
Thing is, a community that is outlawing a biological necessity such as breastfeeding a baby discretly, well in all honesty such a community is faulted.
Wait... don't you think this is hypocritical? Breastfeeding is a biological necessity, but living and eating once you've been weaned should be outlawed? Because in the other thread, you supported the denial of food to homeless people in Ft. Lauderdale Florida. They live there because, well... they have to live somewhere because... they were born and shit, not by their choice but by someone elses. I am fairly sure eating is a biologically necessity, but you support a law that makes it a criminal offense to feed those homeless. They are also living discreetly, for the most part. They don't invade your food filled homes, or steal from your money filled businesses... they are just trying to exist and THAT is criminal. I hope you see the flaw in your logic.
Liebling said:
Wait... don't you think this is hypocritical?

That would imply he thinks at all.

More seriously, though, remember, you're dealing with a guy who has some sort of underlying problem with women insofar as he thinks they should be subject to greater obligations than other people. Otherwise, they're just bitches↗.

I hope you see the flaw in your logic.

You know what joke I would crack here, right? So we'll skip to the "more seriously" part, despite the fact of it sounding like another joke: It would appear that his reptilian is trying to impersonate his neocortical.

The MacLeanian, though, is an interesting contrast to the Freudian; in that latter context, one might suggest the id is drowning a weakened superego in the bathtub while the ego looks the other way, muttering, "I hear nothing! I see nothing! Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb! Lalalalalalalala! Ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall! Ninety-nine bottles of beer!"

Stripped of its clinical aspects, of course, yes, such analysis reads as a joke. Suffice to say, one wonders at what point the basic logic of the fact that no one individual is the center of the Universe will occur to him, and, furthermore, when that point will start to affect his behavior.

Remember that profane words are only profane because someone else is offended.

Which is why he needs women to do their biological jobs, but discreetly.

Honestly, the only problem with women showing their breasts in public for any reason is that there are enough men in our society incapable of coping with such a sight that it actually becomes dangerous for a woman to do so.

That danger, in my opinion, is the problem. And it's attitudes like our neighbor's that birth and sustain such danger.

Which in turn might be an interesting way to phrase it because, as a male, he has no functioning teats for the monstrous offspring to suckle. Then again, he does have a ... er ... um ... ah ... anyway ....

Maybe that's the point, once we cut away the thick layers of ego defense.

It's always a weird thing to watch someone try to argue when they seem so unable to comprehend that rights are not necessarily subject to their approval.
The MacLeanian, though, is an interesting contrast to the Freudian; in that latter context, one might suggest the id is drowning a weakened superego in the bathtub while the ego looks the other way, muttering, "I hear nothing! I see nothing! Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb! Lalalalalalalala! Ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall! Ninety-nine bottles of beer!"
I think you just described like 95% of these forums. I'm not targeting him specifically, nor should you or do you. I'm posting more for those other 5% that can actually see the flaw. Not really concerned about the ego and while I've made friends here, that's not what I came for.

I honestly think it's sad that its against the law for women to walk around topless or breastfeed in public discreetly or not.

Whenever I hear that women are all equal to men, it really isn't about the wage gap, or about education... it's about women having the liberty to live their lives free of danger. That danger can come from many places, but the majority of them are under the thumb of the current male driven society.

Even though I earn as much as my male counterparts, am the sole-breadwinner, am the disciplinarian and the head of my household with the majority of our survival set squarely on my shoulders alone, I am unequal because I am personally in danger every time I wear the wrong clothes or assert myself equally in conversations and interactions. I am treated like a slut/whore/bitch and am not free to live my life without considering what most men might do to me if I don't live by their rules. That's the inequality.
Thing is, a community that is outlawing a biological necessity such as breastfeeding a baby discretly, well in all honesty such a community is faulted.
Sounds like "let the community decide" doesn't work when it comes to women's rights, then.
You seem perty mainstream to me.!!!
How about bikinis... are you Ok wit women wearin 'em in public.???
Be Warned ----> NSFW Link goes to a woman wearin a bikini.!!!


Well it depends how big the bikini is and what color are they. White would be a no-no, obviously.


YES: http://www.aliexpress.com/item-img/...-swimwear-women-bathing-suits/1701771448.html

NOOo: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/06/25/article-0-13C8C614000005DC-77_306x684.jpg

YES: http://cdn-s3-0.wanelo.com/product/image/6988179/x354.jpg

NOOO: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/02/12/article-2557359-1B41D72900000578-402_634x765.jpg
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How about the size of the bikini i gave the link to... an i dont understand why white woud be a no-no.???

white is too much of an underwear, the whole idea is to let the woman feel comfortable and sexy if she wants to, but at the same time limit the sexuality content so that men dont die of heartattacks.

Are the examples you gave acceptable to you for women to wear in public.???
yea but watch billvion and Bells demonize me instead -.-
so tired of them harassing me.

Years ago in my home town... blacks wasnt welcome at some bidnesses... an even tho it was aganst the law... they coudnt recieve service at some bidnesses an so they decided to do somptin about it.!!!

Black people didnt particularly want to go to white barber shops... but to set a precedent that laws woud be enforced allowin them to be served at any bidness... on a particular day which was anounced ahead of time... they planed to go to white barber shops... an it was also in the news paper that those who didnt serve all races woud suffer penalty of the law... so they went to white barber shops an they did receive service.!!!

That was the last time they went to white barber shops but the message was clear for all places of bidness... "Its the law... an black people have the right to be treated equally.!!!"

Im not wantin women to start goin topless... but i do want men an women to have equal rights... an havin the right to go topless any place a man can helps to drive home the pont that women will not accept discrimination.!!!
Im not wantin women to start goin topless... but i do want men an women to have equal rights... an havin the right to go topless any place a man can helps to drive home the pont that women will not accept discrimination.!!!

Look with black and white and segregation thing it is clear about rights. But with women is a little different, for example a topless man does not equate to a topless women and in all truthfulness I would equate a topless man to a woman in a skirt and a bra, not acceptable either in a city.
Look with black and white and segregation thing it is clear about rights. But with women is a little different, for example a topless man does not equate to a topless women and in all truthfulness I would equate a topless man to a woman in a skirt and a bra, not acceptable either in a city.

What about a man who has breasts that look like a womans breasts... Ok to be shirtless in public.???
white is too much of an underwear, the whole idea is to let the woman feel comfortable and sexy if she wants to, but at the same time limit the sexuality content so that men dont die of heartattacks.

I am sure there are some Arab men who would "die of heart attacks" if women did not wear hijab. That is not a good reason for women to wear it. To put it bluntly, that's their problem.
What about a man who has breasts that look like a womans breasts... Ok to be shirtless in public.???

dude I am against guys to go shirtless in public, i dont have a sixpack, and usually those who do got sixpacks so I feel really bad walking next to the statue showing off.

Shirtless in park...acceptable but on tight grounds. Shirtless like on a street, unacceptable, unless it is really hot (same goes for ladies in tank top or bikini but with a skirt)
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