Will Christians ever express remorse for "witch" burning?

Should christians express remorse for all those burnt in the past, for being witches

  • Yes, christians should apologise for the wrongs of their ancestors.

    Votes: 19 48.7%
  • No, why should christians apologise because their ancestors burnt witches?

    Votes: 3 7.7%
  • No, people shouldn't apologise for the murders committed by their ancestors - they werent there

    Votes: 13 33.3%
  • I believe witches exist today - some of them believe in "evolution"

    Votes: 4 10.3%

  • Total voters
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Well for one, Charlemagne, an early christian warrior and conquerer of the West, and emperor of the HRE, crowned on Christmas Day by the Pope in the year 800 AD. He had some 13 wives and concubines.

Sounds like he was a busy man. lol
Why don't we turn this argument around and say: should nonchristians apologize for the pagan rituals and atrocities committed in the past? These were indeed horrible, including infant sacrifice and child abuse rituals.
Woody said:
Why don't we turn this argument around and say: should nonchristians apologize for the pagan rituals and atrocities committed in the past? These were indeed horrible, including infant sacrifice and child abuse rituals.
Only if the nonxian is a pagan. What atrocities have groups of atheists committed in the past?
Nasor said:
If you don’t kill witches then you are ignoring a direct order from God.
The commandments of christianity are, "love god with all your heart mind and soul", and "love your neighbor as yourself".
If you disobey these to follow something else in the bible, you may still be a christian, but are very confused as to the primacy of christ's leadership of the church.
Those people who killed the witches may have been christians, but they were not practicing christianity according to the right rules, i.e. christ's commandments to his disciples. Maybe people who are confused about God aren't loving God with all yet, it is hard to even put a quantifier on that statement, but killing someone is not loving, that is for sure.
cole grey said:
The commandments of christianity are, "love god with all your heart mind and soul", and "love your neighbor as yourself".

If you disobey these to follow something else in the bible, you may still be a christian, but are very confused as to the primacy of christ's leadership of the church. Those people who killed the witches may have been christians, but they were not practicing christianity according to the right rules, i.e. christ's commandments to his disciples. Maybe people who are confused about God aren't loving God with all yet, it is hard to even put a quantifier on that statement, but killing someone is not loving, that is for sure.

M*W: First, let me explain that those "witches" who were burned were the grandmothers, mothers, sisters, aunts, wives and daughters of christian men. They weren't "witches." Their worst crime was easing the pain of childbirth with herbal teas (now prepackaged and readily available at your local market).

Someone on the forum recently mentioned that the theory of fungus on grain was thought to have caused hallucinations. This probably is true. I've always attributed the hallucinations to some sort of chemical poisoning like leaded paint. For whatever reasons, maybe some of the girls had epilepsy and were seen having seizures, and people thought they were in league with the devil. (BTW, this was the devil THEY created in their minds).

Incidentally, it was not a crime for a husband to provide his laboring wife with herbal teas and curative poltices when she was in the throes of labor, but let an old woman in the village do it, and she was burned at the stake!

These were not just crimes created by the christianity PTB, they were crimes enforced by the patriarchy -- which are one and the same, if you ask me.

One needs to go back and research what one considered to be a "witch" in those days. The correct title, "wiccan," meant a person who was close to and understood Earthly things like plants, animals, minerals, and how to use them effectively to heal the sick and conquer disease. These same people, mostly women, however, were devout christians who believed God gave them the Earth as a gift of life, and they cared for it accordingly.

In those days, "wicca" wasn't a religion, it was having a certain "knowledge." That ancient lore wasn't the least bit evil, but because it offered healing properties that cured the sick, the Church said that it was "of the devil," so nine million women were put to death because of their love of nature and the knowledge they gleaned from it.
Now we see those herbs and knowledge of the natural world as positive. So those killers were the ones who were doing wrong, we agree on that.
But in addition, people who come straight out and worship the devil in rituals could not, and would not, be burned today by most, if not all, christian organizations. And anyone who would suggest burning them has a serious misunderstanding of christianity.
And anyone who would suggest burning them has a serious misunderstanding of christianity.

That would be Woody. Several times he has made such suggestions - and yet I'm sure he would argue that he is as much a christian as anyone else, (perhaps even more of a "true" christian).
SnakeLord said:
That would be Woody. Several times he has made such suggestions - and yet I'm sure he would argue that he is as much a christian as anyone else, (perhaps even more of a "true" christian).

Witch burning is in the old testament. We've already had our discussion about law (old testament) versus grace (new testament). Christians believe in grace provided through christ. Jews believe in the law as a means of salvation. Witchburning is in the OT law, as I've already said.

As Jesus said, "love" fulfills all the old testament laws. If you love you will not kill, steal, bear false witness, etc.
Do not think I have come to abolish the law. I have come to complete it...

Not one dot, not one stroke..


Listen to jesus.
iam said:
Clever, but only to the blind. If you don't agree that the Bible is the infallible word of God and that every deed recorded in the Bible was justified by the god of Abraham then it is YOU who are not the true christian. Is this not the precepts of christianity?

I agree with the Bible. that every action carried out by God or ordered by God was justified. Nothing i put in my post was against the will of God.

Therefore, are you a christian or are you not? Are you in agreement with all its precepts? This is what I stated earlier. Christians purport christianity to be something it isn't. You mention witchburning. The Bible clearly states that 'witches' exist and they are an abomination. This also includes anyone who dabbles in the 'occult'.

Yes witchcraft and the practices of the occult are evil and Christians are to take no part in it. But this does not put the people deceived by such beyond salvation. wiccans and occultists can be saved.

Yet this is a double standard because christians themselves practice the occult. YES, THEY DO. Praying to unseen entities, having visions of the future, but of course in the name of THEIR god.

This is not the occult. The God of Abraham is not a demon.

You did not address the atrocities committed by your GOD in the old testament? Oh wait a minute, of course, I'm sure YOUR GOD had a good justification for it?

Yes God was justified in all that He did and ordered.

Why is it christians play delusionally innocent regarding THE BLOOD SPILLED BY THEIR PEOPLE?

Because my Christian brothers have spilled no blood in history.


God made no mistake when He ordered the Jews to carry out His wrath neither did he make a mistake when He told us Christians to love our enemies and show mercy and longsuffering toward the lost so that some may come to accept the Messiah Jesus and be saved.

One more thing i am using the caps key on your keyboard does not give your words any more meaning or authority.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
SnakeLord said:
Do not think I have come to abolish the law. I have come to complete it...

Not one dot, not one stroke..


Listen to jesus.

Listen to the bible:

I Timothy 1:8-11

We know these laws are good when they are used as God intended. But they were not made for people who do what is right. They are for people who are disobedient and rebellious, who are ungodly and sinful, who consider nothing sacred and defile what is holy, who murder their father or mother or other people. These laws are for people who are sexually immoral, for homosexuals and slave traders, for liars and oath breakers, and for those who do anything else that contradicts the right teaching

anything else that contradicts the right teaching -- I hate to say it but that sounds like you, Snakelord, and the law-works doctrine you preach.

By the way, the law was not fulfilled until Jesus died on the cross and fulfilled every dot and tittle of it so believers could live under grace. I find it interesting that slave-trading is right in there with rest of the sinful deeds -- yet somebody will come along and say they were "christian." lol ;)

Does that mean believers can ignore the law? No far from it. Believers know they live in great peril if they go against the law by this example:

1 corinthians

1 It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, and such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles, that one should have his father's wife.

5 To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.

(Woody says, "fornication, adultery and incest all in one act -- pretty gross.")

God lets satan destroy their body that their spirit might be saved. No fun! :D
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Listen to the bible

There's the problem. The bible supports both positions. While jesus is quoted as specifically telling you what to do and what not to do, you obviously think you're free to ignore it because you can find a contradictory passage. All that does is show beyond any doubt that those contradictions are there and that the bible is overly worthless.

I guess that's why theres a few thousand different sects of christianity, all of whom claim themselves to be "true" christians. You're no different to them whatsoever. Just another nitwit thinking he's 'more' christian than everyone else. Personally I find it hysterical.

anything else that contradicts the right teaching

See my point?

The only thing is, your brand of christian actually detests me, in that according to you you don't have to do anything, or even behave for that matter. Just some quick; "I believe in jesus", and it's all hunky dory.

At least certain other brands of christians believe they actually have to work for it.

While you're both stupid, their beliefs are certainly more commendable.
Adstar said:
Because my Christian brothers have spilled no blood in history.

M*W: You are without a doubt the most ignorant member of this forum. I used to think it was Woody, but twice now you have proven that Adstar is a fool.
SL said,

I guess that's why theres a few thousand different sects of christianity, all of whom claim themselves to be "true" christians. You're no different to them whatsoever. Just another nitwit thinking he's 'more' christian than everyone else. Personally I find it hysterical.

My brand of christianity is called fundamentalist christianity You address me as though I am the only that believes the way I do -- this is an error on your part. Silas pointed this out -- when you ignore my culture you demonstrate your own irrationality making you "just another nitwit" (using your own words). I stand by the fundamentalist doctrine 100% down the line. Actually my doctrinal responses are quite predictable if you understand my culture. I didn't say you have to agree with it -- just try to understand it, and you can not. Your best attempt at an explanation is to say it is "irrational," yet my doctrinal responses are highly predictable.

"Fundamentalist" means I take the bible literally as transcribed in the original language (not english), in the original cultural setting, and in the context of the entire bible to weigh in on the grey areas. This means that Jesus is the only answer to salvation and all other biblical passages are subordinate to this authority.

For example: Ist Corinthians 1:18

For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.

You are perishing, therefore you think the idea of Jesus saving someone from hell is a foolish one -- that is what my biblical culture teaches. You do think it is foolish (don't you?), therefore, it confirms my belief that you are perishing.

At least certain other brands of christians believe they actually have to work for it.

This is called legalism. It is not biblical and it's origin is based on demonic self-pride -- the kind of pride that caused Cain to slay Able. From the Wikipedia:

Legalism in Christian theology is a pejorative term referring either to the imposition of excessive religious rules of behavior (also known as letterism) or to a system of meriting salvation through doing good works, something the Apostle Paul denied was possible (Ephesians 2:8-9).

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: [it is] the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.
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Adstar said:
The God of Abraham is not a demon.

M*W: Abraham, who probably didn't anymore than Moses or Jesus did, was a pantheist. He did not worship the monotheistic god. Please do some reading of extrabiblical texts. You are making a fool of yourself.
MW said:

Abraham, who probably didn't anymore than Moses or Jesus did, was a pantheist.

At one time you said Jesus never existed. Have you changed your mind? :confused:
Yes the Gospel of Jesus is foolishness to those who are perishing.

1 Corinthians 1
23 but we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks foolishness,

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
Yes the Gospel of Jesus is foolishness to those who are perishing.

1 Corinthians 1
23 but we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks foolishness,

M*W: What makes you think we are perishing? That is your own wishful thinking, but you're wrong.
You address me as though I am the only that believes the way I do -- this is an error on your part.

The error on your part is in not realising I am talking to you, not anyone else. Comprende?

when you ignore my culture you demonstrate your own irrationality making you "just another nitwit" (using your own words)

What are you blithering on about?

I didn't say you have to agree with it -- just try to understand it, and you can not

Alas I do have to agree with it, along with everyone else. If people dare not, you display that gross ignorance and say it's because "they don't understand it". Such is the self righteousness of christians.

Your best attempt at an explanation is to say it is "irrational,"

Where did I say that?

You are perishing

Your brain already has.

therefore you think the idea of Jesus saving someone from hell is a foolish one -- that is what my biblical culture teaches. You do think it is foolish (don't you?)

No more so than the idea that Frodo saved Middle Earth. It's a slightly interesting but not so well written work of fiction. What I do know is that you are a fool for buying the word of ancient shepherds and really thinking that some old jew got 2 of every animal on the planet and put them on a boat.

It is not biblical and it's origin is based on demonic self-pride

Lol, you and your demons. Grow up wouldya?