Will Christians ever express remorse for "witch" burning?

Should christians express remorse for all those burnt in the past, for being witches

  • Yes, christians should apologise for the wrongs of their ancestors.

    Votes: 19 48.7%
  • No, why should christians apologise because their ancestors burnt witches?

    Votes: 3 7.7%
  • No, people shouldn't apologise for the murders committed by their ancestors - they werent there

    Votes: 13 33.3%
  • I believe witches exist today - some of them believe in "evolution"

    Votes: 4 10.3%

  • Total voters
Is this your answer to the question asked?

No Woody, try again.

It's funny that you don't have a real answer to the question.

The answer is there for anyone to see. It's becoming apparent you cannot read.

Not my God. He is not sentient.

Well c7ityi, this is what happens when you intrude on someone elses discussion. Needless to say, I was not talking about your 'god'. K?
Here is the question asked Snakelord for the 6th time:

You continue to avoid my question about the Jews that left their homes to worship at the temple on the sabbath. Also the priests performed their occupational work duties at the temple on the sabbath during the worship services.

For the 3rd time I ask --DID Jewish worship at the temple in Jerusalem break the sabbath law?

to which Snakelord answered:

The answer is there for anyone to see. It's becoming apparent you cannot read.

Can someone else show me where Snakelord answered the question asked since he can't explain himself? He says anyone can see it. Any volunteers? C7, anybody?

It is pretty easy for someone to type a "yes" or a "no" when a question is asked. I personally do not think he answered the question, and I've read and re-read his posts. I will not read every post he made since his very first one about (2,400 in all).

Snakelord, I certainly wouldn't expect you to do that with my posts. So don't continue to ask me to re-read something that's odviously not worth reading.

Can someone else show me where Snakelord answered the question asked since he is incapable of explaining himself? (This kind of thing happens with dementia)

If they broke the sabbath law, then explain?

If they didn't break the sabbath law, then explain?
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SnakeLord said:
Well c7ityi, this is what happens when you intrude on someone elses discussion. Needless to say, I was not talking about your 'god'. K?

sorry snake...
but my god is the real god...
which all religions talk about...
the zodiac... 12... 4 elements... yin & yang...
self... existence... yhwh...
allah... ammon... brahman...
life... source of magnetism... evolution...
light... divided into infinite colors...
unity... separation... will... love...
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Woody said:
Here is the question asked Snakelord for the 6th time:

to which Snakelord answered:

Can someone else show me where Snakelord answered the question asked since he can't explain himself? He says anyone can see it. Any volunteers? C7, anybody?

Snakelord will look you in the eye and lie. All of the psychologists and psychiatrists here will do the same thing.
c7ityi_ said:
sorry snake...
but my god is the real god...
which all religions talk about...
the zodiac... 12... 4 elements... yin & yang...
self... existence... yhwh...
allah... ammon... brahman...
life... source of magnetism... evolution...
light... divided into infinite colors...
unity... separation... will... love...

Nothing is the real god when you project false, delusional, or imaginary ideals, concepts, preconceptions and personalities upon your god and especially proclaim it to be the "only."
Happeh said:
Snakelord will look you in the eye and lie. All of the psychologists and psychiatrists here will do the same thing.

My wife says he (SL) needs professional help. I think she has a point.

Oh, and by the way, you are right -- He lied. I've followed his commnents, and I've been pressing him to answer the question -- he never did but he claims he did. :eek:

Who are the other head-shrinks on this forum so I can beware?
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Can someone else show me where Snakelord answered the question asked since he can't explain himself? He says anyone can see it. Any volunteers? C7, anybody?

Page 9: "Just to keep you happy, sure - they are going against the law, the word, that god commanded. "

Get your eyes tested Woody.

sorry snake...
but my god is the real god...

*yawn*. That's what they all say.
SL said,

Page 9: "Just to keep you happy, sure - they are going against the law, the word, that god commanded. "
My register says we are on page 5. So is this something you plan to write 4 pages in the future?

So let's see if we have this straight -- you say the Jews that worshipped in the temple on the sabbath day broke the old testament sabbath law, though the sabbath command was given before there was a temple.

In addition, anyone else that worships at a synagogue or temple on the sabbath (saturday) is in violation.

As a christian I worship on sunday (we got it right then).

7th day adventist, on the otherhand, insist that sabbath worship is the only one acceptable. Quite interesting. You need to debate with a 7th-dayer.

According to Seventh-day Adventist doctrine, Saturday worship is a crucial defining feature of the remnant church.

Here's a saturday worship planner from one of them:

Sabbath School - 9:15 a.m.
Divine Worship - 11:00 a.m.
Prayer Services - 2:00 p.m.
Pastor's Hour -3:00 p.m.

How about that? The 7th day adventists think they are worshipping biblically. Snakelord -- you need to be a guest speaker.

Jews meet on the sabbath for service -- and they are breaking the sabbbath law -- right now, right SL?

I am typing this note on the sabbath, so I need to ask for forgiveness. ;)

How about that, SL is right and he isn't even a jew, while everyone else that believes the bible is true is wrong. Hilarious!
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My register says we are on page 5. So is this something you plan to write 4 pages in the future?

Was that your attempt at apology for calling me a liar while the answer was right there, but you're just a blind halfwit?

You need to debate with a 7th-dayer.

Get it straight puppy, I don't need to do anything.

According to Seventh-day Adventist doctrine, Saturday worship is a crucial defining feature of the remnant church.

As explained on my post, (the one you were unable to read), biblical laws are only of worth to certain people and certain cultures. Nobody cares what god said to do or not to do, and will happily ignore it if it's too much of a burden for them. It doesn't mean the law no longer exists, it just means people don't listen to it.

Jews meet on the sabbath for service -- and they are breaking the sabbbath law -- right now, right SL?

The OT law, (which is what we were speaking about)? Certainly. But times have to change. People realise they can't obey all of god's laws, because of our own progression. Where I live the jews even started putting up posts in the street - and stated that they could actually do normal things on a Saturday in the area that these posts were. That doesn't remove god's law, it's just a human way to ignore it.

I am typing this note on the sabbath, so I need to ask for forgiveness.

You have the choice - as all men do. Either way it's between you and your god. I couldn't personally care less what you do.

How about that, SL is right and he isn't even a jew, while everyone else that believes the bible is true is wrong.

I've no idea where this conclusion came from, but ok.
Was that your attempt at apology for calling me a liar while the answer was right there, but you're just a blind halfwit?

I have no problem reading your post right now.

Right where for the original needle in a haystack?

No apology for you and your baiting tactics. Let's just say that reading your posts one time is punishment enough, reading all 2400 of your posts is a bit ridiculous.
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No apology for you and your baiting tactics. Let's just say that reading your posts one time is punishment enough, reading all 2400 of your posts is a bit ridiculous.

A man that isn't willing to admit when he's made a mistake. You're quite the coward.
iam said:
Nothing is the real god when you project false, delusional, or imaginary ideals, concepts, preconceptions and personalities upon your god and especially proclaim it to be the "only."

but my god... the real god... is not really a "god"... and there is proof for my god, so you can't call it false. everyone knows my god too, even though they don't know it's the god of all religions.

SnakeLord said:
A man that isn't willing to admit when he's made a mistake. You're quite the coward.

people don't want to accept their mistakes because they want to remain what they are,
they don't want to evolve,
they don't want to be what they are in reality,
they don't want to be me,
they don't want to be god,
they don't want to be infinite,
they want to be limited.

that's the only way to exist and be conscious.
to become the center of your own infinity.
you separate from everything.
that's the reason why everything exists.
so don't blame those who can't accept their mistakes.
they created the world.

if you have the courage to say you are a coward, you're not a coward.

- the 4002 year old semi-intelligent pseudo-christian cat from the beach of eastern atlantis
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Snakelord said:

A man that isn't willing to admit when he's made a mistake. You're quite the coward.

OK, now I see what happened, here was my question in context:

You have not answered my question about Jews attending the temple on the sabbath, and hence leaving their homes. Isn't this a violation of the Sabbath Law?

Here was your answer:

I didn't see the relevance of continually trying to shift the focus onto other people. We are discussing jesus breaking the OT laws, not everyone else doing the same. The reason we're discussing jesus is because you stated that "jesus had never broken an OT law". Just to keep you happy, sure - they are going against the law, the word, that god commanded. Whether he chooses to pay attention to it or punish them for it, forgive them for it, or ignore it entirely is completely upto him.

Who are other people? Who is everyone else ? Who is they are? Does "they are" mean current day jews that are attending synagogues on the sabbath? (Jews don't have a temple now you know.) Your explanation was vague at best because the pronoun subject kept changing, and the timeframe as well, and you refused to clarify, though I requested it several times -- instead you called me "halfwitted" and "blind" etc, without any regard to my reason for asking the question, which you just assumed to be a diversion by me -- but it was not.

Might I suggest a better way of responding:

Yes, the jewish people violated the OT sabbath commandment when they worshipped in the temple, but I don't see how that relates to Jesus breaking it. It appears you are trying to shift the focus away from Jesus in His defense. It is rather ironic the Jewish leaders that killed Jesus were guilty of violating the sabbath as well, but that does not excuse what Jesus did, or validate your claim that Jesus did not break the OT law.

And when I asked you again, you said:

The answer is there for anyone to see. It's becoming apparent you cannot read.

and again:

Get your eyes tested Woody.

As I've already shown, your answer was not plain for anyone to read and my eyes are perfectly fine. The fact is you didn't tell the truth, but it wasn't intentional on your part, and hence it does not fit the definition of a "lie". The fact is your communication failed for the reasons already given.

Instead of a grand critique of me for your own shortcoming, how about something like:

Yes the jewish leaders broke the sabbath commandment through temple worship. I already answered the question. Can't you pay better attention?

I apologize for calling you a liar, but then I could call you something else instead that's just about as bad. However, I feel you probably owe me an apology as well.
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