why we need ghosts

Here's another experiment in 2013 confirming FTL communication with quantum entanglement:


Nope. It does not confirm FTL communication. It demonstrates the speed of propagation of SPAAD/QE, which is not communication. You are conflating SPAAD with communication; they are not the same.

Here's a good writeup to explain it:
"The end result is always the same, though: While it's one of the weirdest and coolest phenomena in physics, there is no way to use quantum entanglement to send messages faster than the speed of light."
Nope. It does not confirm FTL communication. It demonstrates the speed of propagation of SPAAD/QE, which is not communication. You are conflating SPAAD with communication; they are not the same.

It's the exact same property that was measured in the 2008 experiment--the communication or information exchange between two photons. I'm not conflating anything. The experiments confirm each other.

It's the exact same property that was measured in the 2008 experiment--the communication or information exchange between two photons.
It is not communication. It is quantum entanglement. They are not the same.

You have some learning to do. Here's another place to start:

Quantum entanglement is a quantum mechanical phenomenon in which the quantum states of two or more objects have to be described with reference to each other, even though the individual objects may be spatially separated. This leads to correlations between observable physical properties of the systems.

For example, it is possible to prepare two particles in a single quantum state such that when one is observed to be spin-up, the other one will always be observed to be spin-down and vice versa, this despite the fact that it is impossible to predict, according to quantum mechanics, which set of measurements will be observed.

As a result, measurements performed on one system seem to be instantaneously influencing other systems entangled with it.

But quantum entanglement does not enable the transmission of classical information faster than the speed of light.​

But quantum entanglement does not enable the transmission of classical information faster than the speed of light.

It's not classical information. It's quantum information, and it is transmitted faster than the speed of light as these two experiments demonstrate.
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It's not classical information. It's quantum information, and it is transmitted faster that the speed of light as these two experiments demonstrate.
Yes, it is. It is not useful (i.e. 'classical') information. You cannot use it to send information (i.e. a message of any type) to someone else at faster than the speed of light.
Agreed. I just have to keep in mind that I am trying to explain science to someone who believes in ghosts. But progress is progress.

Now now he like my post of the frozen trousers in the snow as being ghost wearing pants despite the hard time I gave him over the helicopter

So leave him alone - he is becoming older (as we all are) and perhaps some SciFor is seeping in

You go MR

You have been proven wrong by this famous experiment.
Not at all. And the people who actually did the experiment don't claim faster-than-light communication, either. They agree with me.

FTL communication and information transfer happen in quantum entanglement.
No, they really don't, I'm afraid. Apart from anything else, information transfer would violate relativity, like I said. So far, no experiment has shown FTL information transfer, which makes Einstein's theory all the more impressive, in my opinion.

Go back to your science books. You obviously don't know as much as you strut around bragging about..
Nothing is "obvious" until you make it so.

See if you can turn up a peer-reviewed paper that claims FTL communication via entanglement. I dare you.
Here's another experiment in 2013 confirming FTL communication with quantum entanglement:


Yes, but that's not a transfer of information. That's concerned with the propagation of the quantum correlation that results in measurements of entangled particles.

There's no "communication". Quantum entanglement setups like this one cannot be used to transmit a message, for example. In fact, no such setup can use entanglement to transmit a message faster than light. Or, at least, nobody has ever demonstrated any arrangement by which that occurs.
Yes, but that's not a transfer of information. That's concerned with the propagation of the quantum correlation that results in measurements of entangled particles.

There's no "communication". Quantum entanglement setups like this one cannot be used to transmit a message, for example. In fact, no such setup can use entanglement to transmit a message faster than light. Or, at least, nobody has ever demonstrated any arrangement by which that occurs.
If we look at this from a different perspective, could we make a case that "entanglement" may indicate a relationship which does not recognize spatial separation as a distance at all and affects both particles simultaneously regardless of a metric distance between them. That would solve the mystery, no?
If we look at this from a different perspective, could we make a case that "entanglement" may indicate a relationship which does not recognize spatial separation as a distance at all and affects both particles simultaneously regardless of a metric distance between them. That would solve the mystery, no?

That's basically what Bell's equations proved---that the quantum realm is essentially non-local and doesn't depend on distance in space or even in time.

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That's essentially what Bell's equations proved---that the quantum realm is non-local and doesn't depend on distance in space and time.
Maybe James can answer this question. Entangled particles are either in a state of 1 or 0, and changing one particle from 1 to 0 changes the other particle from 0 to 1.

But what does that even mean? I can understand the binary nature of computers, where 1 = ON and 0 = OFF.
But that specifically means 1 = electrical charge and 0 = nothing!!! Energy vs No Energy, a dynamic mathematical format.

With entangled particles, does that mean when one particle is in a state of ON, the other particle is in a state of OFF? Or do both particles exist in an undetermined superposition, which means that a collapse to one state automatically means a collapse of the other to the opposite state when measured? What does it mean to be in opposite states?

But as I understand it, when we intentionally change one particle, we break the entanglement and the particles may lose their opposite states!
This is really confusing. How can we ever tell when particles are entangled and when their entanglement is broken?

If one particle exists, the other does not exist? A quantum phenomenon?
Has anyone ever tried to reverse the process and is that possible?

If that is not the case, then what do the symbols 1 and 0 mean in this context?
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Maybe James can answer this question. Entangled particles are either in a state of 1 or 0, and changing one particle from 1 to 0 changes the other particle from 0 to 1.
No. Prior to measurement, whether one particle's state is 0 or 1 is undetermined. What we find for entangled particles is that their measured states are correlated (for example, if one is in state 0, the other is always found to be in state 1).

But what does that even mean? I can understand the binary nature of computers, where 1 = ON and 0 = OFF.
But that specifically means 1 = electrical charge and 0 = nothing!!! Energy vs No Energy, a dynamic mathematical format.
In practice, electrical signals are often taken to represent a binary 0 when the voltage is between 0 and 0.8 V, and a binary 1 when the voltage is between 2 V and 5 V. Voltages between 0.8 V and 2 V indicate that something is wrong with the circuitry.

With entangled particles, does that mean when one particle is in a state of ON, the other particle is in a state of OFF? Or do both particles exist in an undetermined superposition, which means that a collapse to one state automatically means a collapse of the other to the opposite state when measured? What does it mean to be in opposite states?
Your statement about the superposition is the correct one.

But as I understand it, when we intentionally change one particle, we break the entanglement and the particles may lose their opposite states!
It's not just when we intentionally change one; it's when a measurement happens. That is, as soon as you look to answer the question "Is particle A in state 0 or state 1?" then the state of particle B will thereafter be determined to be in the "opposite" state (if we're assuming that's how they are entangled).

This is really confusing. How can we ever tell when particles are entangled and when their entanglement is broken?
Real-world experiments involve preparing particles (often photons) in entangled states, physically separating them, then measuring.

There's no way to tell from a measurement that a particle used to be entangled. Of course, you can check for correlations with other particles, if you have some reason to expect that such correlations might exist.

If one particle exists, the other does not exist?
You need at least two particles to have entangled particles.

Has anyone ever tried to reverse the process and is that possible?
You mean go back to the state before the measurement was made and the state collapsed? Quantum mechanics says that's not possible. Following a measurement, you have to start from scratch, preparing a new entangled system.
It's not just when we intentionally change one; it's when a measurement happens. That is, as soon as you look to answer the question "Is particle A in state 0 or state 1?" then the state of particle B will thereafter be determined to be in the "opposite" state (if we're assuming that's how they are entangled)
But where is that different from Einstein's original intuitive example of the gloves?
If I have a pair of gloves and without looking I send each in different directions into space. At this point the gloves are superposed and only when we look inside the box of one glove can we tell if it is the left or right glove and the other automatically is the other hand glove. Now the gloves are no longer superposed and have collapsed into their original states. That's it.
If I turn one glove inside out, the other will surely not turn inside out also. The entanglement has collapsed into fixed reality.......:?
But where is that different from Einstein's original intuitive example of the gloves?
If I have a pair of gloves and without looking I send each in different directions into space. At this point the gloves are superposed and only when we look inside the box of one glove can we tell if it is the left or right glove and the other automatically is the other hand glove. Now the gloves are no longer superposed and have collapsed into their original states. That's it.
That's not a superposition.

That example involves a "hidden variable", which determines which box contains the right glove and which contains the left glove. The outcome of the measurement (opening the box) was determined long before the measurement itself.

Quantum mechanics has been shown to be inconsistent with hidden variables. It's as if the "decision" as to which glove is in which box is only made at the instant of measurement. In fact, there have been lots of "delayed-choice" experiments done in which the decision as to what kind of measurement will occur is not made until long after the particles in question have separated. Yet the correlations are still observed.

The quantum behaviour cannot be reproduced by a classical experiment like the one you describe with the gloves.
Cut-and-paste spam is inappropriate for sciforums. Please post appropriate commentary, supplementary info and analysis with cut-and-paste videos.
"A young couple have claimed they are being driven from their home by a violent 'schizophrenic' spirit after footage showed a 'ghostly male' figure walking past their daughter's crib.

Mother-of-one Heather Brough, 25, from Michigan, discovered three deep 'purple scratches' on her one-year-old baby's cheek after waking her from a nap.

The unexplained injuries on her daughter Lily, prompted Ms Brough and her fiance Josh Higgins, 30, who live at his mother's guesthouse, to check their baby camera.

And when reviewing the footage, they claim to have seen a male figure briskly walking past Lily's cot before disappearing into thin-air.

A young couple have claimed they are being driven from their home by a violent 'schizophrenic' spirit after footage showed a ghostly figure walking past their daughter's crib.

The pair are now actively looking for a new home to get away from the 'haunted' property - after paranormal investigators confirmed the house had 'paranormal activity'.

Mr Higgins' mother said the former owner of the home was an elderly lady who lay with a broken hip for 'a very long time' until she was found dead at the bottom of the stairs.
Her schizophrenic brother lived in the guesthouse until his death some years later.

Ms Brough said: 'This is a spirit - I don't know what its intentions are but at this point it's becoming physically harmful. This has made us want to leave as soon as possible. As soon as possible we're out of here.

Mother-of-one Heather Brough, 25, from Michigan, discovered three deep 'purple scratches' on her baby's cheek after waking her from a nap and claims footage shows a male figure briskly walking past the tot's cot

'Seeing Lily's face with the scratches was so bizarre and frightening. There was no explanation as to how that would have happened. It happened within 20 minutes.

'We wondered if she'd scratched herself, but when we put her hands up to the scratches it did not match up. I think it's possible this is the previous tenant,' she added.

The seemingly creepy sighting on their baby camera is far from the first for Ms Brough, who claims she experienced months of ghostly goings-on prior to the incident.

She claims to have heard screaming, stomping, and laughing, while home alone and was even woken from her sleep by the sound of a male shouting.

'There have been times where me and my fiance would wake up in the morning and I would hear an angry male voice - like someone had stubbed their toe,' she explained.

She is now actively looking for a new home to get away from the 'haunted' property - after paranormal investigators confirmed the house had 'paranormal activity'.

The terrified mother added: 'The first couple of times it happened I thought my fiance and his brother were running up and down the stairs for things - but when I opened the door no-one was there.

'I woke up to get ready for work one morning and it felt like someone was choking me. It shook me to the point where I decided to buy our camera.'

Kris, Heather's mother-in-law, lives in the main house with her husband Jim, and claims they have had paranormal investigators confirm there is ghostly activity in their property.

She said: 'At first I thought, "she's a baby. Maybe she scratched herself?" But then the next day I looked at it and they were deep - like blue-purple scratches. They were pretty prominent and there's no way she could do that to herself.

'Ever since that incident happened, they don't leave the baby alone in any particular room. They put her to bed and make sure they are upstairs with her. They're together at all times, except when she's at daycare.'

Many thanks to Heather Brough "

Source: https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/we...thing-baby-camera-mystery-figure-spirit-video


And when reviewing the footage, they claim to have seen a male figure briskly walking past Lily's cot before disappearing into thin-air.


Yes, an out-of-focus "person" walks in the background and leaves the room through a door.
Then the baby stands up and looks at the door where the person disappeared.

Camera is completely out-of-focus on both subjects and, as usual, the scene proves nothing but the presence of a person and a child.

Also known as bad photography.
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