why we need ghosts

Who knows? Call him and ask him.
That is the problem, MR. I do.
OTOH, you don't seem to know and therefore you can be easily fooled.
You believe ghost movies are obviously fake?

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And here we go with the personal attacks. What is so hard about not doing that for you skeptics?
This was not a personal attack. It was an observation of your qualifications in the ART of photography.
If I am wrong, I apologize. Are you knowledgeable in the art of photography and the special effects that can be achieved with simple lighting and shutterspeed manipulations?

Your examples and narratives are not very technical and that brings in question your ability to examine and come to conclusions on vague shimmerings and ghostings in dark (B&W) castles, graveyards, old houses, and forests.



Usually, when we take pictures of moving objects we must "pan the camera" keeping the moving object steady in the frame. The result is the blurring (ghosting) of the background. This called "panning".

OTOH, there is "motion blur" which is the effect when you keep the background steady and the moving object creates a ghostlike blur on the resulting image. Spooky stuff.....:eek:

But not real.
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Yes it was. And you continue to make this about me and what an incompetent judge of photos I am. That gets you ignored as a troll. So be it.
Are you qualified as a ghost hunter or not? Is that a fair questions? If not, why should I believe you?

If not what makes you so certain that you are looking at pictures of ghosts and set the entire scientific community on its head with the "clear evidence" (according to hearsay) of the existence of ghosts, according to you.

Don't you believe that one should kinda qualify their scientific knowledge in the field before making such non-trivial scientific observations?

Nothing personal, strictly professional. Fair enough?
Moderator note: Magical Realist has received a warning for (again) cutting and pasting material from elsewhere with no questions, analysis or commentary of his own. He has been warned numerous times in the past for exactly the same behaviour. Based on accumulated active warning points, he is now automatically banned from sciforums for 1 month.

The next warning that Magical Realist gets will likely result in his permanent banning from sciforums.
The ghost goes from being fully visible to being just barely visible by the time it reaches the door. Real persons don't do that.
Video systems do this quite frequently under the right circumstances. It is a well-known artifact. There is nothing unusual about this footage.
I would assume it is.
Embellishing. Don't assume or you taint your objectivity.

The schizophrenic son died in that house a few years ago.
This is begging the question.
You assume things about the case, because you assume events in it to be true. You can't then turn around and use that conclusion as if it supports your premise.

That is circular - you taint your evidence and your objectivity.