Why Jews did not return to Palestine earlier

I was thinking of the much more radical zealots, actually. :D

(You'll notice the "z" in my post wasn't capitalized. Subtle effect, true.)

The term "zealot", in Hebrew kanai (קנאי, frequently used in plural form, קנאים (kana'im)), means one who is zealous on behalf of God. The term derives from Greek ζηλωτής (zelotes), "emulator, zealous admirer or follower".

Okay. So the Russian atheists who founded Zionism, Jabotinsky et al found their way to Jerusalem out of zealotry?
I already know the end of this topic.

(...Jews are god chosen people...Jews own the world...Palastine is the land of jews...Jews will go to heaven and everyone else to hell...., ..., ... and ...)

Okay. So the Russian atheists who founded Zionism, Jabotinsky et al found their way to Jerusalem out of zealotry?

I agree with the carrot and the stick.

Jew in their prayer have their saying . NEXT YEAR IN JERUSALEM
That means since their displacement , they had in mind to return , but all the time procrastinate . Jews moved with Muslim were ever they invaded , it was a good period , the end of good period come in Spain , then they moved to France and Germany , they were persecuted by the organizer of Crusaders , Then the King of Poland and Russia invited them , The Jews continued living in foreign land , they were persecuted and humiliated and steel did not go to " Next year in Jerusalem " so here come Hitler with a big stick ( holocaust ) so they finally went in big scale to Jerusalem . It is unfortunately for the Palestinian . But we liked or not . The prophesy in Isaiah 53 had to be fulfilled . Now if the Palestinian would accept the Jews and the Arab league would stay away , I believe there will be prosperity for both people .
I was in Israel in 1973 and in 2010 O have seen the progress the Jews have made and the lack of progress among the Palestinian example ; Jericho is the same 1973 and 2010 beside America have donated some roads . I see Bethlehem have Improved since 1973 because vicinity to Jerusalem and so on.
I already know the end of this topic.

(...Jews are god chosen people...Jews own the world...Palastine is the land of jews...Jews will go to heaven and everyone else to hell...., ..., ... and ...)


Haw! I love it when the fascists bury their heads in refuse to avoid an issue that gets uncomfortable.

"You think Jews have been oppressed for years? You must think they are the chosen people, and that they poop roses!"

Or, maybe, just that they have the same rights as other people.

You're right in one aspect though: this argument is probably done.
I already know the end of this topic.

(...Jews are god chosen people...Jews own the world...Palastine is the land of jews...Jews will go to heaven and everyone else to hell...., ..., ... and ...)


You are wrong we all are God's people , Palestinian are Jews and it is their land also. they don't own the world, there are a lot of poor Jews, they are no different from us. One thing for sure they have been beaten like alley cats for 2600 years
I agree with the carrot and the stick.

Jew in their prayer have their saying . NEXT YEAR IN JERUSALEM
That means since their displacement , they had in mind to return , but all the time procrastinate . Jews moved with Muslim were ever they invaded , it was a good period , the end of good period come in Spain , then they moved to France and Germany , they were persecuted by the organizer of Crusaders , Then the King of Poland and Russia invited them , The Jews continued living in foreign land , they were persecuted and humiliated and steel did not go to " Next year in Jerusalem " so here come Hitler with a big stick ( holocaust ) so they finally went in big scale to Jerusalem . It is unfortunately for the Palestinian . But we liked or not . The prophesy in Isaiah 53 had to be fulfilled . Now if the Palestinian would accept the Jews and the Arab league would stay away , I believe there will be prosperity for both people .
I was in Israel in 1973 and in 2010 O have seen the progress the Jews have made and the lack of progress among the Palestinian example ; Jericho is the same 1973 and 2010 beside America have donated some roads . I see Bethlehem have Improved since 1973 because vicinity to Jerusalem and so on.

I'm not sure what your argument is. Are you saying that Palestinians should accept the occupation because the Jews are better at construction? Did the Prophets encourage people to spend more time making roads and buildings? In fact, is that what the Prophets did? Have you seen the new Jewish only settlement which cuts off Bethlehem from Jerusalem for the first time in history? And the other one which surrounds 2000 Palestinians so that they will need to dig a tunnel to get in touch with other Palestinians if permitted? What do you think of the fact that although Palestinian homes are demolished to make way for new construction, the new apartments are only given to Jews. What do you think happens to the Palestinians who used to stay in the place where the Jews Only apartments have come up? Why would anyone accept something like this?
I'm not sure what your argument is. Are you saying that Palestinians should accept the occupation because the Jews are better at construction?

Well, that's an odd question, coming from you. I thought you believed in getting out of the kitchen if you couldn't take the heat? Or did you mean in some cases only? If that perspective of yours is true, why advance moral arguments at all? Surely only force should decide. You'll forgive me if I find your invocation of morality...subjective.
Well, that's an odd question, coming from you. I thought you believed in getting out of the kitchen if you couldn't take the heat? Or did you mean in some cases only? If that perspective of yours is true, why advance moral arguments at all? Surely only force should decide. You'll forgive me if I find your invocation of morality...subjective.

There is a problem with that in Israel. The Palestinians cannot get out. Some of them even live in a cage surrounded by Jewish settlers

Israel does not sign off on exit visas even when students get scholarship and all entry and exit ports are controlled by Israel

Israel Does not Allow Fulbright Grantees to Leave Gaza

You can't leave when you are locked in a cage. Palestinians cannot even go from Gaza to the West Bank or Jerusalem

Berlanty is still not back in Bethlehem. She is in Gaza while her academic courses and her future aspirations remain “on hold.”

It is now 35 days since she was taken from Bethlehem.

At the Monday, November 30th Hearing at the High Court, the Court did not declined to instruct the Israeli Army to return Berlanty to Bethlehem for her to complete her education at Bethlehem University – but instead allowed her to be returned to Gaza as the Court continued to consider the matter.

There is a problem with that in Israel. The Palestinians cannot get out.

Pretending that were true for a moment: so what? Your form of 'morality' makes no such distinction. Heat, or feet.

Do you have any actual links that illustrate that Israel - your version, at least - would prevent a Palestinian exodus to other Arab countries? Based on your links, perhaps I should infer that Israel has granted Fulbright scholarships to the entirety of Palestine to force them to stay.
I'm not sure what your argument is. Are you saying that Palestinians should accept the occupation because the Jews are better at construction? Did the Prophets encourage people to spend more time making roads and buildings? In fact, is that what the Prophets did? Have you seen the new Jewish only settlement which cuts off Bethlehem from Jerusalem for the first time in history? And the other one which surrounds 2000 Palestinians so that they will need to dig a tunnel to get in touch with other Palestinians if permitted? What do you think of the fact that although Palestinian homes are demolished to make way for new construction, the new apartments are only given to Jews. What do you think happens to the Palestinians who used to stay in the place where the Jews Only apartments have come up? Why would anyone accept something like this?

I have seen what you are saying I have been there I have driven into Palestinian area . I believe Palestinian and Israeli are the same people, You should stop squabbling, my land , my land and start to accept the situation as is . We have lost our property in the Ukraine , were our are was at one time was Russia then Poland , then Russia then Ukraine . The only people interested in making border are politician, the common man life does not change much.
I am sure the Israeli will not get the person out on gun point with out compensation.
There is a problem with that in Israel. The Palestinians cannot get out. Some of them even live in a cage surrounded by Jewish settlers

Israel does not sign off on exit visas even when students get scholarship and all entry and exit ports are controlled by Israel

Israel Does not Allow Fulbright Grantees to Leave Gaza

You can't leave when you are locked in a cage. Palestinians cannot even go from Gaza to the West Bank or Jerusalem

Pardon While in Israeli possession land O picked up a Palestinian and I drove him into Bethlehem , yes there is a damm ugly wall in my visit in 1973 there was no wall , you tell me why did they build the wall, in the past I was able to drive to Hebron , Now I was advised not to drive in because danger of been stoned .
Tell me what is what the Palestinian politician want. The Arab liege want to maintain the heat in the area.
Tell me what is what the Palestinian politician want

Keep your eyes on the news. The Palestinians are petitioning for statehood on Nov 12 or 13.

Meanwhile, the Israelis are building settlements faster and have withheld the taxes they have collected from Palestinians as "punishment" for Palestinians being accepted by UNESCO. They have also cancelled their UNESCO membership.

Palestinians want either a state or they want civil rights in their land. If they do not succeed in the November statehood bid, Abbas will dissolve the PA and pass on responsibility of all Palestinians in the OPT as well as the Palestinian refugees to Israel under the 4th Geneva convention

Pretty sure the UN will also leave it all to Israel. Then both of us can see what Israel will do with the Palestinians
......, the common man life does not change much.
I am sure the Israeli will not get the person out on gun point with out compensation.

true dat
the 9000 peasants evicted from the jezreel valley were justly compensated
In the 1870s, the Sursock family of Beirut (present-day Lebanon) purchased the land from the Ottoman government for approximately £20,000. Between 1912 and 1925 the Sursock family (then under the French Mandate of Syria) sold their 80,000 acres (320 km²) of land in the Vale of Jezreel to the American Zion Commonwealth for about nearly three quarters of a million pounds, who purchased the land for Jewish resettlement and the Jewish National Fund.

Following these sales, the 8 000 Arab farmers who lived in 22 villages working for the absentee landowners were evicted. Some farmers refused to leave their land, as in Afula (El-Ful), however the new owners decided that it would be inappropriate for these farmers to remain as tenants on land intended for Jewish labor, and they also followed the socialist ideology of the Yishuv, believing that it would be wrong for a (Jewish) landlord to exploit a landless (Arab) peasant. British police had to be used to expel some and the dispossessed made their way to the coast to search for new work with most ending up in shanty towns on the edges of Jaffa and Haifa.​
contrast all that with the mandate....
To safeguard the civil and religious rights of all inhabitants of Palestine irrespective of race and religion, and, whilst facilitating Jewish immigration and settlement, to ensure that the rights and position of other sections of the population are not prejudiced.

"it is necessary that the Jewish community in Palestine should be able to increase its numbers by immigration. This immigration cannot be so great in volume as to exceed whatever may be the economic capacity of the country at the time to absorb new arrivals. It is essential to ensure that the immigrants should not be a burden upon the people of Palestine as a whole, and that they should not deprive any section of the present population of their employment."​
It is a mistake to assume that the Vale of Esdraelon was a wilderness before the arrival of the Jewish settlers and that it is now a paradise. A very large amount of money has been spent by the various Jewish agencies, and great improvements have been made. The work that has been done, especially in the direction of drainage and the introduction of new and improved methods of agriculture is highly valuable. There can be little doubt that in time, the application of capital, science, and labour will result in general success. It is, however, unjust to the poverty stricken fellah' who has been removed from these lands that the suggestion should continually be made that he was a useless cumberer of the ground and produced nothing from it. It should be quite obvious that this is not the fact.

In ancient times Esdraelon was the granary, and by the Arabs is still regarded as the most fertile tract of Palestine​
and the plunder continues unabated..
Settlements, of which there are now hundreds, come in every shape, size and hue. From mini-cities – part Stevenage, part Stepford – such as Maale Adumim, to the wild West Bank fort at Hebron.

Many settlements are little more than dormitory towns for commuters who can't afford family homes in Israel and have been enticed over the Green Line with generous state subsidies and a nudge-nudge-wink-wink, "don't worry, we'll never give it back." Then there are the "Hilltop Youth," fresh-faced, pious and prone to thuggery, whose DIY illegal encampments pock Judea's shapely peaks, the fast-breeding "facts on the ground".

There are settlements for the very religious and settlements for the totally secular. There are settlements for Russian immigrants and settlements for English speakers. There are even several little-publicised settlements whose inhabitants believe in peace and fostering good relations with their Palestinian neighbours.​


Israel’s High Court legitimizes looting of land in Derekh Ha’avot outpost

On 1 September 2010, Israel's High Court of Justice sanctioned the looting of land and the unlawful building carried out in establishing the Derekh Ha'avot outpost, near the Elazar settlement, in the Etzion Bloc. The court's decision was made even though the state had declared for almost nine years that the construction in the outpost was unlawful. The court rejected Peace Now's petition, filed in 2008, demanding evacuation of the outpost and its residents, who had taken control of land they did not own and had built houses without obtaining a building permit. It also refrained from ordering the state to set a binding time-table for enforcing the law. The court based its decision, written by Justice Edmond Levy, with justices Edna Arbel and Neal Handel concurring, on the claim that the court refrains, as a rule, from interfering in priorities of the defense establishment relating to law enforcement. On this pretext, the Israeli judicial system, including Supreme Court justices sitting as the High Court of Justice, has not ordered enforcement of the law on the outposts for 12 years.​
You are wrong we all are God's people , Palestinian are Jews and it is their land also. they don't own the world, there are a lot of poor Jews, they are no different from us. One thing for sure they have been beaten like alley cats for 2600 years

Well, what I said was sacrasm.
But I disagree about the 2600 years thing.
In the islamic civilisations golden age, (like in spain for example, and others...), jews, christians and muslims, used to work together in libraries, and such things.
Before world wars, and before the colonisation, a high number of jews were living in arab countries, my grand-father used to tell me about them (that there used to be alot of jews living with them, as neighbors, partners, etc...), but many of them left after the colonisation.
Same to many other arab countries.
The hate toward jews (in general) , started after the establishment of "Israel".
Many jews here, do call Tunisia (for example) as their home, and not "Israel".
Same to some other jews around the world.
It's not because hes relegion is jewish that means "Israel" is hes or her home.
But "Israel" is an illigal state, and I don't know why the whole word defends Israel.
What's their interest (I mean "Israel" supporters, like the N°1 wich is USA, and Qatar, France, all or almost all the arab dictators (who are puppets) , etc...)