Why isn't faith embarrasing?

There are sooooo many people who call themselves people of faith so they [as a group] should not be embarrased. For they have the "bandwagon" fallacy.
It's like Tiassa wrote - safety in numbers and I'd add, in tradition as well.

I can imagine you would be happy to discuss an aspect of Islam at great length, but I can not see too many non Scientologists spending day in and day out seriously studying the precepts of Ron Hubbard? Most would probably think it a waste of time and most probably wouldn't want to waste that time hearing someone talk about it. THAT is boring.

Just imagine being at a conference and you meet this prominent scientist and are trying to set that good impression - maybe to get a potential new dream job. The conversation turns away from science and the woman you want to impress now wants to get to know you a little better. You notice your Scientologist buddy who always talks about Xemu at ANY opportunity - he is walking over. You know he will begin in on Xemu as soon as he gets the chance to. Do you (a) stay and talk about Xemu or (b) politely extract yourself and perhaps let your friend know that now is not the time to talk about Scientology. You need to make a good impression. Then come back and finish that good impression you were building on.

I think in the real world people will go for (b) and I thought that was the reason for the post. To talk about why people feel embarrassed by irrational beliefs.
It's like Tiassa wrote - safety in numbers and I'd add, in tradition as well.

I can imagine you would be happy to discuss an aspect of Islam at great length, but I can not see too many non Scientologists spending day in and day out seriously studying the precepts of Ron Hubbard? Most would probably think it a waste of time and most probably wouldn't want to waste that time hearing someone talk about it. THAT is boring.

Just imagine being at a conference and you meet this prominent scientist and are trying to set that good impression - maybe to get a potential new dream job. The conversation turns away from science and the woman you want to impress now wants to get to know you a little better. You notice your Scientologist buddy who always talks about Xemu at ANY opportunity - he is walking over. You know he will begin in on Xemu as soon as he gets the chance to. Do you (a) stay and talk about Xemu or (b) politely extract yourself and perhaps let your friend know that now is not the time to talk about Scientology. You need to make a good impression. Then come back and finish that good impression you were building on.

I think in the real world people will go for (b) and I thought that was the reason for the post. To talk about why people feel embarrassed by irrational beliefs.

It works something like this. If one man tells people he talks to god he is rightly regarded as being insane. If a lot of people do it in a church that's perfectly normal
It's like Tiassa wrote - safety in numbers and I'd add, in tradition as well.

I can imagine you would be happy to discuss an aspect of Islam at great length, but I can not see too many non Scientologists spending day in and day out seriously studying the precepts of Ron Hubbard? Most would probably think it a waste of time and most probably wouldn't want to waste that time hearing someone talk about it. THAT is boring.

Just imagine being at a conference and you meet this prominent scientist and are trying to set that good impression - maybe to get a potential new dream job. The conversation turns away from science and the woman you want to impress now wants to get to know you a little better. You notice your Scientologist buddy who always talks about Xemu at ANY opportunity - he is walking over. You know he will begin in on Xemu as soon as he gets the chance to. Do you (a) stay and talk about Xemu or (b) politely extract yourself and perhaps let your friend know that now is not the time to talk about Scientology. You need to make a good impression. Then come back and finish that good impression you were building on.

I think in the real world people will go for (b) and I thought that was the reason for the post. To talk about why people feel embarrassed by irrational beliefs.

Since I have never EVER heard anyone at a conference discussing anything but science (and lunch and dinner locations) your question seems like another one of your fantasy scenarios to me. No one shows their children's photos either; should that be considered as an indication that families are embarrassing?
You keep using Stalin as your cover boy for atheism. Apparently you are unaware of the connection between the the Jesuit Order and Lenin in the take over of Russia in 1917. How the Jesuits trained Lenin in the ways of communism. How the Jesuits firsts created communism in their "reductions" in Paraguay.

Those of us who have done our homework on communism, such as myself, have come to find that Lenin and Stalin were nothing more than tools of the Vatican. The purpose of which was to break the back of the Greek Orthodox Church in Russia for later assimilation into Catholicism.

In other words, your so called "atheist" Stalin had a religious agenda after all.

It just pisses me off to no end when a mass murdering theist masquerading as an atheist kills around 45 million people and then the rest of the world's theists can point the finger and say, "See, atheists are butchers too!"

But when you get your history out of a classroom that has been established for the sole purpose of spreading propaganda what can you expect.
Also I would just like to point out that a lot of negative things have been said regarding Christianity and violence in the world, but I think it is important to make the distinction that since the Reformation, for the most part, Protestant Christians were fighting for their rights and their survival from the Roman Catholic Church, which was the true aggressor. Protestants have not been known for starting wars as much as defending themselves against the Vatican who frequently initiated the hostilities. Just look at the wars against England from Elizabeth I where the Vatican took every opportunity (using the Spanish and French Monarchs in particular) to overthrow the British (Protestant) monarchy. The Gunpowder Plot (Guy Fawkes) was a known Jesuit conspiracy.

I only bring this up because Protestants should not be forced to carry a burden that is not theirs to carry.

Also if Protestants had not fought the Vatican and won I am not confident that we atheists would have the rights we have today to be atheists.
You dont even know what happened last year, now your giving history lessons. Have you ever heard of Northern Ireland?

"In an attempt to pacify both factions, the British passed in 1920 the Government of Ireland Act, which divided Ireland into two separate political entities, each with some powers of self-government. The Act was accepted by Ulster Protestants and rejected by southern Catholics, who continued to demand total independence for a unified Ireland."

So it's the Catholics that won't let up then. And this contradicts me in what way?
Keep searching, your looking for the world that never was and never will be. Anyone who thinks that the conflict in Ireland was about religion is way off the mark. That is the problem though...limited vision.
You keep using Stalin as your cover boy for atheism. Apparently you are unaware of the connection between the the Jesuit Order and Lenin in the take over of Russia in 1917. How the Jesuits trained Lenin in the ways of communism. How the Jesuits firsts created communism in their "reductions" in Paraguay.

Those of us who have done our homework on communism, such as myself, have come to find that Lenin and Stalin were nothing more than tools of the Vatican. The purpose of which was to break the back of the Greek Orthodox Church in Russia for later assimilation into Catholicism.

In other words, your so called "atheist" Stalin had a religious agenda after all.

It just pisses me off to no end when a mass murdering theist masquerading as an atheist kills around 45 million people and then the rest of the world's theists can point the finger and say, "See, atheists are butchers too!"

But when you get your history out of a classroom that has been established for the sole purpose of spreading propaganda what can you expect.

Of course, any atheist who goes on a murderous rampage has an agenda (unlike a theist, who is merely blinded by faith). What are your opinions on Mao and Pol Pot? The "scientists" who followed Francis Galton in his theory of eugenics? Were they secretly hired by the Vatican as well?
You keep using Stalin as your cover boy for atheism.

SAM has done that frequently and will continue to apply these and other fallacious arguments in order to derail threads. It is quite a successful ploy as she happily watches everyone running around attempting once again to explain it to her.
You keep using Stalin as your cover boy for atheism. Apparently you are unaware of the connection between the the Jesuit Order and Lenin in the take over of Russia in 1917. How the Jesuits trained Lenin in the ways of communism. How the Jesuits firsts created communism in their "reductions" in Paraguay.
As someone pointed out on another thread, the basic statement of communism, "To each according to his need, from each according to his ability," is a quote from the Book of Acts. Communism is a Christian philosophy. Can you imagine a Hindu or a Confucian believing that civilization could survive if what we take from it did not have to correlate with what we give back?
Since I have never EVER heard anyone at a conference discussing anything but science (and lunch and dinner locations) your question seems like another one of your fantasy scenarios to me. No one shows their children's photos either; should that be considered as an indication that families are embarrassing?

-Thats strange, we talk religions and related stuff often, and I have been showed many times photos of children, last time yesterday ! This between friends of course, with strangers politics and religion is often banned.
-Maybe some cultural thing ?
-Thats strange, we talk religions and related stuff often, and I have been showed many times photos of children, last time yesterday ! This between friends of course, with strangers politics and religion is often banned.
-Maybe some cultural thing ?

At a conference? :bugeye:

You must go to some strange conferences. :shrug:

We spend most of our time dissecting the presentations, clothes and speech or powerpoint slides of the presenters