Why isn't faith embarrasing?

SAM said:
There are a LOT of idoits with no education (or precious little of it) in the Muslim world.
And when you try to educate them, you will run into some characteristic problems, is my guess. Fundies are fundies the world over.
michael said:
All they have to do is homeschool. Done. Problem solved.
Doesn't solve the problem. Homeschooling has to meet certain standards in Minnesota, and omitting biological science (among other problematic areas) fails them. And these are immigrants - homeschooling brings up problems of learning English, even, let alone politics etc.

Education is a natural enemy of institutioanlized (i.e. dogmatic) theistic religion, and has been for centuries now - one reason the great theistic religions have always attempted to monopolize it, and govern it.

Islam, with its insistence on the perfect origin and unchanging, immutable nature of the Koran, is particularly vulnerable.
Kadark said:
even though I'm more more educated and knowledgeable on the matter than they could ever hope to be.
You don't appear, to me, to understand the basics of evolutionary theory. You make errors of assumption, logic, and inference (not here, but in other threads) that are typical of fundie creationists and atypical of people educated in the matter.

michael said:
There seems to be some confusion about evolution, which is a process and a fact, and abiogenesis - which obviously also occurred (we are here) but is separate from evolution.
Part of the confusion is natural: Darwinian evolution is also the one standing hypothesis (not yet a theory) for the mechanism of abiogenesis.
I seek purpose in my life because it is my belief that everything in the universe has a purpose. That nothing is random or baseless. That if ye seek, ye will find.

I doubt its the same as yours.

You wont find purpose in your life. But can give your life purpose.