Why isn't faith embarrasing?

Keep searching, your looking for the world that never was and never will be. Anyone who thinks that the conflict in Ireland was about religion is way off the mark. That is the problem though...limited vision.

It is you who has the limited vision. Think about it, you have an enemy (in this case the Vatican), and they have a stronghold island right next to you from which they can launch military operations against you. You have a choice, leave them to conspire against you or take it over for your own security and piece of mind.

Sound familiar, like say Cuba.
As someone pointed out on another thread, the basic statement of communism, "To each according to his need, from each according to his ability," is a quote from the Book of Acts. Communism is a Christian philosophy. Can you imagine a Hindu or a Confucian believing that civilization could survive if what we take from it did not have to correlate with what we give back?

Since atheism is a belief without a moral system, is it surprising they would borrow from the Bible for inspiration?

Would you say "love your neighbour" is a Christian philosophy, hence every atheist who follows it is secretly a Christian?

You spend hours arguing that a-theism actually means "without a belief in God " and not just " belief that there is no god" as if this is a meaningful distinction in real life.:shrug:
Of course, any atheist who goes on a murderous rampage has an agenda (unlike a theist, who is merely blinded by faith). What are your opinions on Mao and Pol Pot? The "scientists" who followed Francis Galton in his theory of eugenics? Were they secretly hired by the Vatican as well?

Another so called atheist bunch. What was the agenda there? Kill off Buddhists. Why? Because the Jesuit missionaries in country had failed for centuries to get conversions for the Vatican.

I'll spell it out for you,
Communist Party = Jesuit Agenda.

This is the reason for the crusade to split up the families and abolish religion there, creates a clean slate.

Eugenics is another effective method of achieving a clean slate. Like what Adolf Hitler (a professed Roman Catholic) put in effect in Germany.

Catholic = Universal

Hence the agenda to make it universal.
You spend hours arguing that a-theism actually means "without a belief in God " and not just " belief that there is no god" as if this is a meaningful distinction in real life.:shrug:
Poor sam. Do we now need a thread on how intellectual integrity is important, at least to atheists? :rolleyes:
Since atheism is a belief without a moral system, is it surprising they would borrow from the Bible for inspiration?

Would you say "love your neighbour" is a Christian philosophy, hence every atheist who follows it is secretly a Christian?

Everything Christian is not evil. If they would throw out the Old Testament garbage and the apocalyptic garbage the philosophy itself would be sound.
Another so called atheist bunch. What was the agenda there? Kill off Buddhists. Why? Because the Jesuit missionaries in country had failed for centuries to get conversions for the Vatican.

I'll spell it out for you,
Communist Party = Jesuit Agenda.

This is the reason for the crusade to split up the families and abolish religion there, creates a clean slate.

Eugenics is another effective method of achieving a clean slate. Like what Adolf Hitler (a professed Roman Catholic) put in effect in Germany.

Catholic = Universal

Hence the agenda to make it universal.

Another so called atheist bunch. What was the agenda there? Kill off Buddhists. Why? Because the Jesuit missionaries in country had failed for centuries to get conversions for the Vatican.

I'll spell it out for you,
Communist Party = Jesuit Agenda.

This is the reason for the crusade to split up the families and abolish religion there, creates a clean slate.

Eugenics is another effective method of achieving a clean slate. Like what Adolf Hitler (a professed Roman Catholic) put in effect in Germany.

Catholic = Universal

Hence the agenda to make it universal.

Love your neighbor = Christian philosophy
You desperately wish that Stalin and Mao hadn't been atheists.

You assert that the 300 Protestants put to death under the reign of "Bloody Mary" in 16th century England stand as absolute proof of the inherent evil of Christianity but the tens upon tens of millions killed by Marxist regimes under Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot in the 20th century have absolutely NOTHING to do with the profound atheism inherent in these regimes.

You contend that no war in history has ever been created by non-belief. Yet, when you are told that 176 million people lost their lives in wars during the last century, created by non-believers like Stalin, Lenin, Mao and Hitler, to name only a few, you reply that those wars fought were fought in the name of ideology and not 'atheism' as atheists "…don't fly planes into buildings or start wars."

You desperately confer with other skeptics to try and refute the evidence that Hitler's Holocaust was evolution-inspired, because, darn it, you just GOTTA prove that Hitler was a Christian.

You believe that Hitler claiming to be a Christian is undeniable proof that he was a Christian, while George Washington only claimed to be a Christian in order to win the people's favor.

You continually argue that Hitler was a "real Christian" even when he and his fellow Nazis were slaughtering millions of people (and you "conveniently" ignore the very obvious distinction between someone claiming to be a Christian and someone actually living as a Christian, and the fact that the Nuremberg prosecutors denounced Nazism as fanatically ANTI-Christian!), but you deny that the scientists who rejected Galileo's work were real scientists.

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Below are some excerpts from the highest Jesuit oath, which is still taken today. I apologize for the lengthy post but here goes...

...I do further promise and declare that I will have no opinion or will of my
own or any mental reservation whatsoever, even as a corpse or cadaver
(Perinde ac cadaver) but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command
that I may receive from my superiors in the militia of the Pope and Jesus

That I will go to any part of the world whithersoever I may be sent; to the
frozen regions of the north; or the burning sands of the desert of Africa or
the jungles of India; to the center of civilization of Europe or to the wild
haunts of the barbarous savages of America without murmuring or repining
and will be submissive in all things whatsoever is communicated to me.

I do further promise and declare, that I will, when opportunity
presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all
heretics, Protestants and Masons, as I am directed to do, to extirpate
and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth, and that I will
spare neither age, sex, nor condition, and that I will burn, hang, waste,
boil, flay, strangle, bury alive, these infamous heretics, open up the
stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants’ heads
against the walls in order to annihilate their execrable race.

That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the
poison cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard, or the
leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity or authority of the
persons whatever be their condition in life, either public or private, as I
at any time may be directed to so do, by any agent of the Pope, or
superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith of the Society of Jesus.
You spend hours arguing that a-theism actually means "without a belief in God " and not just " belief that there is no god" as if this is a meaningful distinction in real life.:shrug:

Actually, some theists spend hours arguing that a-theism means "belief that there is no god" and not "without a belief in God". I just occasionally drop by to correct them ;)
Are you an idiot? You cant just classify everyone and their actions as atheist and theist.

Thats right, many are.
M*W: There may be a middle ground where the fence sitters sit, but could you name a few atheists who were also known as historical "butchers," and provide for us the well-known and corroborated sociopolitical citations confirming your answer.
It is you who has the limited vision. Think about it, you have an enemy (in this case the Vatican), and they have a stronghold island right next to you from which they can launch military operations against you. You have a choice, leave them to conspire against you or take it over for your own security and piece of mind.

Sound familiar, like say Cuba.

Utter rubbish. The invasion of Ireland got underway when the Normans invaded in 1369. Since then our history has been one of occupation. After the famine in which one million died and about another million emigrated. we had a remaining population of two million. Some threat !

Just before the Irish Free State was formed there was a plebiscite which showed a majority of 7:2 favoured a united Ireland. But in the North the "loyalist" community grabbed six of the nine counties in Ulster which were overwhelmingly Protestant, thus ensuring a majority in their favour.

From that point on there was discrimination against Catholics. Only property owners were allowed to vote in local elections and some businessmen got as many as ten votes. Guess who owned the propertuy and the businesses ! In general elections the boundaries were jerrymandered to ensure an overwhelming Protestan majority. Don't take my word for. If you take the trouble to look it up , you will find that the recommendations of the Boundaries Commision were ignored.

There was widespread discrimination against Catholics when it came to housing and jobs and that is really what Paisley and co. were shouting about when they talked about a return to "democracy" The wanted to maintain the status quo.

So I suggest the troubles were motivated by greed as much as religious bigotry, not that it made any difference to the man in the street.

Before you draw the wrong conclusion, let me tell you that I have no time for any religion. I share your dislike of the wretched Vatican but I equally detest the narrow-minded Protestant bigots in the North. Try living there. For my part, I am quite happy to live in England as I have done for most of my life.

Your idea of an invasion launched from Ireland is simply ludicrous. Imagine the Pope sending all forty or fifty of his Swiss guards to bring the British empire to its knees. I've heard many conspiracy theories in my time but yours is the most risible to date.