why is incest bad

Chimpkin a) you DO realise those photos are designed to be as ugly as possible and b) do you want to post pics of you and your wife so that everyone can judge wether you are both atractive enough to be ina relationship?
I'm shocked reading half of this.

Incestry is just wrong, period. I can almost accept a bit of fooling around at young ages... I guess it happens all the time. But full on sex, knowing what you are doing with a family member... I mean it just shouldn't be done. The very fact that all sorts of conditions can be obtained from inbreeding... I mean... It's natures way of telling us not to do this kind of thing!
I'm shocked reading half of this.

Incestry is just wrong, period. I can almost accept a bit of fooling around at young ages... I guess it happens all the time. But full on sex, knowing what you are doing with a family member... I mean it just shouldn't be done. The very fact that all sorts of conditions can be obtained from inbreeding... I mean... It's natures way of telling us not to do this kind of thing!

Actually it was the mark of nobility until recently.
Chimpkin a) you DO realise those photos are designed to be as ugly as possible and b) do you want to post pics of you and your wife so that everyone can judge wether you are both atractive enough to be ina relationship?

We aren't breeding, or inbreeding, or related.
Nor are we having sex in elevators.
They are candid photos, yes.
But those two have That Innsmouth Look going on...

I actually have no problem with ugly people having babies together.
Ugly blood relatives? Even pretty blood relatives? That's a problem.

Actually it was the mark of nobility until recently.

Yes. The Habsburgs ended due to inbreeding.
As a result of generations of Habsburg inbreeding, the House of Habsburg became extinct in the male line in the 18th century: The Spanish branch ended upon the death of Charles II in 1700 and was replaced by the Anjou branch of the House of Bourbon in the person of his great-nephew Philip V. The Austrian branch went extinct in the male person in 1740 with the death of Charles VI and in the female person in 1780 with the death of his daughter Maria Theresa and was succeeded by the Vaudemont branch of the House of Lorraine in the person of her son Joseph II. The new successor house styled itself formally as House of Habsburg-Lorraine (German: Habsburg-Lothringen), although it was often referred to as simply the House of Habsburg.
A lot of the rulers were insane, also.
I may be related to them...:eek:
Which would explain a few things.
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Umm you do realise that every young girls pin up boy (prince harry) comes from a family whos whole claim to fame is that they are fucking there relitives
Umm you do realise that every young girls pin up boy (prince harry) comes from a family whos whole claim to fame is that they are fucking there relitives

I only vaguely know who that is.
You know I stopped following news last year.
Some moderately decent-looking redhead kid whose claim to fame is getting born into the right family? think I've seen him while waiting to get rung up.
We kind of overthrew the monarchy here a long time ago.
What sauces the tacos of romantically-addled teenage girls doesn't concern me.
Umm you do realise that every young girls pin up boy (prince harry) comes from a family whos whole claim to fame is that they are fucking there relitives

Can I inherit the U.K. Im descended from Welsh nobility and im not inbred. :) Plus, im a bad man.
You can fuck em but can't marry them is what I understand . I think more people fuck there sisters than you all think . A thing like that people would not want it to get out as there secret love affair would be to much for public opinion .

Lots of people fuck there sister in the past as some of you pointed out . I will give you just one biblical account for bible buffers . Abraham . Yeah the great father of modern religion . He married his sister and fucked her . Yeah Issac is the proof he was fucking his sister . See early on in the story it tells how he told Pharaoh that she was his sister as to save his own life as her beauty was to irresistible for other men . He was afraid they would kill him and take his wife if they knew they were husband and wife . Well Pharaoh took to the lovely woman and was about to fucker when he found out she was Abraham wife also. So he didn't lie about her being his sister . This is made perfectly clear in the chapter as there was no punishment from God for one thing . The Pharaoh was punished for his lust-fulness which makes Me wonder if he real Fucked her or not . He might of fucked her and that is why the story reads in a mysterious way it does
Who cares? Sin is just a religious thing. Reproduction is problematic, but activities between consensual adults is just fine.
Who cares? Sin is just a religious thing. Reproduction is problematic, but activities between consensual adults is just fine.

Incestuous reproduction is a terrible thing, and a sin holds weight on your soul, literally (or mind).
Incest is one of the few acts that can be deemed "wrong" from a biological perspective. It weakens the gene pool and can lead to higher incidences of recessive traits being passed on. It decreases the reproductive fitness of the species as a whole; therefore it goes against what we are hardwired to do - reproduce whilst maintaining diversity and high fitness levels on a genetic level. Going against that is wrong, in the same way that sex with children is wrong - it serves no positive reproductive purpose and impacts negatively on the species as a whole (though in different ways).
Also, hello!
Also to Knowledge91 - sin is just a religious concept but it can be applied to other areas. In this case incest could be deemed a sin against nature and against the future fitness of our offspring. In a sense this is the greatest sin available to us, as thats the thing we are really meant to guard against as a biological organism.
Incest is one of the few acts that can be deemed "wrong" from a biological perspective. It weakens the gene pool and can lead to higher incidences of recessive traits being passed on. It decreases the reproductive fitness of the species as a whole; therefore it goes against what we are hardwired to do - reproduce whilst maintaining diversity and high fitness levels on a genetic level. Going against that is wrong, in the same way that sex with children is wrong - it serves no positive reproductive purpose and impacts negatively on the species as a whole (though in different ways).
Also, hello!

I've heard there is usually not much of a problem with first generation incest babies, but if incest continues in second, third and fourth generation incest we start getting less survivable humans.

At one time in our human past when our species almost didn't make it, it was estimated there were only a few thousand humans left in the world. So the gene pool was very tight and there must have been lots of incest or next closest thing to it.

Is it possible that many of the characteristic differences in the races we have today got that way because of lots of inbreeding during that close call with extinction?
Incest doesn't automatically lead to reproduction. You might as well argue that people with genetic defects should also not have sex.
@Killjoy - What time in our past do you mean? I'm afraid i dont know enough about that instance to comment on it but i'll look it up.

But i don't think that characteristic racial differences occurred due to inbreeding - i think that it was a gradual environmental effect on the peoples living in various ecological niches. For example more black people are taller an thinner than northern europeans - this is to do with surface area and body heat (Small, stout people lose body heat at a slower rate and vice versa for tall, thin people.)

@Spider - Incest may not lead to reproduction but the entire act is one of a reproductive nature. Thats why the act exists, why it feels good and why it dominates most of our concious and unconcious thoughts throughout any given day. I thought it was not unreasonable to equate the two. But when you look at someone you want to have sex with its most likely because messages are being sent to your brain and body along the lines of "that person would make a good other half to help produce my progeny".

That is not always the case of course, as we are capable of out-thinking our bodies sometimes but when you get down to it we are still very much animals and those reproductive signals are the same in humans and other mammals alike.

I dont agree with "You might as well argue that people with genetic defects should also not have sex. " People can have sex with whomever they want as long as its consensual, i am a great proponent of personal freedom etc. and would never stand in the way of something like that. Whether people with genetic defects should have CHILDREN is a different matter.

I can see what you mean but i am thinking more about the reasons behind the act and the possible consequences of such an act as opposed to the act itself. The act itself, in isolation, without consequence or a reason behind it that contradicts reproductive fitness, i guess would not be "wrong" but that situation can not exist.
Incest doesn't automatically lead to reproduction. You might as well argue that people with genetic defects should also not have sex.

We are not hard up for people now, so rounding them all up for forced sterilization sounds good to me. <Just kidding>:D
@Killjoy - What time in our past do you mean? I'm afraid i don't know enough about that instance to comment on it but I'll look it up.

But i don't think that characteristic racial differences occurred due to inbreeding - i think that it was a gradual environmental effect on the peoples living in various ecological niches. For example more black people are taller an thinner than northern Europeans - this is to do with surface area and body heat (Small, stout people lose body heat at a slower rate and vice versa for tall, thin people.)

I don't know if they all were but the stuff like the characteristic Jewish nose for instance?