why is incest bad

Ghostintheshell said:
Incest is one of the few acts that can be deemed "wrong" from a biological perspective.
And "wrong" from an intellectual point-of-view.

Observing healthy family members—not dysfunctional ones—interact together, I've come to notice the odd bond not shared with outsiders. There's a surprisingly sophisticated sense of civility towards the members of their unit. It's really really odd to me.

There's a sort of respect among them that isn't forced nor even observed but rather defined in gesture, like an impulse.

There's never really any true loneliness, even when hundreds of miles apart—like a psychic presence, a soft armchair placed in a reserved corner of the mind.

There's agreement. Even in discord they agree to disagree. Or simply disagree very agreeably.

There's good will between them, and they all enjoy a good family get-together, doing simple things like roasting marshmallows over a camp fire and laughing over their exploits with the outside world. I bet discussing the strange topic of incest by outsiders (who else, right?) would produce hollers of laughter amongst them—they're that solid.
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@ Killjoy - i dont know about the "characteristic Jewish nose", i heard somewhere that images of people with crooked noses and such actually originated from fear of old people. Back in the day when life expecancy was not so high - old people were rare and unusual to see. When you stop growing in young adulthood, your cartilage continues to grow which give old people disproportionate nose and ear size.
When this was rare it was naturally not well understood, which brings about fear, fear of the unknown. As time went on the attribute of a crooked nose was given to "evil" types like witches and other "public enemies" of any given time - like people from arabian descent, or Jewish people.

I don't think that there is much truth in it to be honest, i know many people with crooked noses that are not Jewish and none of the Jewish people i know have crooked noses. Its possible that once a stereotype is established that it then becomes easier to notice. For example if one Jew in a hundred had the crooked nose, you may notice it and think "Jew with a crooked nose! How stereotypical!" even though there are far more exceptions to this "rule" than actual adherences to the "rule".
So "sin" is entirely subjective. Or even, if you dont give it weight then its not a sin? True, but for the purposes of any kind of debate regarding morality i think its prudent to not bring up the whole subjectivity of morality unless its in a thread of its own, otherwise we will go round in a (small) circle.
Actually it was the mark of nobility until recently.

I don't know of any cases of English monarchs were their father pumped their daughter, or gave their son a hand job.

I know the Royal Lines kept their relations very close and a lot of problems arose from this. The reason why they did it was because they saw themselves like the Gods... The Gods did it with other Gods, so why not royals?

Pointless straw man though. Whether the nobles did it or not is not the point. It's simply wrong, and anyone in an adulthood doing that kind of thing should be ashamed. Your parents, brothers or sisters are not there for fuck buddies. As I said before, the conditions which can account for many ranges of birth defects is natures way of saying DON'T DO IT.
Umm you do realise that every young girls pin up boy (prince harry) comes from a family whos whole claim to fame is that they are fucking there relitives

Yes, it did happen. Not Father on daughter no less, or mother on son.

I don't know if any sisters and brothers did it. I guess it would not have been unheard of. Needless to say, it is wrong still, whether royals thought that was ''just'' back then. As I said, they considered themselves as Gods, so they applied to rules of the Gods on them too.
Of course, not only did they see themselves as Gods, but it was also a way to keep the money in the family.
In your opinon, my opinion is based on the "consenting adults" and "none of my buisness" type
Incestuous reproduction is my concern. I don't even want the slimmest chance of a incestuanus getting mixed up in my blood line.
In your opinon, my opinion is based on the "consenting adults" and "none of my buisness" type

Incesteous relationships, even between "consenting adults" has a level of power imbalance in the relationship. A sexual relationship between a parent and their adult child is one that is, well, fucked up for lack of a better term. The relationship will never be 'equal'. And it is damaging. It warps what that adult child, for example, will believe is a normal relationship with one's parent(s).

And that can lead to their having some difficulty in forming actual relationships with other people. Or adapting in those relationships.
Bells a)not all are parent child and b) acording to someone the other day on another site, any relationship involving a man and women has such a power inbalance as to be rape.
I can only say i was attracted to a cousin but it looses meaning after awhile. i hhave never though my sister was pleasing ad the thought of her dating ssicckens me lol ahem
If ABSOLUTELY nothing else (and I'm playing devils advocate here), incest is bad due to the lack of genetic variance... after all, look at the issues that crop up when in-breeding occurs.
a) That power imbalance could very apply to any familial relationship. But it goes further than that. Some suggest it is taboo for a valid reason.

b) That someone may have some issues.

To the second i agree whole heartedly (one of the most insulting statements i have ever read for BOTH genders)

to the second your article could just as well be about homosexuality you know

oh and about power imbalances, one word for you S&M
Incesteous relationships, even between "consenting adults" has a level of power imbalance in the relationship.

Not to defend incest, but there are power imbalances in all relationships. It is unclear whether equality is necessary or even conducive to stable, satisfied relationships.