why is incest bad

Adam and eve only proves incest is ok in the bible, adam and eve didnt exist in reality, incest isnt socially accepted, and its not common because opposites attract, opposites attracting is chemical attraction at its best, without knowing it we look for people genitically different from ourselves, the more different the better, its about reproduction and evolution, if you reproduce with someone from the same genepool you dont produce anything 'improved' if you reproduce with someone drastically different from yourself with different imunities, then you could produce a child with all of the adults immunities combined, you dont get that from incest.(as for gay incest its just not socially accepted)
i'm conflicted here. beyond the biological/evolutionary factors preventing relatives from being attracted to each other there is a huge eww factor. but if someone else wants to do that and everyone involved is a consenting adult, then my saying eww is much like other things people do that people say eww to such as homosexuality. both are not evolutionarily sound but otherwise harmless (unless the related couple breeds-then we have problems). so i don't know where i'm going with this. i say eww but whatever floats your boat.
i think i'd throw up if the idea ever came up about committing incest with my brother.
incest and twincest is only frowned upon because there's the chance of children being born with fur... if you can guarentee there'd be no children then go for it. The only problem is the birth defects, otherwise it really doesn't matter.
rainbow__princess_4 said:
incest and twincest is only frowned upon because there's the chance of children being born with fur... if you can guarentee there'd be no children then go for it. The only problem is the birth defects, otherwise it really doesn't matter.
Umm...birth defects show up after considerable procreation. The first crop is healthy and normal....and there is no fur. There is breakdown of gentic material, not mutation of it into unheard of traits.
And also I didn't literally mean fur... and i know that its not instantaneous but surely you can see everyone's point? That if there's no kids then its no matter?
CounslerCoffee said:
I was just wondering if it was wrong to think that because shes my SECOND cousin. But then again I do live in Kentucky, you guys know our saying "Incest is the best.".
Well in Australia it's common belief that Alabama is the incest/twincest state... in New Zealand it's Texas, in the USA it's Arkansas... so WHAT THE HELL IS THIS ABOUT KENTUCKY??!!!
"Well in Australia it's common belief that Alabama is the incest/twincest state... in New Zealand it's Texas, in the USA it's Arkansas... so WHAT THE HELL IS THIS ABOUT KENTUCKY??!!!" yes, but in Australia, we also believe that New Zealand is the home of bestiality (in this case sheep)
YAH! LOVE THOSE SHEEP! and yeah, dammit! How can all these damn aussie's know about me and my kiwi pals without being there? hmmm... oh and also to everyone else on alain's behalf, it is ONLY in the case of sheep... WHAT ABOUT SWEDEN!
I am 16 and I have you know, gotten with my sister once,
but the thing is people just say incest is bad, that being their only reason.
the more i think about it, the more i feel that they have nothing to back it up. Btw i am not talking about inpregnation, that would be weird, I am talking about just casual playing around
Firstly.. You join this forum and the first post you make is to tell us you have had sex with your sister in a thread that dates back to 2004?


So why is incest bad..

1) Depending on the differences in age between yourself and your sibling, it could be deemed child abuse (more to the point, child on child sexual abuse - is she old enough to consent? Were you old enough to consent when this, ermm, started)..

2) If she falls pregnant, well, just look up inbreeding and you would get a fair idea. You consider it "weird" if she became pregnant, but frankly, you would be lucky if it was just the pregnancy that was weird.

3) It's actually illegal.

4) I have to say it.. Dude, it's your sister..
Its bad because it breeds perversion. It makes fucked up children come out of the oven, and it gets out of control. Coming from someone who notes sexual desire from family members, me, and them being over 18 I still see it as wrong and immoral. Im a son, and a brother, not a sexy poster. Yes, me being ogled by my family makes me think the world is not worth it. The word is going to turn into a giant on going orgy where public executions are the norm, and ignorance runs rampid. This is post-faith, post-science,I call it The. FUTURE.

How can my mother think it is okay to desire me sexually? How is this positive towards my well being? Incest is selfish, ignorant, dangerous, immoral, and pestilent. How can one get a extra desire from someone merely because its a family member? Incestuous thoughts are a psychological issue.
I have to say this thread has brought out a larger selection of forum members than I've ever seen in any other thread before.

I feel like I should ask if anyone knows of any good incests stories? (or is that an oxymoron?)

The question I have, is most sexual child abuse incest? I would guess yes. That would mean that incest is not the primary motive in having sex with a family member, but an adult wanting sex with an easily accessible child.
Knew a guy in the army who said he had boinked his sister when he was a kid. He couldn't understand my dismay when he he told me this. I'm not sure where people get the mentality that allows them to participate in such activity. Maybe it's more excusable when it involves two kids. I just don't know how they could look each other in the eye afterwards.
Why is incest bad?

In general terms because populations who don't avoid incest are more prone to degenerating into sickly cretins, and are out-competed by the ones who do avoid it.

Unless you meant morally, in which case there are lots of different answers, crudely summed up by "because everyone says so".
Knew a guy in the army who said he had boinked his sister when he was a kid. He couldn't understand my dismay when he he told me this. I'm not sure where people get the mentality that allows them to participate in such activity. Maybe it's more excusable when it involves two kids. I just don't know how they could look each other in the eye afterwards.

I never had a sister so I wouldn't know, and all my friends who had sisters all thought yuck! to that.
I am 16 and I have you know, gotten with my sister once,
but the thing is people just say incest is bad, that being their only reason.
the more i think about it, the more i feel that they have nothing to back it up. Btw i am not talking about inpregnation, that would be weird, I am talking about just casual playing around



Dude...she's your sister dammit!

That should be reason enough!

That's shouldn't be the first thing you post on ANY forum...

You know...life is not a Game of Thrones...
I never had a sister so I wouldn't know, and all my friends who had sisters all thought yuck! to that.

I'd imagine it'll be like banging your best friend that's a girl that you grew up with? Well...100x the weirdness

No...just not something to do...
...but the thing is people just say incest is bad, that being their only reason.
the more i think about it, the more i feel that they have nothing to back it up...

Because after a few generations of inbreeding, your family will look like this:

Since the subject came up...I thought it was a great time for a repost of our happy couple! :puke:
