why is incest bad

This is kinda a funny thread because something like this came up after I went to my family reunioun a few weeks ago.

My Second cousin is really hot and I would go out with her. I was just wondering if it was wrong to think that because shes my SECOND cousin. But then again I do live in Kentucky, you guys know our saying "Incest is the best.".

I asked a close friend if liking my second cousin was wrong and she said "Coffee! Thats digusting.". What do you guys think?
All humans come from incest. Every one of us has incestuous relations in our ancestry. Go back far enough, and we all came from small incestuous groups, most likely. Various royal groups over the ages have insisted on incest to maintain the "purity" of bloodlines and such. Breeders of horses and dogs and various other animals deliberately use incest to bring out certain traits.

Blah. If the relative is too close, procreation can produce defects. Otherwise, I really don't give a damn.

EDIT: But I will tell April. :p
But I will tell April.

Thank God (if he does excist) shes not here right now.

In the meantime Id just like to say that I still think that my second cousin is hot.

Has anyone here ever had sex with a cousin?!
To Each His Own

You know what, I suppose if they are both of legal age, consenting, and have thought it through it isn't morally wrong, though I still think it's stupid (and kinda gross in my opinion, but that's cause I'd look at my sister as a sister, not a potential lover). Stupid cause you have your family for life. If you fall in love with your sister, get together, break up... That's it... We all know it's hard to "stay friends", and so you'd probably lose someone that, otherwise, would have been with you your whole life....

In conclusion, under certain circumstances, in which no one is the prey, and they are both consention, legal age (preferrably even older) etc... Then it aint morally wrong, but I wouldn't think it'd be worth it anyway.
Coffee, go for it... Why not? It's not like you were raised looking at her as a sister or anything, or are even that related, lol. Just make sure she wants to too eh? lol
Second the best

Second cousins are not that close when you look at incest. People marry their first cousins sometimes so second cousins really arent that bad. To agree with Adam, royalty always used to marry their cousins and we all basically somewhere are going to be screwing someone were distantly related to.
Have you asked her what she thought about it?
Last qtn.
Do really have a problem with it, or do you just feel guilty because it is not a "norm" with society?

Just remember (im going to hate myself), If it feels good do it/ even if you shouln't.

Fuck shouldn't!

Oh no! YOu guys got it all wrong. I only see her at my family unioun once a year and we always hang out and do stuff. THats it. I just thought that she was hot and was wondering if that was wrong. Which by everyone elses opinion it isnt. Were not that related as far as I know.

She lives in Germany, very far away. Shes not German, she lives on a army base or something. But anyways I wouldnt go out with her but if I could I would. Everyone else in our family though would disagree. My family has strong Irish Catholic beliefs.

Ah well screw it. I would if I could, but I wont cause I cant.
I think it's got to do with that whole genetic thing. You know, relatives having children with weird genetic fuck ups. I apologise for the profanity.
I heard about a study once where women were given sweaty T-shirts from various different men. They didn't know from whom the shirts came, but they were to sniff them and see which odor "turned them on" the most ... sort of a pheremone thing. One of the shirts had the sweat of a close male relative ... brother or father. Without variance, the women were most repulsed and least attracted to the odor on those shirts of their relative. They were more attracted to the odors that were provided by the men who were much farther away from them, genetically. (Interesting to note, they were also repulsed, but to a lesser degree, by sweat odor from men farthest removed from their own genetic background).
Apparently, there is a biological "security system" that would attempt to keep incest, and thus, swimming in the shallow end of the gene pool, from happening.
okay, i think we can be made to think anything. why was incest ever considered wrong? coz it screwed up genes. what if they're the same sex? then there's no mucking with a gene pool so no problem, right? but no, everyone still thinks it's wrong. even if the reason isn't there. personally, i think that parent/child is way wrong. coz it's the parent's role being stuffed up. but brother/sister or sister/sister or brother/brother isn't so bad......so long as they don't produce a child. also, i think it's especially ok for identical twins, as their bond is so close that sometimes the only other person they really could love is their twin... but so long as it's love, not just random sex......

btw, i'm a huge fan of Elladan/Elrohir (elrond's twin soons in LOTR) so i think twins are allowed to be incestuous......besides, i've been studying mollecular biology and we don't really have as much free will and morals and stuff as we think, it's all just chemicals and dna......we are animals.....remember that all!
Trouble with incest, is that where it does happen, it tends to start with the parent or older sibling abusing the child. A clever manipulator could probably cultivate a 'natural' desire in the child to actually want to have more sex with the family member even as they grew older, but I think it would be extremely rare for incest to begin when both members were well past puberty.

Latest research assumes that we are actually genetically predisposed to search for a mate that has a completely different 'smell' than our own blood relatives. Of course, this doesn't mean that a person cannot be sexually attracted to their own child, especially if the child has acquired the spouse's smell!
daydream_believer said:
also, i think it's especially ok for identical twins, as their bond is so close that sometimes the only other person they really could love is their twin... but so long as it's love, not just random sex......

I always wondered what really went on with Fonzi and the Hooper triplets. One at a time? Or did the sisters have at it with one another, as well? I guess this explains it....
mwhahahaha....just had to say, if I had a twin of the same sex as me who was up for it.....we'd be lovers......

but parent/child or with a child resulting from the union is very bad.....
Incest between close relatives of opposite sex is socially taboo for obvious reasons. Homosexual incest (between siblings) is equally taboo but the reasons behind this are less clear - except insofar as homosexuality itself is perceived to "threaten" the power structure of the nuclear family etc. It's a murky area.
it's not ok now because it's socially unacceptable
maybe one day it will be socially acceptable
we'll see public sexual display between siblings and parents/children

it's getting there... many pornos now feature twin sisters "servicing" one guy, or just going down on each other
Bowzer "Incest. I would think that most people are just naturally repulsed by the thought, much like homosexuality and other sexual oddities." Heres a question for you, shut up and stop being a homophobe" (the first bit is ok, it just isnt called a sexual oddity)

As long as there is no baby (but one genration of incest is unlikely to doo much) then it is fine, a baby wouldnt be acccepted by society. parent to child is just sick, but thats the age difference really.