why is homosexuality more taboo among men than women?

Mystich, you totally misunderstood me.

I just don't think that homosexuals raping other men is a very large cause of dislike for the homosexual community.

I did NOT say that men who have relationships with other men are the problem, I am saying that the act of one man raping another man is a homosexual act. You are not seeing the difference. There is a difference between someone who commits a homosexual activity once during rape, and someone who lives a homosexual lifestyle.

According to the Rape Crisis Center (don't remember the URL and I'm sleepy) one in every 20 to one in ever 12 men are raped, and they go unreported FAR more than men raping women.
can i ask something

if half of male rapes are men then the other half must be women yet there is no stigma against women is there?
hmmmm, you do realise that rape is not about sex? Therefore the act of a male raping another male is seldom about sex, but is about control, power, etc.
Originally posted by Xevious
Mystich, you totally misunderstood me.

I did NOT say that men who have relationships with other men are the problem, I am saying that the act of one man raping another man is a homosexual act. You are not seeing the difference. There is a difference between someone who commits a homosexual activity once during rape, and someone who lives a homosexual lifestyle.

According to the Rape Crisis Center (don't remember the URL and I'm sleepy) one in every 20 to one in ever 12 men are raped, and they go unreported FAR more than men raping women.

Yes, you must be sleepy, because I didn't understand that statistic at all, please restate it in a way that makes sence.

Also, if I missunderstood you, I'm still missunderstanding you, aparently as nothing has really changed in my mind with this new post. If you're not trying to say that resentment toward homosexuality is due in large part to male on male rapes what are you trying to say?

Another good question that I think all of this brings up, is weather or not it's 'gay' if two straight guys have sex, hehe.
if half of male rapes are men then the other half must be women yet there is no stigma against women is there?

That is a very unwarranted assumption. A friend of mine in High School was once drugged at a party, via slipping something in his drink. He was fondled by one of the girls there for several hours against his will by stimulating his prostate, but he was too drugged to resist. He WAS able to say "no" to her. When he went to the police, the young police officer who took his report laughed and said "Are you sure you wern't asking for it?"

I'll be honest, I'm surprised that for a bunch of "enlightened" people, that you all seem to be taking the same additudes on this subject that women accuse men of taking... like it is all no big deal, or shurgging it off... or worse, that you didn't even know it happened. Well, if this had happened to you as it happened to someone I knew, and happened to ME once when I was little, I'm sure you would think differntly.

Also, I'd have to ask, if your theory is true, why is there not an enormous outcry and hatred against straight males in general, as heterosexual rape between a straight man, and a woman is a far more common problem? Following your reasoning there should be a great distrust and much anger toward straight men, and I just don't think that we see this.

Clearly you don't read a lot of the more extreme feminist media. There has been a total backlash against straight men by some women because of rape.

Info from the Homesafe Rape Crisis Center

Counceling Services - University Notre Dame. They clearly state that MOST rape against men is perpetuated by men.

Orange Country Rape Crisis Center, North Carolina

This article in particular addresses how people treat male rape. One victem of male rape states that he was homophobic for a long time as a result of his experience.

BBC News - "Male Rape must be tackled"

Publication from the Rape Chrisis Center. Interesting info... "One of every four rape victims is male. This figure is substantially higher than other government estimates of about one in 10."

Seattle PI - "Portland Man Raped, Beaten Downtown"

Rape Victem Advocacy Program

On a last note, I found lots of this looking for "Men Raped" in Google. In addition to these articles, I found a large amount of porn sites which promote sodomizing children, and men raping men fantasies... which is scarry, considering I found more of those than I found websites and articles about how men are raped.
Re: What does god have to do with any of that???

Originally posted by Gaiasknight
I'm a bit confused... Why does God have anything to do with this?
Religion seems to me to be the anti-thesis of civilised man. Crimes are commited in its name everyday all over the world. Don't give me that genuine catholic crap either, their religion has the most blood on their hands of all religions. Innocent people suffer everyday at the hands of hypocrites like yourselves, and you condone it?! You "Catholics" who apparently condemn people to hell, you are the ones that should be there!

** First, Nobody can condem anybody to hell, God's doing alone, second, don't ever call me catholic again.

What the hell? And I assume you, being the shrivelled piece of trash that dares to insult humanity with your presence are the perfect being?! You know, its people like you that make life an abomination to endure.

** If I'm a piece of trash because I desire a God fearing strong man than so be it.
by strong do you mean sexually strong? if you had to make a choice b/w width or length, what will you pick? do you think god fearing men make better lovers? have you ever made a gay man straight?

please take the time and answer!
i eagerly await an response!

I don't know about the other guys but i wouldn't like to see or feel a log coming in and out of my ass.

One way traffic for me, only logs go out!!
Originally posted by spookz
by strong do you mean sexually strong?

** That's a plus:D attraction, chemicals, and character.

if you had to make a choice b/w width or length, what will you pick?

** Electrifying Kiss

do you think god fearing men make better lovers?

** Yes, the Lord knows the desire of my heart

have you ever made a gay man straight?

** He was neva gay to begin with
Re: Re: What does god have to do with any of that???

Originally posted by Lady

** If I'm a piece of trash because I desire a God fearing strong man than so be it.

I know several strong god fearing men, maybe I could hook you up. They're all gay, though. . .

i belive you missunderstood me

i KNOW what women can do to rape a guy, i herd an AWFUL reference to a pencil a women used on a guy who wouldnt sleep with her

look up adams case of "theft of sperm" if you want my atitude

my point was how can it be used as an exuse to discriminate against gay men that they rape other men if HALF of male rapes are women???
Look at the statistics... about 50% of all men raped are raped by men. In turn, roughly 50% of all men are homophobic. I'm saying that the statistic of the population intolerance for homosexualism is proportional by percentile to the number of rapes of men carried out by men.

It adds up, at least to me. Sure, not 50% of ALLl men are raped by men, but if the statistic is as high as the Rape Crisis Center believes, that 1 in 4 men are raped? That would mean one in every 8 men are raped by another man. That is a rather BIG statistic, and men despite all there "privacy" do confide in friends like girls do.

I am going to run a poll on another thread to experiment with this... I want to see how many people KNOW a man who has been raped by either a woman or a man. We can confirm or deny my hypothesis with an experiment.
Re: Re: Re: What does god have to do with any of that???

Originally posted by Mystech
I know several strong god fearing men, maybe I could hook you up. They're all gay, though. . .

** Keep them for yourself
Originally posted by Xev
Power. It seems weirder to have one guy "submit" to another guy than it does for a girl to submit to another girl.
Xev, why is it that so frequently in this sort of topics, you are connecting them with submission. Did the majority of your sexual experiences were sensed as woman’s submission ? :cool:
Originally posted by spookz
keep your nose out of our sex life!
What sex life? who asked you? What ever is in your fantasy, there is a Fantasy forum. This one is for Ethics, Morality, & Justice!
You shouldn’t, really!

Originally posted by spookz
i am deeply saddened by the tone of your voice
Don’t feel so bad about it, after all, my original message was a simple curiosity questions to Xev, now thanks to you, she isn't gona answer it. If that makes you feel any better.
...I recall you once talking about maintaining threads interesting?