why is homosexuality more taboo among men than women?

Guys are "supposed" to be ladies men (according to social norms), and going out with another dude is just not as accepted by guys. I don't think girls really care; they see it as a man stepping up and making a decision. Eh, but what do I know. It is really dumb. Gay people are just as good or bad as anyone else.

By the way, isn't it odd that girls love to have a gay best friend that they can talk to, but guys just want a lesbian best friend to have sex with with another girl?
A God fearing man that knows he's a man and he lives it. Alpha

sounds like you're saying Alpha=straight.

I would think a man with enough balls to have no fear of an omnipotent being would qualify as an Alpha male:p
Originally posted by Lady
** I didn't say tach

I assume you mean to say that you didn't mean 'that'. And yes you did indeed, third page, 4th post from the bottom, it's right there, denying it isn't going to help your argument, it takes away from your credability when everyone can see your lie sitting right in front of them.

Also, I wouldn't exactly call a God fearing man an 'alpha'. More like a sheap enslaved by others because of his frightend child mentality, what a joke.

Blasphemy is a victimless crime, you know.

Also, I don't see how this description would prohibit a gay man from being an 'alpha' I am unfortunate enough to know a fair number of very religious gay men (a lot of guys freak out and get creepy religious once they figure out that they are gay). And also, are you trying to imply, in your definition that a gay man can not live as a man?

By the way, your short responses are appreciated, the less of your idiotic babbling I have to hear as I verbally bitch slap you, the better.

Yes, that’s rather harsh and bitter, but then I have a very special and sharp hatred for religious homophobes. When the revolution comes, they’ll be the first against the wall.
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What Kind of Monster Are You?

Originally posted by Lady
** Calm down it's not a big deal

Acctualy I find that it is a big deal when people try to win arguments through lieing. Tell me, what kind of good moral Christian are you, when you sink to that level? More important what sort of idiot are you to think you could acctualy get away with it?

Originally posted by Lady
** And what makes a homosexual a Alpha?Perhaps when he puts on his dress?

What kind of narow minded bigot are you? Do you really mean to imply that you beleive all homosexuals are cross dressers? I've got news for you, simpleton, there is only one thing that makes a person a homosexual (If you have to ask, I'll be glad to shout at you for another post or two), and putting on a dress sure as hell isn't it. Most homosexuals aren't drag queens, most of us seem just like straight guys, TV may have given you the impression that we're all limp wristed lisping sissies, but the fact that you'd beleive that is proof of your ignorance!

Oh, by the way, on another vague and more threatening note, we're also armed.
I don't mean to imply anything, just that you can't opress people thusly and expect them to continue taking it. . .

Originally posted by Lady

A gay man is at least twice the man a hate filled homophobe is.

Originally posted by Lady
** :cool: Genuine Christains win in the end.

Those with hearts full of hate, and who have nothing but words of anger toward their fellow men are not true Christians, you pervert the ideals that they stand for. To have such horrable views about a person just because of who they love. . . it's practicaly criminal, and some day I'm sure you'll be made to pay the price.
Sodom and Gamorrah wasn't about homosexuality, beleive it or not, nor was it about the more common interperitation of being about sexual promiscuity. It's a very old story which exists outside of the bible, as well, and is about bad hospitality, essentialy. I'll find you some links, later.

The rest of your post is just drivel, I'm inclined to think that not even you beleive anything you're saying, you clearly didn't put any thought into it, just the same reflexive responces that one can get out of any brainwashed cultist who's backed into a corner.
What make a man?

prev by Lady

"No hard feelings.....but you'll never convince me that a homo is a man"

I'm wondering what sort of definition of "man" you're working with here. To me it sounds like you're only including, as you said, God fearing christians. And of course no gay man, i mean gay nonman, could fit this criteria. Are we ignoring the person's character alltogether and just concentrating on their bedroom activites, or are we just asuming that being gay of course means that you must have other detrimental qualities as well?

to qoute the big lebowski:
"What is it that makes a man. Doing the right thing whatever the cost?"
"eh, that and a pair of testicles"

first buy a dictionary

man n, pl (always wondered what those mean) men 1 an adult male human being, as distingwished from a women (that would be you, i think) 2 a human being of either sex; person; all men are born equal 3 a collective of human beings

lady dave is in a cleaning mood
i would hate to see you swept away as well
Originally posted by Lady
** There's only so many way's I can say it, for the last time, homosexuals aren't men. Women don't usually want a bi -sexual, tri- sexual, or quad -sexual male. Just a simple man.

What kind of simpleton are you? First off I dont' see how "What women want" plays into what makes a man a man. And again, you fail to really say WHY you think that a gay man isn't a man?

Oh by the way tri-sexual and quad-sexual are really cute words, we're all very impressed, maybe next year you can move on with the rest of the 3rd graders. I don't like your implication that homosexuality, or bisexuality is somehow some sort of laughable exsess or the like. Homosexuals like the company of the same sex, where as bisexuals have sexual desires for both men and women, it's quite as simple as that, and not some sort of joke. . . unlike yourself.

Originally posted by Lady
**It's a test and homosexuality is just another tempatation set before men. The strong overcome the weak fall- that's life.

I don't understand you, here. Are you trying to imply that ALL men feel sexual desire toward other men? Wouldn't that make ALL of them gay, or at least bisexual? I think you're pretty mixed up, here.

Also, what exactly do you mean about the strong overcoming the weak? You HAVE noticed that we filthy sodomites have been growing more bold, and gaining more and more acceptance over the past few decades, right? Mayhap you have also noticed that every culture throughout history has eventually come to accept us, given enough time. I'm wondering who was really supported by your "The strong overcome" statement.

I won't even touch your claim(Which belongs in the dark ages, by the way) that demons caused homosexuality, I think it's time to get a more enlightened view of the world, abandon your narrow stupid little views, realize you can't just believe everything that someone tells you, it makes you look like an ass.
lady dave is in a cleaning mood
i would hate to see you swept away as well

Oh please, oh please....

** Homosexulity was one of the reasons the twin cities were destroyed and used for a example, to the children of Isreal that there shoud be no sodomizer

"Sodomite". Although "Sodomizer" would be a good name for a Death Metal band.
Originally posted by Mystech
What kind of simpleton are you? First off I dont' see how "What women want" plays into what makes a man a man. And again, you fail to really say

** What about those who have sexual desires for children and animals, and televison sets... those poor poor humans... they just want love. Why should they be discriminated against? Where are their rights?Father Pervert just wants to pray for the kiddies, in his own way,to his own god, should he be denyed and ostrichized for being himself?. ... We're is the justice... for the poor, poor humans, they just want love.....your so full of hate... simpleton.. because you don't try these things.....

Asguard, Xev

Dave doesn't have to kick me off I'll bow out gracefully

I don't understand you, here. Are you trying to imply that ALL men feel sexual desire toward other men? Wouldn't that make ALL of them gay, or at least bisexual? I think you're pretty mixed up, here.

** It just a temptation like smoking, a choice.

Also, what exactly do you mean about the strong overcoming the weak? You HAVE noticed that we filthy sodomites have been growing more bold, and gaining more and more acceptance over the past few decades, right? Mayhap you have also noticed that every culture throughout history has eventually come to accept us, given enough time. I'm wondering who was really supported by your "The strong overcome" statement.

** over come?, you will understand at the time of death

I won't even touch your claim(Which belongs in the dark ages, by the way) that demons caused homosexuality, I think it's time to get a more enlightened view of the world, abandon your narrow stupid little views, realize you can't just believe everything that someone tells you, it makes you look like an ass.

WHY you think that a gay man isn't a man?

** Answer me this, can you imagine God doing this?
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Originally posted by Asguard
if we were made in his image then YES

** So is heaven hell and hell heaven; image is one thing; moral is another, God deals with hearts never sexual......what refrence?
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at the risk of letting a religiouse debate in if its all through nature AND humanity then i would have to say that its not evil its just the way things are
I think that the reason homosexuality is much more treated negatively by men than it is women has to do with the fact that the most of men who are raped are raped by other men. Think about that one... do you hear about women raping women? Maybe, but rarely... You hear about men raping women? Yes, that is probably what most people think of when they think of rape. You hear about men getting raped? Well... Okay, by who?

http://www.rapecrisiscenter.com/Male Rape Info Sheet.html
Originally posted by Lady
** What about those who have sexual desires for children and animals, and televison sets... those poor poor humans... they just want love. Why should they be discriminated against? Where are their rights?Father Pervert just wants to pray for the kiddies, in his own way,to his own god, should he be denyed and ostrichized for being himself?. ... We're is the justice... for the poor, poor humans, they just want love.....your so full of hate... simpleton.. because you don't try these things.....

Lady, if you can't tell the difference between a relationship involving two consenting adults, and a relationship involving an adult, and a child, or a non-sentient/inanimate object, then you are a lot more fucked up than I had previously thought. Seriously, that's just sick, get yourself together, you're babbling like a moron.

Originally posted by Lady
Asguard, Xev

Dave doesn't have to kick me off I'll bow out gracefully

Please do, you’re quite an annoyance!

Originally posted by Lady
** It just a temptation like smoking, a choice.

Just a temptation? What the hell are you talking about, that's not a valid answer. Again I have to ask if you mean to imply that ALL men feel the urge to have sex with other men? A choice?! A FUCKING CHOICE?! Where the hell have you been living, a choice to be gay? No one chooses to be gay, are you really that stupid? If it is a choice as you say, then I urge you to go sit in your own home, lady, while no one is around, and just for five minuets, CHOOSE to be gay, just do it. You don't have to do anything with another girl, just sit there and switch over to being attracted to members of the same sex. After it's over you can go back to your normal sexual desires, and deluded religious beliefs, and prey to god to forgive you for your wicked act of attempted understanding.

Originally posted by Lady
** over come?, you will understand at the time of death

Does anyone else ever find it convenient how many religions preach that all rewards are to come after death, and that life is to be sent to servitude? Guess it's the easiest way to make like long slaves out of people "Ohhh yeah, you'll um get yours when uhh. . . when you die. . . because, like, we know what happens after that and shit, no kidding, now go toil and donate to the church, it's a good honest life's work."

Honey if people like you go to heaven, and guys like me go to hell, then I don't have any problem kicking back with satan for all of eternity. Besides, all of my favorite rock bands are gonna' be in hell, it'll be wicked :p

Originally posted by Lady
WHY you think that a gay man isn't a man?

No, hon, it's you who thinks that, remember?

Originally posted by Lady
** Answer me this, can you imagine God doing this?

I can't imagine God having sex with a woman, either, marry was a virgin after all :p So I think there'd be about the same chance of me feeling that big godly cock up my ass as any woman in her steaming twat. I don't think that the almighty would need to go through a fairly base physical process, kinda' like can you imagine god taking a shit. . .

And up a level from that, can I imagine God loving a man? Fuck yeah I can, he's supposed to be pure love, ain't he? God loves all his children and all of that bull.

But in the end, yeah, I have to admit that I just find it hard to imagine a God. He sure hasn't found any credible way for any reasonable person to know he exists.
Lady, if you can't tell the difference between a relationship involving two consenting adults, and a relationship involving an adult, and a child, or a non-sentient/inanimate object, then you are a lot more fucked up than I had previously thought. Seriously, that's just sick, get yourself together, you're babbling like a moron

HEY dildos dont concent:p

bad girls:p


(i apolgise for the above post but as this thread is going no where and i will probably close it anyway what the hell:D)
lady this is your LAST chance

after this i will just start deleting posts

cris thinks i should close the threads but in the intrests of the OTHER members i dont want to

if you mention satan, sin against god, deamons ect the post WILL be deleted
What does god have to do with any of that???

I'm a bit confused... Why does God have anything to do with this?
Religion seems to me to be the anti-thesis of civilised man. Crimes are commited in its name everyday all over the world. Don't give me that genuine catholic crap either, their religion has the most blood on their hands of all religions. Innocent people suffer everyday at the hands of hypocrites like yourselves, and you condone it?! You "Catholics" who apparently condemn people to hell, you are the ones that should be there!

Originally posted by Lady ** There's only so many way's I can say it, for the last time, homosexuals aren't men. Women don't usually want a bi -sexual, tri- sexual, or quad -sexual male. Just a simple man.

What the hell? And I assume you, being the shrivelled piece of trash that dares to insult humanity with your presence are the perfect being?! You know, its people like you that make life an abomination to endure.

Do everyone a favour and leave the goddamn room
Calm down, guys. Lady believes what she does for a reason. Yes, much of her posts are very emotional and very religious, but everybody believes in something. Truth be told, there are seccular reasonings which can bolster lots of Lady's claims. I'm not going to go there considering the additudes of lots of people here, but there you have it. One of these days Lady will eventually figure out that seccular reasoning is the rule here. You would be surprised how much biblical morals are reinforced by seccular knowledge, but that is neither here nor there.

Backing the truck up, I posted recently my belief that it is rape of men which causes stronger anti-gay feelings amoung males. Now, I am not going anywhere with reguards to wether or not men who live homosexual lifestyles are the perpetrators of these events, don't misunderstand me. However, I am making a few points here. One is the act of one man sodomizing another man is a homosexual act. It doesn't matter what his professed sexual orientation is. Second, the fact that rape is a power crime rather than a crime of "passion" is irrelevant. Rape is at it's best definition a sexual act, sick as it is.

Do you guys think the victem is aware of the sexual orientation of his attacker? He doesn't know if that guy violating his rear is straight or gay, all he knows is that another man is engaging in a homosexual act.
See, now I'd have to disagree with you on this, Xevious, I just don't think that homosexuals raping other men is a very large cause of dislike for the homosexual community.

First off, lets just look at the obvious, of those out there who dislike gay men, how often do you even hear such a theory bought up, that homosexuals raping other men is a big problem and needs to stop, or that we're all vile creatures for doing it? I just don't think that there are very many cases of this, to be honest, and of those that are out there, I don't think that this issue is so very widely known or thought about that it contributes very much toward hatred of homosexuals. This sort of hatred tends to come from more vague and undefined and unjustifiable sources. Given that the idea of hatred of all homosexual males because of the potential for one man to rape another is a bit unjustified, but still it's much more concrete than the average homophobe's reasoning for his dislike or hatred.

Also, I'd have to ask, if your theory is true, why is there not an enormous outcry and hatred against straight males in general, as heterosexual rape between a straight man, and a woman is a far more common problem? Following your reasoning there should be a great distrust and much anger toward straight men, and I just don't think that we see this.

Also, I'd agree that there is secular reasoning for many of the bible's lessons, however for even more of them, there is nothing but skewed logic. If we followed everything the bible taught we'd be stoning disobedient children and eating one another.
Click here for more examples of that, because I'm too lazy to find quotes myself