why is homosexuality more taboo among men than women?


unless you've spent many hours in a women's
bathroom at a wedding you really haven't heard
critical and judgemental. or middle school girls at break.
harshest critics possible!
"men (when going for women) just pick the easiest prey,

Where did you learn this? Besides being a gross generalization with no backing proof, as a man I actually fully disagree with this. And believe me, I'm not trying to back my gender, we're rather a sad bunch. But I can safely say that of all the men I know the vast majority tend to go for the hardest to get. There is the odd one who simply goes for the easy score, but he is rare.
"My friend Sterling told me this. He's an asshole.
I like him."

Ah, that would generally fit the mold you've laid out for yourself so far in discussion.

Here's a hint, susan; when one person tells you something, it does not make it a fact. Therefore it is not something you've "learned". Just a hint.
I'd say it's mostly genetic, because men are different from women and they have different personalities. They are naturally more dominant and critical of people. However, it could be because of the strong Christian background most of us have. In Greece, I can remember hearing/reading that homosexuality was openly accepted, especially in Sparta. :bugeye:

I disagree. Women are incredibly controlling - it's just that men don't realize how we do it. As for critical - my god, women are much, much more critical of one another than men are.

At least, such is my experience.

hmm good point Xev...
Men hate to see weak men. Men love to see weak women. The taker is usually the weak one.

I don't know if men love weak women or not - I don't think y'all have the slightest fucking clue what you want.

But yes, the "taker", the one who penetrates, is thought of being the stronger/dominent partner. Balder1 mentioned the Greeks.

While homosexuality was accepted and celebrated in Greece, it was with the understanding that a boy would be the submissive partner of a man. A man who allowed himself to be penetrated was thought to be effiminate.

The Levitical prohibition against male homosexuality prohibits not homosexual sex, but only taking the "bottom" - i.e penetrated - role.

It is interesting to note that the same expressions used by the gay subculture to denote penetration/being penetrated (top/bottom, respectively) are used by sadomasochists to denote dominence and submission.

The Kama Sutra expresses trepidation about the character of anyone who would willingly blow a man - such a person is considered to be unclean and unchaste.

And so on and so forth. More examples spring to mind, but I'm going to shut up before I start babbling about the Fulani.

I think I have illustrated that males are generally more intolerent of male homosexuality because a man who would submit to being penetrated is a frightening reminder of their own weakness.

After all, what red-blooded man has anything against lesbians? :)
I think it's cool for guys to be the weak ones. When I see a gay couple I think it's kind of cute. When I see lesbians I'm like "yuck."
Male or female, spearsDracona?

And why is it "cool" for guys to be weak?
And why are lesbians "icky"?
Hey! Lesbians are not icky. I like 'em a lot. Really. Seriously. Long live cute, hot lesbians.

Seriously, though, perhaps it is because porn really sells? And men watch a heck of a lot more porn than women? And lesbian couples exhibit more curves pleasing to the eye than men do?

Maybe I should follow Xev's example and shut up before I start babbling about ... um ... *zips*

Well yeah, that's another thing. Lesbians are way more fun to watch, simply because women are prettier and curvier and we also smell nicer and have way less hair.

But even if it's not porn, there is way less hostility among men to lesbians than there is to gay guys. I mean, yeah - sexual attraction is part of the picture, but is it all?
Well, it is for -

I'm not saying any more! Lest I spout more stuff that make me look like a horny moron.
well if you're a slightly homophobic man seeing two lesbians doesn't really rattle you. The thought of a man with another man is what bothers you. what women do with each other isn't the issue.

oh, and as said in seinfeld:
"a woman's body is a work of art, the male body is utilitarian"
HEY... PEOPLE. WTF? It's testosterone and aggression. There is a one goddamn dick limit to every sexual fantasy that a normal motherfucker has. MINE. No other cocks exists in my world... understood? I will kick your ass if you come at me with your wood. Dig it? It's taboo cuz goddamn jock dickweeds kick the shit out of people they deem fags. Simple as that. It's a real risk to be a gay guy.

Oh, and I can't believe you bring that shit "who says it is?" If that's what you think you've got a pretty fucking distorted view on the world. I don't hate gay guys, or even dislike them unless their femms.. and then only if they're just too faggy, you know.. everyone's known someone who's just way too faggy... but they're not welcome in my fucking bedroom if you follow.

Oh, and bisexuality is every guys fantasy regarding chicks. We all want two chicks, please don't say "who says we do?" cuz you know you either don't represent the norm, or you're fucked in the head.

Isn't this shit obvious?
Originally posted by SpearsDracona
I think it's cool for guys to be the weak ones. When I see a gay couple I think it's kind of cute. When I see lesbians I'm like "yuck."

Hehehehe... *points and says* Fag! LOL.

(did you see that Kids in the Hall skit? Don't kill me with your giant bearclaw!)

(no offense intended.. just saying you are showing your colors bro!)
Oh, and bisexuality is every guys fantasy regarding chicks. We all want two chicks,

how true.
why does the whole two at once fantasy seem more common among men than women?:bugeye:
For a woman, having two men is about degradation.

For a man, having two women is about having a harem.

The first is more of an aesthetic thing, the second is more the urge to have as many offspring as possible. In other words, the first is more personal.

as if lady

you think my "friend":p and i dont flirt as much as i have with females your dead WRONG

problem is we both want to play hard to get:p
These conferences are also concerned with homophobia. Homophobia is very important: it is very important to the way male supremacy works. In my opinion, the prohibitions against male homosexuality exist in order to protect male power. Do it to her. That is to say: as long as men rape, it is very important that men be directed to rape women. As long as sex is full of hostility and expresses both power over and contempt for the other person, it is very important that men not be declassed, stigmatized as female, used similarly. The power of men as a class depends on keeping men sexually inviolate and women sexually used by men. Homophobia helps maintain that class power: it also helps keep you as individuals safe from each other, safe from rape. If you want to do something about homophobia, you are going to have to do something about the fact that men rape, and that forced sex is not incidental to male sexuality but is in practice paradigmatic.

--A. Dworkin

Interesting stance.