why is homosexuality more taboo among men than women?

thats really strange

because i know quite a LOT of guys who are submissive

most of them just like to be tied up themselves (im SO NOT subissive:p)
what's on your mind Asguard? something you need to get off your chest.......
I think the acceptance of homosexuality depends on the individual.

actully i when i started this thread i had a THEORY of why it MIGHT be

nothing to do with any of that

did you know more females than males are born?

and if we say that we started out living in a herem type relationships, ie one guy and say 20 girls then the "lesbinanisum" among girls maybe less to do with homosexuality and more to do with the reason cows mount eachother, ie they are horny and the guys screwing another girl right now
And submission in males is ridiculed widely by other males in the popular culture. We understand the phrase "pussy whipped" to be metaphorical and not literal, and apply the term with contempt.

Of course, a man of discernment would not be troubled by the petty babble of sheep, but you see my point? Outside perhaps the sub-culture of sadomaschism, it is considered rather contemptable for a man to respect his lover's commands - let alone obey them.
ah, but a man of discernment rarely finds himself in a position to be considered "pussy whipped" by anyone...

god i wish i could intro u to him xev

apart from being VERY cute he is VERY submissive:D
ah, but a man of discernment rarely finds himself in a position to be considered "pussy whipped" by anyone...

Life's a bitch, ain't it?

*Xev's eyes water in compassion*

Ant, well, at least your friend is doing better than our "man of discernment".

so you're saying life will pimp you down like a common street whore? no. uh.. so you're saying that... wait. what? hehe.. I hate it when I don't get it. surely you're not calling ME pussy whipped.

this must be one of those rare occasions.. :)

*curses Xev*

so you're saying life will pimp you down like a common street whore? no. uh.. so you're saying that... wait. what? hehe.. I hate it when I don't get it.

Life sucks, then you die, then the worms will eat your eyes.

Sorry, I'm feeling poetic.

surely you're not calling ME pussy whipped.


But then, I wouldn't call that much of an insult at all.
Originally posted by Xev
Life sucks, then you die, then the worms will eat your eyes.

You know, you just made me realize that (and all the related disgusting ick) is why cremation has always seemed such an appealing post mortem game plan.
Originally posted by Xev
The Kama Sutra expresses trepidation about the character of anyone who would willingly blow a man - such a person is considered to be unclean and unchaste.

haha, oh shit. SUCKS to be me I guess. . . umm in more ways than one.

Does the same hold true for a straight guy who would go muff diving?
Originally posted by Xev

Well yeah, that's another thing. Lesbians are way more fun to watch, simply because women are prettier and curvier and we also smell nicer and have way less hair.

in the name of effeminant little twinks everywhere, I have to object to this comment, haha.
Originally posted by Lady

** You mean women don't want you. :bugeye:

That's pretty damn nasty of you, Lady, especialy seeing how as it's a proven fact that gay guys get all the girls, haha.

Do you mean to imply that bachelorism is what causes homosexuality? That's a very intoresting theory, time to write a doctoral thesis, methinks. . . well so long as you are ok with being laughed out of your university. . .

Lets take a poll of straight guys out there who haven't had a real date in lets say, about a year (Come on, this is the internet, we know you're here) now how many of you have ever been able to sit down in your apartment and just 'decide' to turn gay because the whole chasing after girls thing isn't working for you? Even just for maybe 5 minuets or so, while you were a little drunk? no? No one? Ohhh, that's right, because Lady doesn't have a fricking clue what she's talking about.
Originally posted by Mystech
That's pretty damn nasty of you, Lady, especialy seeing how as it's a proven fact that gay guys get all the girls, haha.

** So what is your definition of Gay?

Do you mean to imply that bachelorism is what causes homosexuality? That's a very intoresting theory, time to write a doctoral thesis, methinks. . . well so long as you are ok with being laughed out of your university. .

** No I didn't imply bachelor hood lead to homosexuality

Lets take a poll of straight guys out there who haven't had a real date in lets say, about a year (Come on, this is the internet, we know you're here) now how many of you have ever been able to sit down in your apartment and just 'decide' to turn gay because the whole chasing after girls thing isn't working for you? Even just for maybe 5 minuets or so, while you were a little drunk? no? No one? Ohhh, that's right, because Lady doesn't have a fricking clue what she's talking about.

** At least you admitt it's not a gene, futhermore, does not nature teach females want ALPHA'S male's?
Originally posted by Lady
** So what is your definition of Gay?

A guy who's into cock, and not so very interested in twat :p I think it'd be better if you asked me what I meant by 'get' in that statement.

Originally posted by Lady
** No I didn't imply bachelor hood lead to homosexuality

You did too, miss priss, who the hell are you trying to fool? You said that Asguard must have turned to doing guys because girls won't touch him. Care to interperate that in some strange and mysterious way other than what the words clearly mean, so that we may all understand how you REALLY meant it?

Originally posted by Lady
** At least you admitt it's not a gene, futhermore, does not nature teach females want ALPHA'S male's?

Hey I never said it wasn't a gene, could well be for all I know. Also I urge you to learn better grammar, saying "does not nature tach females want alpha's males?" doesn't read right at all, I'll assume that you meant to say "Does not nature teach that females want alpha males?" instead.

First off, what deranged argument is "doesn't nature teach. . . yadda yadda" Doesn't nature also teach that we should all strip naked and live in the trees?

And what exactly do you mean by an alpha male? How does that translate into human society? Do you mean to imply that what women want is a guy who can yell really loud and beat up all the other guys who come near a particular girl? This is not the impression I got from the movie, "What women want" but then I've never trusted Mel Gibson, haha.

By Alpha do you mean more assertive and successfull? Because in that instanse I don't think your implication that straight guys can be alphas, but not gay guys, doesn't exactly hold up. Please do elaborate for us, we're hanging on your every hate filled ignorant word.