why is homosexuality more taboo among men than women?

I'm female, ok? I'm a straight female.
And it's just wrong that men want more than one woman. I would never want more than one man. When ever I have one boyfriend he is enough for me and he is more important to me than any other man in my life. It's really disappointing if men aren't the same way.
And I think lesbians are ok, it's what makes them happy and as long as I don't have to see anything beyond the kissing I won't get grossed out. It just isn't anything I'd want to do myself.
Originally posted by Xevious
Look at the statistics... about 50% of all men raped are raped by men. In turn, roughly 50% of all men are homophobic. I'm saying that the statistic of the population intolerance for homosexualism is proportional by percentile to the number of rapes of men carried out by men.

It adds up, at least to me. Sure, not 50% of ALLl men are raped by men, but if the statistic is as high as the Rape Crisis Center believes, that 1 in 4 men are raped? That would mean one in every 8 men are raped by another man. That is a rather BIG statistic, and men despite all there "privacy" do confide in friends like girls do.

I am going to run a poll on another thread to experiment with this... I want to see how many people KNOW a man who has been raped by either a woman or a man. We can confirm or deny my hypothesis with an experiment.

I hate to break it to you, but if 50% of men who are raped are raped by other men, and 50% of the male population is homophobic, but not 50% of men are raped, then your statistics just don't add up! Also I don't have any idea where you're getting these persentages, they all seem a little too nice and rounded off to really be thought accurate, if you ask me.

I think your theory is absurd, if there were any real validity to it then the issue of male rape would come up all the time whenever homophobes decide to go on a rant, but it doesn't! This isn't what people hate or are afraid of, you're fooling yourself.
Maybe because the sexual act (sodomy) of male homosexuality is seen as vile and heavily perverse among straight people, and lesbisnism is not taken seriously?


Jan Ardena.
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"the sexual act (sodomy) of male homosexuality is seen as vile and heavily perverse among straight people"

It is?
Wow, people are even more prude than I imagined.

While the idea of myself being involved in sodomy is rather unnerving to me, I would hardly call it vile or perverse.
Re: Re: why is homosexuality more taboo among men than women?

Originally posted by Jan Ardena
Maybe because the sexual act (sodomy) of male homosexuality is seen as vile and heavily perverse among straight people, and lesbisnism is not taken seriously?


Jan Ardena.

Perverse and vile? Go surfing for some porn right now and see how many MILLIONS of heterosexual sites you find where the foucs is on girls taking it up the ass. Sodomy is enjoyed by homosexual and heterosexual alike, I'm afraid.

As for saying that lesbians are a joke. . . I just really don't know where you're coming from with that. Seems like a prett petty and poorly thought out attack, if you ask me.
Re: Re: Re: why is homosexuality more taboo among men than women?

Originally posted by Mystech
Perverse and vile? Go surfing for some porn right now and see how many MILLIONS of heterosexual sites you find where the foucs is on girls taking it up the ass. Sodomy is enjoyed by homosexual and heterosexual alike, I'm afraid.

As for saying that lesbians are a joke. . . I just really don't know where you're coming from with that. Seems like a prett petty and poorly thought out attack, if you ask me.

I totally understand where you are coming from, however, it is one of many possible reasons why homosexuality is considered taboo among (straight) men. Hetrosexual sodomy doesn't have the same impact because it is a woman.

I don't think lesbienism is taken seriously because men in general have little, if any, objection to seeing two women enjoying each other, plus women don't have a problem with showing affection to each other, sexual or non-sexual.

Please don't take this as an attack, it is just observation.


Jan Ardena.
perhaps if home colonic kits were more prevalent, the taboo would kinda fade away??? how about longer lasting room deodorizers?

thoughts? opinions?
lesbianism isn't taken seriously because some people seem to think there are like various levels. you know,"real" lesbians who aren't at all into men, and people who just like to "experiment". an all girls college near me had a phenomenon called "four year lesbians". as in girls would be gay while in college, and later on, grow out of it and find a guy.