Why is God so obsessed with sex?

Well God being the creator of everything and omniscient would be aware of what He created....

Was he? After creation, he found it good. By Noah's time it was bad enough to anger him, so sent the flood. Proves he created a flawed world. Was he aware of the original flaws? Nope.

God is omniscient so He is aware of everything that will ever happen so He sent the flood, yes is He surprised by anything that ever happens? There is nothing to imply that. Anyway this is going off-topic.
Since you say 'we' this means you are thinking about other people and their sex lives. So this must be OK, not impure thoughts then?

no, i wish everyone was happy and fulfilled. what's impure about that?
Then what's the problem?

You first asked:

But how can the oneness of God be compromised by sex or anything else for that matter?

I am trying to work out why you asked that question, what premises you were working with.
It seems you implied that God's oneness can be compromised (for example by humans having unrestrained sex).

Could you say a bit more about why you think (if you do) that "God's oneness" can be compromised?
The corollary of this reasoning is: Why not simply make us enlightened, perfect robots?
Could be, but not necessarily.

Living beings have free will.
This might seem like a burden sometimes, certainly.
And from here my question is, why make rules that run against our nature. And this might lead to different ideas about what our nature is.

I was referring to a spectrum, with low on one end and high on the other, and everything inbetween.
Yes, but it seemed like we must avoid the low to have the high. I do not think this is the case.

Generally, people have a desire to be happy, or to be happier than they currently are.
This is a given, we do not need to be taught this. Although there aspects of learning involved in how to get to that higher happiness.
And the lower one.

Loving someone you are having sex with seems to leave room for the whole specturm.
I am trying to work out why you asked that question, what premises you were working with.
It seems you implied that God's oneness can be compromised (for example by humans having unrestrained sex).

Could you say a bit more about why you think (if you do) that "God's oneness" can be compromised?
If God is one and 'really' on the important level in total bliss and all there is, I am not sure what the need for rules are.
Yes, I was mostly working on the Abrahamic side of the tracks there.

That is only one line of reasoning. There are others.

For me soul and body are facets of the same self. A soul bodying. A body souling.

The way the body is, is in a way an expression of the soul.
The soul's consciousness is, in a way, determined by the state of the body.

For example, if you have the body of a dog, then you have dog consciousness.

In a sense we reify body and that tends to seem OK, but then reifying the soul seems problematic. I think both reifications are.

I agree that people have such views, and that there are various problems emerging from that.
I think it’s the other way around. We are obsessed with God, when we are having sex.
I always find myself saying :shake: …Oh God!...Oh God!...Oh my GOD!!!
skaught said:
People in ancient cultures were much more prone to disease and infection. While sex is fun it is, to some degree, dirty, and can lead to infections that could be highly irritating to possibly fatal. While many of the bibles guidelines on sexual practices (most of which are found in Leviticus) can seem to be directed towards condemning certain people or practices, they are mostly guidelines on how to avoid and prevent infections. An uncircumcised penis is far more prone to irritation and yeast infections. Anal sex, and sex with a menstruating woman can lead to serious yeast, or bacterial infections. Oral sex can lead to thrush, which can be deadly. In ancient societies, it was wise to keep the genital area clean. This was done by practicing what was considered safe sex for the time, which meant having penile vaginal sex only, and having it rarely.
Geez! I was getting all worked up and then I read this…eew :grumble:
That is only one line of reasoning. There are others.
Of course. I was responding to a Christian I think. It is very complicated in here, but I am addressing different versions of God in different posts.

The way the body is, is in a way an expression of the soul.
The soul's consciousness is, in a way, determined by the state of the body.

For example, if you have the body of a dog, then you have dog consciousness.
I don't disagree.

I agree that people have such views, and that there are various problems emerging from that.
All are born with noble and base tendencies. What becomes stronger is what you nurture.

If the world and humans are deep shyte, it is our doing not Brahma's design.
Would it not be Brahma not doing Brahma's design? Brahma being base.
If God is one and 'really' on the important level in total bliss and all there is, I am not sure what the need for rules are.

The rules are not for God, but for us (to follow them if we want to be established on a higher level of consciousness than we currently have).