Why is God so obsessed with sex?

To the OP:

Well, God seems to have forgotten to create an oppositely gendered "god-mate" for himself. So, I guess its a micromanagement issue?
in the Abrahamic traditions yes, but in many pagan traditions and of course many forms of Hinduism this is not the case. In Hinduism Godsex is often seen as the core of everything.
The very nature of material existence is a compromise to the "oneness" of god ... meaning of course that its our sense of oneness that is compromised.
So God is compromised in us.

IOW its the nature of material existence that what naturally binds one to the "oneness of god" binds one to a "separateness of god".
Seems like both qualities were important for God to have present. I wonder why it is always presented as a dichotomy where oneness is good and separateness is bad. Of course these terms are often not used, but the implication is always there - except when meta-moments happen in the discussion or a direct question about this badness is asked.

So the material impression of adi-rasa (sex attraction) becomes the most powerful binding force of material existence (since it is the most powerful dynamic of spiritual existence).
So there is nothing wrong with sex, per se.

Edit - Discussing this is a bit difficult on forums due to the terminology. Generally if someone says that they are having a spiritual relationship with someone in a sexual context it is understood to mean something like they have maybe cut down to casual employment so they have more sex and take indulge in a bit more recreational drug use.
This does not fit my experience. Sure, I have encountered it, but in general when the people I have met speak of spiritual and sex together they tend not to include recreational drug use. But then the whole judgmental dichotomy between spiritual and material seems like a harsh dualism. I see no reason to think one must choose.

NOr why God would have placed portions of him/herself in a base environment the whole purpose of is the get the hell out of via separation.
in the Abrahamic traditions yes, but in many pagan traditions and of course many forms of Hinduism this is not the case. In Hinduism Godsex is often seen as the core of everything.

in christianity it's communion. we are god's "mate".
So God is compromised in us.
not really
perhaps I should have explained at the onset that the oneness refers not to identity but to desire

(not to say that one can't attain a state of thinking with full conviction "now I am god" , just that it occurs at the hands of material nature with vast reserves of illusion)

Seems like both qualities were important for God to have present.
Once again, the separateness refers not to identity but desire
I wonder why it is always presented as a dichotomy where oneness is good and separateness is bad. Of course these terms are often not used, but the implication is always there - except when meta-moments happen in the discussion or a direct question about this badness is asked.
the reason its bad is because the separateness destroys the functionality or completeness of the part.

Just consider your hand. It has immense value when it is connected to your body even though it is engaged in menial service. If it gets severed we would literally empty our bank balances just to re-attach it. If however it is severed without the possibility of being re-attached (ie in a permanent state of being unattached to the body) it is completely useless and we wouldn't pay ten cents for it.

Of course one could take a view of radical homogeneity and declare that there is no essential difference between a hand in either its connected or attached states (since it remains composed of the same essential ingredients), but such a view renders existence practically insane.

So there is nothing wrong with sex, per se.
much like there is nothing wrong with money or weapons
It just depends on how it is utilized.
This does not fit my experience. Sure, I have encountered it, but in general when the people I have met speak of spiritual and sex together they tend not to include recreational drug use.
could be a geographical issue for some places near where I am located .
Sometimes one could be forgiven for thinking one is on a 70's movie set

But then the whole judgmental dichotomy between spiritual and material seems like a harsh dualism. I see no reason to think one must choose.
In as much as choosing an attitude in the purpose and means for using weapons or money draws an array of responses, the decision is critical

NOr why God would have placed portions of him/herself in a base environment the whole purpose of is the get the hell out of via separation.
Its not so much god placing his separated parts and parcels here, but rather providing an avenue for them to fully realize the value of a life of separate existence - namely that there is absolutely none.

Kind of like a hand that decides its not longer going to feed food to the mouth - it can neither enjoy the food nor achieve a state of existence anywhere near as complete or vital because it has a constitutional position of service to the mouth and stomach
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I know that the obsessive pre-occupation of myself and my co-religionsists with sex is absurd, but I have absolutely no idea how I can rationally justify it

synth, do you think that giving some thought to, or embracing ideals about, where you stick your dick and why, equates to an obsessive preoccupation? certainly you don't just go around humping whatever's nearby and not give it any thought, right?
Is not everything Brahma? Are you saying that there is something wrong with Brahma?

I think you need to address your sense that Brahma is better than the Christian God to Christians. Otherwise I will keep thinking I have to remind you I am not a Christian.

Ah, so there is a part of Brahma that is the problem and it is called Tamas.

Tamas is a property of matter, not of Brahma, who has no qualities. Ayway, matter is uncreated.
Lori_7 your still to say what "dirty thoughts" are, anything but missonry? and if thats the case what is "good quality sex" that everyone but you seems to be missing out on, because i have to tell you, missonry BORES me.
Lori_7 your still to say what "dirty thoughts" are, anything but missonry? and if thats the case what is "good quality sex" that everyone but you seems to be missing out on, because i have to tell you, missonry BORES me.

that's so shallow-minded, really. :rolleyes:

is post #40 invisible to anyone other than myself?

impure thoughts are lies. thoughts that are not loving.

you can fuck someone upside down and sideways, and what matters is what you're thinking about that person, and why you're fucking them. wake up. snap out of it.
that's so shallow-minded, really. :rolleyes:

is post #40 invisible to anyone other than myself?

impure thoughts are lies. thoughts that are not loving.

you can fuck someone upside down and sideways, and what matters is what you're thinking about that person, and why you're fucking them. wake up. snap out of it.

not invisable, just doesnt say anything of substance, and we fuck because its enjoyable simple as that.
not invisable, just doesnt say anything of substance, and we fuck because its enjoyable simple as that.

well then go stick your dick into a pocket pussy, or in a prostitute, or in someone's asshole, or in a dog, or in a child, or a in goat, or a in hole in the side of a tree, and leave the rest of us, who do consider where, and why, and who, we fuck alone. how about that? :)
well then go stick your dick into a pocket pussy, or in a prostitute, or in someone's asshole, or in a dog, or in a child, or a in goat, or a in hole in the side of a tree, and leave the rest of us, who do consider where, and why, and who, we fuck alone. how about that? :)

nice to see you lump not wanting to just do it missionry and wanting to enjoy sex in with pedophillia. And who the hell are YOU to say wether anal is good or bad? what gives you the right to judge? personally i prefer oral to anything else but why dont you get off your own high horse?
nice to see you lump not wanting to just do it missionry and wanting to enjoy sex in with pedophillia. And who the hell are YOU to say wether anal is good or bad? what gives you the right to judge? personally i prefer oral to anything else but why dont you get off your own high horse?

who are you to say whether anal is good or bad? what gives you the right to judge? why don't you get off your high horse?

you're trying to tell me that if i liked to fucked dogs, or to molest little boys that you wouldn't have some judgement upon me?

you're a hypocrite.
who are you to say whether anal is good or bad? what gives you the right to judge? why don't you get off your high horse?

you're trying to tell me that if i liked to fucked dogs, or to molest little boys that you wouldn't have some judgement upon me?

you're a hypocrite.

hypocrite right?

Animals and children CANT consent by law and morally. They dont have that capacity. Trees are concidered to be inanimate and are there for irrelivent, if you want to fuck a tree or a dildo thats your own buiness and is concidered autoerotic. Anal between adults is an act able to be consented to yet you chose to lump it in with pedophila why?

Did someone anally rape you? what is it that disterbes you that you think you can judge it for other people rather than just yourself?
hypocrite right?

Animals and children CANT consent by law and morally. They dont have that capacity. Trees are concidered to be inanimate and are there for irrelivent, if you want to fuck a tree or a dildo thats your own buiness and is concidered autoerotic. Anal between adults is an act able to be consented to yet you chose to lump it in with pedophila why?

Did someone anally rape you? what is it that disterbes you that you think you can judge it for other people rather than just yourself?

i don't tell other people what to do, and at this point, i don't really give a rat's ass what they do. time is short.

if you want to fuck someone, or something, for the wrong reasons, that is not my problem, that is your problem.

if you don't understand that penises weren't meant to penetrate assholes any more than they were meant to penetrate any other random hole, that is your problem.

nobody's telling you what to do. here's my advice...fuck yourself straight into a grave.