Why is God so obsessed with sex?

People in ancient cultures were much more prone to disease and infection. While sex is fun it is, to some degree, dirty, and can lead to infections that could be highly irritating to possibly fatal. While many of the bibles guidelines on sexual practices (most of which are found in Leviticus) can seem to be directed towards condemning certain people or practices, they are mostly guidelines on how to avoid and prevent infections. An uncircumcised penis is far more prone to irritation and yeast infections. Anal sex, and sex with a menstruating woman can lead to serious yeast, or bacterial infections. Oral sex can lead to thrush, which can be deadly. In ancient societies, it was wise to keep the genital area clean. This was done by practicing what was considered safe sex for the time, which meant having penile vaginal sex only, and having it rarely.

Agreed. :bravo:
I think people want to be happy, and try to achieve this state through the spectacal of their conditioning. By asociating everything with sex, and sex being the powerful pleasure principle that it is, conditioning is immanent. Maybe not to every person, but large majority (over generational time).

And something similar is the case with art, music and literature, isn't it?

Some people, when faced with a work of art, seem to forget all rationality, all practical concerns - and they just stand there all excited, babbling nonsense ...

And something similar is the case with art, music and literature, isn't it? Some people, when faced with a work of art, seem to forget all rationality, all practical concerns - and they just stand there all excited, babbling nonsense.

I'm not sure I understand where you're coming from here.

Consider how people who are very much into sex are unable/unwilling to provide much/any justification for it; how they treat it and talk about it as something they absolutely need, cannot do without and deem themselves entitled to have it on their terms.

People who are into art seem to be similarly disposed toward art.
Consider how people who are very much into sex are unable/unwilling to provide much/any justification for it; how they treat it and talk about it as something they absolutely need, cannot do without and deem themselves entitled to have it on their terms.

People who are into art seem to be similarly disposed toward art.

I wouldn't have thought that to be in the same category as obsessive sexual desire, in the sense that it has an energy which transforms and agitate the indivdual. But I think our perception and expression can become tainted by it.

I think art is in some ways more subtle than sex, but just as powerful, if not more.
Of course, this seems to be particular to the individual - "By associating everything with art, and art being the powerful pleasure principle that it is, conditioning is immanent."
I think art is in some ways more subtle than sex, but just as powerful, if not more.
Of course, this seems to be particular to the individual - "By associating everything with art, and art being the powerful pleasure principle that it is, conditioning is immanent."

Its pleasure principle does not end in orgasm, and if it does then we can credit
it to sex.
