Why is God so obsessed with sex?

But how can the oneness of God be compromised by sex or anything else for that matter?

It's not.

So God gave these bodies with all their desires and then told us that many of these desires were wrong and the thoughts around these were impure. How odd that God made us? He could have made us like plants - seeds wafting on the air. Or made us procreate with parthenogenesis? No need for sex at all. But instead God makes two sexes and they - in most cases - are attracted to the other sex, this is the natural reaction they have given the bodies they have and the urges these bodies have AND THEN they get a bunch of rules to block that.

Very odd.

It's like giving your kid a bicycle and a mind that likes riding a bicycle and then saying you can only bike on that street between 3 and 5 and if you desire otherwise - have impure thoughts - you are a sinner.

Some dad.

Living beings take birth in different bodies or life forms: one can take birth in the human life form, or in an animal life form, or in a plant life form, for example.
The soul (ie. the actual living being) is not the body.

God has created the human life form for different purposes than the plant life form, for example.

The human life form is meant for reaching higher states of consciousness.

Unrestrained action on whatever desire may come up in a person's mind (be that sex desire, desire for food, possessions, etc.) impedes the progress to that higher consciousness.

If you don't want that higher consciousness, you are of course free to act as you feel your desires dictate.
Also moral problems such as incest or discomfort in sex acts.
But doesn't it seem odd that one of your reasons for rules around sex is that there are diseases, but God made the diseases. So we come with bodies with desires and are placed where there are diseases so it is better we do not follow the urges we were given by God.

As far as discomfort in sex, what are you referring to. I have never seen religions address this very much.

Incest as a problem could have been avoided any number of ways. We could have been made to find this act revulsive. In fact most seem to. I certainly didn't need a religious text or deity to tell me about this.
It's not.
Oh, thank goodness.
Living beings take birth in different bodies or life forms: one can take birth in the human life form, or in an animal life form, or in a plant life form, for example.
The soul (ie. the actual living being) is not the body.

God has created the human life form for different purposes than the plant life form, for example.

The human life form is meant for reaching higher states of consciousness.
If this is interfered with by sexual thoughts desires and acts, why not make us less sexual?

Unrestrained action on whatever desire may come up in a person's mind (be that sex desire, desire for food, possessions, etc.) impedes the progress to that higher consciousness.
Same question.

If you don't want that higher consciousness, you are of course free to act as you feel your desires dictate.
How do we know one must choose between 'lower' and 'higher' states of consciousness. Can one not have variation?
Frankly I think it is more like giving humans hair and then judging them when it grows. I mean, reallly.

Such reasoning would apply in a system where the soul is considered to be the body; or in a system where the way the body is exclusively dependent on the soul's will.
These are common implications of popular Christianity, or some other mainstream Western view.
Such reasoning would apply in a system where the soul is considered to be the body; or in a system where the way the body is exclusively dependent on the soul's will.
These are common implications of popular Christianity, or some other mainstream Western view.
Yes, I was mostly working on the Abrahamic side of the tracks there.

For me soul and body are facets of the same self. A soul bodying. A body souling.

In a sense we reify body and that tends to seem OK, but then reifying the soul seems problematic. I think both reifications are. And since the onset of science this has gotten even worse.
my theory is we're undersexed. and not just in regards to quantity, but also quality. i just don't think it's supposed to be as difficult as we make it.
Since you say 'we' this means you are thinking about other people and their sex lives. So this must be OK, not impure thoughts then?
Well God being the creator of everything and omniscient would be aware of what He created....

Was he? After creation, he found it good. By Noah's time it was bad enough to anger him, so sent the flood. Proves he created a flawed world. Was he aware of the original flaws? Nope.
Was he? After creation, he found it good. By Noah's time it was bad enough to anger him, so sent the flood. Proves he created a flawed world. Was he aware of the original flaws? Nope.
Ooh, this is interesting. Yes, the OT and the perfect all knowing God are a tough fit.

1 point to the Hindus. Come one Christians, how could an all knowing God get pissed off about what we do?
twice infact, 3 times if you take into acount that one of his other creations (angels) betrayed him too :p
If this is interfered with by sexual thoughts desires and acts, why not make us less sexual?

Same question.

The corollary of this reasoning is: Why not simply make us enlightened, perfect robots?

Living beings have free will.
This might seem like a burden sometimes, certainly.

How do we know one must choose between 'lower' and 'higher' states of consciousness. Can one not have variation?

I was referring to a spectrum, with low on one end and high on the other, and everything inbetween.

Generally, people have a desire to be happy, or to be happier than they currently are.
This is a given, we do not need to be taught this. Although there aspects of learning involved in how to get to that higher happiness.