Why is God so obsessed with sex?

because sex gives rise to progeny and its progeny that shapes (future) society - IOW if you had a concern about the state of society you would have a concern about the circumstances that gives rise to progeny
But how can the oneness of God be compromised by sex or anything else for that matter?
my theory is we're undersexed. and not just in regards to quantity, but also quality. i just don't think it's supposed to be as difficult as we make it.
god probably just wants you to keep your dick clean and your thoughts pure.
So God gave these bodies with all their desires and then told us that many of these desires were wrong and the thoughts around these were impure. How odd that God made us? He could have made us like plants - seeds wafting on the air. Or made us procreate with parthenogenesis? No need for sex at all. But instead God makes two sexes and they - in most cases - are attracted to the other sex, this is the natural reaction they have given the bodies they have and the urges these bodies have AND THEN they get a bunch of rules to block that.

Very odd.

It's like giving your kid a bicycle and a mind that likes riding a bicycle and then saying you can only bike on that street between 3 and 5 and if you desire otherwise - have impure thoughts - you are a sinner.

Some dad.
my theory is we're undersexed. and not just in regards to quantity, but also quality. i just don't think it's supposed to be as difficult as we make it.

but its the only exercise some people get and all thats stopping them from getting heart atacks :p If it was easy more people would die :p
Well God being the creator of everything and omniscient would be aware of what He created....
So it's not a matter of being aware, it is a matter of he made us such that we will want sex and in more ways than God seems to want us to even want to have, according to some religions.

Some are not as hung up on sex.
So God gave these bodies with all their desires and then told us that many of these desires were wrong and the thoughts around these were impure. How odd that God made us? He could have made us like plants - seeds wafting on the air. Or made us procreate with parthenogenesis? No need for sex at all. But instead God makes two sexes and they - in most cases - are attracted to the other sex, this is the natural reaction they have given the bodies they have and the urges these bodies have AND THEN they get a bunch of rules to block that.

Very odd.

It's like giving your kid a bicycle and a mind that likes riding a bicycle and then saying you can only bike on that street between 3 and 5 and if you desire otherwise - have impure thoughts - you are a sinner.

Some dad.

oh god :p

The images :p sex is like riding a bike, dont think PB would aprove of being viewed that way :p
But how can the oneness of God be compromised by sex or anything else for that matter?

i think it can actually be promoted by sex. it's communion. christ's relationship with the church is described as a marriage. i think that when communion with god is restored, we'll all have a heightened sense of intimacy with each other naturally.
So God gave these bodies with all their desires and then told us that many of these desires were wrong and the thoughts around these were impure. How odd that God made us? He could have made us like plants - seeds wafting on the air. Or made us procreate with parthenogenesis? No need for sex at all. But instead God makes two sexes and they - in most cases - are attracted to the other sex, this is the natural reaction they have given the bodies they have and the urges these bodies have AND THEN they get a bunch of rules to block that.

Very odd.

It's like giving your kid a bicycle and a mind that likes riding a bicycle and then saying you can only bike on that street between 3 and 5 and if you desire otherwise - have impure thoughts - you are a sinner.

Some dad.

you don't have to have impure thoughts to have sex. :confused:
So God gave these bodies with all their desires and then told us that many of these desires were wrong and the thoughts around these were impure. How odd that God made us? He could have made us like plants - seeds wafting on the air. Or made us procreate with parthenogenesis? No need for sex at all. But instead God makes two sexes and they - in most cases - are attracted to the other sex, this is the natural reaction they have given the bodies they have and the urges these bodies have AND THEN they get a bunch of rules to block that.

Very odd.

It's like giving your kid a bicycle and a mind that likes riding a bicycle and then saying you can only bike on that street between 3 and 5 and if you desire otherwise - have impure thoughts - you are a sinner.

Some dad.

I don't think all religions block sex what I see is that there are rules about sex not that it's blocked but God also created problems as reasons for those rules such as diseases. Instead of crying about it isn't it good to not avoid reality and accept what we are.
but its the only exercise some people get and all thats stopping them from getting heart atacks :p If it was easy more people would die :p

what? lol...

i think we should all love each other, and when we hit puberty, should find a mate, and have great sex, and loving intimate relationships, and great kids, and we should all take excellent care of each other.

crazy right? i'm a crazy girl! :D
I don't think all religions block sex what I see is that there are rules about sex not that it's blocked but God also created problems as reasons for those rules such as diseases. Instead of crying about it isn't it good to not avoid reality and accept what we are.
You mean the diseases he created also`?

This gets stranger by the minute.