Why is being nude so "wrong"?

Name a few of those countries, I'd be interested in which countries let people walk around naked all the time.

In ancient Egypt, women were freely allowed to walk around bare-naked.

Check out Pharoah Hatshepsut:

Maybe if we were all walking around naked people would be more motivated to improve their image, orleander.

Anyone who asserts that human bodies are "unclean" or "forbidden" or anything else of that nature is a person who is at war with their own species. The overriding fact is that this is how we are made.
In ancient Egypt, women were freely allowed to walk around bare-naked.

Do you have any factual evidence for that statement?

Check out Pharoah Hatshepsut:...

Looks to me like she's wearing one of those tight tee-shirt kinda' tops. Do you really think that looks like she's naked?

Some of the most primitive tribes in the world wear enough to cover their genitals, if nothing else.

No, Will, you haven't answered my question by a long site!

Baron Max
Then you need to have your aged eyes checked.

Okay, so now ....you take one statue of one person, even a queen, and project that to mean that everyone in Eygpt went around naked all the time???????????????????????????? Good one, Will. :D

But just remember, Will, you mention lots of countries and I only asked for a few. Now you're giving me one lousy statue as if that means "lots of countries"? ...LOL!

Baron Max
Egyptian wall art depicts nude laborers all the time, banon. It was hot over there.

Another bit of trivia: back in those times, Egyptians were respected amongst their rivals (or hated, depending on who we're talking about here) for "raising sex to the level of an art form." Both the Greeks and the Romans tried to emulate that rather luscious aspect of Egyptian culture. Egyptian women were also hailed as being "the most beautiful women in the world" in ancient times. Whether or not that was actually true is obviously a matter of opinion, but their culture was inherently hedonistic and visitors to Egypt were often shocked at how openly sexual the Egyptian nobles behaved in public. To give you an idea... Pharoah Rameses the Great Builder (Rameses II) had dozens of wives, and he fathered well over 100 legitimate children during his lifetime. He also lived to be 90 years old... an unheard-of age back in ancient times.

It helps to know what you're talking about. Try it some time, if your intelligence hasn't become too crystallized yet.

Hahahahah. :cool:

If anyone wonders why I'm treating max this way: he is very much a bad faith troll. See his comment egyptians wearing tight tee shirts.
Egyptian wall art depicts nude laborers all the time, banon. It was hot over there.

Artists have been depicting their models nude for gazillions of years. So are you saying that any culture that had paintings or sculptures of nude humans, then the people of that culture went around nude all the time??

...visitors to Egypt were often shocked at how openly sexual the Egyptian nobles behaved in public. To give you an idea... Pharoah Rameses the Great Builder (Rameses II) had dozens of wives, and he fathered well over 100 legitimate children during his lifetime. He also lived to be 90 years old... an unheard-of age back in ancient times. ...

And all that means that the people all went naked all the time??????

And you complain about MY intelligence? ...LOL!

Baron Max

PS - you really are "Lord Hillyer", ain't you? :rolleyes:
Why is being in the nude so "wrong" in the eyes of many Americans?

I see no problem with it. Its who we are.

Many other countries see no problem with it as well. Yet many Americans feel being nude as "shameful" and "insulting".

Funny how we are the only species on this entire planet that insists on covering ourselves.

REPLY: RIGHT ON ! ! Tell it like it is. I like your attitude. ...traveler
Many other countries see no problem with it as well. Yet many Americans feel being nude as "shameful" and "insulting".

Funny how we are the only species on this entire planet that insists on covering ourselves.

That is ridiculous. You have no problem being nude, rather OTHERS being nude, under controlled circumstances. Its time to be honest with yourself.
Artists have been depicting their models nude for gazillions of years. So are you saying that any culture that had paintings or sculptures of nude humans, then the people of that culture went around nude all the time??
And all that means that the people all went naked all the time??????

There were no professional models in ancient Egypt, so yes it does mean that. Those were everyday laborers, and they're nude. That's what suntans are for. The Egyptians lived near the equator, which certainly qualifies as being on the sun belt. In the USA, there are quite a few nudist colonies which are likewise located on the sun belt, in southern California. Therefore, the idea that Egyptians preferred nudity should come as no surprise. You seem to find this very unremarkable truth to be offensive, which doesn't surprise me when you take into account your biological age.
PS - you really are "Lord Hillyer", ain't you? :rolleyes:

No, but I'm beginning to think that about you. :cool:
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There were no professional models in ancient Egypt, ...

And you know that ....how????

... Those were everyday laborers, and they're nude. ...

So you think the stone carvings were done somewhat like taking a photograph? ...LOL!

.... The Egyptians lived near the equator, which certainly qualifies as being on the sun belt. ...

The Amazon jungle is almost smack on the equator, yet all of the primitive tribes that have ever been discovered were wearing genital coverings. So ...how does that fit with your theories on "natural" nudity?

... In the USA, there are quite a few nudist colonies which are likewise located on the sun belt, in southern California. ...

Quite a few? Name some, give the locations and tell us how you know so much about those colonies.

... Therefore, the idea that Egyptians preferred nudity should come as no surprise. ...

How do you know that they preferred nudity? ...just from the stone carvings? That's all the evidence that you have? And you've based all of your theories about public nudity in ancient Egypt on a few stone carvings???

... You seem to find this very unremarkable truth to be offensive, ....

I find it offensive because I've seen lots of people in life and I sure as hell wouldn't want to see any of them naked!!! And some of the photos posted here are good indications.

Over 60% of the people are considered obese ...would you want to see them naked, Will? Or is all that fat something that you like, Will?? :D

Baron Max
And you know [that there were no professional models] ....how????
Please name some ancient Egyptian professional models then. :cool:
So you think the stone carvings were done somewhat like taking a photograph?
Why not? They had no photographs. Artwork was all they had to depict real life events and people. Truth be told, they recorded some of their history through that wall art. That's as factual as we can get.
The Amazon jungle is almost smack on the equator, yet all of the primitive tribes that have ever been discovered were wearing genital coverings. So ...how does that fit with your theories on "natural" nudity?
Because we're born with no clothes on, banon. That is a natural condition of live birth. Some people made the later decision to go around nude, others didn't.
Quite a few? Name some, give the locations and tell us how you know so much about those colonies.
I find it offensive because I've seen lots of people in life and I sure as hell wouldn't want to see any of them naked!!! And some of the photos posted here are good indications.
Over 60% of the people are considered obese ...would you want to see them naked, Will? Or is all that fat something that you like, Will?? :D
Baron Max
Then maybe it's time you get unoffended by things, banon. If you are fat, then lose some weight.

There are no naked virgins waiting for you in Heaven, max. You will not be rewarded by "god" for shunning and feeling embarrassed by his most beautiful creation: the human body, in all of its naked and natural glory -- or in your case, its limp and saggy glory. Remember: in Genesis, it says that the lord got ANGRY when Adam and Eve covered themselves with fig leaves. He did NOT tell them that embarrassment and shame were good things -- he said they were EVIL things. So, by shunning your own body, you are shunning your own god.

PS -- I happen to be a skeptical agnostic. I only used the religious argument to make it clear that no matter what you may or may not believe, you have no excuses for treating nudity and sexuality as being "dirty" or feeling that our natural selves need to remain hidden from view.
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A note on Egyptian statues:

You ought to bear in mind that these statues were painted in Ancient Egypt. Assuming they are naked may well be wrong.
Young enough to have extraordinarily good uncorrected vision, maw.

This thread is not about me. Keep it that way.
I dont know what the issue is with being nude. The issue for me is that i dont WANT to be nude in public. EVER.