Why is being nude so "wrong"?


these types of men, it's a form of illwill and domination for their ego. the motivation is to stroke their ego by using you or subjugating you, especially if you are NOT someone they are compatible with or know you don't like. it's a form of mysogynism. if they wanted to look for someone to have sex, there are plenty of women who advertise that and no strings attached even. with the internet, it is easy to find. there are also plenty of prostitutes.. i've found that it is a type of mentality that anything they see in the world that they want is somehow something they are entitled to. they don't care if they take proper channels or whether it's mutual or unwanted. it's a very selfish mentality.
i've been propositioned just point blank and even when i turned the person down, they kept trying. many men, even if you speak to them casually or just be neighborly/nice to them and it was clear he was not the only person i spoke with either so there was no way for mixed signals, that's like the mail carrier propositioning you because of simple civil talk. i then asked what made them think i would be interested in them because i am not interested. he had no response. yeah, that's right. then, i told him why don't you look online or hire a hooker if what you are looking for is sex? he said because he WANTS ME. as if people are an object and his feelings and wants are so important. i could tell it was all about his ego to prove something to himself. there are nasty men who purposely hit on women they know aren't interested. it's some type of perverted thinking. there was a female that was very interested in him but he ignored her. some people only want what they cant have because it's all about ego, it's a weak character. i asked him how he would feel if someone propositioned his mother or daughter like that and he gave a look like 'oh no way'. most people are selfish and disrespectful and will try anything, if given half the chance.

there are a lot of scummy and bad people out there. they may have jobs and not go to jail but they have bad character and morals.
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This part i agree with because there are slutty women and all manner of pornography and playboy bunnies etc to where many men seem to have the idea that women are loose or should be as sexually loose as they are. But then again, there really is no excuse for males, especially in modern societies to prey on women because there are plenty of women who advertise themselves for sex as well as prostitutes. I've noticed men just tend to be opportunistic and don't care who they hit on and will do that even if you are clearly not interested. Or if you do not seem to be as flamboyant, narcissistic or high-maintenance as the ones who focus on looks 24/7 and post selfies all day, they think you are an easier target because you may appear 'humbler' or more down to earth. as if someone on the hunt for meat deserves more than just a pretty face, it's fuking insulting. it is the predation nature. they enjoy making someone uncomfortable and harassing, it's some type of sick ego boost.

men are also extremely obnoxious too. they never self-reflect or gauge their level of attractiveness in relation to the person they are hitting on. i've seen 70 yr olds try to hit on 20 yr olds or someone totally of a different style hit on another etc.

people advertise themselves or show who they are in overt and subtle ways from their style of dress, how they carry themselves, their interests, lifestyle etc so not as to mislead others and also just for themselves. You can't always tell with everyone but if their style veers extreme from what you are, then chances are very high, you are barking up the wrong tree. people with a modicum of intelligence realize this. a girl sporting numerous tatttoos, ballcap on backwards etc is probably not going to go for the preppy type etc. if i listen to r&b as well as current music and you like country or just old school, why the hell would you think i would be interested in you? among other clashes? if you are uglier than the other person, they probably will not be interested and vice versa. but why would you want to? they are not for you and even if you see they are physically attractive, compatibility is more than that. these are common sense things that an adult should have learned by now. these are cues. but there are more men who do not read any cues whatsoever. i can only assume they are perverts or like to clash with others or just trying to see if one might pretend and not notice just like they do.

the most disgusting thing about men is all they notice is you physically and ignore all else. if you look physically attractive, then that will be the reason for hitting on you.

now imagine if i were to hit on a male just because they physically look attractive yet i don't have anything in common with them, don't know how to approach them so will say anything ridiculous or forced, it is obvious why i am doing it and that is objectifying them and continue even if there is no chemistry as if none of that matters. it's as if they are trying to get over. that is creepy and disrespectful.
It's but symmetry and health for me.if I look at a young lady it's because I want her to give me and her a healthy baby.
Yes, that's attractiveness.
I love sex but because I'm as I am I also love conversation. As a result I have many girlfriends that also like sex and to talk and cuddle after. I give oral new meaning .

Nudity. I'm a solo nudist.that is I don't like to be seen nude but if it happens n certainly not ashamed of it as my nudism is not at all about sex. I don't get erections when seen nude. I do when I sense an attraction by the viewer and that's not my fault but all in all its all natural.
Anyone ashamed of their nudity need not be. Why would you be?
If you ask yourself that and answer I'll be surprised because any people are unhappy about something about themselves and nudity isn't the problem.
If you look deep and then answer you'll find the problem actually IS about something sexual OR body image and or both.
I'm slim and trim at 56 and for 1 more reason than previously mentioned,women find me attractive but you can figure out that reason by yourself.
I have no body image problem.

these types of men, it's a form of illwill and domination for their ego. the motivation is to stroke their ego by using you or subjugating you, especially if you are NOT someone they are compatible with or know you don't like. it's a form of mysogynism. if they wanted to look for someone to have sex, there are plenty of women who advertise that and no strings attached even. with the internet, it is easy to find. there are also plenty of prostitutes.. i've found that it is a type of mentality that anything they see in the world that they want is somehow something they are entitled to. they don't care if they take proper channels or whether it's mutual or unwanted. it's a very selfish mentality.
i've been propositioned just point blank and even when i turned the person down, they kept trying. many men, even if you speak to them casually or just be neighborly/nice to them and it was clear he was not the only person i spoke with either so there was no way for mixed signals, that's like the mail carrier propositioning you because of simple civil talk. i then asked what made them think i would be interested in them because i am not interested. he had no response. yeah, that's right. then, i told him why don't you look online or hire a hooker if what you are looking for is sex? he said because he WANTS ME. as if people are an object and his feelings and wants are so important. i could tell it was all about his ego to prove something to himself. there are nasty men who purposely hit on women they know aren't interested. it's some type of perverted thinking. there was a female that was very interested in him but he ignored her. some people only want what they cant have because it's all about ego, it's a weak character. i asked him how he would feel if someone propositioned his mother or daughter like that and he gave a look like 'oh no way'. most people are selfish and disrespectful and will try anything, if given half the chance.

there are a lot of scummy and bad people out there. they may have jobs and not go to jail but they have bad character and morals.
Yes there are very bad men and women in the world that will try to use you for sex and to improve their own revolting lives. The reality of bad people in the world is like getting hit by a car because it's so terrible and shocking but they're out there. (I've been hit by cars 4 times while on my bike on the sidewalk too).
Some people just want to harm you for no reason known to you and they will if you let them or not.
Thankfully there are far more nice people in the world that are just nice for no reason than because it's their nature.
I thought wearing clothes was something we do for practicality and survival.
Others think clothes are great way to prevent random sex with married men or women. They may be right but sex always finds a way it's just that if one is wearing clothes one can't just so quickly have sex with the man or woman in the elevator (for example) and I think it's this sudden sex people want discouraged.
Funny but the fact that we would have sudden sex if we weren't wearing clothes don't speak highly of us does it?
We would act more like the animals that we really are but just happen to be able to speak,write and think.

We still have fur ya know.we just call it hair to make ourselves feel more civilized.
I thought wearing clothes was something we do for practicality and survival.
Others think clothes are great way to prevent random sex with married men or women. They may be right but sex always finds a way it's just that if one is wearing clothes one can't just so quickly have sex with the man or woman in the elevator (for example) and I think it's this sudden sex people want discouraged.
Funny but the fact that we would have sudden sex if we weren't wearing clothes don't speak highly of us does it?
We would act more like the animals that we really are but just happen to be able to speak,write and think.

We still have fur ya know.we just call it hair to make ourselves feel more civilized.
Did you know that the Bonobo, our closest cousin, resolve conflict with sex. There is not a single record of one Bonobo having killed another Bonobo for love or power.

p.s. The Bonobos are a Matriarchy. Now isn't that interesting? Does a matriarchy contribute to cooperation rather than competition?
Did you know that the Bonobo, our closest cousin, resolve conflict with sex. There is not a single record of one Bonobo having killed another Bonobo for love or power.

p.s. The Bonobos are a Matriarchy. Now isn't that interesting? Does a matriarchy contribute to cooperation rather than competition?

bonobos are also stupid, not to mention the ugliest.
bonobos are also stupid, not to mention the ugliest.
Well, in their world women rule the show. And no Bonobo is known to have ever killed another Bonobo.

Tell me, which society can claim to be "more" peaceful?
Being rude is wrong, not because it is false, but because it is aggressive and tends to evoke a chemical reaction in the person being addressed.
For instance; an architect visits a home for the first time and declares it an architectural abomination. What is the host to do? Say; "thank you, that's most kind of you"?
Yet tribes in the Amazon are basicly nude all the time , its not a big deal .

In the movie ; Starship Troopers

Both genders showered together , at the same time . I found that an advanced attitude toward nudity and control of sexual urges . They were all young .
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bonobos also have sex with their daughters, brothers, children. are you sure you want to be like them?
I never said that. But most sex-play is just play. In fact the Bonobos have a very low birth rate. This is why they are an endangered species today.

But apparently relieving emotional upsets by engaging in sex (play), instead of bashing each other over the head, has ensured a stable and non-aggressive society.
Well, in their world women rule the show. And no Bonobo is known to have ever killed another Bonobo.

Tell me, which society can claim to be "more" peaceful?

your point is ridiculously naive and obtuse. they are stupid in comparison to people. in the human world, it will not be peaceful when someone tries to have sex with you unwanted. there are other ways to relieve emotional upset than just by fuking anyone you see. that's low-level functioning. there are people like that anyways, so what is your point?

no, women don't rule the show. bonobo females rule their show, there is a difference. are you trying to say that everyone should walk around naked and it would be okay with you if any male or female accosted you sexually at random? I sure wouldn't find that peaceful. and you think it's okay for a female to conceive without knowing who the father is because she can't distinguish who impregnated her, so neither do they have any responsiblity? well, that also goes on sometimes in human society but that does not usually have positive results.

humans have a more developed sense of ethics as well as preferences and judgement.

But apparently relieving emotional upsets by engaging in sex (play), instead of bashing each other over the head, has ensured a stable and non-aggressive society.

this is called an 'orgy'. if that's your thing, there are circles for that. don't be pushing that on others as if that's a good social solution because there are people who would bash you over the head for trying to relieve whatever emotional upset by trying to literally f*ck you. notice the difference between making love between consenting partners. otherwise, it's negative, not positive. it's literally a dumping or passing off of personal aggression and frustration onto another, aka using.

besides, sex is not a real solution, dummy. haven't you heard of couples who might use sex as a way to diffuse an argument? it's a mask or deflection to cover up problems, not to solve them. whatever problems or issues still exist if not dealt with itself. feeling benign or unawareness of anger or other emotions and the reasons for them, is not necessarily an indication of real peace.

in a bonobo society, it may appear that there is peace, but it's only because it's not developed to a point where that type of self-centered dysfunction or coping mechanism poses problems. there is a lack finer judgement, social bonds and cognitive skills to do so as their society is not complicated or sophisticated enough.
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Why is being in the nude so "wrong" in the eyes of many Americans?

I see no problem with it. Its who we are.

Many other countries see no problem with it as well. Yet many Americans feel being nude as "shameful" and "insulting".

Funny how we are the only species on this entire planet that insists on covering ourselves.
Because we are only speci who practice unnaturality and lost fur due to use of clothes. So look unnatural on being in natural nude condition.
In 1997
Nudity in Star Ship Troopers , was no big deal , since both sexes shared the same shower facilities .
I would suggest that science fiction movies are not a good place to look for examples of mores in modern society.
river said:
In 1997
Nudity in Star Ship Troopers , was no big deal , since both sexes shared the same shower facilities .

I would suggest that science fiction movies are not a good place to look for examples of mores in modern society.


In this case the mores have been advanced . And really that both sexes can be nude in the same place at the same time with no sexual perverse nonsense going on . They are , have a mature attitude towards each other .
In this case the mores have been advanced . And really that both sexes can be nude in the same place at the same time with no sexual perverse nonsense going on . They are , have a mature attitude towards each other .
Right. Science fiction imagines what might happen in the future when society changes. That's why it is not a good place to look for examples of mores in modern society. (For example, The Handmaid's Tale and 1984 aren't really good examples of modern mores.)
The evidence suggests otherwise.

"... we were naked for more than a million years before we started wearing clothes."

Many different theories are thought. No one theory seems to be final and logical. Every theory has its own logic and illogic. Clothes and fire heat is also thought. These two man made factors along with errect position are the only difference in humans than other mammels.